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Impact Wrestling Critical Transformation Live on Twitch Results 04.13.19: Production Issues Plague Show

Impact Wrestling and Universal Championship Wrestling’s “Critical Transformation” live and free on Twitch from Owensboro, Kentucky on 4/13/19 (review sent in by Shannon Walsh of Wrestling with Demons).
Josh Mathews hosted the pre-show with Madison Rayne, Ace Austin, and Dave Crist popping in and out as his guests.
Mathews said Impact will have an announcement on Tuesday about an event that he’s looking forward to this year. He said to stayed tuned to Impact social media this week.
I haven’t been able to catch Impact Wrestling on Fridays over the last few weeks because of so many events on FITE up against it. I was not made aware of this Twitch show until the last minute. The company has never gone out of the way to promote these events as it is.
Josh Mathews and Scott D’Amore are the broadcast team.
You could hear D’Amore saying something about WWE before the show went on the air.
The venue looks like something that your average indie show runs at. That probably doesn’t do Impact any favors as D’Amore continues to talk about the company “rebirth” here on commentary.
It’s a decent size crowd by the looks of it, but there are noticeably empty seats in spots. The ring announcer and the crowd noise is muted. The issue is similar to the recent Impact iPPV on FITE. It’s as if the announcers are doing a voiceover on a taped show.
Mathews acknowledged that they are having technical issues and working to fix it.
Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz vs. The Murphy Boyz (Cameron and Carson)
Wentz and Miguel got the pin together on one of the Murphy Boyz.
It looked like a botched finish as the ref first called it as a three count. He started waiving it off and signaled a shoulder was up and then decided Wentz and Miguel actually won.
The camera lighting is very dark at certain angles.
Madison Rayne vs. Cali Young
Young got the upset pin with a roll up and holding the tights.
They worked a really solid basic house show style of match. Young has appeared for the company before at a past taping.
There are all sorts of production issues as Mathews and D’Amore mics went out and there is no sound at all.
Austin Austin won over Ryan Dookie, Chad Stallings, and an unknown wrestler (it was originally billed as a 3-way). The feed went out for most of the match and came back on just as Austin was swooping in to get the pin on someone.
D’Amore has left the broadcast. Mathews said they now only have one headset working.
Brian Cage vs. Mad Man Fulton
Cage got the pin after the F-5. Fairly long match. Fulton got in tons of offensive and kicked out of a few of Cage’s high impact moves.
Moose vs. Daniel Eads
D’Amore is back on commentary.
Moose got the pin after the spear. Much of the match was Moose acting like he was struggling to get off the mat. D’Amore joked that he heard Moose had been bar hopping.
Sami Callihan, Jake Crist, and Dave Crist vs. Chase Stevens and The Maddox Brothers (Shayne and Shaun)
Callihan cut a long promo and of course said he wanted the match to be under OVE Rules.
D’Amore asked Mathews if The Maddox Brothers are related to “that famous cinematographer Maddox who did those movies that were all over the internet a couple of years ago”. An obvious reference to Brad Maddox and Paige which was a joke for a cheap laugh to try to sound cool.
Callihan got the pin after a kick to the groin and a jackknife pin.
This went forever. It was an aimless brawl in and around the ring with a big trash can and a few chairs. At one point Mathews said it was nearing twenty minutes and it went on for a few more minutes after he said it.
D’Amore seemed to lose interest at the end too. He oddly brought up that “The Million Dollar Man” texted him and wanted $20 back. D’Amore then used it as an excuse to name drop Triple H. He said he once loaned $20 to Triple H back in 1994 and should also ask for it back based on Ted DiBiase’s text.
Impact World Champion Johnny Impact (with John E. Bravo) vs. Chris Michaels
Impact got the pin after a low blow.
Michaels looked like he was about win after a superkick but Bravo pulled the referee out of the ring. The referee ejected Bravo from ringside. Seconds later, Bravo ran into the ring with a mop and he threatened Michaels with it. Impact kicked Michaels low from behind as Michaels and the referee were distracted by Bravo.
This was bush league stuff. They have really regressed the past few months, especially with live production, and expect people to pay $40 for the big pay-per-view on 4/28/19.
The next free Twitch show will be 5/11/19. It’s called “Salute to the Troops”. Mathews said there will be a rematch of Madison Rayne vs. Cali Young on that show.