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Join 411’s Live TNA Impact Coverage

August 15, 2024 | Posted by Himanshu Doi
TNA Impact Image Credit: TNA

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Hey there, TNA fans! It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another episode of iMPACT! I’m Himanshu (you can follow me on Twitter @Himanshu_Doi) and you know how this works. Tonight on iMPACT, we’ll hear from a surely furious Knockouts World Champion, Jordynne Grace, Ace Austin will go head-to-head with Jason Hotch and Rich Swann, Tasha Steelz and Gisele Shaw will face off once again on iMPACT, Chris Bey takes on John Skylar and NXT’s Riley Osbourne, Mike Santana and Moose will collide, we’ll hear from Steve Maclin, it’s Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander for the TNA World Championship and more. So let’s jump right in!

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.


Date: August 15th, 2024
Location: Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa, Florida
Commentators: Tom Hannifan, Matt Rehwoldt

Match 1: Chris Bey vs. John Skylar vs. Riley Osbourne

Kazarian joins the announcers table. Osbourne hits a senton over the top rope onto Chris Bey. Osbourne hits a Falcon Arrow onto Skyler for two. Osbourne goes for a Falcon Arrow but Bey gets out of the way. Skyler with a slingshot but Bey catches him with a cutter. John Skyler hits a spear onto Osbourne. Bey hits the Art of Finesse on Osbourne. Skyler tries to pin him and gets reversed. Osborne hits the Shooting Star Press onto Skyler for the win.

Result: Riley Osbourne def. Chris Bey and John Skylar by pinfall
Rating: ***

We see Nic Nemeth get to the arena in his car. Gia Miller catches up with him. Nic Nemeth says this is not the same Josh Alexander. He said Josh attacked his family and now all bets are off. He says this entire roster is the future of TNA and he will prove how damn good he is.

Santino Marella is in the ring. He calls out Matt Cardona. Matt Cardona comes out. Santino Marella says he is a wedding crasher and he elbowed him in the jaw. He says he has a proposition to make him. Matt Cardona says he is the Indy God. He says he doesn’t work for TNA. Santino says he will offer him a contract to face PCO and if he doesn’t sign it, he will go to jail. Matt Cardona takes the contract and says if everything is okay in the contract, he will sign it.

A backstage promo by Kazarian and Eric Young walks up to him and says Kazarian cost him his title shot. Maclin walks up and asks if their balls fell off.

A vignette for Maclin who says since Slammiversary, things haven’t been going good. He says he will continue to stack bodies one by one. He said there is one on his list and that is Eric Young. He says he is the new blood that is being pumped through the veins that is TNA.

Match 2: Tasha Steelz vs. Gisele Shaw

Shaw hits Tasha with forearms and uppercut. She looks for a backbody drop and Tasha falls on her head. Shaw hits Shock and Awe for two. Shaw goes for Denouement but Tasha gets out of the way and hits a Codebreaker for two. Tasha tunes up the band goes for a superkick but Shaw blocks it. She goes for a Cradle Shock but Tasha reverses into a pin with her feet on the ropes and the referee outside the ring doesn’t allow it. Gisele hits the Denouement for the win.

Result: Gisele Shaw def. Tasha Steelz by pinfall
Rating: **½

Mike Santana is laid out backstage and The System walk away from them.

The System come out to the ring. Alisha takes the mic and says Mike Santana is not medically cleared for tonight, so Moose has the night off. Mike Santana’s music hits and he makes his way out through the crowd. Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards try to attack him outside of the ring but Santana clears them.

Match 3: Mike Santana vs. Moose

Santana gets in the ring and Moose attacks him from behind as Alisha distracts him. Moose whips him in the corner. Moose sets him against the edge of the ring and elbows him in the chest. Moose sits him on the apron and chops him. Santana hits a pump kick. Moose hits a Uranage onto the apron. Santana gets back in the ring and Moose chokes him with his foot. Alisha chokes him when the referee isn’t looking. Moose whips him in the corner. Santana gestures him to bring it and spits Moose. Santana hits open hand slaps. Santana hits a dropkick off the second rope. Santana with a jacknife pin and Moose kicks out at two. Moose goes for a uranage and Santana reverses it into a pin for two. Santana hits the Rolling Buck 50 followed by a cannonball for two. Santana goes for Spin The Block but Moose reverses it and Santana hits Spin The Block. Santana goes for a cover but Moose rolls away. Moose hits the Spear for the win.

Result: Moose def. Mike Santana by pinfall
Rating: ***½

The System surround Mike Santana but Joe Hendry’s music hits and Hendry runs out with a steel chair as The System clear from the ring. Joe Hendry gets on the mic and says The System are making a lot of enemies right now. He says they understand that there’s strength in numbers. He says Moose and JDC will face Matt and Jeff Hardy next week.

Jody Threat is backstage with Dani Luna and Dani says they got back up and they didn’t go through all this to not be Knockouts Tag Team Champions. Jody says this is do or die.

Jordynne Grace is backstage says she expected too much from Ash by Elegance. She says she’s a wrestler’s wrestler through and through, but if Ash wants a fight, she’s ready for one.

Match 4: Ace Austin vs. Jason Hotch vs. Rich Swann

Ace hits a facebuster in Swann for two. Ace goes for the Fold. Hotch interferes and Swann hits a superkick. Swann hits a senton on Ace and Hotch. Ace pushes Swann onto AJ. Ace throws Hotch in the ring and AJ hits Ace with a back body drop onto the apron. Bey hits a senton onto Swann and AJ. Ace hits a springboard enzugiri. John Skyler distracts Ace and Hotch pins Ace for the win.

Result: Jason Hotch def. Ace Austin and Rich Swann by pinfall
Rating: ***¼

Matt Cardona is backstage with Santino Marella and says the contract is great. He suggests a 6-man tag match before the match against PCO at Emergence. Santino signs the contract.

Match 5: Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander for the TNA World Championship

Nemeth goes for a neckbreaker but Alexander hits two German Suplexes. Nic Nemeth reverses it and hits his own German Suplex. Nemeth hits 10 standing elbow drops in a row for two. Nemeth goes for superkick but Alexander counters it into an Ankle Lock. Nemeth hits a Fameasser for two. Nemeth rolls up Alexander for two. Alexander hits a knee from the second rope to Nemeth’s back for two. Alexander gets an ankle lock but Nemeth fights him off and rolls him up for two. Nemeth gets a sleeper hold but Alexander drops back first to break it and gets the Ankle Lock again but Nemeth pushes him off. Nemeth gets the sleeper hold again but Alexander drops him face first into the turnbuckle. Nemeth hits a superkick for two and Alexander gets out of the ring. Nemeth follows him and Alexander throws him into the steel steps. Alexander throws Nemeth back into the ring and powerbombs him into his knee for two. Alexander sets up Nemeth on the top rope and goes for a back body drop but Nemeth reverses it for two. Nemeth hits the Danger Zone. Nemeth goes for the cover but Alexander gets out of the ring. Nemeth hits a DDT outside the ring and throws him back in the ring. Nemeth covers him for two. Nemeth goes for another Danger Zone but Josh avoids it and throws Nemeth shoulder first into the ring post. Alexander hits Snake Eyes into the middle turnbuckle. Alexander goes for the C4 Spike but Nemeth hits the Danger Zone but the 30 minute time limit expires.

Result: Nic Nemeth vs. Josh Alexander ends in a time-limit draw
Rating: ***¾

Nemeth asks for 5 more minutes but Alexander gets out of the ring. Nemeth throws him back into the ring but Alexander low blows him. Alexander gets the TNA World Championship belt and poses with it over Nic Nemeth.

article topics :

TNA Impact, Himanshu Doi