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Sambus’ AEW Collision Review 07.22.23

Good evening, folks, and welcome to 411’s live coverage of AEW Collision! Last Saturday we witnessed a PPV-quality show, so momentum is definitely behind us as we enter tonight’s edition.
On tap for tonight:
- Skye Blue vs Taya Valkyrie
- Bullet Club Gold vs Darius Martin & Action Andretti
- AEW Trios Championship match: House of Black (c) vs The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass Billy Gunn
Andrade has had major issues with the House of Black in the past few weeks, so you have to believe he’ll be a factor in the proceedings somewhere.
Plus we’re scheduled to hear from FTR now that their next title defense is set for next week’s Collision, where they’ll face the winners of the Blind Eliminator Tag Tournament, MJF & Adam Cole. I’m just hoping we get to hear that sweet BayBay remix of MJF’s theme.
Not only that, CM Punk and Ricky Starks are due to appear for the fallout of their Owen Hart Cup Tournament Finals match last week, where Starks picked up the win with a little rope assistance. That could be incendiary, to say the least.
Alright, enough chat – let’s do this!
Location: Newark, NJ
Venue: Prudential Center
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness & Ian Riccaboni
Pre-show promo time! BC Gold is alive and well and will mop the floor with the young boys, and they throw the guns up. We go to the parking lot and Starks is here, and he says we’ll celebrate in Absolute style tonight. SATURDAY NIGHT’S ALRIGHT FOR FIGHTING!
Tony Schiavone is in the ring and is ready for a celebration. He brings out the winner of the Owen Hart Cup Tournament, Absolute Ricky Starks. Ohhh big time pyro for Starks as he poses on the turnbuckles. Seriously, this is a ton of pyro!
Tony congratulates Ricky Starks, but acknowledges that it’s not without some controversy. Crowd chants ‘you deserve it’. Starks agrees with Newark – he does deserve it. Starks has a question about the controversy – what does it matter? Will it matter in 20 years? He went in there and got the job done, by any means necessary.
Tony asks about the disrespect to Liger. Starks says there is no disrespect to Liger, he’s one of the greatest. Ricky is not one of the pillars, he stands on his own.
But he comes CM Punk, walking down the ramp with no music. He stands face to face with Starks as Tony holds the mic close.
Punk isn’t out here to rain on the parade. He’s not mad, maybe just a little mad at himself. Honestly, Punk is proud of Ricky. Punk can’t say he’s never cheated. Punk says he can live with the L. But can Ricky live with the win, knowing he can’t beat Punk without cheating.
Starks says his bag isn’t as empty as the bag Punk’s been carrying around. Punk returns to the ring, and asks if Starks wants a shot at what’s in the bag. Punk says he is the REAL World Champion.
And here comes Christian Cage, along with the TNT Champion Luchasaurus. Cage says all of this is taking too much time for his liking. Cage has a question for Punk – what kind of man carries around a championship he didn’t win? Ha! Cage reminds everyone that he and Luchasaurus are the faces of TNT, now and forever.
And NOW here comes Darby Allin! Allin hates the term ‘pillars’. Anyone who is ride or die with the company can be a pillar…like his good friend, CM Punk. Allin reminds Luchasaurus that he is coming for the TNT title at All Out. But first, he suggests a tag match. Punk and Darby vs Ricky Starks & the TNT champion. He goads Christian, saying he assumes it’ll be Luchasaurus. Tony Schiavone has spoken with Tony Khan and the match is made official for tonight’s main event! Punk & Darby Allin vs Starks and either Luchasaurus or Cage.
A revolving door promo to start the show! Whodathunkit!?
We go to footage from earlier today of Andrade entering the building but he is greeted by security. They tell him he can’t be here after last week’s attack, and they escort him out.
After the break, they clarify that it will indeed by Christian Cage tagging with Starks. Although I’m sure shenanigans will play a part here later.
Match One: Bullet Club Gold vs Darius Martin & Action Andretti
Darius begins against Jay White, and the Gunns are on the outside during this one. Jay works over Darius in the corner, with a big chop to the chest, followed by a tag to Juice. Darius gets a big dropkick and then tags Action. Spinning crossbody from Andretti gets a 2. He grabs the arm, springs to the top rope and gets a flying arm drag to Juice.
Off the ropes, springboard from Andretti is caught but he avoids a German. And my feed briefly dies. Ugh! White whips Andretti off the bottom rope before Juice gets a hanging neckbreaker to the floor. The Gunns continue the assault on the outside on Andretti by throwing him into the barricade while the ref is distracted. Pinfall attempt from Jay gets 2. Juice in and gets his big senton, and a splash for another 2.
Juice goes for a stalling suplex but Andretti gets a quick rollup for 2. He tries to tag Martin but Jay is in to stop him…but Action makes the dive and Darius is tagged in! House of fire, gets a tornado DDT to Jay and regular DDT in stereo to Juice. High crossbody from Darius on Jay gets 2. Darius springboards to the outside to take out Juice, clotheslines White outside too, and tags Andretti. Arabian Press from Andretti to both members of BC Gold.
Shotgun Dropkick into a lungblower from Darius and Andretti but it only gets a 2. Juice gets tagged in and gets a cannonball on both men before tagging White back in. Left Hand of God from Juice, pendulum DDT, and then White with the Bladerunner….1, 2, 3 at 10:31.
Your winners by pinfall: Juice Robinson & Jay White (Bullet Club Gold)
Rating: **3/4 – Little bit of flare from the high-flying duo, but this was predominantly a showcase for BC Gold to get momentum back on their side after the defeat last week.
Austin and Colten Gunn in after the bell rings to beat down both Andretti and Martin, who are thrown outside, allowing BC Gold to celebrate.
Recap of Athena vs Willow at ROH Death Before Dishonor last night. And now it’s time for Miro!!!
Match Two: Miro vs Nick Comorato
Comorato attacks during Miro’s entrance and continues the assault around the ringside area. In the ring, the bell is rung and Comorato is in control. He whips Miro into the corner, but Miro fires off a German in response. Big thrust kick and Miro pulls the straps down. Game over! He humbles Comorato with the camel clutch, and Nick has to submit at 1:27.
Your winner by submission: Miro
Rating: MIRO – Another glorious squash, although Miro did get a little beating from the off. As fun as these are, I’m wanting to see more from Miro soon.
We take a look at FTR’s history here in AEW with a nice little video package.
Match Three: [AEW Trios Championships] House of Black (w/ Julia Hart) vs The Acclaimed & Billy Gunn
Hot start as Caster’s rap started to focus on Buddy with a vague reference to Rhea Ripley’s IG, which Buddy did not take kindly to. King with a running crossbody on Billy Gunn against the barricade. Gunn and Bowens have been taken out on the outside momentarily.
When it settles down in the ring, we get Caster and Black inside. They exchange strikes until Black gets a sweet back elbow for 2. Brody King in now, big chop to the chest of Max. Body slam followed by a senton and a tag to Buddy. Caster fights back and is desperate for the tag but Buddy drives him into the neutral corner instead. Caster sends King to the outside who is attempting interference, and he almost makes the tag but Bowens is dragged off the apron by King in retaliation.
Caster makes the tag to Daddy Ass and he lights it up, running corner to corner on Black and Buddy but runs straight into a clothesline from Brody King. OH Malakai Black is there to meet Billy Gunn with The End for the pinfall at 3:46.
Your winners by pinfall and STILL AEW Trios Champions: The House of Black
Rating: **3/4 – This was just about to pick up and then abruptly ended. I would have happily watched this go on a little longer.
Post-match, Billy Gunn starts untying his boots, clearly upset at having lost the match for the Acclaimed. He takes off his boots and is almost crying here. Billy Gunn leaves his boots in the middle of the ring and walks up the ramp, shrugging off the protestations from Max and Anthony.
Tony Schiavone is back in the ring to introduce the AEW Tag Team Champions, Dax and Cash, FTR!
Tony congratulates them on the big win last week, but turns attention to the tag team title match next week against Cole and MJF. Cash takes the mic. Aussie Open, the Acclaimed, the Young Bucks…Cash says he has unfinished business with all of them. But first, they have MJF and Adam Cole. Cash has words for Adam Cole…do you trust Max? Cash has first hand experience thanks to the Pinnacle. He knows what kind of man MJF really is.
Dax takes the mic now for some story time. Dax is worried that MJF and Cole are taking these championships as a joke. The comedy skits, the dance break, all in the middle of important matches. Whereas Dax has suffered to make FTR the greatest tag team in pro wrestling. Next week, there won’t be a dance break, there won’t be comedy. FTR will give MJF and Cole an ass-kicking. Top guys, out.
Match Four: Skye Blue vs Taya Valkyrie
Patronising tap on the head from Taya to start, before she shoves Skye down to the mat. Kick to the midsection from Taya followed by boots in the corner, and a huge slap to the chest…but Blue fires up and fights back with chops of her own. Shoulder tackle from Valkyrie takes Blue down but a high knee from Blue keeps her in it. Blue tries to whip Taya in the corner but Taya puts on the breaks and tackles Blue off the apron. Spear on the outside to Blue!
Taya rolls her back in the ring and whips her off the ropes but Blue gets a back elbow and a hair pull. Taya grabs the tights and fires off a Blue Thunder Bomb for 2!
Taya with boots to the face on Skye in the corner. Double knees! 1, 2, no. Full Nelson from Valkyrie keeps Blue grounded. Back to their feet, Taya gets some kicks to the hamstring and drives her boot into the throat. More kicks to the hamstring, followed by a double legdrop to the midsection. Blue is pissed and rallies with a flurry of forearms but Valkyrie had an answer for that with a big clothesline.
They trade blows until Blue gets a shotgun dropkick on Taya, followed by a high knee and a sliding enziguri. Blue up top and gets a crossbody for 2! Blue was looking for Skyfall but Taya gets her tangled in the ropes and nails the running German with Blue on the middle rope, a la Ibushi. BIG clothesline to follow up from Valkyrie. Locks in a surfboard stretch before absolutely nailing her with the surfboard stomp, picking up the pinfall at 8:52.
Your winner by pinfall: Taya Valkyrie
Rating: ***1/4 – This was really enjoyable, especially as they had a clear dynamic, and Taya played the powerhouse fantastically against the plucky underdog. Skye Blue had a few moments to shine while Taya dominated, and that’s probably for the best while Blue gets more exposure and seasoning in the ring.
Taya Valkyrie grabs a mic after the match and is gunning for another winner as of late – she has her eyes on Britt Baker. This coming Wednesday, Taya Valkyrie vs Britt Baker DMD. She challenges Britt to come play with her.
Match Five: CM Punk & Darby Allin vs Ricky Starks & Christian Cage (w/ Luchasaurus)
Punk is starting out against…well, Starks and Cage are arguing about who will begin for their team. Starks is forced in to avoid a 10 count from referee Paul Turner. Punk immediately tries for a GTS but Starks escapes.
Tag to Cage and Punk brings him in the hardway. Runs him face first into the turnbuckles and ascends the buckles for the 10-count punches. Hip toss to Cage before Punk tags in Darby. Darby wrings the arm of Cage but tags Punk back in…who tags Darby back again. They trade tags, continuing to wring Christian’s arm each time. Eventually Darby stays in and gets a la mahistral cradle for 2. Backslide for 2 as well.
Side headlock from Cage but Punk gets a tag and hits Cage with a leg lariat. Cage rushes over to make a tag but Starks doesn’t want any of Punk. Side headlock from Cage to control Punk, and NOW Starks is happy to be tagged in. Punk avoids a double team and nails a suplex on Starks for 2.
Darby back in, and he clotheslines Starks to the floor along with Punk. Cage is outside too, as Punk dives over the top rope and Darby climbs the buckles and unleashes the Coffin Drop on both Cage and Starks to the floor! Back in the ring, Punk whips Starks hard into the buckles, causing Starks to collapse from the whiplash. Darby is tagged in and they double team Starks, tagging each other in and out.
Cage is tagged in but falls to a drop toe hold from Punk. Punk is momentarily distracted by Luchasaurus on the outside, allowing Cage to hit a running basement dropkick to catch Puk unawares.Cage repeatedly stomps Punk in the ring now, and gets his patented assisted rope stand.
Now Cage and Starks take it in turn to double team Punk with quick tags. Chops from Starks and a suplex attempt but Punk gets a quick rollup for 2. Starks gets control of Punk’s arm, climbs the ropes and hits the top rope walk/axe handle.
We get a glimpse of Scorpio Sky watching from a skybox. Back to the action, Starks attempts an irish whip but Punk gets his spinning neckbreaker combination and makes the tag to Darby! Darby sends Christian into Starks and his a Code Red on Starks! 1, 2, no!
SUICIDE DIVE from Darby to Starks on the outside! And again on the opposite side but NO, he gets SWATTED DOWN BY LUCHASAURUS. Cage throws Darby through the side of the announce table, that looked vicious.
Snake Eyes from Ricky on Darby, and a big clotheline gets 2. Cage is in now and turns Darby inside out with a back body drop and a snapmare. Inside cradle from Darby almost gets a 3 but Cage escapes at the very last moment. Darby is sent outside again and Paul Turner starts the count. He makes it back in but is met by a twisting backbreaker from Starks.
Cage and Darby trade shots, inverted DDT from Cage as he climbs the buckles. Diving headbutt gets nothing but canvas! Both men crawl to their corners…but Starks has run over to grab Punk and pull him off the apron. Darby can’t make the tag! Cage and Starks double team Darby with a flurry of stomps while Punk fumes and Turner has his back turned.
Sunset flip from Darby over Starks, and he rolls through to make the tag to Punk! Body slams and dropkicks to both men as Punk is a house of fire. Corner knees! Bulldog/clothesline combination takes both Cage and Starks down. Pepsi Twist on Cage for 1, 2, no. Punk goes to the top, crossbody to Cage but Cage rolls through, 1, 2, kickout!
Cage is on the opposite turnbuckle now, and Punk climbs to meet him. Back body drop from Punk and Cage is in perfect position….Punk gets the big elbow drop. 1, 2, no. Cage rolls and gets the tag to Starks.
Punk goes for a GTS but Starks reverses. Forearms traded by both men. High roundhouse kick from Punk makes Starks crumple to his knees. Tag to Darby who avoids a spear attempt…but as he dives off the opposite ropes, Starks catches him! Ro Sham Bo! But Darby kicks out at 2!
Starks has Darby seated on the top rope….goes for a suplex but Darby reverses in midair and gets a sweet reverse DDT from the top rope! GTS attempt on Cage but Cage rakes the eyes. Wait Punk pulls Cage outside and nails the GTS on the floor!
Luchasaurus pulls the ropes on Darby, causing the low blow. Starks tries to capitalise but Darby manages to roll through into a rollup. But Ricky reverses the roll up and holds the ropes!! 1, 2, 3, he’s done it again! Ricky picks up the win at 25:03.
Your winners by pinfall: Ricky Starks & Christian Cage
Rating: ***1/2 – Collision is the place for stellar tag team encounters it would seem! Like in previous weeks, this felt very traditional with all the quick tags, extended face-in-peril segments, building to a strong closing section with a genuinely thrilling finish. Nothing was particularly at stake so it may have felt a little throwaway, but the in-ring action displayed here made it worth it.
Added to Next week, Andrade El Idolo vs Buddy Matthews in a Ladder Match for Andrade’s mask! YES PLEASE. Alongside FTR vs MJF & Adam Cole, that is looking like another fantastic show. Until then, have a great week everybody!
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