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Join 411’s Live AEW Collision Coverage

August 31, 2024 | Posted by Theo Sambus
AEW Collision 8-31-24 Image Credit: AEW


Hey y’all! Theo Sambus checking in for your Collision live coverage this evening, and honestly I’m still on a high from Wembley last week. Such a fantastic live experience, with the Casino Gauntlet in particular coming off so much better in person. When I tell you I LEAPT out of my seat when Nigel McGuinness entered, it’s no exaggeration! That was wild. And as for Swerve vs Danielson, good Lord that delivered, and I was an emotional wreck by the end. When he’s locking eyes with his family, telling them he loves them as Swerve kicks him repeatedly in the chest, I legit got choked up, even on a rewatch. It gets the full five from me and will most likely be my MOTY (although I still love that absolutely sublime finish to Ospreay vs Danielson perhaps a tad more).

Anyway, sights are now firmly set forward to All Out next weekend, and the build continues tonight. FTR look to rebound after being pinned by the Bucks on Sunday, and they’ll take on Undisputed Kingdom in tag team action. The series of singles matches for Big Tom Ishii continue, as he is scheduled to take on Kyle Fletcher tonight, which could be all kinds of fun. Plus, we have a SWEET looking four-way match between Hikaru Shida, Thunder Rosa, Serena Deeb and Queen Aminata, which features some neat combinations and I am here for it. So LET’S GO!


Location: Sioux Falls, SD

Venue: Denny Sanford Premier Center

Commentators: Nigel McGuinness & Tony Schiavone


We are LIVE and after the opening credits, the music of Orange Cassidy hits, and out comes The Conglomeration members for our opening trios match.


Match One: [Trios Match] Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly, & Hologram vs The Beast Mortos, Lee Moriarty, & Johnny TV

It’s Johnny TV and O’Reilly who begin, Kyle backing Johnny into the ropes for a clean break. A series of kicks miss, O’Reilly tries for an armbreaker, Johnny twists out of it. Sunset flip attempt, Kyle switches into a jujigatame, Johnny rolls into the ropes to break it. Tag to OC, nice pop from Sioux Falls. Dropkick to the face, cover for 2. Hologram in with a monkey flip on Johnny, tags to both OC and Moriarty. Lee works over the arm of Cassidy, before Hologram comes back in. Tilt-a-whirl armdrag into a pinning combination gets a 2. Very fast exchange of pin attempts here, innovative short bomb into the ropes to bring Lee back into a pinning position. Dropkick by Hologram, Mortos in to take him out, and he lariats both Conglomeration members too. Spin kick to Hologram, but Mortos gets taken down with a huge tijeras. Moriarty cuts off a dive though, and goes for the mask, but Kyle comes in with a sleeper. Johnny applies one too, so OC jumps on his back! It’s a submission train…until Mortos charges with a big shoulder block to break it all up.

Mortos is going to fly, tornillo to the outside, but he takes out his own team! Diving knee from O’Reilly, suicide dive from OC, and Hologram is poised…springboard flipping senton to take out everyone on the floor. Back in the ring, a splash connects from Hologram, followed by a Cassidy elbow drop for 2. Mortos tags in, slaps the taste out of Cassidy’s mouth. Johnny in again, enziguri to OC. Low bridge from Cassidy sends TV to the floor, Moriarty in with a sunset flip, but OC steps out of it and tags in O’Reilly.

Strikes delivered to everyone! HUGE discus lariat from Mortos, nearly took O’Reilly’s head off. Reverse slingblade and a powerslam from Mortos, and he sets O’Reilly up in the corner for an elbow drop, gets a 2 count. Hologram back in, gets flipped overhead by Mortos but hits a tijeras on Johnny TV anyway. Bit of a ‘cute’ spot flying round the head of Mortos to take out Moriarty and TV with his legs before hitting a hurracanrana on Mortos for 2. Mortos with a spear! O’Reilly and OC toss the other guys out, and tag themselves in for some legal double teaming. O’Reilly and OC deliver repeated kicks to Mortos, but Mortos catches the legs and shoves them. Stundog Millionaire on Mortos! Pop-up Samoan drop on O’Reilly, OC with the satellite DDT in retaliation. Orange Punch, but Mortos falls into his corner. Moriarty with a German suplex on OC, dropkick, and Johnny tags in. Crucifix moonsault connects, Hologram up for a Spanish Fly off the ropes into a cradle pinning combo for the 1, 2, 3.

Winners: Hologram, Kyle O’Reilly & Orange Cassidy

Time: 15:42

Rating: ***1/4 – These random trios matches don’t really mean much or contribute to storytelling in any big way, but they’re always fun, and this was an easy watch. I still think Hologram’s offense can get a little too telegraphed, but he’s pretty innovative, which is rare in 2024.

We recap Jon Moxley’s return this past week on Dynamite.



Match Two: [Trios Match] The Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson & The Gunns) vs Premier Athletes (Tony Nese, Josh Woods & Ariya Daivari)

Austin begins this one opposite Tony Nese, but the Premier Athletes make quick tags in the early goings. Woods cheapshots Austin and delivers a release overhead suplex. Daivari in to lariat Austin for a 2 count. Double team from Daivari and Nese in the corner with stereo punches, but Austin comes back with an armdrag on Daivari out of desperation. Tag to Juice! Jabs to Woods, Left Hand of God connects, one to Nese too. Full Nelson Slam on Nese, tag to Colten as Juice springboards out to take out Daivari on the floor. Neckbreaker from Colten, dropkick to Woods for 2.

Fameasser attempt misses, Mark Sterling provides a distraction, but Colten sidesteps and Nese gets sent into Sterling. 3:10 to Yuma on Woods gets the Bang Bang Gang the 1, 2, 3.

Winners: The Bang Bang Gang

Time: 4:37

Rating: N/R – Squash City – Premier Athletes are never going to be taken seriously are they? Hopefully we can do something more with the Bang Bang Gang as they’re still very entertaining.


Video package time as Mercedes Mone reflects on defending her title against Momo Watanabe, and she throws out an open challenge to anyone to come find her, she dares them.

We hear that the winner of the 4-way Women’s match tonight will face Mercedes Mone at All Out next week for the TBS championship! The stakes just got bigger.

Shida says she’s talked about being the greatest women’s wrestler in the entire division, and tonight she will prove it. Tonight, only Shida goes out on top.



Match Three: Undisputed Kingdom vs FTR

Taven grounds Dax and walks over the back of him, so Dax chops in in response. Cash Wheeler in, double team hair tug from FTR, and Bennett manages to tag in. Middle rope missile dropkick gets a 1 count for Taven. Double back body drop from FTR, both UK members get sent to the floor as FTR stand tall. Taven back in, Dax goes for the rope-assisted suplex but Taven avoids it. Bennett in, Taven shoves Dax into the ringpost, and UK work him over in the corner while the ref restrains Cash from entering.

Pop-up right hand from Bennett, Taven follows up with the pin attempt for 2. Bennett in for a series of elbow drops, Taven back in with a rear chinlock. Dax works out of it, tries to fight both men in the corner. Rollup on Taven but Bennett distracts the ref so Dax just gets a 2. DDT from Dax, tag to Bennett, and a tag to Cash too. Dropkick to Bennett, uppercut to Taven. Flying lariat from Wheeler takes Bennett down, goes for a suplex but Bennett avoids it and hits a discus forearm. Double team from the Kingdom, but Cash comes off the top with a double flying clothesline. Stereo German suplexes from FTR! German to Bennett, Cash rolls through into a pin, 1, 2, no.

Bennett gets a crossbody on Dax, but Dax rolls into a sharpshooter. Taven breaks it up, Dax tries to apply it on him instead but Bennett gets a rollup for 2. Taven knee connects, 2 count. Bennett receives the Shatter Machine, Dax goes up top, PowerPlex connects on Matt Taven for the 1, 2, 3.

Winners: FTR

Time: 10:10

Rating: *** – Despite having a fair bit of control throughout, Undisputed Kingdom never looked like they had victory in their grasp. A decent tag, for sure, but we didn’t quite hit top gear.

Grizzled Young Veterans attack as the bell rings! Drake says AEW is where the best wrestle, and that’s why they are here. This is the second time in one week they’ve laid out the ‘living legends’. Gibson says yes they have a chip on their shoulder, but they’ve been forced to live in the shadow of FTR. GYV are here to stay in AEW, and the only name you will remember when they’re done is the Grizzled Young Veterans.

Thunder Rosa in a pre-taped promo says maybe it’s her fault that people forgot to fear her, so tonight we all get La Mera Mera.




Haha we come back from break and Lance Archer is slamming a stage hand’s head into a locker. He is taking no prisoners and destroying everyone in sight, even chokeslamming some big guy on a trunk. Archer grabs the camera and reminds us that Everybody Dies!


Match Four: [8-man tag team contest] Top Flight vs The Iron Savages & Turbo Floyd (w/ Truth Magnum)

Oh God, Top Flight have new ‘pilot’ gear and it’s kind of hilarious. Boulder wants Lio Rush, who richochets off Boulder’s shoulder. Triple team from Top Flight take Boulder down. Turbo in, Jacked Jameson tags him out though. Dante with lariats to Jameson and he delivers an Airplane spin. Airplane Spin to Bronson too! Andretti with a springboard dropkick off the back of Boulder. Dante tries an Airplane on Boulder but can’t get it. All members of Top Flight in now for an assisted suplex on Boulder! Turbo Floyd in and he hulks up, taking on all four men!

Lio suicide dives out to Bear on the outside. Flatliner from Darius, splash from Dante on Jameson gets the 1, 2, 3.

Winners: Top Flight

Time: 4:47

Rating: N/R – I laughed at the new gear, but fair play to Top Flight for trying something new, and maybe it will help add to their character as they play into it more?

Lexy Nair is with Queen Aminata and Serena Deeb, asking about their mindset. Aminata says she has an advantage as she’s been in the ring with all 3 other women this year. Deeb interrupts and says she’s the Professor, she knows this game better than anyone. Deeb has beaten all of them before, but she actually likes Aminata. She’s the best up and comer on the roster…but she’s not ready. Deeb says maybe they can work together tonight instead. Before she gives an answer, Deeb wants Aminata to just think about it.



Match Five: Tomohiro Ishii vs Kyle Fletcher

Don Callis has joined commentary to support his Family member Fletcher. Ishii and Fletcher go for shoulder tackles and devolve into forearm strikes as the bell rings. Like the Page match earlier this week, they are slugging it out, neither man backing down. Ishii finally rocks Fletcher, and now they trade shoulder blocks again until Ishii knocks Fletcher down.

Body slam from Fletcher grounds Ishii momentarily. Mounted punches in the corner by Fletcher, Ishii comes flying out of the corner with a pounce. To the apron, superkick connects from Fletcher, and he delivers a sheer drop brainbuster on Ishii on the apron!! THE MAN HAS NO NECK! On the outside, Fletcher whips Ishii sternum-first into the barricade. Fletcher kicks Ishii in the ring, but the crowd rally behind Ishii, willing him to his feet. Body slam by Fletcher as he tells the crowd to chill.

Fletcher stomps him down in the corner, but it wakes Ishii up and he steps into it. Big right forearm from Ishii knocks Fletcher back, corner lariat connects. Stalling vertical suplex by Ishii, followed by a Saito suplex for 2. Ishii is thinking piledriver perhaps, but Kyle puts the brakes on. Chop to the chest, Ishii again to the apron, and Fletcher nails a leg lariat and suicide dive to keep up the pressure. Running boot in the corner, half and half suplex but Ishii is up! German to Fletcher! Fletcher up too, discus lariats. Ishii goes for a hurracanrana! But Fletcher catches him and hits a powerbomb as both men go down.

Thrust kick from Fletcher, lariat connects, but Ishii returns fire with a headbutt. Running lariat from Ishii! 1, 2, no! Fletcher LAWN DARTS Ishii face first into the middle buckle, DAMN! Hoists him to the top rope, heads up there with him…Ishii headbutts out of it, JUMPING HURRACANRANA FROM ISHII!! Sliding lariat, 1, 2, NO!

Ishii is fired up again, but Fletcher hits the sheer drop brainbuster again for 2! Suplex attempt from Ishii blocked, thrust kick to the head by Fletcher, and again. Lariat, but Ishii is back to his feet! Runs into a tombstone piledriver from Fletcher, 1, 2, NO! Fletcher with another sickening PILEDRIVER!! 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Kyle Fletcher

Time: 12:42

Rating: **** – Now THAT’S what I’m talking about! What a week for Ishii, that man has been firing on all cylinders. 3rd match of the week for him, and he just casually busts out a jumping hurracanrana off the top, what a hero. After all that punishment, they needed a definitive climax, and that sick piledriver certainly provided it. Awesome.



We recap Dynamite events, with Danielson saying he is going to fight for this championship, and the set up for Danielson vs Jack Perry next week at All Out.

Pac is backstage with Lexy Nair, and she goes to congratulate him, but he says he is not content. They say good things come to those who wait…what a crock of crap! He is long overdue and he’s done waiting. If he had his way, he’d fight Ospreay tonight. Instead, they’ll give the fans a taste of All Out this Wednesday on Dynamite. OC and O’Reilly appear and say they’ll team with Ospreay to take on Pac and his buddies then.


Match Six: Buddy Matthews vs Komander (w/ Alex Abrahantes)

Komander attempts to control the arm, but Matthews grounds him with a side headlock. Springboard crossbody off the top from Komander is caught! But he manages to hurracanrana Matthews to the apron. Dropkick sends him to the floor, suicide dive but Matthews catches him again and suplexes him on the floor! Nice.

Matthews lawn darts Komander into the buckles and gets a decent pop for it, followed by a ‘Buddy’ chant. They spill to the outside, where Matthews chops Komander against the railings. Matthews drops Komander back-first into the ring apron, and climbs up with him. Komander catches a kick, ties up the leg of Matthews, but Buddy comes right back with a rising knee with the free leg! Tijeras into a DDT through the ropes from Komander! Kicks to the legs from Komander, but a European uppercut turns the tables again. Spin kick to the midsection by Buddy, thrust kick from Komander and an enziguri…Buddy goes or a suplex, slip behind and Komander nails a poisonrana. Matthews to the floor, Komander connects with the tope suicida this time.

Back in the ring, springboard moonsault is caught, but Komander spins into a tornado DDT for 2. Rising knee in the corner from Matthews, Komander escapes, tiger fient kick to sweep the legs, dives into a rising knee! Matthew’s Law connects! 1, 2 , 3!

Winner: Buddy Matthews

Time: 9:55

Rating: ***1/2 – Very nice outing from these two; I’m a sucker for a Buddy Matthews singles match. Komander has been used more sparingly as of late, and he was a welcome addition to the card here, looking good throughout.

Brody King comes out to celebrate with Buddy Matthews post-match. And MxM Collection appear on the Tron! Next week is Fashion Week and they plan on making a fashion statement. They will make them into the House of Black and Blue, and send them back to Hell. “Prepare to get House of Blacked” Oh man, these guys are great. Matthews on the mic simply says “It’s your funeral.” House of Black vs MxM Collection is set for next week. Love it.



Match Seven: [Winner faces Mercedes Mone at All Out] Hikaru Shida vs Thunder Rosa vs Serena Deeb vs Queen Aminata

Not much time left tonight so this will be a sprint. All four tentatively reach out, and then it all breaks down. Shida takes on all 3, enziguri to Deeb. She stacks all three up in the corner and hits a running knee in the corner, then hits mounted punches on Aminata in the corner until Rosa pulls her off. Deeb sweeps the legs of Shida and pulls her out of the ring, and now Deeb and Rosa go toe to toe. Uppercuts and chops traded, Northern lights by Rosa gets 2. Aminata with a snap suplex to Rosa, followed by a German. Shida in to tackle Aminata from behind, brings her to the floor and stomps her down.

Shida kicks Rosa to interrupt an abdominal stretch. Double team suplexes, Aminata and Deeb working together to suplex both Shida and Rosa! Aminata and Deeb exchange a brief nod, and maybe they are going to work together. Deeb ties Rosa up in the Paradise Lock, same for Shida, and both Deeb and Aminata sit on top of them for a breather. Stereo dropkicks to the ASS of Shida and Rosa while tied up in the Paradise Lock, SANADA is happy somewhere.

Dropkick to Aminata, Rosa gets a 2 count. Snapmare from Rosa on Deeb followed by a sliding lariat for 2. Pendulum swing applied to Deeb, but Aminata makes the save. Deeb tosses Shida to the floor, and kicks Rosa right in the face! Another German to Rosa by Aminata. Shida in but walks into a snap suplex, and both Rosa and Shida are in position for the hip attacks from Aminata. Running kicks as well as Aminata is cleaning house! 1, 2, Shida kicks out.

Deeb attacks Aminata now, frustrated she went for the pinfall. Deeb with lariats to Rosa and Shida too. Deeb to the apron, reverse neckbreaker, and a dragon screw to Shida. Swinging neckbreaker on Aminata. Single leg crab applied to Shida, but Rosa is up, dropkick to Deeb. Aminata looks for another German but Rosa breaks out of it. Kick to the leg from Aminata, backstabber by Rosa. Shida takes a dropkick to the face from Rosa, one to Aminata too as Rosa goes for the pin, but Deeb pulls her away. Drop toe hold, Deeb looks for the Indian Death lock, and suplexes Shida to apply the death lock to Rosa at the same time.

Shida blocks a Dragon suplex but can’t block the Pepsi Twist. Big forearm from Aminata, rising knee by Shida, all four women are down. Rollups on both sides of the ring, and now its Shida and Rosa going at it with forearm shots. German from Rosa, Shida up with a running knee. Shida climbs the ropes…Rosa up there with her, hurracanrana connects. Thrust kick to Aminata from Rosa, and Rosa goes back to Shida now with a Death Valley Driver, but Deeb breaks it up. Arms trapped for the Detox and holy SHIT!! Rosa’s neck folded in half there! Single leg crab to Rosa but Aminata kicks her to break it up. Headbutt from Aminata, avoids a dropkick from Shida. Forearm shot by Shida as she builds offense into the enziguri, and the Kitana connects. 1, 2, 3.

Winner and TBS Championship #1 Contender: Hikaru Shida

Time: 14:27

Rating: ***1/2 – Great work from these four, even if the timing was off on a couple of the spots. Shida makes the most sense as she’s been calling her shot at Mone for a few weeks, but this wasn’t simply a vehicle for getting Shida over – everyone got time to shine here, and Aminata in particular got some good screen time in a high profile spot like this.

Shida celebrates her victory as Collision goes off the air.

Thanks for joining us, everyone! I’ll be back tomorrow night for live coverage of NXT No Mercy, so I hope to see you there! Have a good one, folks.

article topics :

AEW Collision, Theo Sambus