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Mideon Reveals He Once Asked Out Stephanie McMahon on a Date

June 18, 2024 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Mideon Shane McMahon 1999 Image Credit: WWE

– During a recent interview with The False Finish, former WWE Superstar Mideon revealed that he had a crush on Stephanie McMahon and even asked her to go out once. Below are some highlights (via WrestlingInc.com):

Mideon on asking Stephanie McMahon out to see a movie: “I was the first person to ask Stephanie McMahon out. Oh my God, was I in love with her. Not long after I first got there … Asked her out [to] go see a movie. She’s like, ‘Oh, well, my dad won’t let me date wrestlers or anything.’ You know, year or two later with Hunter and all that. Couldn’t be a better couple, though. I don’t know what their life together’s like, but I love them both. Saw her at the Hall of Fame, and just gave her a giant hug. I love them, they’re nice.” T

His thoughts on Vince McMahon: “All I can do is react to how they’ve all treated me … I love Vince, he’s one of the smartest, most — a billionaire, you know what I mean? From nothing. That’s all I can really say about Vince.”