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Leighty’s NXT Level Up Review 8.23.24

August 23, 2024 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WWE NXT Level Up Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s NXT Level Up Review 8.23.24  

-Thanks to everyone that has been reading my run of Retro Reviews. I have three more in the can that will be popping up in the next week or so. Next show to tackle is Wrestle War 90 and then a first for me, as I will review a show for a second time when I do WrestleMania VI. I really want to watch the show again and my original review is from when I first started at 411 in 2008. Let’s get to it!

-Announce Team: Blake Howard and Byron Saxton
-Taped: WWE Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, FL

Jazmyn Nyx (w/ Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley) vs. Dani Palmer

-Welcome back to Dani Palmer, who has been out of action for nearly 10 months. Wonderful to see her back as she had double hip surgery. Lockup and Nyx backs Palmer into the corner. Clean break as we get a Dani chant. Palmer does a handstand to escape a leg hold and gets a roll-up for two. Roll-up for two! Palmer floats over in the corner and then gets a head scissors in the opposite corner. Shotgun dropkick from Palmer. Monkey Flip out of the corner gets two! Henley jumps on the apron to distract and that lets Nyx gain the advantage. Nyx chokes with her boot in the corner and gets a PERFECT-PLEX for two. So, not Perfect then? She tries a slam, but Palmer gets a small package for two. Palmer gets pushed away and Nyx throws kick, but it doesn’t really connect which made it all look kind of klunky. Head scissors from Nyx, but Palmer maneuvers and gets a pin attempt for two. Palmer with another shotgun dropkick and then a handstand into a kick in the corner for two. Nyx hooks the ropes to block a roll-up attempt and then hits The Nyx Kick for the pin at 4:11 (heh).

Winner: Jazmyn Nyx via pin at 4:11
-The match was kind of secondary to seeing Palmer back in the ring. She actually dominated most of the offense before getting caught and taking the loss. Couple of rough spots, but it’s been nearly 10 months for Palmer. *1/4

-Dupont and Igwe get some promo time backstage.

-No Mercy commercial!

-Dani Palmer is backstage and talks about how things have changed since she was last in the ring. “This daredevil is just getting started.”

Luca Crusifino and Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo (w/ Adrianna Rizzo) vs. Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont

-Luca and Tyriek start and it’s a feeling out process. Tyriek hooks an armbar and works that for a bit as Byron runs down the dept of the tag division in NXT. Tyson gets the blind tag and we get some double team offense for two. Luca slips out of a slam and makes the tag to Stacks. They get their own double team offense and then Stacks hits a dropkick. Tyson brushes off the butters and gets his own dropkick. Tyriek back in as he comes off the middle rope and attacks the arm. Stacks sent to the ropes and eats an elbow. Splash in the corner from Tyriek. Stacks flips out of the opposite corner, but comes down on his repaired knee. Tyson and Tyriek immediately go to work on the knee, which is the smart thing to do. I should note we have a rather subdued crowd tonight. Luca gets the (hot?) tag and hits a double shoulder tackle. Clothesline sends Tyriek to the floor. Two count on Tyson! He tries a running elbow, but Tyson catches him. TNT hit The Hart Stopper, but Stacks makes the save. Tyriek dumps Stacks, but walks into a small package for two. Stacks makes the blind tag and hits a running knee, but Tyson hits an uppercut on Luca that knocks him onto the cover to break the count. Nice! Things breaks down as we have Stacks and Tyson still in the ring. Blind Tag from Luca this time and they finish off Tyson with alley-opp into the Code Breaker for the pin at 6:15.

Winners: The D’Angelo Family via pin at 6:15
-Standard tag match, but the crowd was subdued and not really into this one. **

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
Welcome back again to Dani Palmer as that was the best and most important thing that happened on this show. The rest was kind of what you would expect from the developmental kids.

article topics :

NXT Level Up, Robert Leighty Jr.