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Join 411’s Live TNA Impact Coverage

May 9, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
TNA Impact 5-9-24 Image Credit: TNA

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Hello, everyone and welcome to our live TNA Impact coverage on 411! I’m Jeremy Thomas, taking over as Himanshu is having some issues today. There’s a lot to cover and you all know what’s going on tonight, so let’s get to it.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* We kick off with a recap of the events from Under Siege with The System winning big, Mustafa Ali retaining the X-Division Title and more.

* We kick off with The System’s Championship Celebration, complete with cheerleaders. They come out in snazzy outfits and their titles, and Myers gets on the mic to say to feast your eyes on the greatest faction in TNA history with each and every member a champion. But we shouldn’t be surprised because they’ve been winning their whole careers. He says The System runs on gold and is an absolute dynasty.

Moose says he’s played on a lot of teams, and they are the greatest team of all time. They’re not the ’96 Bulls, they’re greater then them and you can ask Nic Nemeth and Matt Hardy. They ran them off the court just like they were Croatia vs. the Dream Team.

Eddie says they walked into Under Siege as champions, but Alisha finally realized her potential and became a world champion. Even in one of the most celebrated divisions in the industry, she stands above them all. And you may be looking at the greatest TNA Knockout of all time.

Alisha says Eddie is the sweetest and she made a video for them. The video plays celebrating The System, with the group watching and smiling — and it turns into Broken Matt’s theme! Matt is out here in and he comes to the ring!

Matt says congratulations; they won the battle at Under Siege but the war is far from over. He says nothing will stop him from getting the Championship of the World and he now understands the System better and what he must do to make them OBSOLETE! So what he can tell Moose is, this is not over. It’s not the end, merely the beginning. And Moose has had a number of accolades in life, but he’d love to see the Super Bowl ring.

Alisha says no one can understand Matt’s accent, and Matt says “Silence, Snow Witch!” She had better be careful not to get on Queen Rebecca’s radar. Moose says there’s four of them but one of him. Matt says he doesn’t like their odds and it becomes a brawl, with the group overpowering him. They beat him in the corner and wrap the chair around his head — and Ryan Nemeth is here! He attacks with a kendo stick and they toss The System from the ring. Everyone says Delete, even the cheerleaders!

* We get a recap of the end of the X-Division Title, with Mustafa Ali beating Ace Austin. Gia Miller asks ABC about their match tonight against Speedball Mountain with the winning team facing each other to get Ali’s next title defense. Ace denies there will be any tension between them, and Bey says that there’s no resentment between them. They’re on the same book and put their Tag Team Title rematch on the backburner so Ace could win the Title Shot. Ace says he’d be champion if someone was watching his back at Under Siege and Bey asks what he’s saying. Ace says Santino is giving them another chance at the title and they want it, so they’ll operate like the two-time Tag Team Champions they are and they’ll worry about what happens after that next.

* The System is backstage and they aren’t happy, approaching Santino. They complain that this is an unsafe work environment and Moose tells him to do his damn job. Santino says he’s going to make a huge announcement that will help them get their revenge but he has one more piece. Moose says that isn’t how the System works but Santino walks off.

First Class vs. FBI

Swann starts off against Ray Jaz and they lock up, Ray with a wristlock and a suplex to Swann. SPlash in the corner, Clayton tags in and runs over Swann. Half and half suplex to Swann and he gets Swann on his shoulder, but a rake to the eyes behind the ref’s back turns it around. Francis tags in and Clayton gets thrown into him. Francis with a choke against the middle rope and Swann with a cheap shot behind the ref’s back. They repeat the process, AJ puts Clayton in the corner but misses a splash.

Clayton tries to make the tag, AJ stops him and puts him in the corner, he comes out and both men go down hard. Ray with the hot tag, he takes it to Swann and hits a spinning heel kick followed by a big somersault back suplex, cover for two but AJ breaks it up.

Clayton in now and decks AJ but is tossed outside. Ray with a dropkick to AJ but is caught with a superkick, chokeslam by AJ, Swann with the frog splash for three.

Winner: First Class
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Perfectly good squash match to give First Class a win. Everybody did their part fine.

* Santino is on the phone when Jake walks up and says he got cheated when Francis and Deaner got involved in total chaos. The Rascalz come up and want to complain about Wentz’s loss. Santino books the three in a tag team match and Deaner walks up to be added in. He has an idea for the match and walks off with Santino.

* Alan Angels is late to his Sound Check segment with Kon and Steph De Lander but talks them up and says Kon is his first two-time guest, and brought his girlfriend. Kon pushes Alan away and he comes back. Steph says they aren’t dating and need to check his facts. Angels says that she’s single then? Steph asks Kon if he’s friends with this guy and he says no, Angels is starting to annoy him. Security comes in and gets taken out, and Kon and Steph leave.

* Deaner takes the mic and says he talked to Santino and he said because Albany is so hot, we can spice this match up. He says they could have a standard tag match, or they could have an Albany Tornado Tag match. The crowd wants the latter, shockingly.

Albany Tornato Tag Team Match
The Rascalz vs. Jake Something & Cody Deaner

The brawl begins, Cody and Jake knock The Rascals down and then pick them up for fists. Whip into the ropes, Trey slides out and Wentz is thrown into a scoop slam by Jake. Trey sprinboard dives into the ring but is caught for a Jake powerslam, and Jake then slams Deaner onto them.

The Rascals get tossed to the floor and Jake and Cody exit the ring to beat on Trey and Zach. Jake holds Trey so Cody can deck him. Trey gets on Jake’s shoulders and he charges for the ringpost but Trey slides off and shoves Jake into the post as Wentz takes over on Deaner in the ring. Trey beats on Jake on the outside then comes in to team up with Wentz on a double-team choke to Cody. Whip into the ring, back elbow, wishbone and double dropkick.

Wentz to the apron to kick Jake on the outside, Trey hits a splash and Wentz covers for two. Cody starts to fight back, off the ropes but an inverted atomic drop and dropkick for two. Cody gets put in the corner, Trey goes to nail Jake on the apron but gets flung out of the ring. Jake grabs Wentz but gets his shoulder slammed into the ringpost and Trey with an outside 619 to Jake. In the ring, the Rascals hit some tandem offense into a standing shooting star for two.

Deaner put in the corner and stomped down by The Rascalz. Trey with a catapult to send Cody face-first into the bottom turnbuckle for two. Zach charges at Jake on the outside but he stomps him and decks him, then knocks down a charging Trey. Jake in the ring, running the ropes and runs through the Rascalz. He goes out of the ring and catches Wentz, throwing him into a diving Trey!

Jake widens the ropes and Cody dives through them into The Rascalz! Trey hit with a sitout powerbomb by Jake for two. Jake grabs Trey and goes for the siplex but Trey floats over, PoisonRana! Cody with a knee to the head, Wentz and Cody both go for covers for a double nearfall!

Cody and Wentz trade strickes, Cody takes over and goes into the ropes, double crossbody! Trey uyp now and goes for the sunset flip top the outside. Jake holds on but Trey with the spray paint to the face. Cody goes for a suplex but Trey but he floats over, spinebuster, superkick, double stomp, that’s it.

Winner: The Rascalz
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Very fun, chaotic match here. The Rascalz get the win without hurting Jake and Cody, I have zero complaints.

Post-match, Steve Maclin attacks The Rascalz from behind. Trey goes into the ropes and Wentz eats a KIA on the ramp.

* Steve is asked backstage by Gia why he did that, and he says they walked out on him twice, so he returned the favor twice. That was one, and taking out Trey at Under Siege was the second. Kazarian walks in and says that’s why he was distracted and they lost at Under Siege. Maclin says that Kaz lost the match and that Josh Alexnader and Eric Young is Kaz’s problems now. Kaz says Maclin is on his own with Santana and they walk away from each other.

* Hannifan has a sitdown interview with Mike Santana who says he’s on top of the world after returning and he couldn’t have chosen a better place to return home. Tom asks him about his time in LAX and he says they came in and took over with Konnan as a mentor, and they accomplished a lot. They were still young studs thrown into the ocean, and it was sink or swim. They swam and it was history.

Tom asks about what he learned while he was away. He says so much happened during that time. He lost his dad in 2020, and they were like brothers. Then the pandemic happened and there was a lot going on. He learned a lot had to change with himself, and he had to deal with some things in him. Tom asks about his decision to get sober and he says he needed to save his life.

* Gabby AF host Gabby LaSpisa is here and she talks about how she asks hard questions to personalities to get to know them. And she managed to score an interview with Ash By Elegance after some back and forth with her staff. She goes to introduce her and Ash’s personal concierge George Iceman is out here, saying he does the introductions.

Gabby asks what his name is, and he says he’ll give a name! A wonderful name, a beautiful name: Ash by Elegance. Ash comes out and George walks her down to the ring. Gabby asks her what’s on her birth certificate regarding her name and they threaten to call lawyers. Gabby asks what Elegance means and why she’s Ash by Elegance.

George tries to interrupt, Gabby shuts him down and Ash speaks up. She says Elegance is a lifestyle brand. Gabby asks what it’s all about and that she’s never heard about it. Ash asks if she lives under a rock and George takes shots at New Jersey. Ash threatens to leave. Gabby shows footage from Under Siege and Ash attacking Havok after their match.

Gabby says Ash seems very angry and asks if it’s because of the moment when Ash’s attempt to use brass knuckles a couple of weeks was shut down, which led to Xia Brookside getting the win. George says the footage was supposed to be scrubbed and is all camera effects and illusions. Ash says she’s angry, but just because Xia stole her jewelry. Gabby says Ash can get her jewelry back, but she has to beat Xia who comes out to the ring.

Xia suggests the rematch for next week, with the rings on the line. Ash consults with George and says fine, and the match is set.

* We get footage of Joe Hendry talking about his single taking off on the UK charts.

* Santino has been working hard to put his announcement together, and it’s time. It’s the Champion’s Challenge with all eight champions on one side and eight all-stars on the other side. Josh Alexander was supposed to be on one side but he’s not cleared. The match will be Moose, Jordrynne Grace, Mustafa Ali, The System, Masha Slamovich, Alisha Edwards and Laredo Kid vs. Matt Hardy, Steph De Lander, Sami Callihan, Eric Young, Ryan Nemeht, Spitfire, and Joe Hendry.

Jonathan Gresham vs. Will Ferrara

Gresham with a diving dropkick to the knee and another, he fakes oout an attack and kicks the knee, then knocks Will down. Gresham into a submission tie-up, then sits down to increase the pressure and pulls Will’s leg back. He yanks on it and pulls Will into a two-count.

Will up right into a dropkick to the knee. The official coughs up some ink and Will strikes his way to his feet, ducking a shot and hitting a forearm. Splash in the corner, Ferrara charges into a big boot. Waistlock reversals, Gresham gets a sprinboard moonsault and then smashes Will’s knee into the mat several times. Octopus hold, he spits some ink out and then shoves it into Will’s throat, getting him down for a three-count.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Simple squash match. I’m not totally sold on this gimmick but I don’t hate it either.

* We see scenes if the forest and a wellness retreat. A car pulls up and Gail Kim walks out, walking to a building where Gisele Shaw is meditating. She says they need to talk.

ABC vs. Speedball Mountain

Mustafa Ali is at commentary for this match. Bailey and Bey start off, they lock up and Bailey into the ropes, collides with Bey but neither go down. They go into the ropes, Bailey with a dropkick. Trent tags in and Bey into the ropes, double hiptoss and an assisted senton by Trent gets two.

Trent with a chop to Bey and a splash in the corner, Bailey tags in and hits a Poetry in Motion, standing moonsault for two. Bailey goes to Irish whip Bey, he holds on and gets chopped. Bey with a short-arm back elbow, Ace tags in, double dropkick for two.

Ace kicks at Bailey in the corner, he pulls Mike to the center for two. Bey tags in, suplex and diving clothesline for two. Kick to the head of Mike and he’s sent headfirst into the corner. Ace tags in, Mike gets sent into his foot. Bailey whipped across the ring but he gets to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick.

Trent gets the hot tag and takes over, DDT to Ace. Ace floats over a bodyslam and Bey tags in for a strike, Trent nails him and hits a suplex for two. Bailey tags in but Bey knocks him off the apron. Trent with a slap and puts him on the top, climbing up for some punches and a chop. Seven all the way up, SUPERPLEX! Bailey n the top, SSP but Bey moves! Ace with a missile dropkick to Trent.

Ace helps Bey up, Speedball Mountain to the outside and ABC go after them, beating them down on the outside. Bailey goes into the apron but Speedball Mountain fight back. They got for chops but both hit the ringposts. Bey back in the ring with Bailey and he starts to target the arm. Hard elbows and forearms from Bey, but Mike fires back with those rapid-fire kicks.

Ace tags in and comes in but is caught with a headlock. Back suplex, Bailey lands on his feet, big kick. They dodge a kick series from each other, Bailey connects with one! Bailey gets the hot tag, Bey in too. They collide in the center and trade chops, Bey goes for the tilt-a-whirl DDT off the ropes but Trent catches him. He goes for a suplex, Bey knees out of it. Seven Star Lariat countered with a kick and a cutter for a nearfall.

Ace tags back in and takes out Bailey, Trent is double teamed with a knee to the head, suplex into a superkick for two but Bailey in to break it up. All four men slow to get up, Ace with stomps to Trent and Mike. Ace goes for a suplex but Trent blocks it. ABC to a Two Sweet but Speedball fight back! It breaks into chaos, Seven with a Seven Star Lariat and cover but Bey forearms Bailey into the pin to break it up.

Bey tags in, they go for their finisher but Speedball makes the save and they pull ABC to the outside. Dive and moonsault from Trent and Bailey! Mike is in the ring with Bey, Tornado kick! Seven slams Bey. Trent goes for the Birminghammer, but Ace makes the save and sends Trent into Bailey on the top! Ace with a leap over the top to Speedball Mountain, he rolls Bailey in and Ace talks trash with Ali. Bey makes the tag to Ace, who goes for Art of Fineese but Trent makes the save and catches Bey in a full nelson superkick combo. Birminghammer to Ace, Ultimo Weapon, that gets three!

Winner: Speedball Mountain
Rating: *** 3/4
Thoughts: Two fantastic tag teams get a ton of time, and they deliver a fantastic match. Who knew? Seriously though, this was exactly what you could have hoped and was a wonderful main event match for the show.

And with that, we’re done for the night!

article topics :

TNA Impact, Jeremy Thomas