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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 12.20.22

December 20, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT Grayson Waller Image Credit: WWE
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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 12.20.22  

Hello, everyone and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! I’m Jeremy Thomas, here as ever, and we have a new NXT Women’s Champion after last week (and a lot of headlines now that Mandy Rose has left). That’s been discussed frontward and backward, but this week we’ll assumedly see how they handle it on camera as Mandy’s Toxic Attraction sisters in Gigi Dolan and Jacy Jayne compete for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships against Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley and Katana Chance & Kayden Carter. Plus the New Day defend their Tag Titles against Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen, Nikkita Lyons takes on Zoey Stark in a grudge match, Elektra López and Indi Hartwell do battle and more. Should be an interesting show, all in all.

Here at Thomas HQ, I’ve been busy with a lot of stuff and have only gotten one movie watched: 2020’s Scare Package. It’s a silly, fun little comedy-horror anthology with solid performances and a boatload of gore — plus a memorable cameo or two (one from good ol’ Dustin Rhodes himself). Outside of that, I saw the Dragula: Titans season finale last night and was sad my picks didn’t win, but feel the winner is quite deserving in their own right. And I finished up the Netflix docuseries Vatican Girl: The Disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi which, while wildly speculative, is nonetheless is informative.

I also got a book read I’ve been meaning to in S.A. Barnes’ Dead Silence. If you enjoy horror it’s well worth a read; it’s basically Event Horizon meets Titanic, with a little Aliens and just a touch of Firefly thrown in for good measure. Very easy read, and I finished it in just a couple days.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* We get a recap of Roxanne Perez’s Iron Survivor Challenge win and Mandy’s attack of her last week, leading into their title match in which Perez got the win (and Mandy had her last hurrah for now).

* We’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, and here comes Carmelo Hayes for our first match!

Carmelo Hayes vs. Axiom

Melo and Axiom go right into a lockup, and Hayes dominates and puts Axiom down. Axiom goes right into an ankle hold, Hayes flips him but Axiom lands on his feet and covers Melo for one. Snapmare and a springboard armdrag, spin kick and Melo avoids it. Headlock by Axiom, he runs off the ropes to put Melo on the mat but Melo turns it into a headscissors. Axiom flips out of it into a surfboard, but Melo rolls through for a one count. Axiom trips him for one, they go into a sequenca of traded one-counts before Axiom finally puts Melo on the mat and flip bridges into a wristlock submission.

Melo gets back to his feet and backs Axiom in the corner, delivering a back elbow. Axiom fires back though, comes off the ropes with a takedown and dropkicks Melo for two. Axiom right back into a waistlock, which Melo stands up from. He goes into the ropes and rolls Axiom off, but Axiom with a Northern Lights suplex for two.

Axiom right back into a waistlock, Hayes breaks it with a back elbow. Springboard elbow by Hayes but Axiom counters with a dropkick as we go to PIP break.

We’re back and Melo has Axiom in an elbowlock. Axiom to his feet and knees out of the hold before they start trading shots. Melo shot into the ropes, BIG dropkick by Axiom! Melo in the corner, Axiom charges in with a knee and hits a fisherman’s suplex for two.

Waistlock by Axiom, Melo shoves him off and hits a pump kick followed by a spinning rana for two. Melo transitions into a crossface in the center of the ring, Axiom rolls his shoulders onto the mat for two. Melo with a sprinboard but Axiom dives UNDER Melo for a German suplex as he slides through the ropes! Back in, Axiom with a triangle choke. Melo ripes at the mask and then picks Axiom up — sitout powerbomb!

The ref hesitates and Axiom goes right back into the submission. Melo slams Axiom’s head into the mat a few times to break it. He’s back up, he grabs Axiom and kicks at his head. Axiom blocks one and SLAPS Melo with chops to the chest. Axiom with a leap onto the ropes but Melo pulls him down, Melo goes up top — AXIOM WITH A SUPER-RANA! He prepares to take aim and Trick nails Axiom. Melo with a Codebreaker and the top rope Rocker Dropper for the win.

Winner: Carmelo Hayes (12:34)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: Fantastic effort by these two guys, and we’d expect nothing less. Axiom looked like a star here and Melo got the win without hurting Axiom. Win-win.

After the match, Axiom moonsaults off the top onto Trick.

* McKenzie is with Grayson Waller, and he says he’s suprised Roxy is NXT Women’s Champion. He didn’t think she could do it, and he’s inspired for her so he wants his NXT Championship Match tonight. McKenzie says Bron isn’t there because he’s promoting NXT Vengeance Day, but Waller tells Bron to meet him in the ring tonight.

* Tony D’Angelo is on the phone and tells Stacks after he has a North American Title shot, and it was Wes Lee’s idea. He tells Stacks to tell Dijak to stay out of it. Grayson Waller shows up, asks if they’ve seen Bron and says if Tony sees him, let him know.

Nikkita Lyons vs. Zoey Stark

Lyons attacks Stark before the bell. They get in the ring and the match is on! Stark sent into the ropes and is hit with a spin kick. Lyons sends Starks into the corner and drives the shoulder in, she sends Stark across the ring and comes in with a knee. Repeated shots to Zoey, who flees to the outside. Lyons chases her, Zoey slides back in and out before sending Lyons into the ringpost. She drives Lyons into the apron and rolls her in, following for a choke into the middle rope for a four-count.

Lyons in the corner, Zoey chops her chest. They start trading chops, Starks takes over and snapmares her before locking in a chinlock and then wrenching on the nose. Elbows and back into the chinlock to wear Lyons down. Lyons to her feet eventually but Starks slams her down. She talks trash and goes for a kick, Lyons dodges and nails Stark. Half-and-half suplex and kicks to Stark, cover for two.

Lyons charges Zoey in the corner, Zoey dodges and hits a BIG kick. Waistlock but Lyons elbows out, Zoey with a dropkick to Starks. Kick to the back of the head, cover for two and Zoey with some more trash talk before she goes up top. She springboards but Lyons dodges, Samoan drop and a cover for two.

Starks with a superkick to Lyons but Lyons sends Starks into the apron. Rollup for one, Starks reverses and grabs the ropes for the pin.

Winner: Zoey Starks (5:22)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Appropriately heated match here. The cheap win was kind of expected because this feud wasn’t going to end yet. Perfectly fine bout.

* McKenzie is with Cora Jade and asks her about nearly winning the Iron Survivor, which Roxy used to get the title. She says Roxy is the luckiest person alive and it was supposed to be her moment. Wendy Choo charges in and attacks, officials hold them back.

* Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs, and Brooks Jensen are at Fallon’s parents’ bar and things look grim. Brooks says something will come out right and they talk about winning the NXT Tag Team Championships tonight. Kiana James walks in with her assistant and starts appraising things. Fallon asks what she’s doing here, and Briggs says she’s not welcome. Kiana says she’s taken care of Fallon’s financial woes and she talked to the bank, noting that she paid off her bills and soon she can buy it outright from the bank and do what she wants with it.

Fallon calls her a bitch, and Kiana says she prefers “businessperson.” Fallon wants a match where the bar goes to the winner. Kiana accepts.

NXT Tag Team CHampionship Match
Kayden Carter & Katana Chance vs. Ivy Nile & Tatum Paxley vs. Toxic Attraction

Kayden and Gigi start it off. Lockup, Gigi decks Kayden and sends her into the corner, Jacy tags in and gets whipped into Kayden. Bronco Buster by Gigi, cannoball by Jacy, cover for two. Jacy sends Kayden into the ropes, Nile tags herself in and wraps Jacy up for one.

Ivy rolls Jacy around the ring and sends her into the corner, jumpking kick. Tatum tags in, double suplex and a kippup. Ivy flips Paxley into a moonsault on Jacy for two. Nile back in, she comes off the ropes but Jacy with a forearm and a roaring elbow. Things break down, the champs send everyone out and dive onto them on the outside as we go to break.

Back from break as Gigi has Ivy in a surfbord, but Ivy counters into a cover for one. Ivy tries to tag in Tatum but Gigi stops her, takes her down, and knocks Paxley off the apron. Carter tags in and lays into Gigi, sending her into the corner. Tatum tags in but gets knocked down, Kayden with a dropkick on Gigi into a splash on Tatum for two.

My feed gets a bit wacky but Paxley is fighting with Kayden on the roep. Katana chance tags in and hits a super-rana, she covers but gets broken up by Ivy. Things go into chaos and everyone takes everyone down.

Ivy tags in and grabs Katana, putting her on her shoulders. Katana wiggles off, Gigi tags herself in but Ivy drops her for a two-count. Gigi fires back and tags in Jacy, doulble kicks and a senton by Jacy to cover, but Kayden breaks it up. Jacy splashes Ivy in the corner, she goes for a cannonball but Ivy moves! Tatum tags in and goes up top, she gets pulled by Ivy into Jacy for the two-count but it’s broken up. Jacy with a neckbreaker to Ivy, she gets tagged out by Katana though who hits Eat Defeat. They go for the finisher, Tatum breaks it up. Ivy locks in a dragon sleeper, Kayden flips it over and covers for three!

Winner: Katana Chance & Kayden Carter (10:08)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Very good work by all six women here. Ivy and Tatum looked like a threat for the first time as a team, Toxic Attraction worked great as the heels and the champs were solid as always. No complaints.

* We get a vignette for Ora Mensah where he hangs out at the club and talks about how music and wrestling have the same frenetic energy. Sure.

* Booker T does a sit-down interview with Roxy and says she’s the one. She says it was a mix of emotions, and she was overwhelmed. She didn’t expect for it to happen, but she pulled it off. She talks about walking into Booker’s school and wanting to be in WWE. Booker says it’s been a meteoric rise, and Roxy talks about her accolades within the first nine months. Booker asks why she took her shot last week, and she says she remembered Booker saying ‘You need to bet on yourself’ when she got her tryout. She says those words ran through her head when Mandy attacked her and she took her shot. Booker congratulates her.

Roxy asks Booker if he has any advice. He says he’s always been about checks and championships. She’s going to be nervous and have butterflies, and that she knows what she has to do: go out there and win and make history. He says everyone’s proud of her and it’s only going to get tougher, but she’ll represent.

* Apollo Crews comes out to the ring for his promo. He says before he gets started, he has to congratulate Roxy on her win. It was very well-deserved. Now, he thought he’d be leaving Deadline as new NXT Champion; he knew it in his heart. It was his night, the vision was clear. He had his opportunity to capture the title that he came back to this building and energy for. We all saw what happened and it didn’t go down like that. He knows he’s been knocked down a few pegs, but that’s okay because he’s not out of title contention. He says Waller and Bron will battle at NXT New Year’s Evil, and three weeks later is Vengeance Day when he wants his shot.

Melo is out here! He says that he’s next in line for contention. He says Apollo has it all, but not what Melo has which is next in line. Melo says he has no problem putting a future HOFer in the rafters. Crews says he expected more of Melo and that Melo has everything he needs. He has the cool look, the the swag, the drip. But the one thing he doesn’t have? Melo says if he means the NXT Championship, neither does Crews.

Melo talks shit as Crews says the one thing he doesn’t understand: no matter how good Melo thinks he is, there’s always — ALWAYS — somebody better. Crews says name the time and place, and he’ll show Melo he is.

* The New Day are backstage when Pretty Deadly show up with presents. New Day say they’re the #1 contenders if they got everything on the Christmas list including the Brawl For All trophy, Kamala’s mask, and everything else. Kit says they didn’t get everything and says Nailz’s prison outfit is still in jail. Elton promises to pledge allegiance to the flag but inflation is rampant. New Day do the NXT World Tag Team Champions thing, and PD are not happy. New Day walk off.

* Backstage, Alba Fyre walks — right into red mist by Isla Dawn!

* Malik, Edris, and Odyssey are having fun when they run into Ava Raine. Raine says the feeling they’re chasing is temporary. Edris says it ain’t that deep, but they don’t believe in that Schism bullshit. The Schism walk in and talk shit before walking off.

* Alba is backstage with the medical team who are checking her out when Grayson Waller comes in and asks about Bron. He walks off.

Indi Hartwell vs. Elektra Lopez

Indi goes right at Elektra to start and hits a big boot for one, but Elektra fires back with a Thesz press. Indi goes up and over Elektra in the corner and knocks her down, Lopez comes back and hits a couple kicks. They go to the outside, Lopez sends Indi shoulder-first into the ringpost and rolls her in. Knees to Indi’s back, elbowdrop for two.

Lopez goes into the chinlock, Indi back to her feet but she gets yanked down for another two-count. Back into the chinlock as she wears Indi down. Indi gets to her knees but gets pulled back down, Elektra with knees to the back and then into the chinlock. Indi manages to roll Lopez up for two, then takes her down with a couple of clotheslines.

Lopez out to the apron, Indi grabs her and hits an uppercut. Cover for two. Irish whip, Lopez ducks a clothesline, they crossbody each other and fall to the mat. Both women are slow to get up, Lopez with a kick to Indi’s head and she goes up but Indi pulls her back. Lopez falls on Indi for three. Apparently she had knuckles.

Winner: Elektra Lopez (3:35)
Rating: **
Thoughts: Lackluster match, no time given, deflating ending. Yeah, this was not good.

* Alba says she’s fine and to just clear her. The official says she’s cleared, and she gets ready.

* McKenzie asks Wes Lee about his match with Tony D next week, and he says he refuses to be a reactionary champion. He says after he beats Tony he can move on. He takes opponents one at a time and is looking at the one with the biggest mouth first. After that, he knows he has Dijak.

Sol Ruca vs. Alba Fyre

Before the match, Isla pulls Alba off the apron and attacks her. She traps Alba’s hand in the ring steps, grabs the bat and slams it into the steps. Isla laughs and is rodered off as officials come to tend to Alba.

* It’s CHASE U TIME! They’re having their holiday party. Chase says it’s been a tough simester and he gets a sweater from Thea, cookies from others, and a fruitcake from Scott. He says he’s allergic to fruitcake. Several others with fruitcakes slip out of line.

Duke Hudson thought Secret Santa was Thursday, and he says that the Dean wants to talk to one of the guys about his scholarship not rolling over. He takes his gift and walks up, giving Chase the guy’s gift which is a plaque that says “#1 Professor Andre Chase.” They get a group hug.

* McKenzie is with Briggs, Jensen and Fallon. Briggs says the bar will be dealt with later; tonight they’re going balls to the wall with The New Day. Jensen says he said last week that 2023 will be their year. They prepare to leave and Kiana walks in — but she didn’t want to talk to Fallon, she wanted to wish Jensen luck. They awkwardly leave and Kiana tells McKenzie she’s all business but still a woman.

* Earlier today: Drew Gulak was working with a guy in the ring. Hank Walker walks up and says he saw Gulak scouting, and he isn’t afraid of the hard work. He asks Gulak for advice. Drew says he admires Hank’s zeal and says he’s hosting a seminar next week and he wants Hank to attend and observe.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match
The New Day vs. Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen

Kofi and Brooks start off and lockup, Kofi gets sent to the mat. Lock back up, Kofi gets Brooks in the corner and chops him. He ducks a shot and smacks Brooks in the back. Sent into the corner, goes up and over Brooks and showboats a bit. Kofi sent into the ropes and is bodyblocked down. Brooks catches Kofi and hits a powerslam for one.

Woods tags in and they go into a lockup. Woods put in the corner, he hits a back elbow and goes for a crossbody off the top but Brooks catches him. Woods slides down and they go into the ropes, Woods with a spinning elbow and a splash in the corner. Kofi tags in for a splash, Woods with a splash, front dropkick by Kofi. Stomps by Kofi, Woods back in and gets whiped by Kofi into a basement dropkick, cover for two.

Whip into the ropes, Jensen tags in Briggs off the ropes and hits a bulldog. Briggs in now, they run over New Day and hang them on the bottom rope — sliding uppercut as we go to PIP break.

Back from break and Brooks grabs Woods’ foot to prevent the tag, but Woods with an enzuigiri. Kiana watches from the stands as Kofi tags in and comes off the top rope on Jensen. Chops and a dropkick, crossbody off the top for two. Kofi with a double legdrop, followed by Trouble in Paradise but Brooks catches him. SOS but Jensen grabs the bottom rope, Brooks is bleeding from the mouth. Kofi goes for the SOS again, Brooks counters but gets rana’d.

Briggs tags in hot and takes out Kofi, then leaps off the apron onto Woods. Kofi dives over the top but is caught, and Briggs bounces Kofi off the ropes for a shot and then the same to Woods. Briggs with a big boot, Jensen covers but only gets two.

Jensen grabs Kofi and picks him up, throwing him in the corner. Briggs in, they get Kofi on the top rope and climb — Jensen leaves to stop Woods and Kofi escapes. Briggs with a back kick, he goes up top, HUGE Moonsaul! Cover for only two! Everyone is shocked!

Briggs picks Kofi up, puts him on his shoulders, Jensen goes up top but is pushed off by Woods. Poisonrana by Kofi, Trouble in Paradise. Woods tags in, Kofi takes out Jensen, top rope elbowdrop for three!

Winner: The New Day (11:09)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: Major high spot here with that moonsault, and it was a solid if not amazing match outside of that. No way New Day was losing here.

After the match we get the babyface show of respect.

* Stacks is practicing what he’s going to say to Dijak, then walks into the locker room.

* Waller says he can’t find Bron, but Bron knows where to find him — in the ring.

* In the parking lot, Ivy and Tatum are asked if they’ll stay as a team and say yes. The Creeds are proud of them. Indus Sher walk up and say the Creeds are cleared? Julius says yes, but they aren’t sure. Juilius says he’s facing JD next week.

Set For Next Week:
– NA Title Match: Wes Lee vs. Tony D’Angelo
– Wendy Choo vs. Cora Jade
– Battle For the Bar: Fallon Henly vs. Kiana James
– Schism vs. Odyssey, Malik and Edris

* Here comes Grayson Waller to the ring. He asks where Bron is and says he’s calling his shot: he wants the NXT Championship here and now. Oh, wait, he forgot: Bron’s a coward. He says he’s carried NXT on his back in 2022, making moment after moment after moment. There isn’t a man or woman on any WWE roster that can do what he can do. He’s the greatest star, the greatest Iron Survivor, and soon to be the greatest champion of all time. Bron likes to bark because he has that dog in him, but he doesn’t think Bron’s a dog — he thinks he’s an absolute —

Bron is here! He’s in the parking lot and heading to the ring! Grayson says he isn’t scared of no one as Breakker comes out to the ring. Bron runs into the ring and tackles Grayson down, but both of them are unmoving. Grayson gets up slowly, and he has a vest on under his jacket. Nice callback. He gets a mic and says he outsmarted Bron and at New Year’s Evil, he’ll outsmart him one more time and become NXT Champion. Because that is the Grayson Waller Effect.

Grayson poses with the title over a fallen Bron. And with that, we’re done for the night!

The final score: review Average
The 411
WWE had less overall matches on this week's NXT, but they were all better for it. The show began the hard build to New Year's Evil in a couple of weeks and we had some solid feud building, though I can't say anything truly stood out. This is a transitional episode and there's nothing wrong with that, though this can't be said to be the most memorable of shows.

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WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas