wrestling / Video Reviews
Ronnie’s Reviews: WWF Backlash 2001
With Backlash now being no more, I thought I’d go ahead and review what I personally consider to be the best one (and no, I haven’t seen 2000’s).
Backlash 2001
A video package starts things off as always, highlighting the main event for all the gold as Intercontinental Champion Triple H and WWF Champion Steve Austin face off against WWF Tag Team Champions Undertaker and Kane. We cut from the video package as the pyrotechnics go off and we get shots from the crowd.
Match 1 : The Dudley Boyz vs X-Factor (X-Pac, Justin Credible and Albert) – Six Man Tag Team match
I love the Dudley’s opening pyro. X-Factor all come into the ring and a massive brawl to kick things off. Double suplex to Albert by Ray and Devon. That sets up Spike for the double foot stomp off the top rope. Ray and Devon lift up Spike and toss him out of the ring onto X-Pac and Credible. Justin back in the ring with Spike as Spike hit’s a crucifix for a two, followed by a schoolboy again for a two. Albert gets the tag and misses a leg drop. Spike looks for the Dudley Dog but Albert tosses him away. Credible back in as he hit’s a modified sitout power bomb. Credible misses a dropkick in the corner, crotching himself in the ringpost. I’ve always hated that spot as it doesn’t really look believable. Devon comes in and starts to dominate. Albert with a cheap shot to Devon and X-Pac hit’s the kick. Albert throws Devon out of the ring. The ref is distracted as X-Pac and Credible double team Devon by crotching him in the ringpost. Albert with a slingshot into the ropes. X-Pac back in with a slam and a leg drop. Brother Ray breaks up the pin, so X-Pac locks in a sleeper hold. Devon fights out but runs into a spin kick. Credible gets the tag. Devon fights him off but runs into a modified sidewalk slam. The Hip Hop Hippo gets the tag and hits a double underhook into some sort of slam. Devon soon a double clothesline on X-Pac and Credible. Bubba gets the hot tag and starts to dominate. Bubba Bomb to Credible. Sidewalk slam to X-Pac. Albert accidentally hits X-Pac with a splash attempting to break up the pin. Devon clotheslines Albert over the top rope. Slam by Bubba. WAAZZUPPP!!! Headbutt by Devon. GET THE TABLES!!! Devon gets out a table but gets a boot by Albert. Bubba gets splashed by Albert allowing X-Pac and Credible to hit a double super kick for the win.
Albert continues to beat Bubba down afterwards as Credible and X-Pac get the table. Devon crotches Albert on the ring post as Spike hit’s the Dudley Dog on Credible. 3D!!! X-Pac gets sent through the table.
Winners : X-Factor (**½-Solid opener as the crowd was totally into it. The Dudley’s are always a good choice to open the show. I’m not sure what the point was of giving X-Factor the win since they accomplished practically nothing in the tag division, but The Dudley’s still come out looking strong after putting X-Pac through the table, so I guess it’s fine)
Backstage we see a long black limo show up. It’s the Duchess of Queensbury. What a terrible wig. William Regal welcomes her, and she says her trip will be better when she gets out of this horrible place. Regal warns the security to be ready as America is a horrible place. Regal continues to suck up to her as she leaves.
Lillian Garcia interviews Kurt Angle, saying he seems really calm. Angle says he’s confident, and that Benoit knows Angle owns him. Later tonight, the clock may show 30 minutes, but to Benoit, that will seem like a lifetime.
Recap of Heat as Jerry Lynn won the Hardcore Title from Crash after hitting a rollup using the tights.
Match 2 : Rhino© vs Raven – Falls Count Anywhere match – Hardcore Championship
Raven comes out with a shopping cart filled with weapons. Rhino charges Raven to start things off but a drop toe hold counter by Raven sends Rhino into a Stop sign propped up in the corner. Raven then proceeds to hit Rhino with a trash can. Pin but only two. Rhino with a spear in the corner and then hits Raven with the trash can. Rhino boots the trash can into Raven’s face, knocking him out of the ring. Pin on the outside for two. Rhino gets the steps stacked up and throws Raven headfirst into them. Rhino now sits Raven down on a chair and runs off the steps to attack Raven but Raven moved and Rhino hit the chair. That looked like it hurt. Raven with a running clothesline off the steps. Raven starts to work down Rhino until Rhino throws Raven’s head into the ringpost and then hits Raven with a trashcan lid. Another shot to the face, this time with a sign. Rhino with a pin but only two. Back in the ring now as Rhino puts the shopping cart inside. Raven drop toe hold’s Rhino onto the shopping cart. Raven starts to hit Rhino with some heavy shots with the sign. Loud kick to Rhino by Raven and another high impact shot with the sign. Raven with a clothesline/bulldog combination. Rhino starts to fight back now. He lifts the shopping cart over his head, but Raven hits him in the head with a trash can. Rhino falls back and the shopping cart falls on top of him. Raven gets the crowd hyped into it and he hits Rhino with the shopping cart. Raven goes to clothesline Rhino but Rhino hits him with the sign. Multiple trash can shots by Rhino. He now sets up Raven for the Gore but misses and his head goes right inside the shopping cart. Awesome spot. Raven starts bashing Rhino with the kitchen sink. Raven looks to hit Rhino with the kitchen sink, but wait… GORE! GORE! GORE!. O.k., only one Gore, but it got the three.
Winner : Rhino (***¾ -Excellent hardcore match here. These two went balls out and came up with some innovative hardcore spots. Plus, the crowd seemed into it for every second of the match, so great stuff all around)
We now get a recap of Shane’s poem to Big Show last Thursday on Smackdown, spoofing Jack and the Beanstalk. Good stuff, as it was funny and helped the rivalry progress. Michael Cole is in the back with Shane, but Stephanie interrupts the interview telling Shane he should apologize to Vince. Shane says the story tonight will have a happy ending.
And here comes Stone Cold with Debra. Austin says he’s not gonna lose his title. All Triple H has to do is his damn thing, and they’ll win.
Back with the Duchess and The Coach looks to get a word from her. Coach asks her what the rules are. As she’s about to explain, Regal interrupts her and tells Coach to get out of there. Regal continues the sucking up and insulting of the fans, telling her not to look any of them in the eyes.
Match 3 : William Regal vs Chris Jericho – Duchess of Queensbury match
No one seems to know the rules to this match besides Regal. Regal comes out an gets on the mic and says hello to all of his friends in Chicago. I used to love it when he did that. Regal then tries to introduce the Duchess, but the crowd starts to chant “Asshole”. He then introduces the Duchess, and here she comes. Heyman says he knows the rules to the match, but that he’s sworn to secrecy. And here comes Jericho, to a huge pop. He’s got a mic too. He pokes fun at Regal and the Duchess, saying he doesn’t know which one looks more like a man. The Duchess is playing this off horribly as she’s had no change in facial expression.
The bell rings and we still have no idea what to expect. Tie up to start. They switch up some headlocks until Jericho hit’s a shoulder block. Regal sends Jericho over but Jericho holds on and goes to the top. Jericho hits Regal with a diving overhead chop. Jericho back to the top but misses a dropkick. Regal with a suplex. Regal starts hitting Jericho with some standing knees. He then hits multiple european uppercuts. Jericho runs into a kick by Regal. Regal goes to the top but Jericho follows him up and hit’s a Hurricanrana. Jericho hit’s a bulldog followed by a Lionsault but the bell rings before Jericho can cover. The announcer informs us that the time limit for Round 1 has expired. Heyman says he forgot to tell us about the rounds. Of course. Regal with a rollup but Jericho kicked out. Jericho looks for a dropkick off the middle rope but gets caught by Regal and slingshotted into the ropes. Regal with a release German suplex. Regal Stretch locked in but Jericho gets to the ropes. Regal looks for another German but Jericho rolls through and locks in the Walls. Regal taps out immediately. The announcer tells us that you cannot win by Submission. Jericho is pissed, as he should be. Jericho goes to the outside to go after the Duchess, but security blocks his path. Regal tries to attack Jericho from behind but Jericho sees him coming. Regal with a scepter to the head of Jericho. The bell rings, but The Fink informs us that there is No Disqualification. Regal rolls Jericho back in the ring. Pin but only two. Regal with a double arm suplex but not even that can put away Jericho. He looks for another but Jericho counters and hits an enzuigiri. Jericho looking for the Walls again but instead kicks Regal in the groin. Jericho with a baseball slide to Regal on the outside and Regal’s head ends up between the Duchess’ legs. Jericho takes down Regal and throws the Duchess in the ring. Walls to the Duchess. Ask Her!!! Regal with a chair. Multiple shots to the back. Pin and that’s it.
Winner : William Regal (*-The stipulations for this match were ridiculous, and the action wasn’t any better. This would’ve been better on Raw, but the fact that we had to pay for this made it worse)
Vince is backstage with Big Show, asking Show if he’s ready. Vince tells him not to hold back. Show says if his last names McMahon, he’s going to destroy him. Vince says he likes that about Show. Demonic laughs by both Show and Vince.
Up next, the 30 Minute Ultimate Submission match.
Match 4 : Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit – 30 Minute Ultimate Submission match
I kind of wish they went with an Ironman match instead, but that’s just a minor gripe. Angle comes out and he’s got a microphone. He talks about how Chicago is short on winners and long on fat sweaty pigs. He says Benoit isn’t a pig, but he will be squealing tonight. And that brings out Benoit.
30 minutes on the clock, and here we go. Tie up to start, with Benoit putting Angle in the corner. Tie up again, and Angle puts Benoit in the other corner. Benoit with a single leg takedown. Both men trade holds until they both get back up to their feet. Angle with a double leg and looking for the Ankle Lock as they roll into the ropes. Angle takes down Benoit for the third time and is looking to take out the leg. Benoit goes for the Crossface but Angle’s got the ropes. Angle goes to the outside to stall. Back in the ring as Angle charges Benoit and takes him down for the fourth time. Fifth time for Angle but this time Benoit counters and almost locked in the Crossface. Benoit finally takes down Angle this time from a rear waist lock. They both spill to the outside and Benoit locks in the Crossface, making Angle submit. It doesn’t count though since this isn’t Falls, or Submissions, Count Anywhere. Angle grabs a chair on the outside, but thinks better of it as he puts it down. We’re about 7 minutes in and very little has happened. Angle with a leg lock and Benoit taps out at 6:34. Never mind.
Angle -1/Benoit-0
Angle grabs the leg but Benoit fights out. Angle now working on the knee as he hit’s multiple chop blocks. Benoit counters one though and tries to lock in the Crossface. He can’t, so he changes it up to a Juji Gatame (cross arm breaker) for a submission at 8:54.
Benoit refuses to let go until the ref makes him. Benoit back on the attack as he starts working on the arm of Angle. Arm Drag and locks in the Juji Gatame again. Angle gets to the ropes this time though. Benoit with a Tombstone like shoulder breaker. Benoit goes after the leg while Angle’s at the ropes. Benoit pushes the ref off him. While he does that, Angle grabs the chair from earlier and nails Benoit unbeknownst to the ref. Angle with the Ankle Lock for the submission at 10:20.
Angle tries to go back after Benoit but the ref stops him. Rest period is over as Angle locks Benoit in the Crossface for the tap out at 11:04.
Heyman puts over how disgusting it is for Angle to make Benoit tap out to his own submission hold. Angle back on the attack as he chokes Benoit with the ropes. Benoit with a huge backbody drop to Angle over the top rope. He then rams Angle’s shoulder into the ringpost. Angle reverses the irish whip and that sends Benoit into the steps. He then proceeds to lock in the Ankle Lock on the outside. Juji Gatame by Angle on the inside but Benoit refuses to let Angle hyperextend the arm. He gets to the ropes to break the hold, much to Angle’s dismay. Abdominal stretch by Angle as Benoit writhes in pain. A series of counters sees Benoit lock in the Juji Gatame again until Angle gets the ropes. Benoit counters the irish whip and locks in the Sharpshooter. Angle refuses to tap out and makes it to the ropes. Angle looks for a German but Benoit counters into a single leg crab, also putting the knee into the back of Angle’s surgically repaired neck. That’ll do it for the submission at 18:05.
Just as the rest period ends, Angle rolls to the outside. Benoit chases after him, but to no avail. Angle’s just stalling now as he doesn’t want to risk tying it up. Benoit catches Angle and throws him into the steps. Angle catches Benoit coming back into the ring with a series of kicks. Ten minutes left. Angle now not allowing Benoit to get back into the ring. Angle cautiously brings Benoit back in though and hit’s a suplex. Angle drop toe holds Benoit and looks for a submission, but Benoit gets to the ropes. Angle with a suplex on the outside. Back on the inside and Benoit takes down Angle, looking for a submission as Angle gets to the ropes. Benoit misses a dropkick and Angle locks in a modified STF. He soon changes it up to a sleeper hold. Benoit’s arm falls two times, but stays up on the third. Less than five minutes left. Angle not allowing Benoit to get up. He soon counters with a jawbreaker though. Both men back up, but Angle maintains the control as he hit’s a clothesline. Belly-to-belly throw by your Olympic Gold Medalist. And he hits it again. Benoit counters Angle and hit’s a German, now two, but he can’t get the trifecta. Angle counters with an Ankle Lock but Benoit counters that into an Ankle Lock of his own for the tap out at 27:51.
We’re all tied up now with only two minutes and nine seconds to go. Benoit attacking the leg now with repeated chop blocks. Only a minute left as Benoit hit’s a German. Angle counters the second one with a low blow. Angle now locks in the Ankle Lock with thirty seconds left. Benoit fights out, so Angle hit’s a backsuplex and locks it in again with ten seconds left.
The time runs out, and this one is over. Benoit tapped after the bell, and Angle assumes he won. The Fink tells the referee that he has demanded this one go to sudden death, much to Angle’s dismay.
We’re now in overtime as Angle starts to work on the leg. Belly-to-belly throw by Angle. Benoit charges Angle in the corner and hit’s a Peterson roll. Angle counters with an awkward submission, now using the ropes for leverage. The ref sees it but Benoit counters anyways into the Crossface for the submission.
Winner : Chris Benoit (**** -This was one helluva match. There were some logic flaws in it though. Both men worked down the body parts that would help lock in their respective finishers to start, but then at some point switched it up as Angle started working on the arm and Benoit on the leg. I don’t think it would’ve killed Angle to lock in Figure-Four instead of a Juji Gatame and I don‘t get why Benoit would‘ve switched up his gameplan from working on the arm to the leg if he was tied with Angle while doing so. If you can ignore these logic flaws though, this was an awesome thirty plus minutes of wrestling)
Backstage we see Undertaker and Kane talking, presumably about Kane’s injured arm. Triple H and Stephanie are shown watching on the monitor, and speculate that they must be talking about what their excuse is going to be when they lose the tag team titles. Stephanie says Shane will be making excuses too and that Shane is going to lose. Which segways to our next match as…
Match 5 : Shane McMahon vs Big Show – Last Man Standing match
Here comes the money! Shane brings out the Shane O’Mac and the Beanstalk book. Shane hides under the ring and Big Show can’t find him. Which way did he go? He comes out from the other side and attacks Big Show with a kendo stick. Multiple shots to the back and gut. Show looks for a chokeslam but Shane counters with the kendo stick. Big Show blocks a shot and hit’s a clothesline. Show then picks up Shane and throws him into the ring. Shane’s got a chair and he’s beating Show with it. A jumping chair shot takes The Giant down. Show starts to get up so Shane grabs a bag. He’s apparently got chloroform and he jumps on Show’s back and puts it over Show’s face. Show goes down. He should’ve just fell backward. The ref starts the count even though Shane’s still got the chloroform on Show’s face. That brings Vince out and hits Shane with a chair, first in the back, and then right between the eyes. Big Show is now up and he picks up Shane, wanting to hurt him even more. Sidewalk slam puts Shane down for an nine count. Show’s not done yet as he tosses Shane off the middle rope into the middle of the ring. Big elbow from a reverse ddt position. Show picks Shane up at eight and hit’s a Chokeslam. Show decides that Shane hasn’t had enough and he puts Shane in a torture rack. Test charges out and hits Big Show with a big boot. Test telling Shane to get up which leaves him vulnerable to Show’s attack. Test gets thrown into the ring steps. Test and Show start fighting up the entrance ramp. Shane attacks Show from behind with a weapon but Show finds a kendo stick. Shane begins to climb the structure to try and avoid Show. Show starts to follow him, but Test holds him down. Shane climbs to the top and the crowd starts chanting “Holy Shit” as if they already know what’s about to happen. Test works down Show on the ground and motions to Shane. And then Shane did the unthinkable. Shane jumps off the structure for the biggest elbow drop ever as he puts Show through that cardboard thing that clearly serves no purpose for being there other than to serve as a spot. Test uses the crane that holds the camera to keep Shane held up as the ref counts to ten, declaring Shane the winner.
Winner : Shane McMahon (***-This one’s a hard one to rate, as Shane’s only offense consisted of weapon shots while Show’s offense consisted of a few power moves. Overall though, this is pretty damn good and this one needed to be overbooked with interference. I don’t agree with Shane going over as he wasn’t an active competitor, but Show wasn’t really headed towards big things anyways, so I guess it’s alright)
Backstage Vince is asking Triple H and Stephanie what the hell that was. Stephanie tells him to relax as Austin and Triple will win the tag titles tonight. Vince says he only has one son, and that’s Triple H.
Steve Blackman is at WWF New York. JR asks Steve his thoughts on what just happened. Steve shares his thoughts, to which nobody cares, but it isn’t all bad, cuz’ there’s Grand Master Sexay! He starts saying a bunch of random stuff, and asks Blackman to “give him some”.
And here comes Matt Hardy, as we get ready for…
Match 6 : Matt Hardy© vs Christian vs Eddie Guerrero – Triple Threat match – European Championship
We get a recap of Smackdown three days ago when Matt Hardy defeated Eddie Guerrero to win the European Championship. This match gets underway with Christian and Eddie double teaming Matt. Christian attacks Guerrero from behind and hit’s a powerslam. Hurricanrana by Eddie, adjusting in mid-air to hit that one. Eddie looking for a superplex, but Hardy shoves him off and looks for one himself. Guerrero puts Matt in the Electric Chair position. Christian looks for a crossbody but Matt ducks and rolls up Guerrero for two. Matt looks for the Twist of Fate but Christian takes him down with a clothesline. Backsuplex by Guerrero to Christian. Matt looks for a sunset flip but he’s too close to the ropes. Guerrero gets sent to the outside. Clothesline by Matt to Captain Charisma. Eddie pulls Matt to the outside as Christian hits both guys with a baseball slide. Cool spot sees Christian attempt to backdrop Hardy, but Hardy’s back goes into the ropes and he falls forward hitting a ddt. Eddie brings Matt back into the ring with a brainbuster. And another but this time goes for a pin but only gets two. Matt with a backdrop, and 6,000 little girls and 23 guys start screaming as Matt Hardy pulls his shirt off. Matt throws Christian off the top rope onto Guerrero, and then hits double clothesline off the top to both men. Matt throws Christian to the outside and takes down Eddie. Leg drop off the middle rope. Christian pulls out Matt to the outside and bounces his head off the apron. Edge comes out and spears Hardy. Guerrero looks for the pin on Matt but gets nothing. Here comes Jeff, and he’s going after Edge. Christian with an Unprettier to Eddie. He goes for the cover but Jeff hit’s a Swanton to break it up. Matt then hit’s a Twist of Fate on Christian to pick up the win.
Winner : Matt Hardy (**¾-Solid match. All three guys worked very well with each other, as you would expect. It probably would’ve benefited with more time, but what we got here was a good match)
And coming up next, it’s the main event for all the gold. It’s…
Match 7 : WWF Tag Team Champions Undertaker and Kane vs Intercontinental Champion Triple H and WWF Champion Steve Austin
The story to this one is Kane’s injured arm, which was brutally beat by Austin and Triple H in the days leading up to the PPV. I never really understood the rules to this one. If Taker pins Austin, he becomes WWF Champion, but does that make Kane Intercontinental Champ? Whatever, it doesn’t matter.
Triple H gets on the apron, but Taker just punches him down. The match hasn’t even started yet, but the ref still feels the need to start the count. Austin and Hunter are really stalling right now. They start to walk away, but Kane and Taker go after them and the brawl ensues. Taker and Austin are gonna start things off in the ring. Not for long though, as Kane and Triple H enter. Kane with a double choke to Triple H, and then to Austin. Kane ducks a clothesline but gets the Harley Race like high knee instead. Kane starts to fight back, but Triple H attacks the arm. Taker and Austin are both in now, and Austin is begging Undertaker off. Something I hate is that when wrestlers turn heel, they automatically become huge pussies. The old Austin never would have done that, but it doesn’t matter, cause Austin makes a comeback. Taker reverses though, and starts whaling on Austin in the corner. Now he’s just throwing him into back to back corners multiple times. Austin looks for a handshake from Taker to no avail, and then from Kane who gives Austin a right hand. Triple H gets the tag, but bails out. Taker turns around so Triple H charges back in. Undertaker expects it and turns around and takes The Game down. Old School! The crowd is going bananas as Taker hits it. Slam to Austin and… Old School! This time to Austin. Triple gets sent over the top as Austin rolls to the outside. Austin and Triple H now try to leave but Kane attacks them from behind. Austin back in as Taker looks for a Last Ride, only to be clothesline by Triple H. Double teaming on Taker has now commenced. Undertaker tries to fight back but gets hit with a facebuster. Irish whip but it’s countered with a DDT to The Game. Taker refuses to tag Kane in as he’s concerned about his elbow, and Austin takes him down. Lou Thesz press by guess who. Taker catches Austin with a goozle but it’s countered. Undertaker takes both Austin and The Game down. Kane’s now in. Boot to Austin. And one for The Game. Sidewalk slam and now he’s going to the top and hit’s the clothesline. Kane then tosses Triple H off the top of the other corner. The elbow is exploited again though. Stunner countered with an elbow. Austin then takes down Kane with an armbreaker. Triple H yanks the arm down on the top rope, sending Kane to the outside as Austin hits Kane’s arm with a chair. Taker chases Austin away, but the damage has been done. Apparently not enough though, as Triple H slams his arm into the steel steps. Back in the ring as Triple H is working down the arm. Kane tries to fight back, but the arm is again wrenched. Austin now on top of Kane, tilting Kane’s head ever so slightly as to be careful in placing his right hands into the side of Kane’s head so he doesn’t hit his mask. Kane tries a powerslam, but Austin slides out. Back on the arm now. Kane fights Hunter off now, sending him over the top rope. He looks for the tag, but Taker gets pulled off the apron by The Game. Austin now attacking Kane, making sure he doesn’t get the tag. Triple H off the top, but falls into the boot of Kane. Austin gets the tag, but gets hit with a backsuplex. Triple H back in, taking Kane down. Pedigree connects. Tag to Austin who goes for the cover but Taker breaks up the pin. Chokeslam by Taker to Austin. Stephanie grabs Hebner so Hebner, well, shoves her off the apron. I see Hebner’s one with the ladies. Kane with a pin on Austin. 1…2…2.905! Austin just barely kicks out. Enzuigiri by Kane to Triple and here, comes, TAKER!!! Taker just dominating right now with rights and lefts all over the place. Boot to Austin, and one for Triple H. Last Ride coming, and it connects. Hebner’s not counting as he says Hunter’s not the legal man. Seriously? Like it even matters. Low blow by Austin to Taker, and then a Stunner to Kane. Taker throws Austin to the outside. Stephanie gives Triple H one of the tag title belts as Taker and Austin fight through the crowd. Triple H goes to hit Kane but he counters with a boot. Chokeslam but Stephanie runs in but gets a boot for her troubles. Awesome. Here comes Mr. McMahon with a sledgehammer. Kane grabs Vince but Triple H hits Kane’s arm with the hammer. And then a shot to the head. 1.……2.……3. It’s over.
Winners – Triple H and Steve Austin (****-Really long, yet really entertaining match. I would’ve preferred to see a little more Taker and a little less Kane, but that’s just a minor gripe, because these guys went balls out. A great way to end the show)
JR says he cannot believe it. Austin and Triple H now have all the gold. JR says someone’s going to get hurt badly. There’s gonna be some hell to pay.
The 411: This was a very good PPV, with 4 of the 7 matches clocking in at 3 stars or greater. The only bad match was the Duchess of Queensbury match, but I don’t think anyone was expecting a five star classic there. Besides that, there’s nothing on here that’s actually bad, as everything ranges from good to awesome. I definitely recommend going out of your way to get this one. This Backlash had a lot to live up to after the awesome Wrestlemania that preceded it, and it may not have been as good, but it was definitely the next best thing. |
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Final Score: 9.0 [ Amazing ] legend |
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