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Raw History: Episode 228 and Reliving Nitro: Episode 108

April 10, 2018 | Posted by Kevin Pantoja
Monday Night War WWE WCW Raw Nitro
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Raw History: Episode 228 and Reliving Nitro: Episode 108  

Badd Blood: In Your House Results
The Nation of Dominator def. The Legion of Doom in 12:20 [*¼]
Max Mini and Nova def. Mosaic and Tarantula in 6:43 [*¼]
WWF Tag Team Championship: The Godwinns def. The Headbangers [c] in 12:17 [¼*]
WWF Intercontinental Championship Tournament Finals: Owen Hart def. Faarooq in 7:12 [*¾]
The DOA def. Los Boricuas in 9:11 [-**]
Flag Match: Bret Hart and British Bulldog def. Patriot and Vader in 21:16 [**]
Hell in a Cell: Shawn Michaels def. The Undertaker in 29:27 [*****]

Raw History
Episode #228
October 6th, 1997 | Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Missouri

WWF Champion: Bret Hart (5) since 8/3/97
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Owen Hart (2) since 10/5/97
WWF European Champion: Shawn Michaels (1) since 9/20/97
WWF Tag Team Champions: The Godwinns (2) since 10/5/97

Vince McMahon began the show in the ring to announce that Brian Pillman has tragically passed away. The Superstars and referees were on stage for a ten bell salute. Owen Hart was the first guy given a close-up, and this is unfortunately the same arena where Over the Edge 1999 took place.

Onto the show, which was opened by Shawn Michaels, Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Chyna. Michael Cole was there to conduct the interview and got bullied instead. He got noogies and a wedgie for his troubles. Shawn cut the promo on his own, bragging about taking out the Phenom of the WWF. He claimed to go from Superstar to the one and only icon. He made sure to differentiate himself from the old guys throwing around the icon words by saying he was the only one who could still go. After HHH verbally sucked Shawn off for a bit, they went to cut to footage from Badd Blood. Instead, they set up footage from the infamous MSG curtain call incident to air. The fans didn’t react, since nobody really got it back in this day and age. It cut to commercial while Shawn and HHH taunted Vince over it. Returning, the Hart Foundation came out to the stage. Bret and Shawn meet at Survivor Series. Bret ran Shawn down, calling him a degenerate, which triggered the DX name. Bret also called them homo. 1997! He said Shawn couldn’t be the “showstopper” until he took the WWF Title from him. He also referenced Razor and Diesel. Bret challenged HHH tonight and said he’d kick Shawn’s scrawny ass at the PPV. Shawn and HHH no sold it all to continue acting like jerks. Shawn responded with what I believe was the first, “Suck it” and dropped his, “You’re a zero, my hero,” line. The barbs were fun, though some of DX’s “cool insider stuff” fell flat.

Non-Title Lumberjack Match: WWF Tag Team Champions The Godwinns w/ Uncle Cletus vs. The Headbangers
A rematch from last night, just with random midcarders surrounding the ring. The teams brawled at the start, while commentary put over Hawk having an IC Title shot tonight. That makes no sense, to be honest. The match calmed down, with the Godwinns taking over. Since LOD are the most important people around, they eventually got involved to trigger a brawl between everyone. In the midst of the chaos, Mosh rolled Phineas up to steal it at 4:18. Not much to see here. Lots of time killing until the brawl. [¼*]

PILLMAN HOME ~ A live look was given to Brian’s house, where a photo of he and Steve Austin as WCW Tag Team Champions was shown.

Backstage, Los Boricuas bragged about how easy it will be to defeat the returning Marc Mero.

Marc Mero w/ Sable vs. Miguel Perez
It’s the debut of Mero’s boxer gimmick. He had a buzz cut and worked a slower style than his Wildman days. He was aggressive and won with his new finisher, the TKO, in 2:23. [NR]

Backstage, Jim Cornette cut a promo that was called a “diatribe.” He ranted about how the nWo got all the shine and hype, while talented people like Arn Anderson, Ric Flair and Mick Foley got overlooked. He called the nWo guys obnoxious. Cornette ripped Kevin “biggest no talent in the business” Nash for acting like a child, having just six moves, and is just a master manipulator. He called Scott Hall the most talented of the bunch, though not very good, and absolutely ETHERED Syxx by saying he was the only guy to get released by WWF during this “war” so he could go somewhere else because he’s not valuable. Cornette finished by saying Eric Bischoff set all this up to put himself over and that the guys getting pushed just suck up to him. It was delivered with vigor, but felt like Cornette’s current day interviews, where he just yells and complains about stuff.

British Bulldog w/ The Hart Foundation vs. Rocky Maivia w/ The Nation of Domination
GANG WARZ! Kind of. The Foundation was never really involved in that. Bulldog worked this as a babyface, which makes sense given his issues with Shawn Michaels. After a hot start for Bulldog, Rocky took control for a bit. It was still not his strong suit to this point. I believe this was Rocky’s debut of the People’s Elbow. It wasn’t as polished or fancy as it would become, but it started here. Bulldog came back with the stalling vertical, kicked out of a rollup, and won with the running powerslam in 3:43. Fine little match. Nothing to write home about, but good work. [**]

Faarooq entered the ring by himself and proceeded to just whip Owen Hart with some kind of weapon. The NOD and Hart Foundation got into a pull apart brawl. This was all the result of Owen beating Faarooq at the PPV last night. Sgt. Slaughter helped officials break this up.

After some still shots from Badd Blood, it was time for the WAR ZONE!

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin came down to the ring for some promo time. He’s supposed to give Vince his decision tonight. Austin started by threatening Vince and saying he did what he did last night (costing Faarooq the IC Title) because he does whatever he wants. Austin didn’t bring a doctor’s note, because he didn’t visit one. Vince had a waiver for Austin to sign if he wanted to compete. Austin agreed to sign the waiver, as long as Vince gives him an IC Title match against Owen Hart. Vince gave Austin his word, but Austin wouldn’t sign until Vince did. Faarooq and the NOD interrupted on the Titantron. He gave a sob story about how hard his life was, which makes him tough and it makes Austin phony tough. Austin responded by telling him to shut up and that he’d face the entire NOD once done with his legal issues. “It ain’t a race thing, it ain’t a color thing, it’s a me kicking you ass thing.” Austin was incredible.

WELL, Hawk cut a promo on Owen Hart becoming the shortest reigning IC Champ ever.

WWF Intercontinental Championship: Owen Hart [c] vs. Hawk
Owen got some promo time, claiming Austin tried getting him DQed last night, not that he tried helping him. He also wants Austin reinstated, so he could break his neck again. Hawk brought the power from the start. The Godwinns casually strolled to ringside as Owen took control and worked Hawk’s back a bit. Phineas got in a cheap shot with the slop bucket on Hawk, who just had to kick out. Animal came out to brawl with the Godwinns, which the fans popped for. Hawk flubbed a spot before hitting the flying clothesline. A cheap shot from Henry was enough for Owen to score the pin at 3:22. What was this? Hawk shouldn’t work singles matches. Owen saved this from being awful. [½*]

Vince McMahon interviewed a clearly distraught Melanie Pillman. Vince asked for information about Brian’s death, but she didn’t have much and was clearly uncomfortable. Vince alluded to Pillman taking too many painkillers, but she didn’t definitively say. Melanie even explained something about their adopted child, whose mother killed herself. Jesus. They played it off as some kind of PSA towards athletes about drug use. None of it worked and it was just really odd. Poorly done. It ended with a video package that was probably all they should’ve aired.

Whatever was scheduled next got thrown out for the Raw debut of Kane. Yes, last night, we got the infamous THAT’S GOTTA BE KANE line, as he debuted to cost the Undertaker the Hell in a Cell. Paul Bearer was with him. The Hardy Boyz were in the ring for a match, but Kane planted them with a double chokeslam, before violently throwing them outside. Bearer cut a promo, basking in the proof that Kane was alive. He pointed out that Kane was missing an eye, which was the Undertaker’s fault. The years of suffering were over for Kane, but now it was time for the WWF to suffer. He vowed that Kane would destroy everyone to get to his brother. I really liked that segment. Kane came off great and Bearer didn’t go too long.

Non-Title Match: WWF Champion Bret Hart vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/ Chyna
JR noted that Bret took credit for making Razor Ramon and Diesel. I absolutely agree on Diesel, and while he didn’t make Razor, he certainly made him look good in their matches. Bret surprised me with the FIVE MOVES OF DOOM early, hitting a suplex and the Russian leg sweep. Hunter turned it around a bit, until eating a DDT. Michaels came down to ring, crotch chopping the fans. He stopped at the Canadian flag and proceeded to stick it up his nose. Oh, so this is THAT match. HHH took over again, while the Hart Foundation joined ringside. Bret fought back and locked in the Sharpshooter. Chyna helped HHH make it to the ropes to break the hold. Bret went for the ring post figure four, but Chyna interrupted. Bret went after her, but walked into Sweet Chin Music. Rick Rude had the Hart Foundation distracted during this. HHH won via countout because of this at 7:50. Solid main event. The match had good back and forth, while also furthering the angle. [**½]

Shawn and his buddies celebrated up the ramp.

Reliving Nitro
Episode #108
October 6th, 1997 | Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota

WCW World Heavyweight Champion: Hulk Hogan (3) 8/9/97
WCW United States Champion: Curt Hennig (1) since 9/15/97
WCW World Tag Team Champions: The Outsiders (3) since 2/24/97
WCW Television Champion: Disco Inferno (1) since 9/22/97
WCW Cruiserweight Champion: Eddie Guerrero (1) since 9/14/97

WCW put up a graphic in memory of Brian Pillman.

Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko and Mike Tenay hosted. The Nitro Girls opened with a dance. During it, Chae’s boob popped out. The WWE Network pixelated it, but it must’ve been clear as day live. There was also a hilariously close-up of three of them, where Kimberly just creepily stares into the camera.

“Hollywood” Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff opened things with a promo. They kept it short, hyping Hogan’s TNT movie and noting that Sting was again not around because Hogan was here. Hogan added that he would be waiting for Roddy Piper to arrive and promised to confront him once he did.

Booker T w/ Jacqueline vs. Jeff Jarrett w/ Debra
BASH AT THE BEACH 2000! This would be Jarrett’s final match in this run with WCW. With Jarrett being the more experienced singles guy, he was cocky. He took Booker lightly and it cost him, as he was sent outside to regroup. Once back on offense, the showboating returned. Heading into a commercial, Booker nailed a side kick and they brawled outside. Returning, things evened out for some back and forth. Booker hit the axe kick for two and Jarrett rolled outside. While Debra checked on him, Mongo ran down. He argued with Debra, who slapped him. Jarrett got in his face, so he clocked him. Mongo sent Jarrett in, where Booker rolled him up to win in 6:23. The fans popped hard for that result. Good little back and forth match. [**¼]

Commentary hyped the main event of Chris Benoit vs. Randy Savage.

Alex Wright vs. Billy Kidman
Billy scored an upset over DAS WUNDERKIND on Saturday Night. While these guys went through their early exchanges, Raven and the debuting Perry Saturn were shown in the crowd. Tenay noted they had a history in another promotion. The match was again ignored so we could see Mongo and Debra argue some more. Kidman nailed a plancha and middle rope dropkick. He continued a hot streak and got two on Stratusfaction. Kidman went for the 450 splash, but wasted a moment looking over at Raven, so he missed. Wright danced and won with the German suplex in 6:03. Another solid match, though it was hurt by some of the cuts that led to us not focusing on it. [*¾]


Ernest Miller vs. Mortis w/ James Vandenberg
This was typical Mortis stuff. He showcased some of his innovative offense, while Miller was kind of just there. As he hit a suplex, commentary discussed the big news that Jacqueline was getting a TV Title shot at Halloween Havoc. Zbyszko said it wasn’t fair. Mortis missed a splash, allowing Miller to reel off a few kicks. He capped it with a springboard roundhouse to win in 5:33. It went too long for Miller. He wasn’t ready for five minute singles matches. Mortis did some cool stuff, but it’s mostly just him doing moves without any reason. [*]

Scott Hall and Syxx hit the ring to conduct the survey. The nWo won in resounding fashion again. Hall mentioned that Kevin Nash injured his knee (surprise) and that his ribs were banged up. He explained they got hurt at the same time because they fell over and laughed so hard at old Zbyszko matches. Hall finished by reiterating that he’d make it to Halloween Havoc, no matter how hurt he was, and would beat Lex Luger.

HOUR NUMBER TWO! Bobby Heenan replaced Zbyszko in the booth.

Hector Garza vs. Scott Hall w/ Syxx
A rematch from two weeks ago, where Garza upset Hall. Hall spent the match bullying the referee around. He cornered the ref, while Syxx hit Garza with the Bronco Buster. Hall won with the Outsider’s Edge in 1:53. [NR]

Post-match, Hall attacked the referee. He put him in the Torture Rack and they painted a “Z” on his back.

Commentary sent us to a special look at Goldberg. He’s 2-0 but hasn’t given any information about himself.


WCW Television Championship: Disco Inferno [c] vs. Diamond Dallas Page
What? Such a strange match for this time period. Disco started with an arm drag and celebrated. He felt like he was ahead of DDP for a moment. DDP hit a neckbreaker and Disco bailed. After a short fight outside, Disco got two on a backslide. DDP fought him off and eventually hit a fireman’s carry Diamond Cutter (TKO). He covered, but Randy Savage ran in for the DQ at 4:02. Solid enough back and forth, but this was all about setting up the angle. [*¼]

Savage threw DDP outside and sent him into the steel steps. Savage exposed the concrete for a piledriver, but Roddy Piper showed up to stop him. As Savage and Piper argued, DDP got back to his feet. He turned Savage around and drilled him with a Diamond Cutter on the concrete. Piper quickly grabbed DDP and put him over the guardrail, giving him a safe route as the rest of the nWo arrived on the scene. The nWo and Elizabeth showed a ton of concern for Savage. EMTs showed up as Savage gave us the old stretcher job. Great angle. It was another strong chapter in DDP/Savage, gave WCW the upper hand for once, and felt important.

Mean Gene, who had a rare hour off so far, introduced Roddy Piper for an in-ring interview. He quickly made a joke about Hogan’s hair, before focusing on the rest of the nWo. He‘s tired of the nWo lying and their antics, so he forced the Outsiders to defend the Tag Team Titles next week. If they don’t, he’ll strip them of the titles. He then made DDP/Savage at Halloween Havoc a Last Man Standing match. A pissed Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff made a beeline for the ring. Gene exited as quickly as he could. Hogan said Piper is no icon and never would be. He added that Piper spent the past 15 years in his shadow, before saying he’d ensure Piper made good on his promise to his family to quit wrestling. It led to a brawl, where Bischoff kicked Piper in his knee, giving Hogan the upper hand. Hogan held Piper so Bischoff could hit him. Piper avoided it, so Hogan got hit. Piper then beat on Bischoff to a massive pop. The nWo came out to help their guys, while Piper swung the World Title around in the ring. Another great segment. Hogan’s promo was his best as Hollywood. He was focused and the delivery was awesome, while the ensuing brawl was fun and had a hot crowd.


A video package explaining lucha libre, hosted by Mike Tenay, was shown.

WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Eddie Guerrero [c] vs. Ultimo Dragon
Commentary announced that Curt Hennig would replace Randy Savage in the main event. Lots of high flying stuff to start this match. They worked at a quick pace, until Eddie slowed it with an abdominal stretch. Dragon came back with a rana that looked strange. He used a bunch of kicks to send Eddie outside, where he followed with the fake out tope suicida. Eddie escaped a Liger Bomb, but then got caught in the Dragon Sleeper. Eddie was close to the ropes, so it was broken up. The champ used a tornado DDT and Frog Splash to retain in 6:07. A disjointed match. They slipped up a few times and I know they could do better. [**]

Non-Title Match: WCW United States Champion Curt Hennig vs. Chris Benoit
They recently met on Saturday Night, which ended in a DQ after the nWo got involved. Benoit jumped Hennig during his entrance. Hennig took a rough bump as he fell onto the steel steps. Once inside, Benoit kept the pressure on and remained in control. Hennig also landed badly on another spot where he could’ve injured his neck. Heading into break, Hennig took over with a dragon screw and worked the leg. Returning, Hennig held serve until Benoit went for the rolling Germans. Hennig blocked it and sent Benoit into an exposed turnbuckle. The Hennigplex finished it at 5:02. They didn’t get a lot of time, but they made it work. Intense back and forth that was a great preview of what they were capable of. [***]

The nWo hit the ring to jump Chris Benoit. Ric Flair returned for the first time since getting his head smashed in at Fall Brawl. He laid out the nWo guys and Hennig bailed. Flair chased him all the way backstage and to his limo. Hennig got away, so Flair returned to the arena. Mean Gene tried interviewing him, but Flair took the mic and chose to cut the promo in the ring. It was a scathing, intense promo. He said everything in wrestling has been done to him and he’s still here. Flair said that it wasn’t about politics, because they’ve wanted him out for years. It wasn’t about being the best, because he’s arguably been the best of all time. At Halloween Havoc, whether it was booked or not, he was coming for Hennig. Once he was done with Hennig, he was coming for Hogan. Excellent way to close the show.

Raw MVP: Bret Hart
Raw LVP: Vince McMahon for the Melanie angle
Nitro MVP: Hulk Hogan
Nitro LVP: Ernest Miller

The final score: review Good
The 411
Raw: If the Lumberjack and Intercontinental Title matches were better and we didn’t have the atrocious Melanie Pillman stuff, this Raw would’ve ruled. The main event was good, while Rock/Bulldog was decent. The angles were where this really got good. The opening segment was fun, while the Kane stuff worked very well. Austin’s stuff was also strong, they brought Mero back in decent fashion and the Cornette stuff was at least interesting. Those blemishes were really bad, though. 6.5

Nitro: One hell of an episode. I understand that a few matches were kind of just there, but this was one of those times where Nitro nailed every key segment. The Hogan/Piper segment was the best work I’ve seen from Hogan on Nitro, while the DDP/Savage stuff was fantastic. The CW Title, main event, and opener all ranged from okay to good. Even the Hall angle worked. Then, there’s the Flair promo to close things out, which was emotionally charged in the best kind of way. 8.5


article topics :

Monday Night War, Nitro, RAW, WCW, WWE, Kevin Pantoja