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Hall’s Impact Wrestling Review 1.30.25

Impact Wrestling
Date: January 30, 2025
Location: Boeing Center At Tech Port, San Antonio, Texas
Commentators: Mathews Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan
We’re back to taped this week after a pretty strong showing on last week’s live show. Hopefully they can continue the momentum on the way to whatever the next big show happens to be. Joe Hendry is still World Champion so now we get to hear from former champion Nic Nemeth. Let’s get to it.
Opening recap.
Opening sequence.
Here is Nic Nemeth to get things going. Nemeth talks about how important Genesis was for the company and now he has to start things over. Before he can get very far though, here is Ryan Nemeth to say that HIS BROTHER is not happy with what happened. Joe Hendry is a flash in the pan but Nic isn’t having that. It’s going to be the Nemeth Brothers’ year so here is First Class to interrupt. They’re here for the titles because it means money, and they are sick of the old people taking up all of the top spots. Arguing ensues so here is Santino Marella to make the tag match for tonight.
Arianna Grace is happy to see what is going on around here and runs into Tessa Blanchard. Tessa isn’t interested and doesn’t like Grace. She chases Gia Miller off too, which is a threat to everyone.
NXT’s Cora Jade ran into Xia Brookside in the back and they argued like wrestlers running into each other in the back.
Cora Jade vs. Hyan
Hyan flips out of a wristlock to start but is quickly clotheslined down. Back up and Jade chokes on the rope, setting up a running dropkick in those ropes. Hyan is sent hard into the corner and Jaded (double arm DDT) finishes for Jade at 2:57.
Post match Jade keeps up the beating but Xia Brookside runs in…and gets beaten down as well. Masha Slamovich makes the real save.
NXT’s Wes Lee/Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont are ready for Ace Austin and Fraxiom. Lee wants gold of any kind.
The Personal Concierge yells at Santino Marella about how By Elegance should be the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Next week there is a battle royal for a title shot, but it sounds like the singles version. Spitfire comes in to glare.
Brian Myers vs. Leon Slater
Myers, with the System, shoulders him down to start but Slater does it as well, meaning it’s time to dance. A bouncing kick to the face and elbow to the face give Slater two but he gets sent face first into the middle buckle. Myers sends him hard into the corner and then does it again, chest first this time, for two.
We hit the reverse chinlock but Slater is back up with a springboard crossbody. Slater kicks him in the head but walks into an implant DDT for two. The Roster Cut is countered into a small package for two and Slater sends him outside for a big dive. Alisha Edwards gives Myers a ring though and a shot to Slater’s face sets up the Roster Cut for the pin at 9:51.
Rating: C+. Slater losing to someone like Myers might not be the best idea but what mattered the most is that Slater got to have another nice match. He continues to look good almost every time he’s out there and it is nice to see him building up a bit of status. Now just get a few wins going and he might actually go somewhere.
Sami Callihan goes after Mance Warner and Steph de Lander.
Leon Slater still isn’t interested in working with Frankie Kazarian but the System interrupts. Maybe he could be the team’s secretary! The Hardys show up and a six man is set for next week.
Sami Callihan and Mance Warner brawl into the arena but Steph de Lander runs in for the distraction. Warner takes Callihan down and hits a running knee to leave him laying.
Steve Maclin isn’t having anything to do with Eric Young working with Josh Alexander.
Laredo Kid vs. Mustafa Ali
Kid starts fast by running the corner for an armdrag but Ali is right back with some uppercuts in the corner. Back up and Kid gets dropkicked out of the air for two and we hit the seated abdominal stretch. That’s broken up and they trade rollups for two each and they go outside, where Ali hits a hanging DDT. The 450 gives Ali the pin at 5:41.
Rating: C+. Ali is still as smooth in the ring as you can see and that is great to see. It is interesting to see what Ali can do when he is given the chance and not doing as much of the over the top campaigning stuff. That can work well, but he has the in-ring work to back it up and that works very well.
Post break Ali is rather happy with his win but Mike Santana comes in to challenge him. Ali would love to do that….uh, some day.
Eric Young/Josh Alexander vs. Northern Armory
Alexander throws Icarus into the corner to start and headlocks Williams to keep up the control. A missed charge sends Alexander to the floor though and a kick to the chest drops him again. The Armory hit some running kicks in the corner but Alexander suplexes his way out of trouble. The tag brings in Young and….he turns on Alexander. That means the Armory goes after Alexander as well and the match is thrown out at around 4:30.
Rating: C. So yeah this was little more than an angle and there is nothing wrong with that. I’m curious to see if this is pretty much it for Alexander, as he will probably have a match with Young and then ride off into the sunset. Other than that, it’s Young as a heel again and, uh, I guess that’s something we get to see for reasons of TNA not liking us.
Post match the big beatdown is on and Alexander is left laying.
Wes Lee vs. Ace Austin
Austin takes him down by the arm to start but Lee flips up and grabs an anklescissors. Back up and Lee flips over Austin before kicking him into the ropes. Lee hits a nice suicide dive, followed by a basement dropkick to the back for two. Another, and harder, kick gets two on Austin and it’s time to crank on the arm.
Austin fights up and hits a quick Russian legsweep, followed by some running clotheslines in the corner. A gutwrench powerbomb connects but here are Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont for a distraction. Austin dives…kind of in their general vicinity to take them down, only to get Cardiac Kicked (kick to the head) for the pin at 9:38.
Rating: B-. Take two good high fliers and let them do their thing for a bit, though that dive wasn’t exactly the best looking. Other than that though, it was nice to see Austin out there again as he can work well with anyone. Lee continues to need something a bit better to do, though maybe a change over to TNA is a smart move.
Post match the beatdown is on but the Rascalz make the save.
Joe Hendry is ready to entertain, so next week it’s a concert.
Here’s what’s coming next week.
Nic Nemeth/Ryan Nemeth vs. First Class
Francis shoves Ryan into the corner and demands/receives Nic. Navarro comes in and gets hiptossed into a dropkick, setting up double dropkick to Francis. We take a break and come back with Ryan in trouble (I for one am shocked). Something close to a 619 sets up a leg lariat for two on Ryan and it’s back to Francis for the chinlock. Ryan manages to get in a knockdown and the tag brings in Nic to clean house. Everything breaks down and Ryan dives onto Francis on the floor. The Fameasser and Danger Zone hit Navarro but Ryan tags himself in to steal the pin at 12:50.
Rating: C+. Ryan is starting to turn himself into something interesting with this goofiness and having him steal the win is a nice touch for him. That being said, I don’t want to see the two of them face each other, but for now, we are at least having something with Ryan as the annoying brother. Francis and company losing is always a plus as well so this could have been a lot worse.
Cora Jade b. Hyan – Jaded
Brian Myers b. Leon Slater – Roster Cut
Mustafa Ali b. Laredo Kid – 450
Eric Young/Josh Alexander vs. Northern Armory went to a no contest
Wes Lee b. Ace Austin – Cardiac Kick
Ryan Nemeth/Nic Nemeth b. First Class – Danger Zone to Navarro