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Irene’s Impact Wrestling Hardcore Justice Review 4.10.21

Originally labeled “Hard Justice” featuring Tito Ortiz and Andrew Martin through the years, “HardCORE Justice” was a violent twist that would take place as a near annual event. This night was no longer reserved for UFC Champions or dangerously vascular WWE stars, but EXTREME LEGENDS OF THE PAST. The initial “Hardcore Justice” event was an ECW reunion show, one that followed a plethora of official and unofficial events aiming to do the exact same thing. Some would say they were late to the hype, but that was eleven years ago. Fast forward and we have Hardcore Justice 2021, presented by Tommy Dreamer. Some things never change, and Tommy Dreamer being a focal point of IMPACT Wrestling ensures that ECW will never die.
Of course, Eric Young aims to finally take the cherished veteran out for good, as his maniacal force, Violent by Design takes on Tommy Dreamer’s team of IMPACT loyals, in Eddie Edwards, Willie Mack, and Unified Champion, Rich Swann. Not to mention, this all goes down in a Hardcore War match. This concept has been a staple in TNA/IMPACT history, and in simple terms is a Lethal Lockdown match, without the cage. Eric Young has competed in two of these matches in the past, winning both and notably choking out Kurt Angle with the prosthetic leg of war hero Chris Melendez in 2015. Dreamer has competed in one Hardcore War, teaming with Team 3D and Al Snow, to defeat Team Dixie, famously putting her through a table following the match. We’ve come full circle to ECW nostalgia, so I think it’s time to start “A Night from the Mind of Tommy Dreamer” HardCORE Justice 2021!
Josh Alexander has a mystery partner here, who is revealed to be a returning Petey Williams. The Canadian Destroyer is now rocking some new gear since last being seen against Moose in March 2020. Fallah is teaming with TJP for the first time since August 2020 and has been on hard times lately. He kicks things of with Alexander as they trade big strikes. Petey gets the tag, as does TJP. Petey hits a smooth tilt-a-whirl headscissors and a jumping rana. They have a nice technical exchange with TJP locking in an abdominal stretch. Ace Austin gets the tag, working on TJP. These two show great chemistry as TJP brings in Fallah. Fulton snatches Fallah from the apron and halts their offense. Ace and Fulton work together to stun Fallah getting a near fall. Fallah gets an advantage but Petey tags in and nearly catches Ace. Big delayed flatliner for another near fall as he brings in the Walking Weapon. They hit a Codebreaker/German Suplex combo for another close one, showing a clearly damaged Ace. Fulton ragdolls Alexander, allowing Ace and his monster to continue the control. Ace hits a helicopter leg drop clashing with the nose of Alexander. Ace gets flipped with a snap powerslam as Josh looks for the tag to an empty corner. Ace looks liquid smooth as TJP puts a stop to the show. Tornado DDT out of the corner, followd by a double team combo on Fulton. TJP slams Ace and hits a Mamba Splash as Josh gets a tag. He tries to pick up the scraps but Ace kicks out. Ace attempts a helicopter kick but gets cracked with a jab from Josh. Petey locks in a sharpshooter with Josh sealing an ankle lock on Fulton. This allows TJP to hop onto Ace and Petey as Fallah crashes through them. Ace seeks The Fold but gets pop-up bombed as Fulton saves him. Fulton double chokeslams Josh and Petey with TJP on his back. Fallah takes him out as Josh and TJP are legal. Fallah splashes Ace with TJ on his back. Petey catches TJP with a nasty Canadian Destroyer and baits Fallah on a splash. He tries to Canadian Destroy Fallah but that doesn’t work. Josh locks in an ankle lock with Fallah tapping.
That match slapped just like all of the X-Division matches that feature any combo of these men. The division is clicking and adding Petey as a recurring member wouldn’t hurt. Everyone looked good here and this was everything you would want it to be.
*D’Lo and Striker go over the card, naming Hardcore War the main event, despite the strong build for Deonna and Jazz.
Shera has some new epic music and looks fantastic. That has never been an issue , but he looks better than ever. If you’ve always a chairs match between Shera and Hernandez then don’t blink. They clash in the center as neither will budge. Shera shows fire as he shoulder blocks Hernandez. Shera gets confident but Hernandez throws him onto the ropes. He fetches our first chair of the evening but Shera steps on it. Shera powerslams Hernandez onto the chair for a quick two. Supermex smacks a chair on Shera’s back and sets three up on the ramp. Shera kicks a seated Hernandez off the chair as he gains control. Shera sets up two chairs facing each other as Hernandez powerslams him through that. Hernandez tosses Shera into a wedged chair as he aims to repeat the process. Hernandez starts clobbering him on the mat but Shera shows fight. Shera hits a big AA spinebuster nearly winning. Shera starts using the chairs on the outside, but gets sent into the post. A pool of chairs is created as Shera superplexes Hernandez onto it for a near fall. Out of nowhere, Rohit comes out and smacks Hernandez with a chair, allowing Shera to pin Hernandez. Rohit raises the arm of Shera, claiming him as his heavy.
I did not enjoy this match, but I think it was as good as it could have been. Hopefully Rohit and Shera don’t continue to be a team as they’ve never really sold me there.
*Swinger’s Palace features a frustrated Beer Guns. They don’t want the night off, and luckily for them XXXL approaches. James Storm isn’t able to go to the ring at the moment. He proposes a Drinking Game match, where they will drink and then have a match. Matt Cardona comes in as Swinger roasts him. Dreamer appears shouting out Wrestle House. He books Swinger in a Crate American Bash. I don’t know what’s going on but I’m slightly happy.
The Good Brothers and Decay beefed last month at Sacrifice I believe. Taurus ducks a big boot and goes off on Doc. Taurus whiffs on a crossbody and gets clotheslined. Gallows batters Taurus as he sends him outside. The Big LG nails a bicycle kick as he taunts Crazzy Steve. Taurus tries to fight back but Gallows connects with an uppercut. Gallows sends Taurus over the barricade outside, and follows him. Gallows continues to neutralize the explosive Taurus with a chinlock. An impactful standing leg drop gets a count of two. Gallows halts a comeback with a big splash. A powerslam continues the methodical ambush, but Taurus hits a corkscrew and 619, A missile dropkick sends him down for a two count as Taurus has momentum. Taurus is distracted by Karl Anderson, who is taken out by Steve. Gallows hits a super kick and choke bomb for the win.
I wanted that match to be more, but Gallows was on offence for way too long. The chinlocks and walking and brawling was not the most entertaining, and the explosive style of Taurus was absent.
Each crate has an item in it, I believe WCW did this match with Booker T pulling out the picture of Scott Hall. Swinger baits Cardona to go for the crate as he complains about Cardona grabbing his tights. Cardona goes for a straight to the face, but Swinger waves it off. Swinger hits the arm drag and strut as his Swingerellas cheer him on. Cardona hits a strut of his own as he floors Swinger. Swinger nails a low blow as he baits him in once more. Swinger opens our first crate and IT’S A TNA PICTURE OF SCOTT HALL. Cardona forces him to drop it outside where we get a close-up. Swinger picks things back up, sending Cardona to the barricade outside. Swinger goes for the second box but gets jaw jacked. Cardona now moves for the crate but Swinger tosses him from the second rope. Swinger opens our second crate, featuring a rat trap snapping to his fingers. Cardona hits a big dropkick from the top sending Swinger into the corner. Cardona elbows him and scores a near fall. Swinger is lifeless as Cardona looks to inflict more punishment. Swinger baits him again but both heads collide. Cardona hits up the next crate and closes it. Swinger digs in the remaining crate and finds brass knuckles. He looks to use them but gets hit with a Rough Ryder for a Cardona victory. Cardona takes his unused crate and walks off.
Call me crazy, but this was better than the two previous matches. I really don’t find that to be that high of a bar, but I could see some people not liking this one. A very ironic match with them working an old school style, under a Russo-created match stipulation. Swinger never fails to entertain me and Cardona was used well here.
*IMPACT Plus Flashback Moment of the Week, featuring Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu from Hardcore Justice 2010.
*Back to Swinger’s Palace, James Storm ensures that his drinking is just getting started.
*Sami Callihan comes out to his cool entrance. He takes credit for exposing Trey Miguel’s passion. He is here to set an example, and will fight someone. He puts out an open challenge to anyone backstage.
Sam Beale makes his return, he was featured as one of Trey Miguel’s trainees, losing to Sami weeks ago. Callihan bullies Beale early, but he shows heart. Callihan pump kicks him off the ropes and twist suplexes him. Callihan manipulates the fingers of Beale, tossing him outside to follow. He invites Beale to hit him as he throws him on the floor. Beale makes his way back, which Callihan applauds. Beale attempts some roll-ups but gets struck with a clothesline. Callihan nails a package piledriver to leave no doubt in his victory.
That happened. A simple squash that could’ve been better if placed in a spot where momentum was hotter.
*As this show continues to drag, we prepare for a blindfold hardcore match, which we get a video for.
Jake has a bandage over his eye, after the assault from Myers on IMPACT. Sacks are secured around both men’s heads as we begin our silent arena blindfold match. Jake locates Myers who falls outside. He finds a trash can lid as Jake follows and gets bashed. Myers whacks him with a baton of sorts. Myers continues his flow back in the ring, with Jake grounded. Myers hits a flatliner and goes for the cover but hooks the leg with Jake laying on his stomach. Jake hits a huge sit-out deadlift powerbomb for a near fall. Jake clotheslines Myers, not letting go after each. Myers drags the ref into Jake, lifts his mask and kicks him in the face. Cardona’s music hits as he appears with the crate from earlier. Cardona bangs the ring, as he slides the crate to Jake. He smacks Myers with the crate, revealing action figures inside. Myers is pinned, thanks to Cardona and the action figures.
That happened and it really wasn’t too bad. It exceeded my expectations while staying within realistic boundaries of course. The crate thing was meh, but at least the action flowed well and everything was logical.
*Team Dreamer is passionate backstage, with Swann showing insane energy.
Susan comes out, not looking forward to the match. Su Yung’s music hits as she appears and takes out Susan. Tenille bails immediately as Jordynne charges Lish. Rosemary, Havok, and Su appear to form an alliance but Su breaks it. Havok and Rosemary trade big shots and both fall. Jordynne clubs Lish as Tenille gets involved from outside. Kaleb misses with a frying pan, and Tenille sends her into the steps. Alisha staples Tenille on the rear as everyone returns to the ring. Tenille surrenders as Kaleb saves the day. Lish staples his chest, and the rest beat him down. Jordynne hits a spinebuster on Tenille, as Alisha hits a huge tilt-a-whirl tornado DDT. Su Yung cannonballs’ Kaleb outside. Havok crushes Lish with a leg drop, but Jordynne stops the pin. Jordynne compacts Lish onto a trash can but Su enters. Su wedges a chair in the corner and sends Jordynne face first. Rosemary appears behind Su with a rope. They chop Havok’s head off with it, as Rosemary drags in Su with a spear. Rosemary finds a bag under the ring, which she reveals to be thumbtacks. She empties these onto the floor and grabs Lish. Lish reverses Rosemary’s attempt and both fall onto the tacks. Lish finds a kendo stick and bashes Rosemary. Su applies a Mandible Claw and drags her away. Havok lands a big roundhouse kick on Jordynne back in the ring, but Nevaeh appears tossing powder into Havok’s face. Jordynne crushes Havok with a Vader Bomb, but Kaleb drags her out and superkicks her. Tenille swoops in for the pin and win.
This was a pretty wild match that turned out well. Su’s return was pretty cool and will hopefully freshen things a bit. Tenille’s win was genuinely shocking and was a nice touch.
*Back at Swinger’s Palace, Acey Baby has exceeded his limit. Larry D must know when their match in, and Storm reveals that they’re next. Storm searches for a ping pong ball so they can play beer pong. Everyone fails as Storm darts Larry in the face with the ball. They toss Larry over the table and get hyped.
Jazz lands a spinning back kick early on but Deonna quickly snatches the arm. Deonna takes a break as Jazz kicks things up a notch. Deonna slingshots her on the rope, gaining the upper hand. Deonna is relentless on the arm, setting up her Fujiwara Armbar. Jazz is taking a beating but continues to fight on. Deonna traps Jazz in the ropes and delivers a dropkick to the arm of Jazz. Deonna crashes outside, with Jazz following. Now riding momentum, Jazz fetches some weapons. Jazz hits a X-Factor for a near fall. Deonna hits a Side Russian Leg Sweep and maintains the wrist control for a submission, but Jazz finds the ropes. Deonna grabs the belt, but Jazz stops her with a Samoan Drop. Jazz uses the steel chair, sending her head first with a DDT. Jazz locks the arms of Deonna, but she reverses and hits two pump kicks and a rolling exploder. Deonna hits her with the Gambit piledriver to end the career of Jazz. Jordynne comes out to comfort her partner,
This match was okay, and better than their other affairs. It’s nice to see some appreciation for talent, especially Jazz who has had a major impact on wrestling.
*Backstage Tommy Dreamer is on the ground with a doctor above him, not clearing him for action. D’Amore comes in sending Team Dreamer to the ring.
Eddie and Deaner are our first two entrants. Eddie attacks Deaner from behind, not wasting any time. Eddie nails a belly-to-belly suplex, sending Deaner flying outside. Deaner flies with a chair but Eddie catches him with a chop. Eddie hits his signature backpack stunner as our next entrant is counted down. Frizzy haired Rhino comes down with new VBD gear. Rhino and Deaner use their numbers to batter Eddie. Willie Mack’s song hits for our next entrant, and some back up for Eddie. Willie brings Kenny to the ring, along with a chain. Mack tosses Deaner to Eddie with Kenny, like a Home Run Derby. Eddie hands Mack a toaster, as Joe Doering comes down. Eddie and Mack knock his cowboy hat off but he responds with a double clothesline. VBD uses weapons to neutralize Eddie and Mack in the corners as they wait for their partner, Rich Swann to make his inevitable entrance. Deaner shoves Mack’s fingers into the toaster and twists. Swann’s music hits, and instead of his belts he’s got a table and a street sign. Swann spams spinning back kicks and plays guitar with the handicap parking sign. Swann and Eddie get the table as Eric Young’s entrance is counted down. EY is down with a hockey stick, shoving Eddie over the guardrail. EY cracks a hockey stick over what was supposed to be Eddie, but instead a guardrail. The clock ticks despite doubt in Dreamer’s appearance. Trey Miguel’s music hits and he enters the ring with a house of fire. Trey uses his speed to evade Doering, but gets flattened with a crossbody. Eddie returns as VBD sets up a table in the corner. Eddie sends Doering over the ropes but EY hits a neck breaker as things get wild. Rhino lifts Swann up and plants him through the table. EY sits atop the turnbuckle where Swann is placed. Mack follows, as does Eddie. Doering appears for a triple superplex tower of doom. Doering places Eddie on a table outside but Trey lands a meteora on Doering on the apron through Eddie and the table below. Mack is cornered by VBD, but manages to take out Deaner and Rhino. EY sends Mack into Deaner with a can lid, and hits a piledriver to win the war.
This was a good main event that had some cool spots at the end. The build-up was similar to Lethal Lockdown matches in that not much happened. Dreamer being subbed for Trey was unexpected but likely an upgrade. VBD looked strong and EY’s injury was completely unnoticeable here.
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