wrestling / TV Reports
Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 8.24.21

Hello there, NXT fans! It’s another Tuesday evening, which means it’s time for another episode of NXT! I’m Jeremy Thomas as always, and tonight we have the fallout from NXT Takeover 36 when Samoa Joe became NXT Champion and we lost two of the brand’s top heels in Karrion Kross (or Demolition Kross as I guess we can call him now) and Adam Cole. There’s big changes afoot in NXT, so in the words of the wise Ray Arnold:
In the meantime, we also have the NXT Breakout Tournament Finals tonight as well as Hit Row taking on Legado del Fantasma. And without further ado, let’s get right into it.
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
* Cameron Grimes arrives at the CWC looking snazzy in his Million Dollar Vest with Ted DiBiase. We get some pics of Grimes beating LA Knight at NXT Takeover 36 with Ted’s aid before they make their way down to the ring. Ted said that when he first showed up, people wondered what he was doing there but eventually everyone realized he was looking for that guy who could carry on the legacy and be the Million Dollar Champion. That person would have to be strong of body, mind and heart, the latter being where it’s at. He says Grimes has never been a quitter and kept getting up until he became Million Dollar Champion.
Grimes says that Ted drove him nuts when he showed up, which Ted says was on purpose because he was testing him. Grimes says he’s glad because he was losing sight due to his money. But he didn’t have an accomplishment that made him something, but he realized as he was scrubbing toilets and picking up trash that he couldn’t let DiBiase do that. So they took care of LA Knight together at Takeover and Grimes became Million Dollar Champion.
Grimes says that as he stands there, worn out from celebration with Ted, his question now is where he goes now. Ted says he knows where — it’s time to go TO! THE! MOON! Money goes flying out into the crowd as Wade Barrett facepalms. (Sorry fans in attendance, it’s fake money.)
* We then get the requisite highlight montage from NXT Takeover 36.
* Holland vs. Thatcher is next.
* Hit Row has arrived at the Capitol Wrestling Center ready for their match with Legado tonight in the main event.
Ridge Holland vs. Timothy Thatcher
They go right into the lockup and then begin trading Euro uppercuts before Thatcher locks in a headbutt and gets shot into the ropes for a shoulderblock that doesn’t put Holland down. Holland shoots Thatcher into the ropes and takes him down, but Thatcher right back into strikes and then goes for a leg submission. Holland blocks so Thatcher goes into mounted punches, Holland shoves him off and fires back. Timmy goes for a backslide but Holland blocks it, knocks Thatcher down and then slams him down. Cover gets two.
Holland up and Thatcher with kicks to the leg but Holland takes over with fists to the face. Holland pounds on Timmy’s back but Thatcher fires back, then gets reverse whipped into the ropes into a back elbow for two. Holland lays into Holland with an overhead shot and some kicks, he yells at Thatcher to get up so he does and strikes, belly to belly from Thatcher gets one. Thatcher goes for the armlock but Holland blocks it. Thatcher keeps going for it but Holland gets to his feet so Thatcher tries to stretch him for a bit, then knees him in the chest. Holland pops up and grabs Thatcher around the arm and neck for a suplex throw.
Thatcher goes for a standing switch but Holland goes for the arm submission. Standing switch by Thatcher, uppercut to the back of the head and he tries for an armbar but Holland gets free and knocks Thatcher out of the ring as we go to PIP break.
We’re back and Holland controlled throughout the break, wearing Thatcher down until Thatcher fought back with uppercuts. They’re trading shots back and forth, Thatcher with a leaping enzuigiri and then a bodyslam that sends Holland’s leg into the ropes. Thatcher locks in a single-leg crab and Ciampa yells at Holland from outside. Holland gets turned back around and kicks Thatcher until he’s free, then stands up into an overhead slam to the chest. Thatcher with another enzuigiri attempt but he gets slapped down, and Holland with a headbutt and a powerslam driver for the pinfall.
Winner: Ridge Holland (10:34)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: This was EASILY Holland’s best match in NXT yet, and while a LOT of that is due to his opponent, Holland was also much more on his game here. This Ridge Holland I am totally here for.
Holland attacks Ciampa after but Ciampa takes control and even knocks Dunne out of the ring until — Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch are here! They double team Ciampa and get him in the ring where Holland headbutts him down. Thatcher attacks Holland and briefly stops him, but Dunne distracts him and Holland hits a truncheon shot to the throat. The foursome back off as Ciampa tends to Thatcher.
* Asked how big tonight’s match is for him in a sit-down interview, Carmelo Hayes says this is his biggest opportunity yet because he can earn a title shot. He’s asked about his aggressive mentality since he arrived, and Hayes says that he simply goes in not thinking he’s an underdog. He says a lot of hard work and perseverance went into his journey to NXT. Asked how he prepped for Jones, he said you can’t prep for him because there’s no one like him, putting over his speed and skill. Asked what’s next if he wins, Hayes says we’re gonna have to find out and he’s taking things one match at a time, but he will hold a championship at the end of the road.
* We’re back with a recap of Indi Hartwell’s proposal to Dexter Lumis, then go to McKenzie backstage with the couple. She asks how it’s been and she says it’s amazing. She says that being in love is great and so is being engaged, talking about all the things they do together. McKenzie asks about a wedding date, and Dexter silently hands over an invite for three weeks from now.
Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter vs. Gigi Dolan & Jacy Jayne
Gigi & Kayden start, and Kayden trips Dolan up and cartwheels over her, then rolls her up but Kacy tags in and the heels get sent out of the ring while the babyfaces mock them. Jacy distracts Kacy and Gigi attacks, then splashes her in the corner and tags in Jacy. Bronco Buster by Dolan, Jacy collides with Kacy and takes control. Stomps to Catanzaro and she fights back but gets shoved into the corner. Dolan tags in, whips her into a short-arm shoulder block. Hard whip into the hostile corner, quick tags by the heels and a backbreaker by Jacy into a clothesline and cover for two. Dolan throws Kacy through the ropes and jaws with Kayden, but Kacy takes out Gigi and tags in Kayden who comes in hot. Charging dropkick on Jayne that is also a splash onto Dolan, she covers for two.
Dolan fires back with a shot and tags in Jayne, Dolan whips Carter into a pump kick and Kace breaks it up. Kayden tags in Kacy, they go for the neckbreaker/450 for the win.
Winner: Kacy Catanzaro & Kayden Carter (4:04)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: Okay I am a TikTok user and enjoy it, but “the TikTok Tag Team” is a stupid moniker and they’re pushing it harder and more futilely than Sisyphus with that damned boulder. That said, the in-ring action was good here but the match was too short and I question the booking. They hype Dolan and Jayne and then have them lose to Kacy and Kayden, who have no heat to them? Why? If they push Kacy and Kayden at last then fine, but I’m questioning that.
* Mitchell asks Raquel about her win over Dakota Kai and Raquel puts Kai over as tough, saying she knows this isn’t over yet. Asked about Kay Lee Ray, she says she’s been waiting for KLR to come in. Franky Monet and the Robert Stone Brand come in, and Monet says that she’s not going to have to worry about Kay Lee or Dakota because she’s gonna take her shine, and her title.
* Arash Markazi asks Odyssey Jones about tonight, and he says it’s huge for him and the chance to earn a title shot is exciting. Asked how he’s so positive, he talks about how he had bad things in his life and has learned to be positive in the fact of it. He talks about his journey from football to WWE and how it completes him. He talks about the significance of his name and when asked what’s next for him, he says he’s not looking past Hayes and puts him over as a tough talent, the toughest he’s faced so far. But he has to win.
Valentina Feroz vs. Kay Lee Ray
They circle and lock up, Ray grabs her and immediately starts working the arm. Feroz rolls out and ducks a shot, laying in some elbows but KLR shoves her off and then hits a front suplex on her. Big kick to the head by Ray and Feroz fights back but is caught in a bodyslam. Ray with a kneedrop and a cover for two. Ray yanks Feroz’ head back for a couple seconds, then slams Feroz into the corner. Chop by Ray, Feroz fights back but gets taken down. Hard whip into the corner by Ray, folllowed by a nother but Feroz gets the foot up and then takes over briefly. Ray gets whipped into a superkick, then a Gory bomb for three.
Winner: Kay Lee Ray (2:50)
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: It was the squash match it needed to be, and that’s all we need to say..
* Samoa Joe is here as we go to break.
* Asked about their loss, Jacy and Gigi scoff. Mandy Rose shows up and says if they don’t want to feel this way again to come with her and never look back. They look at each other, shrug, and follow.
* Samoa Joe is here! He comes out and says at NXT Takeover 36 he stood across the ring from the most dominant champion in NXT history (if you say so), then beat him up and became the first three-time NXT CHampion. He says tonight should be for celebration but he didn’t come to celebrate because he knows that being NXT Champion is being king in a land of savages, and there’s no time to celebrate. He says he noticed when he arrived that the tension was a bit more palpable, the handshakes a little colder. He calls out the locker room for the person with the guys to come out and face him.
That brings out PETE DUNNE! Dunne makes the slow walk to the ring and says that Joe’s faced him long enough to know the truth. He doesn’t care how many times Joe’s held the title, he’s not the toughest man around her. He tells Joe to go into the back, find Regal and make the match, and don’t make him provoke.
And now LA Knight is out to interrupt! Knight says it’s Knight Time, which is the right time every day. He says those chills Joe has going down his spine is chills, and what he’s looking at is, title or not, the Million Dollar Mega star. He says that it took Joe all night to take out a guy he could have destroyed in 43 seconds. He says he’s out here to be Joe’s first challenge and thus his last one. He goes to get in the ring and Dunne says if he does, he’ll break all his fingers.
And now we have Kyle O’Reilly! KOR comes down and says “Samoa Joseph, Peter Dune, we know each other well enough.” But he doesn’t know “La Knight” so he’s going to introduce himself and says Knight’s only chance of winning anything is a Steve Austin vest knockoff competition. He says he respects Joe and isn’t out there to talk his way into a title match because he’s earned —
AND RIDGE HOLLAND ATTACKS KOR! Meanwhile, Dunne faces off with Joe — AND GETS ATTACKED BY CIAMPA! Holland comes down and attcks Ciampa, while Knight tries to cheap shot Joe and gets taken down. Joe stands tall in the ring and stares off with Dunne and Holland, who back off.
* Grimes and DiBiase walk outside and say what a ride it’s been. DiBiase says all good things come to an end. Grimes says he’s thought about it a lot and says that the Million Dollar Belt is his legacy, and he gives it over. DiBiase says no, and hands it back. Grimes is happy but says it doesn’t sound right — DiBiase switched the title with a replica. He laughs maniacally and drives off, and Grimes shakes his head with a smile. “That Damn DiBiase!”
* We get a vignette previewing the NXT Breakout Tournament finale, which is next.
* Mitchell asks O’Reilly about being attacked by Holland when Duke Hudson walks up and mocks him. Kyle attacks Duke and gets slammmed into the lockers, then attacks again. Security breaks them up
NXT Breakout Tournamet Finals
Carmelo Hayes vs. Odyssey Jones
The two circle a bit before going into a lockup, and Jones pushes Hayes onto the top rope. Hayes comes off with a headlock and gets pushed off. Handshake between the two and Hayes uses that chance for a leaping headlock, but he gets pushed off and then flung across the ring by Jones. Hayes rolls to the outside, Jones comes out and rolls him in, but Hayes with a dropkick as Jones enters. Hayes goes for a knee but gets caught, Hayes gets an enzuigiri and springboards off the ropes, only to get caught and slammed as we go on break.
Back from break and Hayes is battering Jones’ thigh in the corner with kicks but gets booted down. Hayes leaps in but gets caught and set on the ropes, Jones beats on Hayes until he falls to the mat. Jones charges in but Hayes moves, Hayes leaps up into a sleeper. Jones pushes him off but Hayes locks in a front facelock to wear Odyssey down. Odyssey tries to fight his way out but Hayes cinches it in until Jones finally shoves him off – Hayes with a pump kick off the ropes, then a springboard forearm and another pump kick! Jumping knee, then he leaps up into a spinning armdrag and a bicycle kick to cover for two. Hayes lies in wait and charges in, but Jones with a big shoulderbreaker and both men are down.
Jones crawls over, but Hayes escapes to the outside. Jones reaches out bit gets kicked in the head, Hayes back in and moves as Jones charges, Jones hits the pole shoulder-first. Hayes up top, top-rope scissor kick! Jones is already getting back up though, so Hayes goes up one more time — and Jones moves! Big splash by Odyssey, covers but Hayes rolls him over and gets the pinfall!
Winner: Carmelo Hayes (10:31)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: There really wasn’t a wrong choice here, both guys have a lot of potential and talent. But I think Hayes was always gonna be the guy, that was clear when he came out and pushed guys like Kushida and O’Reilly before the tournament was announced. The match was solid, it never really got fully into third gear but there was nothing particularly bad about it. On the whole, a totally acceptable match and end to the tournament.
Hayes shakes Jones’ hand after the match. Regal joines Hayes on the ramp and congratulates Hayes, saying he more than deserves the title shot he’s received. Hayes takes the contract and is asked what’s next for him. He gives Jones props for being a tough competitor and says it’s too early to decide who he’s going to face, but he called his shot and got here. And when Carmelo Hayes shoots, he doesn’t miss.
* The foursome of Pete Dunne, Holland, Lorcan and Burch are backstage and Dunne says he doesn’t care how many people will interrupt him, Joe knows how this ends: he’s the new champion when they face off. Burch and Lorcan talk about how they never lost the titles, and Holland says that he’s going to put Thatcher and Ciampa on the shelf.
* Boa says another victim will fall to Tian Sha tonight.
* Next Week: Ilja Dragunov returns to NXT!
Boa vs. Xyon Quinn
Boa attacks Quinn with a big kick to start and starts dominating Quinn with kicks and knees. Whip into the ropes, short-arm knee. Another Irish whip into a big fist, then kicks and stomps in the corner. Mei Ying stands and Boa bows to her, Quinn uses the distracted for a forearm out the corner and a pin for three.
Winner: Xyon Quinn (1:06)
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: The match wasn’t even a good squash match or shocking upset. Boa lost to a weak charging forearm, for Christ’s sake. This was all for the angle, but it was still “huffing Whip-Its” level of stupid.
After the match, Quinn reconsiders going down the ramp where Mei Ying is and goes through the crowd. Ying is not happy with Boa.
* Gargano is backstage with Regal and says that he always sees Regal as an unspoken member of the family. “Where there’s a Will…iam there’s a Way!” He wants Regal to cancel the wedding but Regal refuses, saying it’ll be good TV especially watching Johnny go Cuckoo Bananas. Johnny and Regal argue about the pronunciation of bananas when Knight comes in and complains about the segment with Joe, but Regal shoves them both out of the office.
* Our main event is next.
* Malcolm Bivens is at the Diamond Mine and narrates Strong teaching a training class and says that next week Strong will issue an open challenge to everyone, and prove to Kushida and the world what a champion he is.
* Set for Next Week:
– Tommaso Ciampa vs. Ridge Holland
Hit Row vs. Legado del Fantasma
Legado is in full luchador regalia, but they take it off before the match and attack Hit Row. Top Dolla is along in the right with the trio and gets held while Santos comes off the ropes, but B-Fab trips him. The croneys get pilled off Top Tolla, and then the bell rings with Dolla pounding on Escobar. Escobar manages to tag in Wilde, but Dolla takes over and drags him over to tag in Ashante, whipping him into a shoulder tackle on Wilde. Wilde fights back and whips Ashante to the ropes, but Ashante decks Mendoza and catches Wilde in the corner for a monkey flip. Wilde tries to run in and gets decked, then another monkey flip sends him out of the ring. Mendoza kicked off the apron, Adonis springboards to the outside, drops down to the floor and takes Wilde out, and we’re on PIP break.
During the break, Legado managed to take over the match and we come back with Mendoza wearing down Swerve with punches and knees. Swerve tries to get to his corner but gets clotheslined in the back of the head and then Euro uppercutted into the corner. Legado do quick tags to keep beating on Swerve in the corner. Escobar with a delayed suplex on Swerve and tags in Mendoza and then Wilde, elevated splash onto Swerve for two. Wilde pounds on Swerve and gets another nearfall. Mendoza back in, knife-edge chops but Swerve dodges a clothesline and kicks Mendoza. Wilde tags in and prevents Swerve from tagging in, it gets crazy but Top Dolla tags in and comes in hot, wiping out Escobar. Big charging splash on Escobar in the corner and a sidewalk slam. He backward rolls to his feet, comes off the ropes and hits a big elbow drop. Cover broken up by WIlde and Mendoza, and Dolla shoves Mendoza into the corner, picks up Wilde, puts Mendoza on top of Wilde — Escobar leaps and DOlla catches him! He slams Escobar and Wilde while Mendoza falls off his back. Razor’s Edge but Escobar slides off, things get super-chaotic and Legado takes control. Ashante given a double spinebuster and a splash by Wilde, cover gets two. Adonis fights back and throws Wilde out, but Mendoza got the tag and takes him down, Michinoku driver and cover but Swerve with a kick to the head to break it up. Swerve tags in, Escobar tag in, they trade blows, Escobar comes off the ropes into a Rolling Thunder Flatliner. Swerve up top, Hit Row takes out the other Ledgao members, 450 but Escobar tags out! Escobar goes to the outside, Swerve to the apron but Santos trips him! Swerve into the ring, B-FAB pushes Santos into the ringpost and Electra Lopez is out there. SHE NAILS B-FAB with a steel pipe! Lopez throws the pipe to Swerve, that distraction allows for the roll-up pin.
Winner: Legado del Fantasma (13:57)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: Look, I know not everyone is a big fan of Hit Row’s gimmick and I get it, I don’t love the gimmick. But this match was a fast paced blast that I couldn’t even keep up with. Adding Lopez to Legado is a nice move and I’m fine with Legado getting the win. Good stuff all around.
And with that, we’re done for the night!
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