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Nick Aldis Supports NWA Using Jim Cornette for TV Tapings, Tells Fans to Lighten Up

October 8, 2019 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Jim Cornette

– Last month, Flagged Sports published an article by NWA Worlds heavyweight champion Nick Aldis, who defended the ever-controversial Jim Cornette working the recent NWA Powerrr TV tapings as part of the broadcast team. The article was before the tapings were held. Cornette’s personality and remarks on his podcast and social media tend to gain him a great deal of notoriety. Below are some highlights of Aldis addressing the use of Cornette in NWA.

Aldis on the response to Cornette working the tapings: “I was expecting the usual smattering of unwarranted speculation, criticism and of course, advice from the anonymous expert community also known as the internet wrestling community (even though we’re all on the internet, but I’m old enough to remember when some were not) but I have to admit even I was surprised by some of the responses.”

Aldis on why fans should lighten up: “This may come as a shock, but I don’t keep abreast of every single petty online wrestling squabble, so I asked a couple of trusted contemporaries why this time seemed unusually aggressive and was brought up to speed on some of the latest corny beefs (see what I did there?) and while I’m not going to weigh in on any of them specifically, it highlighted a broader question I find myself asking more than I should; why are we all wasting so much time being so damn sensitive? But guys, please lighten the f*** up. Your dollars are not worth any more than anyone else’s, regardless of how much time you spend dissecting how the sausage is made, liking one style does not disqualify you from enjoying another and does not put you in an opposing camp, you’re allowed to watch one show or one hundred shows, and please remember that there’s a big difference between making observations and ‘throwing shade.'”

Aldis on why he’s fine with the decision to have Cornette in NWA: “It’s not my decision to make, but if it were, I would have Jim Cornette too, because he’s the best extemporaneous speaker in the history of the business along with the late Bobby Heenan. Guess what? … I don’t have to agree with everything someone says about our industry to work with them or to enjoy their work. And no, that’s not me saying I agree or disagree with Jim on his opinions.”

“You know why? Because I choose to keep that to myself and really, who gives a shit? And in case you’re wondering, yes I see the irony in me asking that question in a published article! But I get paid to do this so that qualifies it as important to me because this is my business not a hobby.”