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Jordan Devlin Wants A Match With Rey Mysterio

February 24, 2020 | Posted by Joseph Lee
NXT UK Jordan Devlin

In an interview with Pro Wrestling Sheet, Jordan Devlin spoke about being the WWE NXT crusierweight champion and said that Rey Mysterio was a dream match for him. Here are highlights:

On his goal as cruiserweight champion: “I just want to make the Cruiserweight division mean as much as it did back when WCW was competing with WWE. When it was really groundbreaking, revolutionary wrestling. I want to have the most exciting matches on any brand, let alone NXT or NXT UK or 205 Live. I want this to be a company-wide thing, that if you see the Cruiserweight title being defended you know you’re going to get a high-level, exciting pro wrestling match.”

On Rey Mysterio: “In terms of just dream opponents to defend the title against, if I’m going to be making a request, I may as well see if Rey Mysterio wants to have a crack. See if he wants to regain the Cruiserweight title one more time.”

On the new cruiserweight title design: “Really big fan of it. I’m just sad that they had to give it to Angel to hold onto for me for 45 minutes. I felt really bad for him taking it off him.”

article topics :

Jordan Devlin, Joseph Lee