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Judge Grants WWE’s Motion To Take WrestleMania 38 Lawsuit To Arbitration

May 9, 2023 | Posted by Jack Gregory
WWE Logo, WWE Night, Sam Alvey, WWE Campus Rush Recruitment Tour, Gorilla Monsoon, Espy Awards, Hulu, Rob Fee, WrestleMania 41, Sylvain Grenier, WWE ID, Lee Fitting Image Credit: WWE

A conclusion to the injury lawsuit brought against WWE from last year’s WrestleMania has been handed down as of today. As previously reported, both sides in the Jackson vs. WWE injury lawsuit from WrestleMania 38 had submitted supplemental material on the question of arbitration. WWE has sought a ruling to force the case to move to arbitration since the initial filing, and Judge Mark T. Pittman has now ruled in the promotion’s favor. Jackson had maintained he had never agreed to the terms and conditions requiring arbitration by WWE as he was not the purchaser of the tickets to the event. According to the final ruling, the judge stated:

Because the Court finds that Jackson is subject to the Arbitration Agreement and there is no real dispute by Jackson’s injury falls within the Arbitration Agreement’s scope, WWE’s motion to compel arbitration is GRANTED. This action is DISMISSED WITH PREJUDICE in favor of arbitral proceedings to be instituted by Jackson against WWE, as provided for in their Arbitration Agreement. See Alford v. Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc., 975 F.2d 1161, 1164 (5th Cir. 1992) (upholding dismissal with prejudice of claims when all the party’s claims were subject to arbitration). A final judgment will issue by separate order.
SO ORDERED on this 9th day of May 2023.

Dismissal with prejudice ensures that the case cannot be re-filed again within the same court.

article topics :

Wrestlemania 38, WWE, Jack Gregory