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Join 411’s Live Impact Wrestling Coverage

September 15, 2022 | Posted by Ethan Black
Impact Wrestling 9-16-22 Image Credit: Impact Wrestling

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It’s Thursday you know what that means! we are still on the road to Bound For Glory and Victory Road, tonight we got 2 titles matches, Motor City Machine Guns and Good Brothers facing off, we got Moose and Steve Maclin going against Decay in some Tag Team action and also Killer Kelly in action against Alisha Edwards.

X Division Title Match
Mike Bailey (c) vs. Mascara Dorada

Mike Bailey took down Mascara Dorada with a double leg takedown. Bailey and Dorada evaded each other’s offense before Dorada hit a slingshot arm drag on Bailey. Dorada and Bailey exchanged chops before Dorada laid in the forearm strikes and connected with an inverted slingshot on Bailey, followed by a walk rope dropkick to send Bailey out of the ring. Bailey hit a springboard plancha on Dorada to the outside. Dorada and Bailey exchanged chops before Dorada hit an arm drag on Bailey off the stairs. Dorada got back in the ring and hit a tope suicida on Bailey to the outside back in the ring, Dorada climbed to the top rope went for a move, but Bailey evaded. Dorada hit the tijeras on Bailey, but Bailey turned it into a pin for a near fall.

Bailey got Dorada in a Victory Roll before quickly transitioning into an inverted Figure 4, but Dorada got a rope break. Bailey laid in the kicks on Dorada before hitting a standing shooting star press on Dorada. Dorada hit a backstabber on Bailey’s back. Dorada went for the Dorado Driver, but Bailey moved out of the hold. Dorada tried to slide on Bailey’s legs, but Bailey leaped onto the top rope to hit Dorada with a springboard moonsault on Dorada to the outside. Back in the ring, Dorada caught Bailey’s spin kick, but Bailey responded by kicking Dorada in the head. Both men climbed to the top rope before Dorada hit a leaping hurricanrana on Bailey off the top rope while Bailey was on the ropes for a near fall. Dorada went for a springboard moonsault, but Bailey lifted his knees. Bailey hit a high kick, a superkick, and a vicious spin kick on Dorada then the Ultima Weapon gets the victory.

Winner and Still X Division Champion: Mike Bailey (STILL CHAMPION!!!) (Recommend)
Rating: ****
Review: Excellent opening match, Mike Bailey continues to give out banger after banger after banger and having great title defenses I wouldn’t mind if they run this back again

After the match Mascara Dorada and Mike Bailey shook hands but Kenny King attacked them from behind. King hit the Royal Flush on Bailey then calling his shot for a another shot at the X Division Title.

In a cabin in the woods, Deaner and Eric Young started recruitment for Violent By Design. Young asked one of the people trying out what was his name, with the man saying his name was Eric Young Deaner attacked the man viciously the man before Young called out another person to ask him what his name was, to which he responded by saying Young’s name was “The Designer”. A man named Justin introduced himself, but Deaner beat the brakes off the man and bit his forehead. Young asked the rest of the recruits what their names were, which they all responded repeatedly “I AM VIOLENCE”.

We come back from the commercial break. Scott D’Amore is talking to Mike Bailey backstage. He announces that Bailey will be facing former ROH star Delirious at Victory Road and the return of the Triple Threat Revolver. D’Amore also tells Bailey that Frankie Kazarian wants a shot that the X Division Title.

Tag Team Match
Decay vs. Steve Maclin and Moose

Crazzy Steve wastes no time in biting Steve Maclin’s face. Black Taurus comes in and continues to dominate Maclin. Moose tags in and stomps on Taurus. Maclin comes back in he gets rollup by Taurus for the win.

Winners: Decay
Rating: **
Review: Was not a big fan of this tag match they did the can they co-exist stuff

After the match Sami Callihan is on the mic. He calls Moose and Maclin’s working together, “bullcrap.” He proceeds to show a video package of Moose asking if his partnership with Maclin is legally binding and admits he only used their partnership to get rid of Callihan. Maclin isn’t upset about it. He says that was the past. Callihan shows “Exhibit B” with Maclin talking about attacking Moose . Moose and Maclin fight in the ring. Callihan comes to the ring and hits Maclin with a barbed-wire bat. Callihan stands in the ring, and his music plays. Commercial break again.

After we come back from the break we see Rosemary, Taya Valkyrie and Jessikah were backstage, with Rosemary saying that Jessikah was the reason Taya lost the match. Taya said that Rosemary may be the one that has issues with Jessikah instead of Jessikah being the issue. Taya said she had an idea but did not elaborate on what her idea was.

Killer Kelly vs. Alisha Edwards

Match starts off with Killer Kelly and Alisha Edwards locked up before Alisha hit five forearm strikes, but Kelly hit a throat shot on Alisha. Kelly got Alisha in a sleeper on the apron while staring at Steelz. Kelly hit a standing fisherman’s suplex on Alisha. Kelly slammed Alisha’s head into the top turnbuckle. Alisha hit a forearm strike on Kelly’s back. Alisha went for the Backpack Stunner, but Kelly reversed it with a sleeper hold followed by a pump kick. Kelly locked in the Killer Clutch on Alisha for the submission victory.

Winner By Submission: Killer Kelly
Rating: ***
Review: Good back and forth action between these 2 knockouts

After the match Kelly crawled across the ring while staring at Steelz. Steelz ordered Evans to get after Kelly with a steel chair, but Kelly caught the chair by stomping it off Evans’ hands. Steelz then tried to retrieve the chair, but Kelly pulled Steelz into the ring with the chair. Face to face, Kelly mouthed to Steelz the following: “I’ll see you at Victory Road”. Steelz and Evans walked to the ramp while Kelly has a terrifying smile on her face.

We get a video package of someone being hospitalized after being thrown a chair. The mysterious man was surrounded by his family, only to show Joe Hendry coming to the scene. The man hit with the chair died with a smile on his face before revealing that Joe Hendry was coming to Impact Wrestling.

Impact World Tag Team Title Match
The OGK (c) vs. Impact World Champion Josh Alexander and Rich Swann

Josh Alexander and Mike Bennett lock up. Alexander tags in Rich Swann. Alexander hits the Backbreaker to Bennet and Swann hits the leg drop to Bennett.

Taven blind tags in and The OGK team together to isolate Swann. Taven hits the elbow from the top. Bennett is back in the ring. Alexander tags in and hits a rolling senton. He then knocks Taven off the ring apron. Crossbody to the back to Bennett. Swanton takes out The OGK with a moonsault. Back in the ring. Taven and Alexander. Swann breaks the pin.
Eddie Edwards comes out and tries to attack Alexander. Maria distracts the ref, and Edwards hits Alexander with the kendo stick. Heath comes out and strikes Taven.

Winners By DQ: Impact World Champion Josh Alexander and Rich Swann
Rating: ** 1/2
Review: This wasn’t a bad match good little tag team title match didn’t like the DQ finish i get your trying to protect your World Champ and they didn’t want The OGK to lose their Titles this quickly

Zicky Dice and Johnny Swinger delivered a pizza to Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace backstage. Grace’s locker room wall was covered with pictures of Grace with “Masha’s going to kill you” painted over them. Masha Slamovich vs. Jordynne Grace is set for Bound for Glory. Dice and Swinger also delivered a photo of Max The Impaler to Grace. Grace said Max is her opponent for Victory Road. Grace promised to kill Dice next week.

Backstage Heath apologized to Josh Alexander and Rich Swann for costing them the Impact World Tag Team Titles. Scott D’Amore booked Alexander, Swann and Heath vs. Honor No More’s Eddie Edwards and Impact World Tag Team Champions The OGK at Victory Road.

Mickie James vs. Hyan

Hyan hit a legdrop and goes for a rollup. Mickie James soon gets the upper hand and hits a top rope Lou Thesz press then the MickDT for the win.

Winner: Mickie James
Rating: ** 1/2
Review: This was a squash match for James the outcome wasn’t surprising

After the match, Gisele Shaw comes out and wants a match with Mickie at Victory Road and Mickie accepts the challenge.

Vincent asks PCO if he likes to hurt, he then speaks about carnivals. He says Honor No More and puts a black bag over PCO’s head.

We get a pre tape promo of the Digital Media Champion Brian Myers cut a promo on Bhupinder Gujjar to hype up their Digital Media Title Ladder match next week.

Tag Team Match
Motor City Machine Guns vs. Good Brothers

Alex Shelley and Karl Anderson were in for a brief exchange, then both tagged out. Motor City Machine Guns got some tandem offense in on Doc Gallows, then Good Brothers cut off Shelley.

Shelley avoided a double team attack in the corner and tagged Sabin. Sabin hit a high cross off the top to Anderson for a near fall. Motor City Machine Guns hit stereo baseball slides, then stereo planchas that takes us to a commercial break.

After the break, Motor City Machine Guns were working Anderson over in their corner with dragon screws and kicks to the legs. Shelley locks in a figure 4 on Anderson. Sabin tagged in and applied his own figure 4. Anderson managed a spinebuster off a misdirection spot into a double down.

Gallows and Sabin got tags. Gallows ran wild with strikes to Motor City Machine Guns, then hit a pumphandle slam. Sabin blocked a Magic Killer attempt. Gallows hit a double suplex to Motor City Machine Guns

The match broke down with everyone hitting a big move. Shelley missed a double stomp off the top. Sabin hit a missile dropkick on Anderson. Anderson hit a Gun Stun on Sabin, but Shelley saved Sabin. Good Brothers hit a neckbreaker to Sabin. Good Brothers and Motor City Machine Guns jumped in. Motor City Machine Guns sent Gallows outside, then hits Skull and Bones on Anderson to get the win.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns
Rating: ****
Review: Great main event between these 2 teams what a way for the Good Brothers to end their run in Impact Wrestling with

After the match Good Brothers and Motor City Machine Guns traded hugs and too sweets to end this week’s Impact.

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Impact Wrestling, Ethan Black