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Matt Jackson Offers Injury Update In Latest Being the Elite (Recap)

June 8, 2020 | Posted by Joseph Lee
AEW Double or Nothing Matt Jackson

The latest edition of Being the Elite is now online, featuring an injury update from Matt Jackson, the Kenny Omega/Colt Cabana feud continuation and more.

* Colt Cabana is shown running down TV numbers with Chris Harrington. Brandon Cutler asks Kenny Omega if the bit is okay and Omega concedes the people love Cabana even if he doesn’t. Cutler thinks that Omega is just scared of Harrington. Omega then calls Harrington a ‘twerp’ and gets yelled at by Harrington. As he leaves, he tells Cabana that he won’t have his friend around forever and he’ll eventually be kicked off Dynamite and Being the Elite.

* Best Friends still can’t come up with a bit for the show. Orange Cassidy rolls around a pillar. Later, Trent offers some ideas for a bit but Chuckie T says Hangman Page did them already.

* Matt Jackson says that he’s lucky his rib injury was a bruise instead of a fracture, after his wife previously said it was a broken rib. Matt says the Young Bucks were off TV for two months and he injured himself in his first move back. After he says ‘what a rib’, Matt Hardy shows up to provide the definition of a ‘rib’ in wrestling: a practical joke or prank.

* Clips from Stadium Stampede are shown, as are highlights of the tag title match on last week’s Dynamite.

* Christopher Daniels talks about being 50 and going in for a colonoscopy.

* Ortiz and Santana teach how to speak Spanglish.

* Brandon Cutler shows off new dice.

* Matt Jackson is working out and decides to bust himself open ‘the hard way’ to get out of Zoom calls. He tries to cut his forehead open but eventually throws his head at LEGO bricks. After he joins the call, he’s bleeding everywhere, so he’s able to get away.