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Raquel Gonzalez On WWE Pushing Back On Her Using Her Real Name, Making Transition From Heel To Babyface

October 11, 2021 | Posted by Blake Lovell
WWE NXT Takeover 36 Raquel Gonzalez Image Credit: WWE/Twitter

Raquel Gonzalez was recently interviewed by Yahoo Sports, and the current WWE NXT Women’s Champion discussed WWE pushing back on her using her real name, making the transition from heel to babyface, and much more. Here are some highlights:

Raquel Gonzalez on WWE pushing back on her using her real name: “The one [name] that they did push back on was Victoria, my actual name, because it had been used a couple of times, but González wasn’t a problem. It was very important for me to keep it because my father went by Speedy González and Rick ‘Desperado’ González. I wanted to keep those initials. It was important for me to have a first name that started with R. I think that they loved the González part because it added something different to the women’s division at the time.”

On making the transition from heel to babyface: “I think the transition from heel to babyface hasn’t felt too different. I feel like I am still being true to myself. Another big change is being more vocal. When I was a heel bodyguard, I was silent and kind of kept to myself. Now, I can open up about me, my character and who I am.”

article topics :

NXT, Raquel Rodriguez, WWE, Blake Lovell