wrestling / Video Reviews
Kayfabe! – Breaking Kayfabe with Teddy Annis
Breaking Kayfabe with Teddy Annis
Like I’ve said before about this series, this is a case where your mileage will vary depending on your interest in either the person being interviewed, or in what the discussion is about. If you’re not at all interested in things like growing marijuana, breeding and selling cats, or the escort business in Canada, then this isn’t anything that you’ll be in a hurry to check out, since that’s what the first half or so of this interview is about. However, I do have to applaud KC for their classiness in bleeping out the name of Teddy’s now ex-wife and the name of the drug she’d had issues with.
However, when Sean and Teddy do talk about wrestling, and things like the Hart family and Teddy’s reputation, my interest picked up quite a bit. The only major heat Teddy seems to have with anyone is Steve Corino, stemming from Corino’s badmouthing him in a shoot interview (Note from Mike: It’s actually one of my favorite quotes in a shoot interview “His last name is Annis, and that kid’s an asshole!”). Teddy says CM Punk earned his respect, because when they had heat, Punk was ready to step outside and deal with it rather than talk smack and then do nothing when they were face to face. He seems to go back and forth on Konnan, one minute Teddy makes it sound like they’re friends, and the next he’s accusing Konnan of telling lies to make him look bad. And, Sean is always up for Konnan bashing.
Sean brings up the infamous ROH match, and first Teddy claims that it was Feinstein trying to work a shoot angle, and then later on he says the only heat anyone had from that match was Jay Lethal, for taking an SSP from the top of the cage. It’s also hard to argue that Teddy’s opinion of himself is a tad inflated, when he makes claims that he may be controversial, but people keep booking him because they know he’ll put on the best match of the show.
Teddy also has some interesting things to say about the rest of the Hart family. He thinks that, if he’d signed with WWF in 1997 rather than 1998, he wouldn’t have had so many issues, because Bret, Owen, Davey, Pillman, etc. would have kept him straight. I have doubts about that, considering what happened with both Davey and Pillman. Not to mention that Owen was still there when he was in developmental and it didn’t seem to help him. He makes a great comparison of Tyson Kidd to Bret, pointing out that Kidd’s career was ended in a dark match, which Kidd shouldn’t even have been involved in, with how long he’d already been with WWE. So, Kidd ought to be much more angry with Vince and WWE over that, than Bret having his ego hurt about Montreal.
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