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Jim Ross Blogs On Jerry Brisco, Steve Austin, Lashley vs. Fedor, More

July 22, 2009 | Posted by Larry Csonka

– Jim Ross has a new blog up, here are the highlights…

On Jerry Brisco: Spoke with Jerry Brisco Tuesday afternoon while “in hurry up and wait mode” in Richmond. Jerry’s doctors are extremely happy with the HOF’er’s progress and expect him to make a full recovery from heart surgery after a few months rest. Having three months off sounds pretty intriguing to me but having to have heart surgery to facilitate such hopefully isn’t in my cards. Jerry’s speech and strength are making a big comeback!

On WWEclassics.com: Yours truly did a WWEClassics.com feature this week at TV on The Great Muta and his WCW years on “J.R.’s Picks.” Muta was a huge star in the late 80’s and early 90’s and could have been one of the hottest fan favorites ever in WCW if wrestling politics had not reared its ugly head. Imagine that, politics in ‘rasslin. Muta created, as best I know, the move the “Shining Wizard” and was once even billed by his manager, Gary Hart who was SO underrated, as the son of the Great Kabuki. The son part was embellished but Muta’s abilities were not. Being on TBS in such a high profile position really catapulted Muta’s career in Japan which has been excellent for many years until knee injuries, among other injuries, have slowed down the man who moonsaulted his way into the hearts and minds of TBS wrestling fans . If you have not checked out WWEClassics.com you are missing something special. You owe it to yourself, no matter where you live, to check it out.

On Lashley vs. Fedor: Here’s hoping Bobby Lashley isn’t coerced into fighting Fedor in a couple of weeks as a last minute replacement. Lashley is still learning his new vocation and to fight one of the most dominate MMA fighters ever with little time to train and having inadequate, overall preparation for Fedor would not be smart, no matter the pay day. A Lashley loss would be predictable and a Lashley upset would be tainted because Lashley would have been a last minute substitute that Fedor would have had “little time” for which to prepare. Bobby is steering a smart, deliberate course in MMA that he should remain on for the next several months.

On Steve Austin vs. The Tax Man: Much has been made of the Steve Austin tax matter resulting from the sale of some property. Knowing Steve as well as I do, and we have not discussed this particular matter, I would assume that this is merely a clerical error and someone on the accounting or Realtor end dropped the ball. Austin is one of the most obsessed individuals I know regarding saving money and taking care of his business the right way. Austin “got it” when I used to preach to the wrestlers about saving their money, preparing for their future, getting professional financial planning and income tax help and not living beyond their means IE pay one’s bills and don’t buy too much bling. Trust me, Steve Austin won’t have any issues taking care of this $22K matter that I suspect simply fell through the cracks. I can tell you from personal experience and from dealing with accountants that things like this have happened to many of us and more often than not, if one is diligent in this area, these matters are simply oversights. Austin shares my philosophy and that is to NEVER “mess” with Uncle Sam and the IRS.

On Shaq Coming To Raw: Helluva coup for Raw to nab Shaquille O’Neal as guest host this Monday night in Washington D.C., the day after Night of Champions in Philly. Shaq should be tremendous as his personality, like the rest of him, is huge. Shaq has been a long time fan and he once told me that he DVR’ed Raw every week so that he could keep up with what was happening especially during his NBA season. Shaq has an upcoming reality show that ABC is going to air this summer which will likely get some “stretch” come Monday night. The big fellow is a legit good dude let me assure you. Could we see Shaq in the ring Monday night? I don’t know but I do suspect that the Cleveland Cavaliers would likely not be overwhelmed. I suggest the Cavs send King James to D.C. to chaperon. LeBron is a big wrestling fan too. Nice tag team.

– You can read the full blog here.


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Larry Csonka

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