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Jim Cornette Under Fire For Insulting Jordynne Grace’s Appearance On Twitter

August 19, 2019 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Jim Cornette Impact 2

Jim Cornette is trending on Twitter today and it’s not for a good reason. He took offense to something Jordynne Grace said back in 2018 and instead of discussing the matter she brought up, he took shots at her appearance. This didn’t go over well with people on the internet and so he’s been taking fire for it all morning. Others have accused him of being sexist for making the comment. It’s not the first time he’s been under fire for something like this, as comments he made about Sonny Kiss earlier this year were seen as homophobic and David Starr has accused Cornette of being racist. You can see many of the tweets from Cornette, some of the fans and Grace herself below. Even David Starr jumps in at one point.




