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Hamilton’s Rev Pro Live in London 75 07.02.2023 Review

July 3, 2023 | Posted by Ian Hamilton
Rev Pro - Live in London 75 - Michael Oku vs. Leyton Buzzard Image Credit: RevPro
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Hamilton’s Rev Pro Live in London 75 07.02.2023 Review  

Quick Results
Connor Mills & Wild Boar pinned Robbie X & Luke Jacobs in 15:51 (***½)
Jordon Breaks submitted James Mason in 9:54 (***½)
Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews pinned Kid Lykos & Kid Lykos II in 13:44 (***¼)
Leon Slater pinned Callum Newman in 12:43 (****¼)
Dani Luna vs. Hyan ended in a no-contest in 11:32 (***)
Trent Seven pinned Zak Knight in 14:08 (***¼)
Leyton Buzzard defeated Michael Oku via disqualification in 15:31 (****¼)

— If you’re on Twitter, give me a follow over on @IanWrestling. I’m also over on Instagram by that same name, and if you’ve put your chips in on Mastodon, catch me here… and check out the GoFundMe that’s still open for Larry’s family.

— To watch this show, head over to RevProOnDemand.com – they’re currently running a free trial…

We’re one week out from an Epic Encounter, but today we’re live at the 229 in London for Rev Pro’s monthly sojourn… Andy Quildan and Gio Nolastname are on commentary from a busier-than-usual venue. Wonder what else was in town…

Connor Mills & Wild Boar vs. Luke Jacobs & Robbie X
All roads look to be leading to Connor Mills challenging Robbie X at York Hall next week – but that’s yet to be announced, so we’ve got this clash of potential challengers against the current and former Cruiserweight champion.

This one started off hot with Boar and Robbie X, but quick tags had the current-and-former champion team ahead in the early going. Jacobs’ chops looked to be the early differentiator as he stood out as the only heavyweight here, but Boar’s biting bought him some time as Connor Mills came in… and got booted in the face.

Boar and Mills had more luck against Robbie X, with those two exchanging quick tags as they wore down the champion. A low bridge on the middle rope led to Robbie getting dumped to the outside, before Boar and Mills wound up Jacobs enough to create a diversion as Robbie X remained trapped in the wrong corner.

Eventually Robbie landed a backflip kick to get free as Luke Jacobs came in to clear house, crashing into Boar and Mills with basement dropkicks in the corners. Robbie X tagged in and instantly dove onto Connor Mills on the outside as the champion shone against the numbers game… heck, we even got a rare dive out of Luke Jacobs before the action finally slowed down.

Connor Mills’ presence distracts Robbie X from there, but the champion broke it off to hit a Finlay roll… then abort a Spiral tap as a quick turnaround led to Robbie X getting battered with a double-team take on that Desnucadora/Orange Crush that Mills has been using as of late. Mills works over Robbie’s lower back for a spell, before Jacobs came in to trade kicks and chops… a sit-out powerbomb stacked up Mills for a near-fall as we kept trucking on, at least until Mills escaped a Doomsday device.

Boar charges through as he speared Jacobs through the ropes to the outside… then kept him on the outside as Mills blocked an X-Claimation, only to eat a rebound lariat from Robbie X… then hit a X-Claimation of his own for the win! Mills wins the battle of the finisher steals, and one week from York Hall that’s a pretty big win as we remain to see just what Robbie X’s match is going to be. This was a hell of an opener with breathless exchanges as they keep us on our toes about that title match… ***½

James Mason vs. Jordon Breaks
…and now for something completely different. Breaks has Zack Sabre Jr. next week, so the proxy here was James Mason, making his Rev Pro return after near-as-matters four years away.

As you’d expect for this warm-up, this one was a very grounded encounter, with Breaks and Mason trading holds in what you could use shorthand to call a very World of Sport-inspired affair. Mason goes from a kip-up into headscissors to break a wristlock, but Breaks just pops free as the pair went from hold-to-hold.

A monkey flip throws Breaks aside as the pair tried their luck with full nelsons, but Masons witches it up with shoulder tackles… before he got propelled into the ropes with a monkey flip as Breaks took things back into his wheelhouse. More back-and-forth ended up with Breaks catching Mason in a ZSJ-style double armbar, before Mason’s helicoptering earned him a similar response from Breaks.

Mason’s Test of Strength eventually took him down to the mat as his neck bridges prevented pinning attempts. Changing tack, Breaks goes for a cravat, then went back to the arm as Mason broke free with a series of strikes. Breaks is even to those, before we broke into see-saw pinning attempts… leading to Mason going for a crossbody, only for it to be rolled through into a torqued armbar as Mason was forced to submit. A flash finish, which is always good to see, as Breaks got one over the veteran Mason… and regardless of what happens with ZSJ, I’d be very interested in seeing Breaks against someone like a Timothy Thatcher in Rev Pro, if only to give him an edge. ***½

Lykos Gym (Kid Lykos & Kid Lykos II) vs. Subculture (Flash Morgan Webster & Mark Andrews)
This was the Rev Pro debut of Andrews and Webster as Subculture – they’ve got the Greedy Souls at York Hall next week… so how about Brendan White on commentary after he donned the black shirt of security over the weekend…

With the Lykii turning over a new leaf, this didn’t quite have the usual good/bad dynamic as we started with Lykos and Webster trading pins. A bow-and-arrow hold from Webster’s quickly broken as the even opening continued… leading to Mark Andrews and Kid Lykos II coming in while Brendan was running riot on commentary.

Lykos II and Andrews trade headlock takedowns and headscissors ahead of a stand-off, but Subculture begin to pull ahead. The Lykii manage to stay in it when Lykos tagged back in and stomped through Webster in the corner. A gamengiri from Lykos II has Webster slumped in the wrong corner, before Flash flipped free and made the tag to Andrews whose knee slide and enziguiri took Lykos down.

Lykos gets his bad leg worked over with a bridging deathlock from Andrews, before Webster took Lykos outside for a quick plancha. Back inside, a Northern lights from Andrews drew a two-count… a DDT from Lykos left Webster laying ahead of Lykos II coming in, with the young wolf running roughshod over the former NXT UK champions.

Andrews’ blind tag allowed Subculture in with an assisted Asai DDT and a jackknife cover for a near-fall as the match proceeded to get a little tornado-ey, leading to the Lykii locking in a pair of Octopus holds. Octopi? Webster breaks free to headbutt away Lykos II’s hold, before a Stundog Millionaire stopped Lykos’ brainbuster, allowing Webster to fly in with Shadows Over Malice to get the win. This was pretty good, but hurt by it being the proverbial “babyface match” as Subculture got an establishing win going into York Hall. ***¼

Post-match, White left commentary and attacked Subculture… only to get chased away by the Lykii… then thrown back into the ring by the Contenders as Brendan took another kicking.

Callum Newman vs. Leon Slater
Newman’s got a new entrance video, dubbing him the United Empire’s Young Lion… but there’s no black trunks (or indeed, United Empire-coloured trunks) for him as he went face to face with Leon Slater, having attacked him last month in Sheffield.

Of course Slater hadn’t forgotten, as he made a beeline for Newman, double-legging him as things started off hit, testing the springiness of those ropes ahead of Newman’s OsCutter attempt, which was blocked en route to a stand-off. Heading outside, Newman’s bowled into the front row by Slater, then into the crowd on the other side of the room.

Back in the ring, Newman finds a way to score with a flying forearm, taking Slater back outside as we scarper for a tope into the crowd. Fighting around ringside again, Newman mocks the crowd by having them move aside… so he could throw Slater back inside. A back elbow dumps Slater for not-even a one-count, before Newman stopped himself mid-slip as he rained down blows on Slater.

The pace turns up again as Slater’s boots earned him chops from Newman, before a handspring back elbow spun Newman down for a two-count. Newman’s hook kick and an ugly Tiger suplex almost put Slater away, before a right hand knocked Leon back down… back-and-forth chops lead to Newman trying for an OsCutter, but it’s countered into a Blue Thunder bomb for a near-fall.

Snapping back, Newman catches Slater with a standing Spanish Fly, before a trip up top led to a missed double stomp. Slater capitalises with a running dropkick and a twisting suplex for a near-fall, before another trip up top was cut off with a step-up enziguiri. Newman finally lands that double stomp off the top for a two-count, before his take on a Hidden Blade was avoided.

Slater responds with a cutter from there, then the swanton 450 splash off the top… and that’s a huge win for Slater going into the match with Will Ospreay next week. The extra spice from the Sheffield attack helped start this one off hot – and there was precious little slowing down in what I’d dare say will be far from the final meeting between these two. ****¼

Post-match, Slater took the mic and told us he’s been counting down the days to his match with Will Ospreay after what happened in Sheffield… then took aim at those who called him “the next Will Ospreay” by telling us all he’s the first Leon Slater.

Cue intermission, where (for the live crowd, at least) they played the video package hyping up the Oku/Buzzard main event. This was the first time they’d used a video screen live in the 229, and it was a notable upgrade, least of all as it allowed Rev Pro to show packages to the live crowd. More like this, please, and hopefully added to the live mix too!

Hyan vs. Dani Luna
This was announced for a shot at Skye Smitson’s Southside women’s title – which was a bit of an odd one given Skye took a deliberate count-out last week… and there was an open question hovering about Alex Windsor as well.

Commentary noted that Dani Luna hadn’t had her rematch against Skye Smitson, hence this match, but it’s Hyan who enjoyed the better of the early going, crashing into Luna with a leaping knee before a low-pe was caught and turned into a brutal-sounding Falcon arrow on the floor.

Back inside, Luna retained the upper hand, stomping on Hyan in the ropes… Hyan tries to get back in it, but Luna backs her into the corner and snuffed out that comeback before it got going. A snap suplex picks up a solid two-count for Luna, before Hyan managed to get a way back in with a running crossbody out of the corner.

Hyan pushes on with a Wasteland and a double legdrop for a two-count, but an attempt at the Beauty Treatment’s kicked away as Luna then went for a superplex… only to catch a resulting crossbody and maneuver Hyan into a Luna Landing… which was countered out of with a ‘rana. Luna manages to land a rebound Blue Thunder Bomb instead, before she was forced to deadlift powerbomb her way out of a cross armbar.

Another crack at the Luna Landing’s escaped by Hyan, before Luna rolled outside to avoid a spear… the pair end up on the apron, trading blows as Hyan finally landed that spear… then followed after Luna with a low-pe. Back inside, Hyan tries to go off the top rope again, but that’s thwarted by the appearance of Skye Smitson, who threw Hyan off the top… then laid out Luna with a chair shot as this one was thrown out as a no-contest. ***

More chairshots followed from Smitson, who told us of her unhappiness at Rev Pro disrespecting her… before proceeding to challenge both Hyan and Luna to a three-way for the title. Heck, even an elimination four-way with Alex Windsor to finally unify those belts…

Zak Knight vs. Trent Seven
Zak’s been on a bit of a losing streak in Rev Pro, with just the one singles win this year…

Opening with a handshake, Knight took Seven into the corner early on, as the feeling-out process saw Trent get taken down with an armdrag. Knight followed up with a shoulder tackle that led to Trent grabbing his leg to try and slow things down… before a crossbody, a Hogan slam-and-legdrop drew a two-count.

A headlock takedown from Trent forces Knight to go for the ears to break free, only for that side headlock to be reapplied before Knight pushed out and returned with a dropkick. A sit-out splash counters Seven’s sunset flip as well, while a springboard moonsault almost picked up the win as Trent rolled outside for respite.

Knight followed Trent outside as they fought around ringside… it leads to Trent chopping the ring post by mistake, before Knight went to do some lifting, catching Trent’s crossbody off the stage before he carried him from the crowd and into the ring… leading to a DDT on the edge of the apron.

Back inside, Knight escapes Trent’s Dragon suplex attempt, countering back with a springboard punch for a near-fall. A superplex attempt from Trent’s knocked away as a top rope elbow drop keeps Zak ahead, before Trent ‘rana’d out of a bucklebomb attempt… and returned with an Emerald Flowsion for a near-fall.

Seven’s hammer elbows begin to wear down Knight, who retaliated by headbutting away a clothesline… only for Trent to pull Zak into a clothesline, then a piledriver for a near-fall. Chops from Trent just rile up Zak some more, with Knight cracking in a headbutt before he finally landed that bucklebomb.

Trent’s met with a running punch after that, sending him to the outside. He’s able to avoid a buckle bomb into the ring post as he proceeded to post Knight, before a Tiger Driver and a Birming-Hammer finally put Knight away. Trent’s racking up those wins since he returned to Rev Pro – and you’d have to think it’ll not be too long before he’s in the mix for a title shot. ***¼

Leyton Buzzard vs. Michael Oku
Buzzard’s been a thorn in Oku’s side in the recent past – derailing Oku’s momentum going into York Hall next week, although this match isn’t for Oku’s title shot, despite Buzzard suggesting that back in Sheffield.

Oku and Buzzard met in the aisle, fighting before the bell as Oku made use of the 229’s amenities… namely the wooden panelling that he slammed into Buzzard’s head. They head around ringside, with Oku chopping Buzzard into the front row before he chucked Buzzard across the merch table. Those mannequins were one day off from retirement…

Buzzard heads to the ring, but climbs the ropes as he and Oku teased suplexing the other into the crowd, before instead Oku got caught on the top rope with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex onto the side of the ring… before they headed into the ring with Buzzard scoring a two-count right as the bell sounded to formally start things.

Oku bounces off of Buzzard’s knee from a backbreaker, before he got taken into the ropes and kneed in the back as Buzzard was almost running on cruise control. Chops from Buzzard kept Oku very much on the back foot, as did a running suplex, before Oku finally fought back as he replied to Buzzard’s right hands… prompting Buzzard to go to Oku’s injured eye.

A facebuster, clothesline and standing moonsault gets another two-count for Buzzard… who then found himself in trouble as he caught Oku’s floatover… and got met with a tornado DDT instead. Oku adds a missile dropkick to that, before a second trip up top saw him meet Buzzard on the floor with a Tanahashi-esque High Fly Flow.

Back inside, Oku’s springboard moonsault earns a near-fall, before a delayed frog splash drew in Buzzard’s boots. Oku’s smart to it, as he looked to counter the counter, but instead ended up running in with dropkicks in the corner before an attempted top rope ‘rana was countered into a sit-out powerbomb off the top. Buzzard drags Oku towards the corner as he looked to add a moonsault off the top… but it misses, much like Oku’s follow-up dropkick onto the corner.

Another running knee to the back of Oku in the corner was responded to with a superkick… before a reverse ‘rana laid out Buzzard. Now Oku’s back up for a frog splash, landing flush for a near-fall. Oku tries for the half crab, but ends up trading cradles before Buzzard went back to the eyes… which eventually led to the blinded Oku throwing a superkick, laying our referee Oscar Harding in the process. Just preparing to do that with purpose on another ref later in the summer, I see…

With no ref, Buzzard low blows Oku, before he slapped Amira off the apron… turning her back, Amira swings at who she thought was Buzzard, but ended up cracking Oku in the head with an elbow as this was starting to get a little Three Stooges. Buzzard adds a pair of pop-up powerbombs as the referee came to, but the slow count saves Oku. From there, Buzzard rolls Oku into a Sharpshooter, only for Oku to grab a leg and maneuver his way into a half crab for the submission… except Oku doesn’t let go after the bell, instead sinking the hold in deeper as Contenders came in before the referee ended up reversing his decision. ****¼

Your winner then, by disqualification, was Leyton Buzzard, much to the disgust of the live crowd… but Oku had more payback to get in, as he took out Buzzard with a superkick before Amira gave Oku her heel… which promptly was swung at Buzzard. An eye for an eye, and all that, as the show closed out with Buzzard being carried way, and Oku promising to leave York Hall next week with the Undisputed British Heavyweight championship… and the Grand Slam of Rev Pro.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
Buoyed by a boisterous crowd, Rev Pro’s final show before Epic Encounter hit all the right notes - starting out hot, and maintaining that with a pick-and-mix of various styles. There’ll be something for everyone here - and hopefully enough to tempt some late ticket buys heading into York Hall this weekend.

article topics :

Live in London, Rev Pro, Ian Hamilton