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Hall’s TNA Impact Review 9.12.24

Impact Wrestling
Date: September 12, 2024
Location: Old Forester’s Paristown Hall, Louisville, Kentucky
Commentators: Matthew Rehwoldt, Tom Hannifan
It’s the night before Victory Road and the hastily build card is mostly set. With this out of the way, there will not be much more before we get to Bound For Glory, which is taking place in about a month and a half. That should make for a bunch of big shows coming up soon, hopefully starting with this one. Let’s get to it.
Opening recap.
Opening sequence.
Steve Maclin vs. Hammerstone
They fight over a lockup to start and run the ropes until Maclin hits a running elbow. Back up and Hammerstone powers him into some corners for shots to the ribs, setting up a belly to back suplex for two. The abdominal stretch stays on the ribs but Maclin cuts off a torture rack attempt. Maclin ties him in the Tree of Woe for a running shoulder to the ribs. Hammerstone is sent outside for the Scud but is fine enough to hit a dropkick back inside. The Nightmare Pendulum is loaded up but Maclin slips out and grabs a rollup for the pin at 7:03.
Rating: C. That ending felt a bit flat and while it’s a bit better for it to be Maclin, seeing Hammerstone lose again is kind of hard to take. I’m not sure why he has such a bad record around here but this was another clean loss. Other than that, not much to see in the opener, though Maclin’s return to prominent continues.
Post match Hammerstone beats him down again until Eric Young makes the save. Jake Something comes out to stand next to Hammerstone.
The System is ready for their reboot and it starts tonight with beating up the Hardys.
Eric Young and Steve Maclin want Hammerstone and Jake Something at Victory Road.
Gisele Shaw vs. Heather Reckless
This is Reckless’ first official match as part of the roster. Shaw grabs a headlock to start but gets rolled up for some near falls. Back up and Reckless spins around to grab a headscissors, only to get press slammed down for her efforts. Shaw’s running uppercuts set up a chinlock but Reckless fights up with a tornado DDT.
Cue Ash By Elegance with her personal concierge as Reckless hits a running crossbody. Shaw catches her in the corner but gets caught with a slingshot Canadian Destroyer for a rather near fall. Shaw’s spinebuster into a backbreaker gets two more so she goes up, only for Ash to slap her in the face. A super Spanish Fly (Wrecked) finishes for Reckless at 7:04.
Rating: B-. That was a big upset but commentary didn’t exactly seem to treat it like one. Shaw had been on something of a hot streak in recent weeks but that went cold here, albeit by putting someone new over. They had a nice back and forth match though and Reckless could be something around here.
Xia Zhou, formerly known as Xia Li, is coming.
Here is Matt Cardona, with the less than enthusiastic Steph de Lander, for a chat. Cardona says Santino Marella has it out of him and that includes his return to the ring at Victory Road. He gets to pick his partner in a tag match and his pick is…Steph de Lander! Cue PCO, one of Cardona’s opponents, to wreck Cardona in short order.
Spitfire is worried about putting their team on the line, but the titles are worth it.
First Class vs. ABC
Non-title tornado tag. First Class is sent outside to start and Austin dropkicks them down as we take an early break. Back with ABC in trouble and Francis hitting a running knee in the corner. Bey gets posted, kicked in the head, and then posted again as the villains are in control. Another running knee puts Bey on the floor again but he dives back in to take Navarro down. A brainbuster gives Bey two on Navarro and a double suplex gets the same on Francis. Back up and Francis’ chokeslam is countered into a cutter and the Fold finishes him off at 9:40.
Rating: C+. I’m not sure why this needed to be tornado rules but at least it was something different compared to their match at Emergence. ABC gets another nice win and beating up a big guy like Francis is a bit of a change from what they usually do. The System is waiting for ABC at Victory Road and that’s the big one for the champs, who had a nice warmup here.
Video on Jonathan Gresham, who is still battling the evil inside of him. Please tell me we aren’t going to see this nonsense again. Cutting it of once was more than enough.
Here is Joe Hendry for a chat. He lives by the phrases “say his name and he appears” and he wants Josh Alexander to appear right now. Cue Alexander, and yes Hendry has a song about him, which is about how Alexander never smiles and is the Wish version of Kurt Angle.
Back in the arena, Alexander rants about how he should have Hendry’s spot because Hendry only got this spot by going viral. Alexander will smile after he wrecks Hendry at Victory Road but Hendry points out a WALKING WIENER sign. They compare their world travels, with Hendry getting serious to promise he’ll win tomorrow. You don’t get that side of Hendry very often and it worked.
We look at Wendy Choo attacking Jordynne Grace on NXT.
Grace tells Arianna Grace that she’s wrecking Choo.
Mike Santana wants the World Title and hopes Moose wins it so he can take it from him.
Xia Brookside vs. Ash By Elegance
Brookside knocks her down to start and gets in some shoves to the face. A crossbody puts Ash down again but the Concierge trips Brookside down to give Ash a needed breather. Ash’s snap suplex gets two and we hit the quickly broken chinlock. Brookside’s Russian legsweep gets two and she hits some running knees in the corner. The Concierge offers a distraction though and Brookside misses the knees in the corner. Cue Heather Reckless to post Brookside, allowing Ash to get the pin at 5:19.
Rating: C. Not much to here as the big deal was the interference at the end. Reckless has already made quite the debut this week with a pair of moments. Ash getting what might be a partner or a lackey could be interesting, but it isn’t going to matter if she doesn’t win the Knockouts Title at some point.
Nic Nemeth is ready for Moose at Victory Road.
Ash By Elegance is interested in Heather Reckless helping her.
Victory Road rundown.
Hardys vs. The System
Matt takes Myers into the corner to start and then works over the arm. Jeff comes in to stay on said arm and the invading Edwards is knocked down. It’s off to Edwards legally but this time he gets elbowed in the face. Poetry In Motion connects on both villains and they get knocked outside for a dive from Jeff. Back in and Myers gets in a cheap shot to hammer on Jeff as we take a break.
We come back with Jeff getting hammered down in the corner but jawbreaking his way to freedom. Matt comes back in to start the comeback but Eddie hides behind Alisha Edwards and Myers gets in a baseball slide to take over. The front facelock keeps Matt in trouble again but he fights out of Myers’ comeback and hits the Ricochet. The big tag brings Jeff back in to clean house, including the Whisper In The Wind to Myers. Matt breaks up the System Overload and it’s the Twist Of Fate into the Swanton to finish Eddie at 17:08.
Rating: B-. I was wondering how they would go around the idea of the System having a title shot tomorrow and losing to the Hardys here and the solution was to just have the #1 contenders lose. That’s certainly a way to go and if the System gets the titles back tomorrow, there is a good chance that it will lead to the Hardys getting a big title shot, possibly at Bound For Glory. That does not exactly bode well, and it might be off to a scary start here.
Steve Maclin b. Hammerstone – Rollup
Heather Reckless b. Gisele Shaw – Wrecked
ABC b. First Class – Fold to Francis
Ash By Elegance b. Xia Brookside – Ram into the post
Hardys b. The System – Swanton to Edwards