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Join 411’s Live WWE NXT Coverage

October 8, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT 10-08-2024 - Randy Orton vs JeVon Evans Image Credit: WWE

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Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! Jeremy Thomas with you as always, and tonight NXT is in St. Louis for its second week on The CW! Tonight’s episode has a lot going on as Trick Williams will speak following his NXT Championship win last week, as will Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade after Jade returned on last week’s show. Randy Orton comes to NXT tonight as he takes on Je’Von Evans, and Fraxiom will defend the NXT Tag Team Titles against A-Town Down Under. Oba Femi is also defending his title as he faces Tony D’Angelo, and Kelani Jordan teams with Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill against Fatal Influence. That’s a big show and it looks like it should be quite fun.

We stay busy here at Thomas Central as I continue my Hooptober movie watching. I saw the 1924 silent era classic The Hands of Orlac, which features a stunningly good performance by Conrad Veidt and some gorgeous visuals, and the new Salem’s Lot which was…fine although I want the three-hour version because it cut a lot of needed development. Wishmaster 4: The Prophecy Fulfilled closed the Wishmaster franchise out in a very low note by making the Djinn an incel, and the anthology flick Sanitarium was bad in all of its segments. And the 1990 flick Deep Blood managed to make sharksploitation boring, which is quite an accomplishment.

On a happier note, Student Bodies is a fun, dumb comedy horror flick that pokes fun at slasher tropes in a spoofy style, while Wes Craven’s Deadly Blessing is a solid (if not great) bit of slasher horror set in a unique location for the genre. I absolutely adored Samara Weaving in E.L. Katz’s new dialogue-less supernatural horror film Azrael, and thought Tobe Hooper’s 2000 STV flick Crocodile was bad in a fun way. Outside of my Hooptober viewings, I did a comfort rewatch of Gone Girl which is essentially a perfect film, and watched the Netflix documentary on the Menendez Brothers which is quite good.

On TV, I’m still caught up on Agatha All Along which is fantastic, as well as The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula season 6 which I’m enjoying as always

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* We’re LIVE in St. Louis, Missouri for tonight’s show.

* Earlier today, Randy Orton arrived as did Je’Von Evans. And Trick Williams showed up with his NXT Championship.

* We get a recap of last week’s episode including MizTV, Wes Lee beating Zachary Wentz, Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill showing up, Roxy beating Giulia with Cora Jade’s help, and Trick defeating Ethan Page to win the NXT Championship.

* We’re kicking off with Trick heading to the ring, title around his waist! Trick gets a mic and says let’s get straight to business. They’re in St. Louis, they have Sexxy Red in the back and NXT is reaching new heights with new cities and a new network. But his new name is Tricky Two-Times because he’s the new NXT Champion.

And he knows what that means. He has a new title around his waist and there are sharks in the locker room with their eyes on him but it won’t change anything.

Wes Lee calls out Trick from the audience and says he’s not the only one with a career-defining moment last week. He shed unnecessary weight last week and plans to become a Triple Crown Champion. Trick says “Hold up, light skin” and says he has been down this road before with his title in the air.

Lee says right now Trick is the face of NXT, but he’s going to tell him something no one else has the balls to tell him: he ain’t it. Wes plans to take his title and leave him in his dust like his partner.

JEY USO IS HERE! The IC Champion comes through the crowd and gets into the ring. He hugs Trick and gets on the mic. Main Event Jey Uso is now in their city. Trick appreciates him coming out after his win last night and he knows Jey is tired but they look good with gold around their waist. And if another bum tries to get their titles, they’re both gonna whoop that trick. We get competing YEET and Whoop That Trick chants. They pose together and…I guess that’s it for the opener? Okay.

* Our first match is up!

Kelani Jordan, Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill vs. Fatal Influence

Kelani and Fallon start off, Fallon takes over due to distraction from Jazmyn and they beat Kelani in the corner. Jazmyn in with the takedown and clothesline. Kelani into the ropes, she ducks a clothesline and hits an armdrag and dropkick. Everyone is in the ring now and the babyfaces hit a triple set of bodyslams!

Jazmyn back in the ring and Kelani with a snapmare, crossbody off the ropes for two. Wristlock, Bianca tags in and picks up Jazmyn up but she slides out and tags in Fallon, who runs at Bianca and gets knocked down. Bianca up and over in the corner, runs to the other corner and mocks Fallon. She flips over Fallon, puts her in the corner and gets a 13-count of punches before Jacy grabs Bianca’s braid — but Bianca flips over and knocks Jacy down. Delayed action suplex to Fallon, handspring splash and cover for two.

Cargill tags in, Fallon into the ropes, they flip her over and slam her down. Kelani tags in and goes up top — Jade grabs her and press slams her onto Fallon for two. Kelani goes for an Irish whip but Fallon grabs the ropes and fights back. Headlock, into the ropes, Jazmyn with a blind tag and a bulldog. Kelani tossed to the outside and the ref is distracted as Jade and Bianca come in, and Jacy leaps on Kelani on the outside as we go to break.

We’re back and Nyx is in control of Kelani, putting her in the hostile corner. Fallon tags in and shoves Kelani into a trip by Jazmyn, double team action and a cover by Jacy for two. Jacy stomps Kelani down in the corner and mocks Jade and Bianca, she charges in for a cannonball but Kelani moves! Jacy blocks a tag but Kelani with a heel kick!

Kelani and Jacy trade shots, Kelani ends up in hostile territory and fights back, she hits a jawbreaker and leaps to tag in Jade! Jade in hot and lays out Fatal Influence. She catches Jazmyn for a fallaway slam and them splashes her in one corner, then Jacy in another. Uranage to Nyx, Bianca tags in and is slammed onto Nyx for two. Coverr but Henley breaks it up.

It turns chaotic, Kelani is in now and hits a moonsault to the outside on Fallon and Jacy. Nyz catches Belair with the Nyx Kick for a nearfall! Drop-toe hold, she comes off the ropes but is caught and planted face-first! Jade tags in, wheelbarrow DDT and suplex combo. Kelani tags in, split-legged moonsault, that’s it.

Winner: Kelani Jordan, Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill (12:07)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Quite good to kick off the show in terms of the action. Fatal Influence was obviously going to lose here but they had a solid showing so it’s hard to complain too much.

* Axiom asks Nathan Frazer if they’re ready and he says always. Axiom tells him to keep things even tempered. Randy Orton is there and asks about Je’Von Evans and Axiom says he may be the fastest guy in NXT. Frazer loses it a bit and then apologizes for being a hothead. Orton says there’s nothing wrong with that and everyone needs to connect with their dark side.

* Sarah is with Giulia and asks about Roxy and Cora. Giulia starts to talk but there’s a knock on the door. Giulia says “Hello, my old friend” and tells Sarah they’ve got it.

* ROXY IS HERE! The Prodigy comes down to the ring with her title. Roxy says she thought last week would be the week it finally happened as the chosen one dethroned her, but NOPE! Because once again, we’re all disappointed and she still has the title. She says maybe now we’ll start believing what she’s been saying since April but we’ll prop someone else up that she’ll beat and drink up all the tears. But she won’t be drinking along because an old friendship is starting back up.

HERE’S CORA! Cora Jade comes to the ring and gets a mic. Cora says for the past nine months she had to sit at home and hear how this is the deepest division in NXT and WWE. Everyone listed all the women but her name was left off. And that really pissed her off. So when she came back, she wanted to make sure everyone paid for forgetting about her. So when she cost Giulia the title, no one saw it coming — not even Roxy. The woman we knew was a young girl trying to make it in NXT, but the woman we see now will be the woman who makes NXT. Roxy deserves to be NXT Women’s Champion and their friendship is finally being mended which is bad for the deepest division in NXT.

Roxy says she should have listened to Cora long ago and she has finally learned. She says the title shattered their friendship, and it’s the one thing that will bring us right back together.

HERE COMES GIULIA! Giulia makes her way out and Cora tells her to come into the ring, don’t be shy! Giulia looks back —

STEPHANIE VAQUER IS HERE! Steph stands next to Giulia and they rush the ring! A brawl ensues and the heels get knocked from the ring. Vaquer and Giulia look at each other, then the title, and hold it up together between them!

* The NQCC are backstage and Wren says she’ll find out what Vaquer is all about next week. Charlie says good for her and walks along, running across Lexis who is still upset about his loss to Oro Mensah. He asks if they have any idea for a match where Oro can’t cheat. Charlie mentions the Admiral Lord Mount Evans match. Lexis says he doesn’t do rounds, but Charlie says it’s a gentleman’s battle.

NXT North American Championship Match
Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo

Tony and Oba stare off and Oba fakes Tony out. They start trading shots with Tony staggering Oba, whip into the corner but Oba comes out with a clothesline. Kneelift by Oba and a bodyslam, elbowdrop and cover for two.

Headlock by Oba locked in, Tony shoots Oba off the ropes but Oba cinches in the headlock! Tony tries to escape but gets snapmared down to the mat. Oba still wearing Tony down with the headlock, Tony gets Oba’s shoulders on the mat for two. Back to their feet but Oba with another takedown with the headlock.

Back up, Tony finally fights out of it and goes into the ropes — he takes Oba down and then clotheslines him over the ropes! Double axehandle off the apron but Oba catches him and slams him back first into the apron as we go to break.

We’re back with Femi pressing Tony into a backbreaker submission to wear him down. Tony fights to his feet and hits a back elbow but is hit with a kneelift. Powerbomb attempt but Tony with a BIG backdrop! A tire iron is slid into the ring by Stacks, but Tony says no and slides it away. Oba up and Tony lays in the punches! Whip into the ropes for a spinebuster but Femi with a shot to the head. Femi bowls Oba over the top to the floor and goes with!

Tony is up onto the apron but Oba stands up and slaps Tony down. Oba stares off with the family and laughs, then shoves the lot of them! Tony is pissed! He gets off the apron and Oba turns into a tackle! Tony lays into Oba and throws him into the ring steps! Overhead belly to belly onto the ramp! Back into the ring, Tony with a big spear and a cover for a nearfall.

Oba with a big uppercut to TOny and charges into for an uppercut. He backs up but Tony charges in with a knee. Oba with a HUGE charging dropkick and then a chokeslam! One, two, thr-NO! Oba is in shock!

Oba drops Tony with short-arm lariats, but Tony ducks the third and hits a German suplex! A second one! He goes for a third but Oba fights him off with elbows to the head. Back suplex throw by Oba, but the champion falls over.

Both men slowly get up, Oba charges in with an uppercut in the corner. He puts Tony on the top and climbs up — but Tony punches Oba to the mat! Tony off the second rope and leaps INTO AN UPPERCUT!

Tony to the outside, and Oba follows. Oba clears off the booth and goes for the powerbomb — Tony escapes! Spinebuster through the table! He rolls Oba in — spinebuster for one, two, thre–NO!

Oba sits up and grabs Tony! He goes for a chokeslam — TONY ROLLS HIM UP! THAT’S IT!

Winner: Tony D’Angelo (13:59)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: Fantastic match between these two. With Oba having set the record for NA Title reigns and the way Tony’s storyline went, a title switch seemed to be on the table and I am not mad at it. This didn’t hurt Oba; it elevated D’Angelo and that works for me.

* We get a video from last week where Lola and Jaida argued and brawled in the backstage. Now to current, Lola tells Ava she wants Jaida. Ava says Jaida wants her too. She answers the phone and tells someone to walk in. It’s Nikkita Lyons. Lola says that she has business with Ava and Nikkita says to chill. It leads into a match being set between them.

* Kelani, Bianca and Jade hang out backstage and Kelani says she knows Fatal Influence isn’t done but she can handle it here. Lash and Jakara walk up and want a WWE Women’s Tag Team Title match. Bianca says come to Smackdown, so that looks set for this Friday.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match
Fraxiom vs. A-Town Down Under

Axiom starts off with Theory and locks in a headlock. Shot into the ropes and Theory knocks him down with a shoulderblock. Theory with a shot, Axiom fires back and hits a dropkick. Whip into the ropes, Frazer tags in, Axiom ties Theory up and Frazer off the ropes with a kick. Chop in the ropes, Frazer sent across the ring and goes up and over. Frazer with a shoulderlock on Theory, who gets up and breaks free before knocking Frazer down.

Theory pulls Frazer up but Frazer with a kick to the head. Axiom tags in and they double team Theory. Waller runs in and is caught with a title-a-whirl bulldog to send him out of the ring. Axiom puts Theory on the top, Axiom climbs, Waller stabilizes Waller and Axiom shoved onto the ropes. Theory with a clothesline as we go to break.

We’re back as Axiom hits Waller with a rana off the steps and goes for a tag, but Theory yanks Frazer off the ropes. Waller nails Axiom and then tags in Theory, double up shot and a pin by Theory for two-plus. The challenges argue with the ref, Frazer yanks Waller out of the ring as Theory puts Axiom on the top rope and climbs — superplex blocked. Axiom fights back and knocks Axiom down, he hits a BIG frog splash!

Frazer tags in, springboard front dropkick. He nails Theory and goes into the ropes, taking the challenger down. Supolex but Theory floats over, Frazer with a springboard inverted DDT! Waller in and gets taken down in the same motion!

Frazer dives on Waller and tells Axiom he’s got it, he goes for a standing moonsault but Theory counters with a roll-up for a nearfall. Waller takes out Axiom, Theory pulls Frazer into a flipping facebuster, one, two, thre-no!

Frazer gets the tag to Axiom, high low to Waller, cover gets a nearfall. Frazer over the top but gets clocked with a left by Waller. Waller goes for the leaping Stunner but Axiom catches him in a sleeper with bodyscissors! Theory in but Frazer with a dragon sleeper, Theory escapes and slams Frazer into the other two.

Look, a bunch of stuff happened but too fast for me to type. Massive Canadian Destroyer by Axiom to Waller! Axiom with the Spanish fly, Frazer with the Phoenix Splash, that’s it!

Winner: Fraxiom (11:16)
Rating: *** 3/4
Thoughts: Look, when it’s too fast for me to keep up, that’s a very good sign. Both teams gave their all and it delivered big-time. Zero complaints.

* Tonight’s NXT focus recaps Ridge Holland’s feud with Chase U.

* Sarah Scrieber asks Ridge Holland about his running through Chase U. He says that’s the price they pay for their mediocrity. Riley Obsorne attacks Ridge from behind and they brawl as officials try to break them up.

* It’s Sexxy Red time. She performs one of her tracks in the ring — until Ethan Page comes out to interrupt. He says, “No, no, no, no.” And says “Ma’am, your concert? It’s cancelled.” He says that’s what she gets for interrupting him last night on Raw. He says he’s not been champion for one week and it’s all falling apart. Trick has his title, Sexxy has her concert, Wes Lee thinks he’s #1 contender and Je’Von thinks he can fight in the main event. Page says he isn’t leaving until he gets his rematch clause.

HERE COMES JE’VON! Evans steps into the ring and Page says he doesn’t care that Evans is wrestling Orton next. He attacks but Evans dodges and knocks Page to the floor, then dances with Red.

* We get a new vignette of Delta destroying someone on the road toward her eventual debut.

Set For Next Week:
– The Havoc Wheel returns
– Tony D’Angelo’s Championship Celebration
– Lola Vice vs. Nikkita Lyons
– Stephanie Vaquer vs. Wren Sinclair

Randy Orton vs. Je’Von Evans

Big “RANDY” chant as he and Evans stare off. They circle and lock up, Orton shot into the ropes but he dodges a dropkick. Lock back up, Orton with a wristlock and he works over the shoulder before sending Evans into the corner. He charges, Evans dodges and goes to the apron, then leaps into the ring past Orton. Orton with a headlock, reversed by Evans. Evans shot into the ropes, springboard off for a Coffin Drop but Orton sidesteps it.

Lockup, Orton buts Evans in the corner and backs up and pats Evans’ head. Kick caught by Orton, he pushes it away but Evans with a superkick! BIG dropkick, Orton escapes to the outside as we go to break.

We’re back and Orton has Evans against the booth on the outside. He shrugs and grabs Evans, going for a back suplex but Evans lands on his feet on the booth! He leaps to the apron, kicks Orton and goes in for a dive onto Orton — who catches him and back suplexes him into the booth. It didn’t break so he goes again — and it still doesn’t break. One more time — that is one resilient table! Fourth go and it still didn’t break, but Evans nearly did!

Orton breaks the count and goes out to grab Evans, rolling him into the ring. He follows and Evans fights back but gets nailed. Hard whip across the ring into the corner, Evans is down. Orton goes to do it again but Evans slides under the ropes, goes over and leaps into a body shot! Evans with big chops, he goes up and over a charging Orton and hits a spinning kick for a two-count. Evans goes for a springboard cutter but Orton catches him, sends him into the ropes for a powerslam for two.

Orton goes for the Hangman’s DDT! He pulls Evans over and executes it, then poses for the crowd for a moment. He drops to pose for the RKO — he moves in but Evans with a HUGE superkick! Orton’s knees buckled, Evans goes up for the springboard cutter off the top! One, two, thre–NO! Evans goes again but Orton escapes and hits the RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton (11:04)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: This was not a very competitive match, but it will reap wonders for Evans down the line and he’ll dine out on this for a while in NXT. They worked well together and it did what it needed to.

Post-match, Orton stands over Evans and pulls him up, then raises his hand!

* Ethan Page is in Ava’s office with Wes Lee. Ava says Page needs to earn a title match, and so does Page. She books the match between them with the winner going onto Halloween Havoc — and Je’Von Evans is in the mix too!

And with that, we’re done for the night!

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WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas