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Join 411’s Live WWE Smackdown Coverage

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I will be doing the coverage in my regular review style; final ratings and extra thoughts will be in the final version of the review. Have a good time chatting, and thanks for joining 411 for your live coverage needs.

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– We open with highlights from last week’s show, and John Cena accepting the Fiend’s Mania challenge.
A Moment of Bliss With The NWO: Nikki & Alexa are here in the ring to kick off the show, and hype this year’s WWE Hall of Fame class; Batista, JBL, the Bellas, and then tell the Kabuki Warriors that they want a tag title shot. The NWO (Hall, Nash & Waltman) arrive. Hall, Nash & Waltman come out together to he NWO theme, while there is no Hogan. Nikki fan girls out takes a selfie with them. Waltman is asked what he should be called, and he laughs when Nikki says Syxx because it sounds like sex. Alexa puts them over and asks them about Goldberg. Nash comments on what Reigns needs to do to win, and says he told Reigns two things, he needs Scott Hal land a cattle prod. Nakamura, Sami, & Cesaro arrive. Sami says they get it, but says 1997 was a great year and that they need to live in the now and look to the future, he and his guys. They will defeat Braun on Sunday and get in the ring. Sami puts over Hall as a former IC Champion, Nash as well and then mocks Waltman for never winning it and knowing how much it weighs since he carried their bags for years. Nash makes fun of Sami, so Sami says he could drop them. They tease fighting and Sami refuses and they leave because the NWO wants the rub from them. Braun arrives and Cesaro attacks until he’s taken out, Braun works over Nak and Sami gets trapped in the ring. He hides behind Alexa, and escapes. Braun throws chairs at him and Sami runs away. Braun promises to give them these hands and says it will be too sweet and too sweets the hall of famers.
Bayley & Sasha Banks vs. Naomi & Lacey Evans: The heels immediately double team Lacey and take control of things while Naomi is taken out on the floor. Post break and Banks has the heat on Lacey, working her leg. Bayley tags in and continues to control, picking up a near fall. Lacey fights her off, but the tag is cut off until Lacey clears the ring and Naomi tags in, hits a plancha and high cross for 2. Naomi runs wild with the speedball kicks, and cradle until Bayley makes the save. It breaks down, and Naomi is cut off by Banks and the double knee and cradle get the win Bayley & Sasha Banks defeated Naomi & Lacey Evans @ 7:00 via pin
– New Day comments on tonight’s gauntlet match and Elimination Chamber match. They plan to win both and go to Mania as tag team champions.
– Bayley & Banks celebrate backstage, and mock the Bellas going into the hall of fame before them. Banks will dedicate her album to Bayley and they bounce.
– Gable meets with Crews and says he has his back.
Sheamus vs. Apollo Crews: Crews attacks, and the high cross follows for 2. The standing moonsault also follows for 2. Sheamus cuts him off, and the brogue kick finishes it. Sheamus defeated Apollo Crews @ 1:05 via pin [NR]
– Drake Maverick wants Gulak’s help and will fight Daniel Bryan. As Gulak looks to break down Bryan’s weaknesses, Bryan arrives and challenges him to a match on Sunday. Yes please.
Carmella & Dana Brooke vs. Fire & Desire: Dolph is at ringside. Mandy & Carmella begin, and Mandy takes control as Sonya tags in with the sliding knee strike, covering for 2. Sonya controls, talking shit and grounding Carmella. Carmella fires up and makes the comeback, Dana tags in and double teams follow as Dana takes control until Dolph distracts her. V trigger by Mandy and that’s all. Fire & Desire defeated Carmella & Dana Brooke @ 2:50 via pin [NR]
– Firefly Funhouse time. Bray has pics of Cena all over his walls and Ramblin Rabbit reminds Bray that Cena ruined him 6-years ago, sending him into a downward spiral and they show clips. Bray says if it wasn’t for Cena, the Funhouse wouldn’t exist so he thanks & forgives Cena. But Cena also created the Fiend, and he’s waiting for him and doesn’t forgive Cena.
– Backstage King Corbin arrives and says he and Reigns are finished as Elias interrupts. Elias makes fun of him, Corbin gets annoyed and runs him down, calling him a ridiculous looking gimmick.
– Otis meets with Mandy and apologizes for Valentine’s day, but she says it’s too late.
Winners Enter Elimination Chamber Last: The Miz & John Morrison vs. The New Day vs. The Usos vs. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode vs. Heavy Machinery vs. Lucha House Party.: new Day & Heavy Machinery start us off. Kofi &Tucker begin, working into counters and ending in a standoff. Big E tags in, he wants Otis and the beefy men gyrate, trade shoulder tackles then clotheslines until Otis cuts him off. Heavy Machinery follow with double delayed suplexes, and clear the ring. They then take control on the floor. Post break and Heavy Machinery are still in control, working the heat on Big E until Kofi tags in, runs wild and dumps Tucker. The assisted dive is caught and Tucker send Kofi to the barricades and back in, the compactor finishes Big E @ 8:15. Lucha House Party are next. They attack and are quickly cut off by Tucker, as he grounds Dorado. Metalik eventually gets the tag, they double team Otis until he mows them down. The luchas battle back and hit high crosses to the floor. Post break and Heavy Machinery continues to control with double teams, picking up near falls. Dorado avoid a charge, Otis tags in and easily cuts him off and works a bear hug. Dorado escapes, dumps Otis and back in, the golden rewind follows as Metalik tags in. He runs wild on Tucker, Dorado tags in and the top rope splash gets 2. Tucker runs him over and picks up a near fall. Suplexes follow, he dumps Metalik and Otis then runs wild, the caterpillar follows and Dorado is done @ 20:30. The Usos join the party and after a commercial, take the heat on Tucker. Tucker slowly fires back, but the Usos run wild until Tucker cradles him for the elimination @ 26:00. Miz & Morrison are next. The champions take immediate control, working double teams and picking up a near fall. Tucker finally cuts off Morrison, but Miz cuts off the tag. Morrison tags in and more double teams follow as Morrison hits the top rope elbow corkscrew deal for 2. It breaks down, until tucker cradles Morrison @ 30:45. The champions beat down Tucker and then Otis on the floor and through the barricades.. Dolph & Roode are last. Post break and they take the heat on Tucker, grounding things, Tucker starts to make a comeback, but Otis is dead on the floor. Tucker keeps fighting back, but Dolph cuts him off and covers for 2. Roode in, takes control and picks up another near fall. Otis rises from the dead, fights off Roode and Tucker fights back and makes the hot tag. Otis runs wild, working over Roode and dumping Dolph. Otis starts to gyrate and he’s fired up and starts suplexing Roode. Dolph tags in and hits the superkick for the win. Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode won @ 42:30 via pin
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