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Nic Nemeth Weighs In On Matt Cardona’s Impact On WWE’s YouTube Channel

September 29, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Zack Ryder WWE Matt Cardona Image Credit: WWE

Nic Nemeth gives Matt Cardona a lot of credit for helping WWE establish their YouTube channel. Nemeth weighed in on how influentual Cardona’s Z! True Long Island Story was to helping WWE get their YouTube deal in an interview with Bill Pritchard of WrestleZone. You can see highlights below:

On Cardona’s importance in WWE securing their YouTube deal: “[Zack] Ryder was so important to WWE’s YouTube. The YouTube channel came into a deal with WWE, and the cornerstone of the plan was, ‘We need Zack Ryder’s YouTube show, or there is no WWE YouTube deal.’ Can you imagine? I couldn’t imagine hearing that about The Rock. Let alone, ‘It’s Zack Ryder’s show or there is no deal.’ What a crazy thing. So he went above and beyond. Things like that made him stand out.

“We said, ‘Listen. We are not going to be, at the moment, huge players on TV. Some weeks we are not even on. But if we can continue this, I’ll hack into your show, we’ll do a thing. We’ll flip some video things. Even if I live 20 states away, we can make it seem like I was there. We can do all these different things.’ That was getting the creative juices flowing.”

On Cardona’s independent run: “Right now, he is the guy on the independent scene. I’m sure there is a few [others], but he is a guy that does not need a machine behind him. He is the machine behind himself. He’s better off not being at any of the companies right now. If he feels like it, if he can help them out, down the line, absolutely. When it comes to TNA, I love seeing him. Because I know he’s not just going to show up and do his work. He’s going to make some video that leads up to it and then all of these things afterward. He’s always going. I respect that about him so much. I hate his guts, so it’s funny that we get to have this match, all these years in the making.”