wrestling / TV Reports
Hall’s WWE NXT Review 11.6.24

Date: November 6, 2024
Location: 2300 Arena, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Vic Joseph, Booker T.
We’re in the ECW Arena and that is the main focal point of the show. The show is also featuring a bunch of ECW guest stars, which you might want to take or leave. The main event is Bubba Ray Dudley teaming with Trick Williams to face Ethan Page and Ridge Holland. Let’s get to it.
The opening sequence is set to the old ECW theme, which works rather well.
Lola Vice vs. Jaida Parker
Hardcore match with Dawn Marie as guest referee. Parker jumps her to start and grabs a chair but Vice knocks it into her face with the spinning backfist. They go to the floor where Vice grabs a table but takes too long, allowing Parker to knock her down. Some chairs are thrown in but Parker’s big swing hits the corner, allowing Vice to get in another knockdown as we take a break.
Back with a bunch of weapons in the ring, including a bunch of ladders. Parker plants her with a spinebuster and puts her on the ladder for the big Tear Drop from the standing ladder for two. More weapons are brought in but Parker takes too much time and gets kendo sticked down.
Vice puts her in a trashcan for the running hip attack and a near fall but Parker throws a trashcan at her. Back in and Vice gets in some more kendo stick shots, only to get sideslammed onto a chair. A running elbow sends Vice into the ladder for two so breaks a BRICK over her head. That’s only good for two (of course) so Parker hits the Hipnotic for the pin at 14:47.
Rating: C. As usual in modern hardcore style matches, there were far too many weapons and it brought the match down. Throw in A BRICK to the head being a near fall and it was more than a bit much to take. Marie didn’t add a thing whatsoever either and the whole thing felt like a match for the live crowd, despite it not being entirely thought out.
Ethan Page and Ridge Holland are ready to take out Trick Williams and Bubba Ray Dudley.
Kelani Jordan is stretching with Rob Van Dam, who gives her a pep talk. Jordan leaves and Wes Lee jumps Van Dam with a chair.
The FBI met the D’Angelo Family and apparently Tony Mamaluke has gotten Rizzo a match with Nikkita Lyons next week. As for tonight, Nunzio gets a North American Title shot.
Apparently referees will be more lenient for the rest of the night.
Je’Von Evans vs. Wes Lee
Evans starts fast but his springboard cutter is countered. A rollup gives Evans two but Lee knocks him to the floor for a 619 around the post. Lee manages a brainbuster onto the steps and we take an early break. Back with Evans snapping off a top rope super hurricanrana and hitting a spinning slam. The top rope spinning splash misses though and Lee scores with the Cardiac Kick for two.
Lee grabs a chair but the referee takes it away, allowing Evans to come back with a running cutter. The top rope cutter connects, with Lee rolling out to the floor. Evans’ dive is sent crashing over the announcers’ table so Lee grabs a chair, only to be cut off by Rob Van Dam. Evans hits a springboard cutter into…what was supposed to be a Five Star frog splash (which was left so short that Evans’ knees hit the mat first) for the pin at 12:27.
Rating: C+. I cannot get into Evans and this wasn’t helping. I’m not sure how many cutters you need to use in a single match but Evans was flirting with the maximum allowed. Lee taking a loss, even with interference, isn’t the most appealing thing either here, especially to such a horrible looking finisher.
Ava doesn’t have time for Eddy Thorpe but promises to make it up.
Here are Ava and her lackeys for a special announcement. That would be the return of Deadline, which will take place on December 7. Robert Stone talks about how much better New York and Boston fans are than Philadelphia fans. Then the lights go out and Rhyno pops in for a Gore.
Kelani Jordan and company exchange pep talks before the ten woman tag. The big announcement here is that Jordan speaks Spanish, but here are Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson to brag about going after the Women’s Tag Team Titles. Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer aren’t impressed.
Ethan Page/Ridge Holland vs. Trick Williams/Bubba Ray Dudley
Williams and Holland start things off but Holland shoves Ray on the apron. Ray comes in and gets shouldered down by Holland, leaving him a bit surprised. A wristlock goes a bit better for Ray and it’s off to Williams for some arm cranking of his own. Page gets in a cheap shot from the apron though and the villains take over, only for Williams to slip out of a double neckbreaker. Ray comes back in to clean house and Page and Holland are knocked to the floor as we take a break.
Back with Ray getting crotched against the post and Holland grabbing an armbar. Ray fights out of trouble and brings Williams back in to pick up the pace, including a flapjack to Holland. A Rock Bottom gives Williams two with Page making the save. The Trick Shot is loaded up but Holland reverses into a rollup for the pin at 10:18.
Rating: B-. The ending is a fine way to go and makes sense over having Dudley take the pin. Holland as the next challenger makes sense and now we get to see a likely title match at Deadline. Odds are this is it for Ray, which I’ll take over having him feud with either Page or Holland.
Post match the beatdown is on but Bubba makes the save. We get the What’s Up and then it’s time to GET THE TABLES. Hold on though because here is D-Von Dudley with the table, with Page going through it.
Dion Lennox comes up to Ashante Thee Adonis and asks about him going from woman to woman. Karmen Petrovic comes in to ask about the other woman Adonis was with last week. Adonis isn’t interested but her remember that last week was her birthday. That’s enough to win Petrovic over. Again, with Lennox looking surprised in the background.
Roxanne Perez and company are ready to beat up the newcomers.
North American Title: Tony D’Angelo vs. Nunzio
D’Angelo, with his family, is defending and Tony Mamaluke is here with Nunzio. D’Angelo starts fast and sends him outside, where a clothesline hits Mamaluke. A belly to belly suplex plants Nunzio and D’Angelo puts him on top but Nunzio dropkicks his way out of trouble. The Sicilian Slice gives Nunzio two but a crow bar shot is caught by the referee. The spinebuster (with Nunzio crossing himself) retains the title at 2:18. That’s what it should have been.
Post match respect is shown.
Shawn Spears tells Brooks Jensen to be ready for next week.
William Regal gives Lexis King a pep talk after last week’s loss. King leaves and the No Quarter Cat Crew comes in. Charlie Dempsey says King couldn’t get the job done, with Regal saying King isn’t his father’s son. Dempsey asks if he’s his father’s son, but Regal suggests the team go after the Tag Team Titles instead.
Nikkita Lyons promises to take out everyone and win gold.
Nathan Frazier and Axiom are told about a meeting with the tag division next week where the new challengers will be determined. Axiom thinks that’s a great way to scout everyone at once but Frazier sees it as a week off.
Fatal Influence/Cora Jade/Roxanne Perez vs. Giulia/Zaria/Kelani Jordan/Jordynne Grace/Stephanie Vaquer
Jordan armdrags and dropkicks Henley to start and it’s off to Vaquer for a springboard crossbody. Nyx comes in and gets caught with a 619, setting up a double elbow to give Giulia two. It’s off to Perez, who gets caught with an overhead belly to belly suplex. A shot from the apron slow Giulia down though and Perez hits a running dropkick against the ropes.
Zaria comes in for the tease of a powerbomb but all ten get in for the shouting and brawling. The villains are sent to the floor and Jordan hits a big moonsault as we take a break. Back with Jordan being sent outside, where Nyx takes out Giulia and Vaquer with a dive. Jordan fights up back inside but Henley breaks up a tag attempt. Not that it matters as it’s a diving tag off to Grace to clean house.
A Vader Bomb hits Jade for two and Zaria and Grace’s double powerbomb gets two more. We hit the parade of knockdowns until everyone is down, as Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend come out. More dives take them out as well and it’s off to Perez. Zaria spears Grace by mistake but pops back up with the F5 to pin Perez at 15:04.
Rating: B-. It was a fairly wild match, though I’m not sure why I was supposed to believe that the villains had any real chance to win. The other team has no weak links and it was them mainly steamrolling Perez and company, save for a few brief spots. Evan Zaria spearing Grace didn’t make much of a difference. That being said, it was a fun spectacle and that’s what it needed to be.
Jaida Parker b. Lola Vice – Hipnotic
Je’Von Evans b. Wes Lee – Frog splash
Ridge Holland/Ethan Page b. Bubba Ray Dudley/Trick Williams – Rollup to Williams
Tony D’Angelo b. Nunzio – Spinebuster
Giulia/Zaria/Kelani Jordan/Jordynne Grace/Stephanie Vaquer b. Fatal Influence/Cora Jade/Roxanne Perez – F5 to Perez
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