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Results from SAW “Tribute to the Fairgrounds” Show

January 30, 2011 | Posted by Chad Webb

Credit: Bryan Anderson and PWInsider

Eric Young defeated Arrick Andrews w/ DVD – Pre match promo from Andrews sees the open challenge answered by EY. Solid opener. Some miscues with the music here led to some confusion on what was going on. Andrews got some good heat. This was a good matchup of talents.

Diamonds in the Rough with Athena defeated The Maddox Bros. via David Young Spinebuster – This one went on way too long. It wasn’t very interesting, & neither team looked too good here. David Young looked like he ate Perry Saturn.

Chris Michaels defeated Kid Kash with a rollup with the tights – This was the absolute Match of the Night. Kash generates so much heat it’s ridiculous. It’s a shame he isn’t working WWE or TNA, but in reality his act is probably too risque. WWE would never let a heel show the character that Kash has, what with their generic cookie cutter bad guy model they push nowadays. We were treated to Kash’s full heel 15 minute entrance. He had several fans (including an 80 year old grandma) trying their best to jump the guard rail and take his head off. Kash used every trick out of the “Heel Rulebook” to gain every advantage he could. It was truly entertaining. Kash is Money. In the end, it was Michaels using the heel tactics for the win, as he reversed Kash’s attempt at the Dead Level floating over into a rollup with the tights for the 3.

4 No DQ Match: Hammerjack defeated Lonestar for the SAW Southern Heavyweight Championship via Top Rope Body Slam – This was another very good brawl. Hammer was way over with the crowd. Lonestar isn’t bad for a 300+ pounder. This was an old school concession stand throwback brawl. Very entertaining. At one point there seemed to be a miscue with the dueling chairs, and Lonestar stiffed Hammer pretty bad in the side of the head. It was a pretty filthy chair shot. Hammer busted Lonestar open brawling around ringside, (this was the only match on the card with blood) but Lonestar set up a table outside the ring and prepared to a hit top rope splash from the ring to the floor on Hammer. Hammer recovered, and bodyslammed Lonestar from the tope rope through the table at ringside. Pretty sick spot considering the dudes a 300 pounder. The table didn’t stand a chance. The finish saw Lonestar recover and again go for a top rope splash on Hammer, who popped up and hit a armdrag / snapmare variation off the top rope for the win. New SAW Southern Heavyweight Champion, Hammerjack! This match was way over with the crowd.

Tracey Smothers & Moondog & Jocephus defeated The Wild Boys – Im not even sure this was a match. Smothers comes out in full Rebel Flag wear to cut a promo about the history of the fairgrounds, some jobbers came out to confront him. We have a 3 on 1 beatdown, then a Moondog & Bruiser Brody’s little brother came in to make the save. Im pretty sure there was a 3 count somewhere here, and Smothers crew were announced as the victors. It was a total clusterflock.

Brian Lawler & Kevin White defeated Derrick King Enterprises w/ Grandmaster Legdrop – Ugh. Brian Lawler. 30 seconds of this would have been too much. This was another match that went on way too long. Lawler was over with the STD ridden teen ratgirls (and their moms) but anybody with their right mind took this opportunity to hit the crapper or take a nap here. Im not sure what was worse here, Lawler doing the Too Cool gimmick in 2011, or the actual match. Dance off post match with a few of the Make A Wish kids. (Who were probably too young to even know who Grandmaster Sexay or Too Cool was…)

Wolfie D defeated Dangerous Doug Gilbert w/ The Hubcap Shot – Business picked back up here with Wolfie D and Dangerous Doug Gilbert. Wolfie is in great shape and was looking good. Doug, not soo much. It’s to be expected I guess. They can’t all age like wine. Wolfie carried this match.

Marcus Pastorious promo – I guess this guy was the promoter? I’m only noting this becasuse its one of the worst promos in the history of wrestling. This guy came out to thank the fans, and make note of the work they were doing with the make a wish foundation… so how is it a good idea to drop the F Bomb THREE times here? How do we go from pointing out kids in the first row to dropping the F-bomb in the same sentence? Ridiculous. He also ripped TNA saying when they ran here last month they didn’t draw 600 people, and they packed it out tonight. Rubbish. I was at the TNA show & I have never seen more people in the fairgrounds / asylum then they had that night. Kids were literally hanging from the rafters.

*Jerry Lawler defeared Bill Dundee with a Piledriver – Lots of pre match stalling. Not much heat for this. Lawler gets the win with the Piledriver. Post match Dundee gets on the stick and calls out “Jerry Jarrett’s boy”, said TNA is only still around because Jarrett is bonking either Dixie Carter, or her boyfriend. Class.

Overall we had a good time at the show, but like all southern wrestling shows around here, they would have been alot better off trimming the fat here and keeping some of the match times down. The show ran well over 3 hours.


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Chad Webb

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