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Sambus’ AEW Collision Review 12.16.23
Hey folks! Welcome to another Saturday night here on 411mania as we get ready for tonight’s episode of AEW Collision. First things first, allow me to wish a speedy recovery to Kenny Omega, having been hospitalized just a few days ago. ‘Speedy’ may be wishful thinking as diverticulitis is no joke and he likely has an uphill battle in front of him, so all the love and well wishes are headed his way.
For the rest of AEW, the show must go on, and tonight the Continental Classic draws ever closer to a finish. We’ll see Danielson vs Brody King in a match that could go a long way in solidifying King as a true contender, and we’ll see Daniel Garcia potentially playing spoiler for Eddie Kingston. Claudio vs Andrade is also lined up which could be a real banger, and we have non-tournament action as Orange Cassidy defends the International Championship against Bryan Keith.
Here are the latest Blue League Standings heading into tonight’s show:
Andrade El Idolo: 9 points
Brody King: 6 points
Bryan Danielson: 6 points
Claudio Castagnoli: 3 points
Eddie Kingston: 3 points
Daniel Garcia: 0 points
Location: Garland, TX
Venue: Curtis Culwell Center
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly & Tony Schiavone
Eddie Kingston says it is his time. Garcia says he will take the most important thing in the world away from Kingston. Claudio is looking for payback on Andrade. Andrade says Garcia is next. Brody King knows it’s make or break time for him. Danielson acknowledges that he can’t afford to lose, and something has to give…he may be banged up, but it won’t be him. Orange Cassidy doesn’t get what this whole cold open thing is….haha. Opening credits!
Match One: [Continental Classic: Blue League] Claudio Castagnoli vs Andrade El Idolo
Andrade is shoved into the corner as the bell rings. Lockup, shoulder blocks traded off the ropes, neither man goes down. Claudio tries to throw Andrade to the floor but Andrade is TRANQUILO in the ropes! Clothesline by Claudio, knocking Andrade down. Andrade up to the top rope, crossbody gets a 2 count. He goes for the figure four but kicked off, Claudio goes for the Giant Swing but Andrade escapes and heads to the floor.
Andrade back in the ring now, Claudio immediately with a forearm. Headscissors off the ropes by Andrade, he goes to dive over the ropes to Claudio on the floor but Claudio catches him on the way down with a huge European uppercut. He slides Andrade back in the ring but only gets a 1 count. Uppercut in the corner now, another on the opposite side. Andrade dropkicks the knee, sending Claudio into the middle buckle. Dragon screws to Claudio now…but a pop up uppercut from Claudio gets a 2! We got to PIP break.
Andrade utilises the count on the floor to catch his breath. Double stomp from Claudio as Andrade gets back in the ring. Claudio locks in a chinlock to keep Andrade grounded. Vertical suplex by Claudio, and he wipes his hands, pleased with his work. Another chinlock, but Andrade makes a comeback, rallying the crowd behind him. Back elbow by Claudio but he misses a charge into the corner. Scoop slam by Andrade, and another. Flying forearm by Idolo! Kip up, he is fired up. He signals for the double knees, takes a run up….Claudio ducks down to avoid it, and launches out with the Giant Swing! He steps through into the Sharpshooter, locked in! Center of the ring…but Andrade reverses into the Figure Four! Claudio moves towards the ropes, reaches them.
Andrade attempts to go to the top rope but Claudio cuts him off with right hands and a headbutt. Both men up top, Andrade captures the head and neck though. Transitions into a Code Red off the top! 1, 2, no! DOUBLE KNEES in the corner by Andrade! 1, 2, KICKOUT. Andrade pulls off one of the turnbuckle pads, and is met by a running uppercut! Claudio with a superplex and he hangs on…but reversed by Andrade! THREE AMIGOS! No, Claudio with an uppercut. They battle by the exposed steel turnbuckle, trading chops and forearms. Big boots in the center of the ring now, SPINNING BACK ELBOW by Andrade, 1, 2, no.
Double underhook by Andrade, avoided by Claudio. Uppercuts in the corner again. Claudio sits Andrade on the top rope, heads up, but Andrade has the hammerlock applied, no Claudio crotches Andrade on the steel! Back of his knee is giving him trouble too, the referee is distracted and puts the padding back on the buckle. Claudio lifts Andrade up AND STRAIGHT KICKS HIM IN THE NUTS! NEUTRALIZER! 1, 2, 3, Claudio gets the points at 15:32.
Your winner by pinfall: Claudio Castagnoli
Rating: ***3/4 – YESSSSS this is how you start a show! Those nearfalls were great, we had drama throughout, and that finish provided quite the memorable visual. Nice one, lads!
We recap the Gold League action from this past Wednesday.
Match Two: Abadon vs Jazmin Allure
Abadon attacks with a big clothesline from the get-go. Jazmin jumps at Abadon, but they catch her and dumps Jazmin with a front slam. Kick by Allure, Abadon absorbs it. Running knee to the side of the head by Abadon, Black Dahlia connects for the 1, 2, 3 at 1:05.
Your winner by pinfall: Abadon
Rating: N/R – SQUUUUUUAAAAAASH. Consecutive Abadon appearances on Collision is neat, we like this.
Lights go out post-match…Julia Hart is in the ring! Hart drapes the TBS title on the ground…and Abadon attacks! They roll around trading shots, Abadon gets the upper hand and nails the running knee to the side of the head! Abadon grabs the TBS championship…but here comes Skye Blue! Blue stands face to face with Abadon….Abadon turns momentarily and Skye Blue attacks them from behind. Double team from Skye and Hart now. They both take it in turns to chop Abadon….but here comes THUNDER ROSA from the Spanish commentary desk!! Rosa has run them off! Rosa and Abadon back into each other…Rosa extends the hand and Abadon shakes! Presumably sets up a nice little tag match for Rosa’s return.
Renee Paquette is backstage with the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass. Billy Gunn says they have a problem. Max Caster says they’re coming for whoever is under that Devil mask. Bowens says a group of individuals tried to end their careers, and now they are in a search and destroy mission for them. Darius & Dante Martin along with Action Andretti show up, and they say the Coldest Trio have been cooking. They love the idea of those Trios titles around their waists. Bowens accepts the challenge for next week’s ‘Holiday Bash’ Collision.
Match Three: [AEW International Championship] Orange Cassidy (c) vs ‘Bountry Hunter’ Bryan Keith
Crowd is solidly behind BK in the opening moments. Shoulder block by Keith, and another, side headlock takeover. Cassidy shoots Keith into the ropes and slips past him. Hands in the pockets! They square up against each other. Chop by Keith. Dropkick by Cassidy. Orange backs him into the corner, but Keith comes back with chops to the chest. Orange to the apron, forearm shot to Keith, rolls back in the ring but is met by a big boot from Bryan Keith. We head to PIP.
Kick to the inside leg by Keith, and he continues to work on it, driving the knee into the mat. He drives his boot into Cassidy’s knee and covers for 2. Keith ties the legs up and applies a cross legbar. Cassidy tries to punch his way out byt Keith rears back, forcing Orange to reach for the ropes. Keith follows Cassidy to the floor, big chop to the chest by the challenger, and a chopblock to the back of Orange’s bad leg.
Back in the ring, a tornado DDT is shrugged off by Cassidy, and he gets a satellite DDT of his own! Suicide dive to the outside on Keith. Orange heads up top but Keith gets up there with him. Orange slaps him back down and shakes his leg off, but Kweith sits back up and comes with a leaping headbutt! Keith up top, EXPLODER off the top rope! Running knee by Bryan Keith, followed by a double underhook piledriver attempt….but Orange gets the BEACH BREAK out of nowhere. 1, 2, NO!! Kicks by Orange, superkick! But a running kick by Keith…BLOCKBUSTER out of the corner, 1, 2, noooo!
Keith again goes for the double underhook SOMETHING but a three-quarter nelson seemingly from nowhere from Orange Cassidy gets the 3 at 9:12.
Your winner by pinfall and STILL AEW International Champion: Orange Cassidy
Rating: ***1/2 – Collision debut for Bryan Keith, and he looked good here, this was a good piece of business. Some will complain that Keith got in too much offense, but this is how to properly debut someone if you want them to be a player on TV. The important part will be the follow-up; let’s keep Bryan Keith on TV and keep the momentum going.
Keith tips the hat to Cassidy post-match.
Miro video package, where he says he wants to avoid drama. He wants to fight Andrade, not because he’s his wife’s client, but because he’s a *BEEP*. This is the word of the Redeemer.
Lexy Nair is with Kommander, reflecting on the Survival of the Fittest match at ROH Final Battle last night, but here comes Roderick Strong. Strong is a former ROH TV champion and Survival of the Fittest winner, and he wants to let Kommander know he’s looking to get back on the horse, and Komander is going to be his next victim. Komander seems non-plussed.
FTR make their way to the ring, sporting their injuries from last night’s Fight Without Honor. Oh, Dax has a mean shiner! They both grab mics.
Cash addresses the House of Black. No more magic, come see them face to face. Cash thinks their problem is with FTR’s success in AEW. the HoB are still unrealised potential. They’re mad at themselves…they’re jealous of Brody King’s success in the C2. Maybe they’re jealous of Julia Hart’s success. Cash says if they want to say something to them, HoB know where to find them.
Dax says you can say a lot of things about FTR…but one thing you can’t say is that they’ll back down from a fight. Dax has a problem with a sucker punch from behind. So here’s the challenge. House of Black vs….the lights go out.
House of Black appear on the screen. Buddy says they are here to prove a point that no one has FTR’s back. Everyone you love won’t save you, Dax. But what about Cash…who loves you Cash? Buddy says they welcome Cash. Be in their family. Malakai says it’s not possible. This is what happens when they have to prove a point so forcefully. When they attacked FTR…who came to save them? No one. They didn’t lie. To make it personal, he would have a picture of Dax, his wife and his daughter, and he would set fire to it. Buddy has a picture on hand, and he does indeed set fire to it. Symbolic. Like it or not, we’re you’re family now. FTR head backstage to find them.
Keith Lee video package. We recap Lee vs Shane Taylor from last night and Lee’s victory. Lee asserts that he didn’t beat ‘him’ as Shane Taylor is not ‘him’.
Match Four: [Streetfight] Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander vs Diamante & Mercedes Martinez
Kris & Willow are in Pulp Fiction-inspired ring gear and bring a chain with them to the ring. Diamante and Martinez have a lead pipe and a barbed wire bat. Here we go! They battle to the outside, Willow with a senton off the apron but hits Kris inadvertently. Bottle broken over the head of Willow! Diamante with a diving dropkick in the ring to Kris. She has the barbed wire bat…but Kris with a DDT onto the bat!
Martinez and Willow fight on the outside and Willow is busted open. Kris sends Martinez into the barricade, and Kris helps Willow pull the ring steps out. Diamante dives off the steps with a crossbody but the faces catch her and drop her on the steps. They grab a ladder and drive it into Mercedes. In the ring, Willow body slams Diamante, but Martinez in with a crowbar, smacking both women with it. Diamante places some chairs on the mat in a row, and Martinez Spider German Suplexes Kris Statlander off the buckles into them! 1, 2, Willow breaks it up. Mercedes continues the assault as we go to PIP.
Martinez drives the barbed wire bat into Willow’s forehead and they head outside the ring, battling near a table. But Mercedes sent into the ringpost. Suplex by Willow on Martinez, chair shot to Diamante by Kris! Willow traps Mercedes with the ladder, and Diamante drops Kris on the apron with an overhead biel, yikes Kris landed on her head.
Diamante and Willow in the ring now, Diamante with a chair, driving it into the throat. On the floor, Martinez sets up a wooden plyboard. SPINEBUSTER through the plyboard on Kris by Martinez! Meeting of the minds by Willow on her opponents in the ring. Diamante and Willlow now, another board is leant against the ropes, Willow pounces her into it, it doesn’t break! In comes Martinez who wails a chair over the head of Willow. In comes Kris, trading blows with Martinez now. Saturday Night Fever into a metal board, but Diamante with briefcase shots on Kris. Diamante opens the briefcase….it’s full of thumbtacks! And shards of glass. Martinez drives Kris face first into the tacks!
CODE RED by Diamante into the tacks on Kris! Willow and Martinez on the ring apron…Martinez fights out, Diamante assists, allowing Martinez to powerbomb Willow through thr table! But in comes Kris with a spinning lariat to take Diamante out for the 3 count at 10:30.
Your winners by pinfall: Willow Nightingale & Kris Statlander
Rating: ***1/2 – Fun hardcore affair here, a little scrappy at times, but they didn’t take it easy on those spots and went to war. Not an easy night for any of these women, they are going to be sore tomorrow! This felt like a PPV blowoff and was a great addition to tonight’s show.
Renee Paquette is backstage with Toni Storm, who will be defending at World’s End against either Riho or Saraya. She doesn’t care who her opponent is. Mariah may will be debuting soon, and she wants Toni Storm to commentate her first match. Storm says she is very busy…but when she holds a seminar, Mariah will be the first to know.
Adam Copeland wants Christian Cage in a No Disqualification match at World’s End, and he wants that TNT championship.
Match Five: Brian Cage vs Carey Wright
Knee to the jobber, clubbing blow from behind. German suplex! Bicep curls with Carey in his arms, into a fallaway slam. Powerbomb by Cage, and the Drillclaw gets the 3 count at 1:28.
Your winner by pinfall: ‘The Machine’ Brian Cage
Lexy Nair congratulates the Mogul Embassy backstage for retaining the ROH Trios titles last night. Nana is happy with everyone, and sings that they are in the money! But here comes Keith Lee, who congratulates Brian Cage. He says you can tell ‘him’ his patience wears thin and time is running out. So I take it ‘him’ is Swerve Strickland?
Match Six: [Continental Classic: Blue League] Eddie Kingston vs Daniel Garcia
Eddie has to win this, otherwise he is eliminated and will lose his ROH/NJPW championships. They lock up, back into the corner, clean break by Eddie. Same deal again, Garcia with a clean break, no he chops Eddie! Big chop back from Eddie, they trade chops now. STO by Eddie, Garcia heads to the apron. Eddie follows him, half and half attempt but Daniel dragon screws Eddie off the apron to the floor! Hard landing.
Back in the ring, more dragon screws from Garcia and a stomp to the leg. Eddie back up with a belly to belly suplex, but his leg is bothering him now. DDT by Eddie as we head to PIP. Kingston continues to chop Daniel in the corner, Garcia fights back but collapses on a strike attempt. Eddie kicks him in the back, Garcia fires him and now Eddie pulls the straps down. Eddie gets some leverage with the ropes and kicks away at Garcia, then chops him down again.
Garcia mounts a comeback but Eddie fires off the machine gun chops in the corner. Garcia wants more! Eddie obliges. Garcia DANCES! Even more machine gun chops now. Garcia is a heap in the corner and the referee has to pull him off. Garcia on the floor still attempts to dance. Kingston lets him get up, but a second wind from Garcia allows him to deliver a series of kicks to Eddie. Running boot, and another dragon screw, right back to the kneebar. Eddie makes the ropes. Roll through by Garcia into an ankle lock. Eddie is in the center of the ring! But he makes the ropes. Eddie is prone in the corner, Garcia charges, but an exploder meets him! Backfist to the Future, 1, 2, NOOO! Garcia kicks out. Backdrop driver by Garcia, running knee and a Saito Suplex but only gets a 2 for Garcia.
They go toe to toe with blows until a dropkick to the knee by Garcia, but a Half and Half by Eddie! Backfist to the Future again! 1, 2, 3! Eddie gets the points at 12:10.
Your winner by pinfall: Eddie Kingston
Rating: ***1/2 – This massively picked up in the second half and got HEATED. Garcia is defeated again, but it was a top notch showing and there are so many angles that could come from his losing streak. Another fantastic outing in a strong night of action here on Collision.
Match Seven: [Continental Classic: Blue League] Bryan Danielson vs Brody King
Danielson tries some tentative kicks. King backs him into the corner, but Danielson kicks the legs out. Danielson has his ‘monster hunter’ stance like when he faced Lesnar a few years ago, I like that. Chop to the throat and kick to the back by King. Brody pulls off the eyepatch and nails a forearm to the face and a splash in the corner. He takes a run, CANONBALL in the corner! Danielson heads to the outside for a breather. King follows him out and bounces his head off the announcer’s table. Brody then sends him shoulder-first into the barricade. King sits him on a chair and hits the low crossbody, sandwiching Danielson against the barricade! King gets back in the ring as Paul Turner makes the count.
In the ring, King stomps Danielson in the face and rakes his boot across the injured eye! Danielson is busted open again. King rakes the forearm across the cut and tosses Danielson to the outside again. Tossing him back in, King drives his cast into the eye, and tramples on the neck of Dragon. Off the ropes, big Black Hole Slam gets a 2. Outside, Danielson is on the chair again and Brody goes for another crossbody, but Danielson trips the legs! Danielson off the apron with a diving knee attack to the jaw.
Danielson up to the top rope, missile dropkick, and a running boot in the corner. Danielson kicks the inside of Brody’s legs, following up with a dropkick to the inner thigh. They head to the top rope but King crotshes Danielson on the rope…and hits the McGuinness lariat!! Nigel understandably approves. Danielson is down in the corner again, King chargesm but Danielson out of nowhere rolls him into a single leg crab! King kicks his way out of it.
Kicks to the leg by Danielson but King shoves him away. More kicks, King goes down to a knee, Danielson takes advantage with a roundhouse kick. Dragon traps the arms and stomps Brody King in the face! 1, 2, no. Hammer and Anvil elbows! But King is getting to his feet with Dragon on his shoulders! DVD!!! 1, 2, no. King goes for a powerbomb but Dragon escapes behind. Busaiku Knee, 1 COUNT KICKOUT by Brody King!
Brody is on his knees now as Danielson begins the Yes Kicks. Kick to the head keeps Brody on his knees but he launches into a lariat on Danielson as Dragon came running in! 1, 2, NO. Powerbomb attempt, but Danieson rolls into small package. Busaiku Knee! Prime position, hits it again. He waits for Brody to get back up to his knees, another from behind! 1, 2, 3! Brody King got the arm up just after the 3 count was made at 15:12.
Your winner by pinfall: Bryan Danielson
Rating: **** – A heck of a lot to love from this one. Danielson treated King like a monster, and they really put over the David vs Goliath feel from the opening moments. Solid victory for Danielson who continues his outstanding run, but Brody King is surely cemented as the real deal now.
Our Blue League standings as of the end of tonight’s broadcast:
Andrade El Idolo: 9 points
Bryan Danielson: 9 points
Brody King: 6 points
Claudio Castagnoli: 6 points
Eddie Kingston: 6 points
Daniel Garcia: 0 points