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Have you EVER wondered what Michael Ornelas’s dad was like? Yeah, me either, but here he is! Pops is great, with a humor that is more like a dagger from a hobo, stabbing you over and over than Michael’s sword-like craftmanship of hahas and guffaws.
Then! Now! Forever! Whenever! Wherever! We’re meant to be together! Did y’all see Shakira during the Columbia game?! Also, can we talk about how soccer players make wrestling look like the most legit combat sport, cuz man…they flop more than Lebron!
Welcome to The Liv Morgan Revenge Tour!
We get a recap of the entirety of it, starting three months ago and culminating in her taking Rhea’s title, man, and…son?
We are LIVE and Rhea Ripley uses the elevator. We walk with her as she gets off on Gorilla level, then follow her through and to the ring.
Rhea Ripley stands in the middle of the ring as “MAMI” chants welcome her. She says, “Mami’s home” to much love. It’s been exactly three months since she’s been in this ring, and it’s all because of one person. She’s been watching Liv run around with something of hers, and it’s not Dom – she’ll handle him later – no, it’s something that she has never lost: the Women’s World Championship. Liv thinks she took Rhea out, but all she did was piss Rhea off. She wants her to walk out here so Rhea can rip her apart.
It’s Dominik Mysterio instead! He is out with a mic and a black rose. He’s going FULL GUERRERO! He even calls her Mamacita! Lol.
Rhea turns her back to Dom.
Liv Morgan shows up on the tron! She says she’s a screamer, and says her shoulder is fine compared to Rhea’s all because of the title. She thinks by now that Rhea knows she meant it when she said she wanted to take everything, including Dom. She must admit, she didn’t see what Rhea saw in him. Then, she got to spend time with him, look into his eyes, kiss him, and it all became very very real to her. More real than what they had. Since Rhea’s been gone, she’s had him all to herself. So while Mami might be home, Liv is finally on top.
Dom says it’s not what it looks like, but the crowd doesn’t want to hear it. Rhea ignores Dom, and addresses Liv, saying she knew Liv would be too afraid to face her, because she knows once Liv gets in the ring, the tour ends. Rhea’s waited thre months for this, she can handle a little bit longer. So she’ll set out this challenge: Summerslam. Rhea v Liv.
Liv says she always knew this was coming, so she won’t run. But she’s not the same Liv that Rhea knew. Just like she helped Dom beat Rey – something she couldn’t do – she’ll finally beat Rhea, too. So she accepts. Oh, and Dom, she hopes to see him there, too.
Rhea knows Liv is still listening so she’ll say this, Summerslam, she not only ends the tour or the title reign, she’s also going to end Liv’s career.
Dom holds the ropes for Rhea. She stares him down till he moves and leaves on her own accord.
Dom chases her up with the roses, but Rhea grabs them and tosses them over her head.
Drew McIntyre arrived earlier with a shit-eating grin. I never understood that…who grins whilst eating shit?
We are back and Dom is still following Rhea towards a locker room. She opes the door, and there is a bouquet of flowers. She asks what the hell is all this then slams the door. Here comes Damien Priest to ask if everything is ok. Rhea opens the door and tosses the flowers at him then slams it again. Dom tells Priest it appears more complicated than he thought.
Sheamus vs Bronson Reed
We start with some major ass-kickery. Both men me(a)et in the middle, then Reed kicks Sheamus down hard. Sheamus tries to lift up Reed, but cant quite do it. Reed corners Sheamus, chops him, forearm from Sheamus, another, another, gets Reed to the center, hits the ropes, and hits a battering ram of a shoulder tackle. Reed is outside, he pulls himself up on the apron, running knee from Sheamus. He turns Reed around, trying to lock him up in the ropes, but Reed hits a headbutt then right hands then pulls Sheamus to the outside. Reed off the apron! Shoulder tackle! Reed grabs Sheamus, and sends him flying over the announce table! Reed rolls into the ring, then right back out. Sheamus grabs his head and bounces it off the table, then turns Reed and pounds across his chest ten times!
We are BACK and Sheamus hits a solid clothesline to Bronson. Sheamus tries again for a fireman’s! Get’s him up! WHITE NOISE! COVER! 1..2…NO!!! Sheamus to the top rope, flies, roll through, runs up right into a powerbomb from Reed!!! Cover! 1.2…NO!!!
Reed grabs Sheamus and drags him to the corner. Reed to the top rope! Tries for a moonsault, Sheamus side steps! Reed up! KNEE TO THE FACE! Cover! 1.2….3!!!!
Winner: Sheamus
Solid little sprint that was hurt a bit due to the break and the length.
Total Rating: **1/2
Match Time: 8:35
Bronson Reed is up. He sees Sheamus celebrate. Reed looks to attack, but Pete Dunne runs in and stops Reed with a running attack! Sheamus turns, asks him what’s wrong with Pete. Dunne leaves the ring and stares Sheamus down. Sheamus turns, and Dunne runs back into the ring to attack Sheamus!!!
Dunne leaves, and Reed creeps up onto the apron! TSUNAMI!!!!
Backstage, The Judgment Day are playin games. Priest and Rhea chat. Rhea thanks him for keeping it all together, and asks if he needs help out there with Gunther. He says no. Rhea wonders why Carlito is there. Priest is about to explain, but in comes Dom.
Dom asks for a minute alone with Rhea. Priest wishes him luck and leaves. Rhea pulls apart the rose as Dom says he’s been trying to get a hold of her all week. Rhea wonders about the last three months, then leaves.
Backstage, Sami Zayn has some words with Ilja Dragunov. Sami tells him that he requested a match with him for the title. Ilja is good. He reminds Sami of himself. When his hair is a mess and his body is wrecked. It’s ugly. Ilja fights like his life depends on it, and that’s the kind of person Sami wants to give a shot to. But one thing, tonight, Ilja better bring his best.
Ilja: “You better do the same.”
Video package for Gunther.
Zelina Vega was backstage earlier with Jackie, saying she is still owed a title shot. In come The Scissor Sisters to tell Zelina the line starts with them. Zelina gets a crack at Sonya Deville’s forehead then says she’ll meet one of them in the ring.
We return to Vega putting Vaseline on her face…
I mean, I get it, but man it’s just…eye-roll inducing.
Zelina Vega vs Sonya Deville (w/ Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark)
Sonya corners Vega, Vega hops up, Sonya catches her, but Vega hits a takedown. Dropkick gets Sonya into positon. 619 from Vega! Zoey distracts the ref and Shanya grabs Vega by the arm and gives it a sick kick. Deville’s Advocate finishes Vega for 1..2..3!!!
Winner: Sonya Deville
Total Rating: NR
Match Time: :59
The attack ensues but Lyra Valkyria, Kayden Carter, and Kitana Chance run down to make the save.
Damien Priest is walking backstage like he’s in a high school play as “Hardened Youth #3” and is stopped by Dom, who asks him why Priest didn’t warn him about Rhea last week. Priest says this is all Dom’s fault for lying about everything.
Here comes Jey Uso who wonders if it’s true, is Rhea single and ready to mingle? Lol. Priest says maybe. Jey then tells Dom if he sees Mami, tell her he said “HIIII”
Priest reminds Dom that he’s been to prison. He’s gotta show Jey who Rhea belongs to. Dom says he’s right, he’s going to go take care of business right now.
Adam Pearce is backstage with some refs. In come Chad Gable, and he has figured it out, he cracked the code. Uncle Howdy is BO DALLAS! He wants to know what Pearce has done about the attacks and what kind of trouble he and his friends are in.
Pearce tells him Bo is here tonight if Gable wants to handle things, and Gable says he will call Bo out tonight and handle things his way.
Priest is in the ring. He calls Gunther out quickly, and out comes the man!!!
Gunther introduces Priest as the WHC, saying he looks so confident. He’s been carrying RAW and living out his childhood dream of being the WHC. Gunther has been watching. He’s made his own assessments and wants to share that now: Priest is not living up to it. His reign has been nothing. No prestige, no contributions, but he understands – it’s ok. They are not cut from the same cloth. He comes in good spirits and wants to do a favor. He’d like to lift the weight off his shoulder and spare the embarrassment – just hand him the title and they can move on.
Priest wishes it was Summerslam now so he could knock the stupid smirk off his face. We all heard him – this was never his dream. While he was getting everything handed to him in Europe, Priest was literally fighting for his life in the streets. He did that for 20 years. So if this isn’t Gunther’s dream, we don’t need him here. He knows Gunther is good, but he doesn’t give a damn – he earned the title, and Gunther is the last person around here that will be taking this title.
Gunther says he recognizes Priest’s hardship, lol. He will not question Priests’ street cred. But being on the street is a choice. Don’t blame him that his parents taught him wrong. Gunther’s parents provided him with everything. His greatness was recognized his whole life. SO while Priest was on the streets, Gunther got calls from WWE begging him to sign a contract. The reason they were begging him was to avoid people like Priest being able to call themselves champion. Once again, it will be on Gunther. Because who, if not him, that takes on the challenge and responsibility to restore honor and prestige of this great sport and the World Heavyweight Championship. There is one thing he doesn’t understand – why all these people don’t love him to death, because they are just like Priest. Whatever he achieves, Priest is and always will be street trash.
Priest questions this, then says for someone who seems to have so much clarity, it’s crazy that he cant see what is going to come right at him. He doesn’t see why he lost his title at Mania. It’s why he will lose at SS. He has no heart. He doesn’t know what it feels like to have to fight for everything he has. Priest tells Gunther that he will remain champion come Summerslam, and for the first time, Gunther will have to fight from the bottom because he will have nothing. Then, maybe, they find out if Gunther is something more than just a boring, conceited, privileged scumbag.
They go head to head. Priest looks to fight, but here comes Braun Strowman. Gunther laughs it all off as that dude who thinks he’s a train comes down the ramp.
Adam Pearce is backstage with Jey, telling him Jey v Dom sounds fun.
Here comes Bron Breakker to air his grievances regarding the main event. Bron says if he continues to be disrespected, he’ll just interrupt the match and beat down on everyone involved. Pearce says he won’t because he will be escorted out the building now. Bron says he knows his way out. Pearce tells some “security” to make sure he leaves. So they will undoubtedly not do that.
Damien Priest vs Braun Strowman
Braun shoves Priest in the corner with ease. Priest tries to whip him, Braun stops him, high kick from Priest. He launches himself into the corner and Braun catches him. Priest dorps, hits a har right hand to the face. Kick to Braun, another, one for the hip, Priest spins for a punch but Braun catches him and tosses him across the ring. Uppercuts in the corner. Whip to the corner, Priest comes out of it and Braun hits a shoulder tackle. Big clothesline sends Priest outside. Braun leaves the ring, tries to run over Preist, but Priest sends him into the timekeeper’s area.
We’re back and Braun hits a splash in the corner then a big blow to the chest and a pin for 1..2.NO!!! Braun’s knee is hurting. Braun is up. Priest turns into a GOOZLE! Priest matches Braun’s freak. But Braun is stronger.
Braun slams Priest, Priest is up with a kick to the head, though! Another! Off the ropes Braun catches him, tries for a powerslam, but Braun’s knee buckles. Splash in the corner. SOUTH OF HEAVEN TO BRAUN! COVER! 1..2…3!!!
Winner: Damien Priest
A big win for Priest that was short and cut by the break – again – but good win.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:11
Gunther is back! He walks down the ramp and walks up the steps, onto the apron, and walks in after being invited by Priest. Gunther with a chop! Priest hits him wit an elbow. Stomps in the corner, right hands to Gunther. Gunther with another chop. Priest with a huge clothesline and Gunther leaves the ring!
Backstage, Maxxine, Akira Tozawa, and Otis are chatting about Gable. Gable is seen creeping in the back. He tells his former friends that he has figured it out. Uncle Howdy is Bo Dallas. Maxxine says they know that. Gable says let’s go out there like the old days. Here comes Xavier Woods, and Maxxine says they were talking and want to help Woods by facing The Final Testament with him. Gable asks if they are serious, and Otis says yes.
Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark vs Kitana Chance and Kayden Carter
Shayna corners Carter, and hits a hard right. Carter tries to arm drag, but Baszler looks to do the stomp. Carter escapes, kicks, another kick, tag to Chance. They double team with kicks. Cover for 1…2.NO!!!! Chance tries for a rana, but Shayna holds on, sits her o the shoulders, blind tag from Zoey, who comes in to kick the head as Chance tries to roll up the illegal Shayna. Cravat from Zoey, bringing Chance down to them at. Chance turns into the hold, elbows out, hits the ropes, tries for a move but zoey gets her to the shoulderes, then spins her only to get hit by an arm drag. Chance corners her, zoey shoves, flips Chacne up, Carter catches her, slings her back into the ring, and Chance hits a crossbody. Zoey tries to counter, but an arm drag and a dropkick sends her into the corner. Tag and Carter monkey flips Chance into Zoey! Cover! 1…NO!!! Carter sends Zoey to the outsiee. Then Shayna. Tag to Chance, and they hit a Keg Stand outside the ring!
We are back and Chance is tossing Zoey around. She corners and hits some kicks to Zoey, the nbacks up and rushes with a clothesline ala Miz. Front flip onto Zoey and a cover for 1…2..NO!!! Zoey rolls Chance, hits a knee. Tag to Shayna, who hits a running knee in the corner. Cover for 1.2…NO!!! Moonsault from Chance, using the knees! Tag to Carter, Carter flips CChance onto Shayna then covers for 1..2.NO!!! tag to Chance. She heads for the corner, but Sonya distracts! Lyra grabs Sonya and pulls her face first into the apron. Zoey kicks Lyra away, Chance pulls Zoey in and Carter stomps the back.
Chance runs into the ring, cover to Shayna for 1..2.NO!!! Tag to Zoey. Missile Dropkick! Zoey launches Chance into a knee from Shayna, and we get a cover for 1..2..3!!!!
Winners: Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark
Pretty sick ending there.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 9:50
Backstage, Finn Balor and JD McDonagh wanna set the record straight with Rhea. Rhea says it’s all good.
Here comes Dom to tell Rhea that he’s going to teach Jey a lesson tonight. Rhea wonders if he is stupid, why is he picking a fight with Jey. Dom says he’ll cancel it. Rhea thinks he’s a coward now? Dom says he just wants to show everyone that she is still his Mami and belongs to him.
Rhea takes offense and walks away. Carlito comes by and tells him how cool it is, which is to say not at all.
We come back to Drew McIntyre making his entrance with Pearce in the ring. He tells Drew he thinks Drew vs CM Punk can be something special. He knows that Punk is at home right now, and he’s doing all he can to get cleared, because he wants the match. The only question is simple: Drew McIntyre, how bad do you want the match?
Drew says he wants this more than anything in the world. Good, says Pearce. He thinks it could be special. They need to leave the irrational behavior behind. If he can do that, Pearce is ready to do business.
Drew says he is ready to do business, he gets it, he understands that Adam did what he needed. Last week, he had to watch Punk and Seth in the ring. He wants this more than anything. It’s not their opinion that matters, though. It’s the WWE Universe. Do they want it?
Let’s make it official, says Drew. Pearce says there is one thing he needs, though.
Pearce asks a couple of refs to enter the ring. Pearce knows what happened at MitB was uncalled for, but they did not deserve what happened to them. Pearce wants Drew to apologize to the two refs.
Drew wonders why would he apologize. Pearce tries to reason with him. Says they deserve the respect. Drew says at this point, it’s kind of embarrassing. Let’s move forward. Pearce says he is not being unreasonable. The refs got hurt. He’s just asking for an apology. That’s it.
Drew considers it. He walks over to them, then says no. The refs have only ever screwed him. This has all happened under Pearce’s watch. Pearce deserved that elbow. Pearce should be apologizing to him right now. Everyone has chanted for Punk, and they should be apologizing. Seth thinking he could skip the line? Ha! He wants Punk’s head on a spike. Everyone is trying to screw Drew and he is sick of it.
Pearce says if he doesn’t accept it, then he is still suspended.
Drew fumes, turns, and if I was a ref, I’d leave immediately.
He stares Pearce down, then walks over to him. Drew shove one ref, then the other. He gets in Pearce’s face, but here comes Seth Rollins. He runs down the ramp, enters the ring, and attacks! Punches the na superkick! He goes for a stomp, but Drew leaves the ring. He turns to see Sethe remove his jacket and ask for more. Security runs down the circle around Drew. Seth wants the fight. The crowd sings and Drew thinks better of it, and leaves.
Pat’s show gets hijacked again earlier today, and another box is delivered to McAfee.
We go to the tape.
Erick Rowan is seated. He is asked how he’s been. Rowan says the last few years have been very hard. He used to have a family. They were unstoppable. Always had each others’ backs. Then one day, the whole world changed. He lost a brother. The person in this world who believed in him more than anyone. Gone. Knocked him on his ass. In those situations, you get up and wipe the dust off, and keep moving. That’s what you gotta do. Life goes on. And just when he thought he had everything going, his other brother…
Rowan starts to cry.
He was gone, too. He had no more family. No more will. He fell down a well and couldn’t get out, didn’t want to. Why? Why would he want to? He felt catatonic. Numb to everything. Who is going to miss him? He’s just Rowan.
How does that make him feel?
He is tossed the goat mask. Quick cuts of the former Rowan of The Wyatt Family.
He says the mask gives him hope. When he was at his lowest and he reached out and pulled him up. When he saw the hand, he accepted it. HE needed help. He had a purpose to help those like himself. This mask reminds him of that beacon of hope. They’re going to take the broken hearts and make some beautiful art.
WE flicker to the new mask a few times, then cut to black.
Dom comes out first, then Jey. While Jey is making his entrance, Dom attacks! Ref regains control and we get the bell.
Dominik Mysterio vs Jey Uso
Dom with a dropkick! He mounts and punches and proclaims that Rhea is his mommy. Dom with a right hand, puts boot to the back of the neck. Dom with a kick to the arm. Dom with shoulders in the corner. Snapmare to Jey. Crossface attacks from behind. Dom chokes Jey up still saying it’s his Mami. Jey up and turns into the hold. He hits rights. Dom kicks, suplex. Holds on and tries for another. Gets it. Another attempt, gets it, and covers for 1.2..NO!!! Dom up and dropkicks Jey into the ropes. Dom hits the ropes, goes for a 619, Jey ducks under, holds the ropes for Dom and he flies outside. Jey hits the ropes, suicide dive to Dom! BUT DOM HITS HIM WITH A RIGHT HAND! HE sends Jey into the barricade!
We are back and Jey is looking to end it, but Liv Morgan is here to pull Dom out of the way! Dom pleads with her to leave him alone. Jey with a baseball slide sends Dom on top of Liv! Liv rolls him over and now she sits atop Dom. She cradles his face but here comes Rhea! Liv runs out through the crowd again. Rey stands on the steps to watch Liv leave up the steps in the crowd.
Dom tries to talk to Rhea, she turns and tells him to get in the ring and finish it.
Dom enters, Jey with a spear! Jey with a splash! Cover! 1..2..3!!!
Winner: Jey Uso
As with most of tonight, a pretty average match cut in half and more for story than for action.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 9:12
WE come back to Rhea telling Dom in the back that she doesn’t belong to anyone. But Dom belongs to her.
She gives him a flower, then walks away.
We head to the ring where Chad Gable says he has solved the greatest mystery ever in the WWE. He is here to announce the true identity of Uncle Howdy. It is Bo Dallas.
He is calling Bo out. They are going to solve this little problem. Do not make him wait.
Gable then waits.
Bo Dallas comes out to no music, just unblinking eyes.
As he makes his way down the ramp, The Creed Brothers attack!!!! They send him into the barricade a few times. Brutus pounces Bo into the barricade. Julius lifts Bo by the head and sends him into the ringpost back first. Julius sends Bo into the ring, and he lay in front of a proud Gable. Gable holds the hands of The Creed Brothers up in the air, without realizing that Bo Dallas is laughing his ass off.
They finally notice and Gable kicks him in the stomach. Bo crawls, but The Brothers grab him. Gable removes his jacket and starts laying in on him with some elbows. Bo continues to laugh. Gable with a right to the jaw. Bo laughs. Knee to Bo, then a double team from The Brothers. Bo continues to laugh, even as Gable locks up from behind and hits a German Suplex.
Gable holds up the hands again, assuming the problem to be taken care of, but Bo laughs in the corner, even while writhing in pain. He says yeah yeah yeah yeah. Gable grabs him by the face, says what are you laughing at, what is so funny!
BO: “There you are!”
The lights dim, dimmer, go out. The fireflies are alive. The fog fills the ring, Gable and the Creeds go back to back to back.
A single light is at the top of the ramp. Here comes Nikki with the lantern. The others follow. The bunny towers in the back, creating a sick visual. The light goes out, Nikki holds the lantern up and they begin to walk towards the ring. We see Gable and The Creeds awaiting their arrival. The 6ix all hop up on the apron, with Rowan in the middle. Gable and Co clear the ring.
They circle Bo as he kneels in front of the lantern. They have officially arrived.
Intercontinental Championship Match
Sami Zayn vs Ilja Dragunov
Ilja corners Sami, Sami hits a chop, Ilja returns the favor, right hands back and forth in the middle of the ring. Sami sends Ilja outside then hits a moonsault off the top rope!
WE are back to Ilja hitting The Constantine Special. Big boot in the corner. He tries for a powerbomb, Sami lands on his feet, hits a right and, rope work, Sami hops over the head, big clothesline! Ilja with a knee to Sami! He ducks under a right, tries for the Special again, but Sami with a Blue Thunder Bomb! Pin for 1…2.NO!!! Sami grabs Ilja by the hair, picks him up but Ilja gets some space and hits a big boot, antoher one! Another! Sami eats them all, wobbling! Ilja locks up from behind. GERMAN to SAMI!!! Big boot from Sami. Ilja loves it! He swipes, EXPLODER IN THE CORNER!!! Sami to the corner! Sai runs, HUGE KICK OUT OF THE CORNER FROM ILJA! Cover! 1.2…NO!!! Powerbomb from Ilja! He’s up in the corner! H-BOMB!!! Sami has the boot up! Both men down! Sami turns and covers for a slow pin! 1.2….NO!!!! Sami lifts, hits a right, high kick from Ilja, then a running knee sends Sami to the outside. Ilja to the apron! H-Bomb from the apron?!?! YES! Right to Sami’s jaw! Ilja lifts Sami, sends him into the ring, and climbs up the apron to the top rope. Sami struggles to stand, he grabs the middle rope, Ilja dives with a kick to the side of the head! Ilja to the top rope! He dives! SENTON! But Sami grazes him with knees! Crucifix pin! Cover! 1.2….NO!!! Ilja pulls himself up on the apron. Sami with a right hand. Another. Ilja hits a headbutt. HELLUVA KICK TO ILJA ON THE APRON!!! Ilja falls to the outside! Sami falls and rolls outside .He grabs Ilja, pulls him up to send him into the ring.
BRON FUCKING BREAKKER IS HERE!!!!! He runs around the ring and SPEAR TO ILJA!!! This causes the DQ!
Winner: Ilja Dragunov via DQ
Well, we knew that was coming, but it didn’t make it any less intense and welcomed. Looks like we’re getting a triple threat, and that’s quite alright.
Total Rating: ***1/2
Match Time: 10:48
Bron tries to attack Sami, Sami sends him into the ring, Sami enters. Back body drop to Sami! Bron rips his shirt off and hits the ropes, hits it again, again, again, SPEAR!!!!!
End Show
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