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Kassius Ohno Sets Up GoFundMe To Help With Tracy Smothers’ Fight With Cancer

As we reported in November, former WWE, WCW and ECW alum Tracy Smothers was diagnosed with Stage III lymphoma. Kassius Ohno has now announced he has created a GoFundMe in order to help with Smothers’ medical costs. You can donate . The announcement reads:
My name is Kassius Ohno/Chris Hero & I am organizing this fundraiser to benefit my friend & mentor Tracy Smothers.
Tracy was diagnosed with Stage III Lymphoma on November 14, 2019. This means that they found Cancer in lymph nodes on both sides of his diaphragm. Also, due to blockage in his arteries, Tracy had lost 45% of his heart’s use. The Doctors suspect that he’d had a heart attack at some point without even realizing it. He said he just thought he was “getting old”.
I met Tracy Smothers on a spot show in Wisconsin when I was 19 years old. I thought to myself “there’s no way this guy can be THIS friendly.” Well, here we are over 20 years later & I’m sure hundreds of you have had similar stories throughout your lives of Tracy going above & beyond to be welcoming, helpful & kind. Our relationship may have started with Tracy showing me the ropes, so to speak, but to this day Tracy has always looked out for me as a person & as a friend. He just… cares. I spoke with him on the phone tonight and asked if he would mind if I started this page for him. I told him that he’s spent most of his life & his career helping others. It’s time for some of us to give him a little help back.
Tracy is finishing up his chemotherapy as I write this. We’re hoping that they can get this thing in check so Tracy can get on with his life. He says he’s looking at this like an oil change, tire rotation, etc. The funds donated here will go a long way in helping with his bills & go an even longer way in showing a man how much we all care for him. Thank you for your time & I better not hear one’a y’all out there sayin’ TRA-CY SUCKS…
“Life is a battle & I’m in it to win it.” – Tracy Smothers
PS- In addition to this campaign, I’m releasing a t-shirt tomorrow with Ryan from @thestruggles on Instagram (@thestruggles23 on Twitter). 100% of the profits will be donated to Tracy so stay tuned!
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