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Join 411’s Live WWE Smackdown Coverage

October 28, 2022 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown Image Credit: WWE

Keep Refreshing For The Latest Results

Hey there everyone, it’s Friday and we’re here for another episode of Smackdown. As a note, WWE will be taping next weeks Smackdown after this episode because Sweet Sweet Saudi Blood Money is next week and traveling from Friday evening to Saudi Arabia for a Saturday event is just not feasible. These double shots tend to have half of them drag, so we’ll see if it’s this week or next. As for this week we’ve got the on screen return of Roman Reigns as Roman looks to promote his Undisputed WWE Universal title match against Logan Paul at the aforementioned SSSBM. Last week Sheamus was attacked by the Bloodline and written off so he could get married (congratulations to Sheamus and his new wife), now his proteges Butch and Ridge Holland look for revenge against Solo Sikoa and Sami Zayn. Ronda Rousey will issue an open challenge for her next title program, and let’s all really hope it’s not Charlotte Flair. Bray Wyatt will be at this show, and probably next as well, as he continues to build his new character and start setting his sights on his first potential program. Hit Row will have someone in their corner to take on Legado Del Fantasma in a trios match as well. Drew McIntyre and Karrion Kross are set for a steel cage match at SSSBM so we might get something related to that here, or next week. Elsewhere Liv Morgan is continuing to turn into Harley Quinn minus the Joker, the Viking Raiders are still hyping up their return, next week Rey Mysterio will take on Gunther for Gunther’s Intercontinental title but we might get a little something to hype that up. Well that’s the preamble, and again anything not touched on here will almost certainly be done after this episode when they tape next weeks, so let’s get to the action. Oh, just a reminder that due to the World Series Smackdown is on FS1 tonight instead of Fox.

Up first, here come the Brawling Brutes with their own theme music instead of just using that of Sheamus. The Bloodline minus Roman is at gorilla getting hyped. Sami Zayn talks with Jey Uso, and says he wants Jimmy and Jey here tonight as last week they got a black eye and they need to show a united front. Sami acknowledges that Jey helped him out a few weeks back and wants that same energy here, Jey seems on the same page and they all head to the ring to the music of Solo Sikoa.

Match #1 – Tag Team Match: Brawling Brutes (Ridge Holland and Butch) vs. Solo Sikoa and Sami Zayn w/ Jimmy and Jey Uso

Butch and Sami start us off, Butch immediately grabs the beard then Sami responds with a kick to the gut. They hit the ropes and Butch levels Sami with a clothesline. Ridge tags in and both he and Butch attack the arms of Sami. Hip toss from Ridge, then Butch tags back in and we get some tandem strikes to the chest. Sami lands a kick and then Solo makes a blind tag and wipes out Butch with a clothesline. Leg drop from Solo. Cheap shot from Jimmy to Butch then Solo drops Ridge with a right hand. Sami tags back in and begins his usual control stuff. Solo tags in, but Butch drops him off the apron then low bridges Sami and takes him out with a diving knee from the apron. Slightly awkward landing from Sami on the low bridge spot as we head to break.

Solo and Butch are trading strikes as we come back, then Butch avoids a hip attack in the corner. Butch then counters a Samoan drop with a DDT and both men are down. Both men tag out and Ridge gets to run wild on Sami with shoulder blocks. Corner clotheslines from Ridge but he runs into a boot from Sami. Ridge catches Sami and hits a Catatonic for a 2 count. Sami avoids a powerbomb then Solo makes a blind tag and super kicks Ridge then hits a Samoan drop for a near fall. Some trash talk from Solo but Ridge catches his arms and hits some trapped headbutts, then Solo lands one of his own and they both wind up downed after a clothesline spot. Both men tag out, now Butch gets to run wild but he’s booted by Sami then avoids a Blue Thunder Bomb and grabs at a Cloverleaf but a distraction from Jimmy means Butch bails on that to kick him. Sami hits an exploder suplex into the corner, then sets for the Helluva kick but Butch avoids it then lands an enziguri. Butch heads up top, but Solo ties him long enough for Sami to play possum though Jey pulls Sami out of the way of a dive that doesn’t come. Sami and Jey argue on the floor, Solo yanks Butch off the top rope and now Solo plays peacemaker. Ridge comes around and lays out Jey and Solo, then when Sami heads back into the ring Butch catches him with a Small Package to pick up the win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Brawling Brutes won

Rating: 2.5 stars

The slightly overbooked ending hurt this a bit, though I get that they’re keeping the Bloodline visually strong despite the loss.

Post match Jey and Sami argue, with everyone getting in Jey’s face. This is all interrupted by the arrival of Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman, and the facials from everyone involved as soon as the music hit were predictably great. Roman slowly makes his way towards the ring as we head to break.

Post break Roman has entered the ring alongside Paul Heyman and the Bloodline stands nervously behind him. Roman gets a mic from Heyman, and naturally St. Louis acknowledges their Tribal Chief. Usually there’s an order to this, but Roman wants to mix things up and acknowledge the elephant in the room. You two, if you want to act like kids then we’ll treat you like kids. It’s unclear which duo he’s referencing. He believes in handling business in the back, not in the ring. But since we can’t do that, he wants them to let out, to air things out, because Roman wants this problem fixed right now. Sami has a mic and Heyman looks aghast at him, but Sami admits there’s some communication issues and they’re specifically with Jey. He doesn’t know what’s going on, he likes Jey, he’s always liked Jey, but for some reason Jey can’t stand him right now. Jimmy and Solo are both OK with this, and Sami doesn’t know what he did to offend Jey but he apologizes and doesn’t want this to continue. Whatever he did, he’s sorry, can they be cool and bury the hatchet? Jey looks at Sami’s outstretched hand and contemplates, then gets his own mic. Jey says Sami has 2 seconds to get that hand out of his face. He doesn’t like Sami, his hair, his face, his shirt, or him being around his family every single week when he’s not blood. News flash for Sami, he’ll never be blood and doesn’t belong here. No one likes him, he’s just the only one who’ll say it, and calls Sami a fake ass uce. Jey has shed blood for his family because they’re his family. Sami wants to know why Jey is yelling, Roman wanted peace, and Jey says he doesn’t give a damn what the Tribal Chief wants. That gets Roman’s attention and he turns around for the first time, staring a hole through Jey. Roman stalks around Jey, Sami tries to play peacemaker again, and says Jey didn’t mean that. Jey says he didn’t mean that. Sami says Jey isn’t himself right now, he hasn’t been very “ucey” which cracks everyone on screen including Roman. I think only Heyman kept his character. Roman asks if that’s what’s going on here. He asks if Jey isn’t feeling. . . ucey. Roman turning that crack into a character moment is great. He puts an arm around Jey’s shoulders, telling him to stay right here. If Jey can’t find his inner ucey again, then Roman’s going to do something he won’t like. Roman might take that honorary away from Sami and make him a full blown uce. No, you know what? If Jey doesn’t figure this out they’re going to change Sami’s name to Sami Uso. Sami looks like a kid on Christmas morning while Jimmy can’t keep it together in the background. We’ve got a “Sami Uso” chant. Heyman thinks the Tribal Chief has called an end to this segment, and be sure to check out the Tribal Chief at Sweet Sweet Saudi Blood Money when Roman defends his titles against Logan Paul. And now, a kind word from our sponsors. Heyman is still great.

Viking Raiders video, without the guidance of the gods they’re blind. But with Sarah Logan at their side, they see. The gods have opened their eyes, Valhalla awaits.

Back to the ring, Maximum Male Models are in the ring for a match.

Match #2 – Tag Team Match: New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) vs. Maximum Male Models (Mace and Mansoor) w/ Maxxine

Woods and Mansoor get things going, the tie up and Woods then grabs an arm wringer. Mansoor escapes and poses, then grabs his own arm wringer which Woods escapes then sweeps Mansoor down and hits a senton before posing. Kofi tags in, and a crossbody assisted suplex connects for a 2 count. Woods tags back in but Mansoor sends him to the apron. Maxxine with a distraction so Mace pull Woods down by the hair and Mansoor takes over. Mace tags in and we get some tandem offense while Wade Barrett mocks the referee’s follower count. Woods avoids a corner attack then low bridges Mace and tags in Kofi. I feel like everyone’s just trying to crack each other up tonight. Kofi runs wild and hits a boom drop then sets for a Trouble in Paradise but Mace distracts him. Woods takes out Mace with a kick as Mansoor and Kofi fight on the top rope. Kofi shoves Mansoor down, hits a splash then tags in Woods to hit the Midnight Hour and pick up the win.


Rating: 2 stars

Competent but a bit too predictable and by the numbers. New Day are clearly being heated up for a title shot.

In the back Kayla interviews Sonya Deville. Sonya brings up that Liv Morgan wont be answering Ronda Rousey’s open challenge, she insults Liv which means Liv shows up for a brawl. They brawl and are pulled apart as we head to break.

We come back and here’s Braun Strowman in the back. There’s always a bigger fish, and he knows Omos is bigger than him, but he’s not sure about stronger. We get some highlights of Braun’s strength through the years. He did those things because they were a challenge, and he felt that way about Omos last week. Come Sweet Sweet Saudi Blood Money Omos will find out there’s no giant too big for the monster of all monsters.

Back to the ring, here comes Ronda Rousey, she’ll be defending her title in the open challenge format. Ronda gets a mic in the ring and celebrates the belt being back where it belongs. I believe that’s our first “belt” post Vinnie Mac. Ronda’s in the mood to prove she’s the best with a challenge tonight, but doesn’t expect gratitude from the fans. She says only the great can recognize greatness, and the crowd is too mediocre to even know what they’re looking at. Alright, who feels lucky? Out comes Emma, using the Emma name but clearly doing the Tenille Dashwood gimmick, and we’ll get that match started after the break.

Match #3 – Smackdown Women’s Title Match: (c) Ronda Rousey vs. Emma

They tie up, and Ronda gets Emma in the corner but does give a clean break. Another tie up, then a hip toss from Ronda and a back heel trip. Ronda tries a Piper’s Pit but Emma rolls through and rolls up Ronda a few times before Ronda side kicks her out of the ring. They head out of the ring and Ronda tosses Emma into the ring steps but misses a kick and Ronda bangs her leg into the ring steps. Back in the ring Emma grabs a Tarantula to weaken Ronda then heads up top and hits a cross body for a 2 count. Ronda lands a kick then pulls Emma through the ropes and lands knees to the head. The crowd is pretty dead for this. Knee strike from Ronda then she ties up Emma and talks some trash as Emma fights free. Emma lands strikes to try and fire up, then a side kick but Ronda hits a knee strike, then Emma bounces off the ropes with a clothesline and both women are down. Strikes from Emma before she hits the ropes and lands a Russian leg sweep for a 2 count. Ronda avoids a corner attack and grabs an Ankle Lock. Emma struggles to the ropes, she’s able to roll through then avoids a head kick from Ronda. Wheelbarrow suplex from Emma kind of wakes the crowd up. Cross body in the corner from Emma gets a near fall. Ronda hoists Emma up out of a butterfly position, then there’s a minor ref bump allowing Ronda to rake the eyes then hit Piper’s Pit. Armbar from Ronda and we’re done.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Ronda Rousey retained the title

Rating: 2.5 stars

Competent but the crowd didn’t care about any of this.

We get the predictable update that Bianca will defend the RAW women’s title against Bayley, but it’ll be in a Last Man Standing Match at Sweet Sweet Saudi Blood Money. Also the Usos defend their titles against the Brawling Brutes at that event.

In the back Jey talks with Paul Heyman in front of Roman’s locker room. Heyman says some things shouldn’t be dealt with face to face, this is something that’s better coming from the Wise Man. Heyman says he’s always got Jey’s back and will help him here, which Jey seems to accept before heading out.

To the ring, here comes Legado Del Fantasma. There’s a minor break in the feed to remind us that Bray Wyatt will address his demons tonight. LDF will be in action after this break.

Post break Shayna Baszler congratulates Ronda on her win, then Natalya interrupts to talk trash. Well that annoys Baszler, who proceeds to choke her out with the Kirifuda Clutch then leaves with Ronda. After that we get a video recap of Legado Del Fantasma’s debut and win over Hit Row.

Back to the ring, here comes Hit Row to absolutely no crowd reaction. B-Fab has a mic and says they’ve got friends in high places, which brings out Shinsuke Nakamura as their partner. Nakamura did get a pop. We get a brawl with Hit Row and Nakamura standing tall. B-Fab with maybe the worst pump kick I’ve seen to send Zelina out of the ring, then all the faces do the Nakamura “come on” bit to send us to break.

Match #4 – Trios Match: Legado Del Fantasma (Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde, and Cruz Del Toro) w/ Zelina Vega vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Hit Row (Top Dollah and Ashante the Adonis) w/ B-Fab

We come back to seeing Cruz working Ashante in control. Cruz lands a clothesline in the corner, then Wilde tags in and does the same, then Escobar does as well. Cruz back in, then Wilde, then Escobar hits a running double knee strike. Cruz in after a double suplex to Ashante and he hits a splash and Dollah has to break up the pin. More body work from Cruz but Ashante tags in Nakamura and here comes Escobar as well. Nakamura runs wild then gets into a strike exchange with Escobar which goes in favor of Nakamura. Kicks from Nakamura then he hits the sliding German suplex. Head kick to Wilde from Nakamura, then a wheel kick to Escobar back in the ring for a 2 count. Dollah tags in and catches a jumping Cruz, then catches Wilde for the double slam but Escobar wipes him out with a Sick kick. Chop from Escobar, but Dollah blocks the second one. Dollah then hits the ropes for a chop to the head. Cruz tags in, as does Nakamura and Nakamura wipes out Cruz with the Kinshasa to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Hit Row and Nakamura won

Rating: 2 stars

Adonis is a poor face in peril, and there’s still no real reaction from Hit Row. Nakamura was easily the most over guy here. I do wonder about how much crossover there is in the audience for general WWE shows vs. NXT, because some of these NXT feud carry overs haven’t landed at all.

In the back Heyman talks with Roman Reigns. He wants Roman to watch one simple piece of footage, and shows Roman some footage of Logan Paul “sparring”. Roman wants to know why he’s watching this. Heyman says it just takes one lucky punch, Roman says he wont hit a lucky punch. Heyman says that via gossip at Synagogue that Logan Paul has steel pins in his hand and that makes him punch harder. Roman is incensed that we’re talking about this and Heyman starts stumbling over his words then realizes that he needs to leave, and Heyman begs off as Roman stares daggers at him. Bless Heyman for trying to sell this, that sends us to break.

In the back Kayla introduces LA Knight. Knight mocks the ring introductions from last week when they got his hometown wrong. Ricochet interrupts this, saying that when someone’s head gets as big as Knight’s someone is likely to knock his head off. LA Knight acknowledges he has a big head, because he’s God’s gift to wrestling, yeah!

To the ring, here comes Karrion Kross and Scarlett, Kross will be in action.

Match #5: Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett vs. Madcap Moss

They tie up, fight for leverage then Kross lands elbows before hitting the ropes and running into a Manhattan Drop. Moss with some corner offense but that just fires up Kross. Kross lays in elbows and knees then unloads with punches in the corner. Boot from Kross in the corner. Moss tires to fight back with an elbow then a flying shoulder block and then he clotheslines Kross out of the ring to send us to break.

We come back as Kross lands an exploder suplex. Corner strikes from Kross then a rolling elbow and stomps. Northern Lights suplex from Kross and he flips through then levels Moss with a clothesline for a 2 count. Kross lays in a body blow then some stomps and a running kick. More strikes from Kross, he’s gotten pretty good at stiff looking strikes. Back elbow from Kross, then a hard whip into the corner. Suplex from Kross gets a 2 count then Kross transitions to an armbar, Moss reaches for the ropes and breaks the hold that way. Saito Suplex attempt from Kross, Moss fights free with elbows and tries to fire up with strikes but the crowd is dead. Clothesline from Moss and he hits a running shoulder block to wake up the crowd just a bit. Kross lands a sick elbow to block a Punchline but runs into a spinebuster for a 2 count. Fall away slam from Moss, then a couple of shoulder charges in the corner before Scarlett distracts Moss leading to a big boot from Kross. Saito suplex from Kross then Scarlett gives the thumbs down and Kross slams Moss down then wipes him out with the Kross Hammer to pick up the win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Karrion Kross won

Rating: 2.5 stars

Solid match, we got to see more of what Kross can do with his suplex and transition game plus he’s really improved his striking game. I kind of wish this had been someone more like Jinder Mahal but Moss didn’t look bad here.

Post match Kross locks in the Kross Jacket as Scarlett gets a mic for Kross. Kross tells Drew McIntyre that Moss put up a better fight that Drew did because Moss isn’t a coward or a hypocrite. Drew stands for nothing, while Kross stands for new beginnings, and at Sweet Sweet Saudi Blood Money Kross promises that history will repeat itself. . . tick tock. Kross chokes Moss unconscious as refs try to get him to leave, he doesn’t listen to them but does listen to Scarlett when she whispers in his ear.

In the back Bray Wyatt paces as we see Uncle Howdy on a flashing TV screen. After this break Bray Wyatt will address his demons.

Commentary runs down the Sweet Sweet Saudi Blood Money card for us.

In the back Kayla talks with Rey Mysterio about his IC title match next week. Rey is hyped to compete for the IC title and to be back on Smackdown, but here comes Imperium to break this up. Gunther yells at Rey then chops him once to leave him laying.

Next week we’ll get a No Disqualification between Liv Morgan and Sonya Deville in addition to Rey vs. Gunther for the IC title.

Back to the ring, and here comes Bray Wyatt to a substantial reaction. Bray has a mic, and says this is still pretty new to him but he could get used to this feeling. He gets a loud “Welcome back” chant, and says when the crowd does stuff like that he feels like his invulnerable and needs to do something wild. But he wanted us to see this, something he’s proud of, it’s just him and us, no mask, no smoke and mirrors, just him and us. That’s what he wants us to get used to, Bray Wyatt the real man, the best version of him that will ever be. He’s proud to be here today and he’s going to do spectacular things while he’s here. The truth is for the majority of his life he’s been out of control, his emotions they don’t work like most people and they send him to a very dark place. Other times, no matter how hard he tries, he just doesn’t feel anything at all. A lot of crowd support as Bray composes himself after that. That’s part of what makes Bray Bray. He’s done horrible things to get where he is, and part of him likes not being afraid to do horrible things, but that’s not the end of it. There will come a time when he’s faced with adversity, the lights cut out and the devil mask shows up on the tron. “Who am I?” Just the ghost of the man who sold the world. You are a fool though, you killed the world. You sent him away, they’re the reason you’re just a shell of what you could be. Well he says to revel in what you are. But you, you’re a liar. You claim to not wear a mask, but that’s not true. Bray could never hide from his Uncle Howdy. That ominous note ends the episode.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree