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Join 411’s Live TNA Impact Coverage

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Hello, everyone and welcome to our live TNA Impact coverage on 411! I’m Jeremy Thomas, here with you as Himanshu deals with some technical issues again tonight. A lot to do, plenty on the show so let’s just jump right in, shall we?
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s kids is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
* We start off with a recap of Santana’s gauntlet match with the Northern Armory and assault after the match from last week, Jordynne Grace calling out Tessa Blanchard and their brawl, and the tag team match pitting Rhino and Joe Hendry against The Nemeth Brothers.
* We start off with Frankie Kazarian coming down to the ring with his Call Your Shot Gauntlet trophy, then over to join commentary before getting to our first match.
Leon Slater vs. Trent Seven
Circle and lockup to start, Trent with a wristlock that Slater flips through and hits a dropkick. Slater charges in for a splash to Seven in the corner, Seven sends Slater across the ring but Slater escapes and hits an enzuigiri. Seven goes to the outside and Slater takes aim — Seven on the apron and Slater kicks him down, then dives but Seven moves and hits a snap German suplex.
Seven back in the ring and awaits the countout win. The ref counts and gets to eight — Slater crawls and slides in at the last instant! Seven stands over Slater and picks him up — suplex countered into an inside cradle from Slater for two and another rollup for two! Backslide blocked by Seven, Slater into the ropes for a big kick to the head. Cover by Slater gets two.
Slater is psyching up and he takes aim at Seven — charging kick to the head in the corner. He puts Seven on top and chops him, then climps up for a superplex — Seven counters with a slam! Cover gets a nearfall, but Slater kicks out!
Slater kicks at Seven from the mat and Seven kicks back. They trade kicks on their backs and Seven is up to pound on Slater. He takes aim and Slater gets a shot, but Seven with a short-arm clothesline and piledriver for thr–NO! Two-count! Seven sets SLater up for the Birminghammer but Slater lands on his feet. Backslide for two, Seven with the Birminghammer — Slater kicks out again!
Seven steps on Slater’s hand and chops at his chest. He taunts Slater, who gets his hand free and chops back — but Seven snaps at his fingers! Seven charges — Slater gets a big kick! Seven escapes to the outside and Slater is feeling himself. He goes to the apron but Seven with a cheap shot. He sets Slater up for an X-Plex but Slater counters into a DDT!
Slater backs up and gets to his feet — he goes to charge and DIVES onto Seven on the ringside floor! Seven rolled in, Slater goes up top — Swanton 450 for the pin!
Winner: Leon Slater
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Damn good match to start us off that put Slater over like an absolute star. Great work to open the show and a big boost to our victor.
Seven gives Slater a sign of respect and leaves — and Slater turns around to see Kazarian right there! Kaz backs away and tries to talk to a suspicious Slater.
* We get a video of Joe Hendry talking about his upbringing and his training in wrestling. It’s a light, uplifting video until it gets exciting and Hendry talks about how he gets back up after being knocked down but he doesn’t have unlimited tries and how if he fails to do this, he might have to go back to being the comedy guy. His fear was that after he lost out BFG, he could have fallen back. So when he became the #1 contender again, he knew this is do or die. The fans believe in him and it’s his chance to show them that he can do it. He says Genesis is his chance to become TNA World Champion and grab the reigns of the business and become the star the fans knew he could.
* George Iceman comes out and says it’s time to turn frowns upside down and time for a pre-launch Championship Celebration. He says what we’re about to see is historic, magnificent and unbelievable — the future TNA Knockouts Champions. He welcomes Ash and Heather By Elegance.
George says to show some respect for the future champions and says they’ve been working very hard and he showed no expense. They’ve been shining bright like a diamond but could shine brighter with gold and they are already the new champions in his opinion. He unveils a cutout of Ash with the title around her waist and Ash is excited. He says he hasn’t forgotten Heather and unveils one of her as well.
Ash says she feels so honored to be — the crowd boos, but she repeats she feels so honored to be the new TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions. She wants to thank some little people like her makeup artist and hair stylist, her nail tech, the guy who did her vaneers, their private Starbucks barista, and one of the most important people here — George.
George says he appreciates it and hands the mic to Heather so she can let the audience know how much she appreciates it. Heather tells the audience to shush their boos and wants to say she can’t believe this. It’s all thanks to Ash and the Elegance brand, she’s now one half of the Knockouts Tag Team Champions!
And of course here come Spitfire. They ask what’s happening here: are they celebrating the result of a match that hasn’t happened? It’s not Elegance, it’s just delusion. XXX says they love to talk about class, but all they see are wannabe Barbie dolls that can’t keep up. They think they’re going to walk out with the titles? Not a chance.
Ash says they don’t deserve the titles and belong on the clearance rack. Ash is pissed that Spitfire don’t think it’s funny and it becomes a brawl, with Spitfire sending Elegance out of the ring. They then grab the Heather cutout and destroy it, and then tease destroying the Ash one. Ash begs but to no avail — they hit their finisher on it and tear the head off.
* Gia Miller is backstage with Sami Callihan and PCO. She asks them about their match tonight against The Hardys and what their strategy is. PCO says…uh, something. Sami asks if Gia got that and says he has a PhD in monster. It means that tonight, two monsters go up against one of the greatest tag teams in wrestling history. He says tonight there will be chaos and unpredictability. Tonight PCO and Sami Callihan are going to Genesis. PCO makes a sound and Sami says that means Gia did a great job.
* A live Impact is announced for January 23rd next week.
First Class vs. Eric Young & Steve Maclin
Navarro and Young start off with KC ducking a lockup. He gets waistlock and slaps Young, then comes off the ropes and goes over Young, who slaps him in the back of the head. Maclin tags in and KC is whipped into a powerslam, kneedrops and a cover by Maclin for two. Maclin works over KC in the corner with chops and KC fights back, KC sent into the ropes for a back elbow.
KC up in the corner and Maclin splashes him, then pounds away in the corner. He grabs KC and KC lands on his feet from a back suplex but gets knocked out of the ring. Maclin into the ropes but AJ pulls them down and he goes through, Navarro dives onto him and then tags in AJ who slams Maclin into the apron. He rolls Maclin in and puts him in the hostile corner, driving the shoulder in. Back elbow from Francis, followed by stomps on the mat. He charges in with a kick to the head that takes him over the top rope.
Navarro tags in and hits a 305 for two-plus. KC puts Maclin in the corner, AJ whips KC into Maclin and a bodyslam follows. Boot choke, he nails Young as KC Navarro is arguing with a Chuck Loreman, a military guy, on the outside who shoves him. AJ Francis manhandles Chuck and officials separate them.
Back in the ring and Maclin catches AJ with an Olympic Slam, then tags in YOung. Young comes in hot and batters Navarro, then puts him in the corner. Into the ropes, Young catches him for a Death Valley Driver for two-plus. Bodyslam and EY goes up top but KC trips him, then climbs up. Maclin takes out AJ Francis as Young fights off Navarro, knocks him to the ground, elbowdrop finishes it.
Winner: Eric Young and Steve Maclin
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: Perfectly competant, but nothing incredibly exciting here. It was what it was.
After the match, Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards stare at Maclin and Young from the ramp with Alisha beside them.
* We get a recap of Masha Slamovich appearing on NXT.
* It’s time for the confessional with Rosemary and Masha. Masha asks how long they’ve got. Rosemary says it’s been seven years since they had the title and will do anything to get it back. Masha says it must have been hard for Rosemary to sit by and see Masha pass her by. Rosemary says everything Masha had used to be hers. She was the epitome of violence. Rosemary says it all adds up to the Raven Clockwork Orange House of Fun match, which will feature Masha against one of the most violent Knockouts in TNA history. Masha says she can smell the blood and taste it. They’re going to touch the sky, or she drags Rosemary to hell with her.
* We get a video of the Northern Armory attacking Mike Santana at last Saturday’s Prestige Wrestling show.
* Josh Alexander and the Armory are on their way to the ring. Alexander says he wishes he was out there in better circumstances but has bad news: Mike Santana’s been talking tough saying he’ll take Josh’s spot, but there’s no way that Santana will be able to face him at Genesis because he’s hurt bad.
ORLY JOSH? Because Santana’s music is playing, and out he comes through the crowd. Santana says “Look who it is! The return of the man with the bald-ass head.” He says Josh claims he knew him but he doesn’t believe it, or he’d know that as long as his heart is still beating he’s coming at him. He points out what he did to the System when he was screwed out of a title shot. He says January 19th they’ll hit Dallas like a freight train and says it’s an I Quit Match between them.
Alexander says that he accepts, saying that he may have dropped Mike too hard on his head. Josh says he’ll make an example out of Santana, and that will teach him once and for all that his place is at the bottom of the card, not the top.
Santana laughs and says Alexander is flustered. He says that when he beats Josh and say “I Quit,” he will have no choice to stand face to face with him and look him in the eyes, because he will be the new standard of TNA.
Laredo Kid vs. Jake Something
Circle to start and lock up, Jake backs Kid into the ropes. Rope break, Kid with a headlock and Jake shoots him into the ropes. He ducks a few shots, leaps over but Jake knocks Kid over the ropes to the entrance ramp. Jake grabs Kid for a suplex into the ring but Kid lands on his feet. Kid lays in some shots and Jake fires back, knocking Kid down for two.
Jake puts Kid in the corner for clotheslines, then sends him across the ring and slams into him. He repeats but Kid dodges and then hits a splash. He goes in for another running shot, goes up top — and leaps right into a shot by Jake for a nearfall!
Jake manhandles kid and hits a double axehandle to the back, then another. Kid holds on to stop a whip into the ropes but Jake nails him, into the ropes but Kid with a flip DDT counter! He goes up top, Jake dodges the dive, Kid dodges a spear. Kid with a La Magistral cradle for two, Jake grabs Kid and hits a powerbomb but Kid counters and hits a couple enzuigiris. INto the ropes, Destroyer from Kid for two-plus.
Kid goes up top, Jake cuts him off and climbs. TOP ROPE SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! That finishes it.
Winner: Jake Something
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Short but it got the job done. Kid didn’t look like he was squashed and Jake got a dominant win, that’s a win-win. Solid match for its time.
* We get a video of Ace Austin talking about his insane past couple years and evolution of the ABC into more than tag teams or a faction. They’ve seen the best and worst of times together and in a very “me” business that’s rare and special. He talks about their accolades and how he’s never experienced anything so unselfish. He talks about Chris’ injury and it’s the first time he’s been faced with a situation where life starts to overshadow what’s happening. He talks about how he’s never stopped to smell the roses and he’s learning a lot about gratitude and appreciating the people in his life. He had to take a hard look at 2025 and talks about how they were both thrown into the deep in in the X-Division, the lifeblood of TNA. He gets Moose being champion and that a guy like him thinks he can go in and throw his weight around. He says his winning is inevitable.
It’s main event time! We get a “23” during Sami and PCO’s entrance.
Sami Callihan & PCO vs. The Hardys
Jeff and Sami start us off and lockup, then break. They trade shots and Jeff goes down. PCO tags in and a double suplex but Matt in to save Jeff and they stare off — then brawl! And we’re on break.
We’re back with Matt slamming Sami’s head repeatedly into the turnbuckles. Jeff tags in, Sami whipped into the corner and Matt is whipped into him. Poetry in Motion, cover gets two. Jeff tags in Matt, but Sami bites him in the head and knocks him down. Sami points at PCO and tags him in, Matt with some shots that PCO no-sells. Jeff joins in, they batter PCO to no avail and come off the ropes into a double clothesline.
PCO takes it to both men and tags in Sami, they chop Matt in the shoulders. Sami nails Matt and then manhandles in him the corner. PCO tags in, he’s rammed head-first into Matt’s gut. PCO stomps at Matt, then beats on him in the corner but Matt fights back and goes for the tag. PCO backs him into the hostile corner and tags in Sami. Rake to the chest, Matt into the ropes for a double back elbow, cover gets a nearfall.
Sami calls PCO into the ring, whip into the ropes, Matt counters a double backdrop with a DDT to both men! He crawls and gets the hot tag, Jeff runs wild on both men and Sami grabs him, PCO comes in but Jeff ducks under. He nails both men, up top, WHISPER IN THE WIND! Splash by Jeff to Sami, cover gets a nearfall.
Matt is fighting PCO on the outside, Jeff with a Twist of Fate to Sami. Matt in with a Twist of Fate, Jeff up top — SWANTON! That’s the pin.
Winner: The Hardys
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: This was as good as it could have been. I’m not a PCO and Sami fan as a team but they worked well with the Hardys here.
* Nic Nemeth is out for the face to face with Joe Hendry, who is already in the ring. They stare off and Hendry says he wants to go first. He says they’ve stood across from each other and everything has been said apart from one thing — something he and Nic and all the fans know. It’s the realest thing he’ll ever say to Nic: he has to win this. He has to win this. HE HAS TO WIN THIS! It’s on him to take it from Nic and at Genesis they’re beginning a new era in TNA, starting with him lifting the TNA World Championship.
Nic says Joe’s right; everything has been said and he knows what this means to Joe. Clearly everyone still believes in Joe Hendry. But Joe needs to know something too. Nic knows what the title means to Joe, everyone out there and everyone who’s come before. And he knows what it’s like to be champion. It’s an honor, a privelege, and he’ll defend it until the day he dies. But this isn’t just a chance for a music video or a tweet; it’s being on a new level knowing everyone is coming for you, and he doens’t know if Joe is ready for it. He says Joe has earned everything and before they meet at Genesis, he wanst to show them one thing. He asks to play the clip of JBL taking out Hendry and Bound For Glory.
Nic says anything that happened with Layfield and himself was on him. He didn’t see Layfield attacking Hendry; all he say was Layfield taking his brother’s head off. Now that the air is cleared and Joe knows he had nothing to do with it, he saw what he did.
Joe says let’s just assume that everything Nemeth said was true, he just wants to know about one thing that makes no sense to him —
HERE IS RYAN NEMETH! Ryan comes out with a mic and tells Nic to listen to him: Joe Hendry is not his friend. He’s not an underdog hero, he’s a snake and a two-timer trying to manipulate him. Ryan says Joe doesn’t care about the title or TNA; he only cares about Joe Hendry.
Joe says he’s wasted enough time on Ryan so he’s going to say one thing. Ryan gets in the ring and goes after Joe, who goes for the chokeslam. Nic superkicks Joe to defend his brother and is shocked. He backs Ryan off and looks upset. He grabs his title and stares at Nemeth as the music plays. Nic tells Ryan to stop and walks away with Ryan at his side.
Meanwhile, Tessa is here at the commentary booth and has signed a contract! She’s pissed — and Jordynne is here! She grabs Tessa and tosses her into the ring then leaps in! She gets Tessa on her shoulders, Tessa escapes but Grace hits the Juggernaut Driver! She talks trash to a downed Tessa and stands over her, then rolls her out of the ring.
And with that, we’re done for the night!