wrestling / TV Reports
Sambus’ ROH Supercard of Honor 2024 Review

Hello and welcome fellow 411ers! Wrestlemania weekend is upon us, and I hope you’re all feeling suitably buzzed – it’s a great time to be a fan! Mania Weekend is often about so much more than just the two big Mania shows, and as has been the tradition since 2006, that means Ring of Honor are presenting their annual Supercard of Honor show. A lot of the card was only finalised this past week, which had some worried, but I guess it harkened back to the old days of ROH where a lot of the card would take shape in that same manner.
Really strong women’s offerings on paper tonight – I’ll admit I have a real blindspot for Stardom in my wrestling viewing so I’m particularly looking forward to their Stardom Showcase six-woman tag. By all accounts, it has the potential to do for Stardom what that classic six-man tag did for Dragon Gate at the inaugural Supercard of Honor. Although they will likely have stiff competition from Athena and Shida, who could easily steal the show tonight.
With that in mind, let’s crack on. I’ll post more in-depth thoughts on the matches in my post-show review, but I’ll throw out some ratings alongside each match as we go. Have fun, everybody!
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Venue: The Liacouras Center
Commentators: Ian Riccaboni & Caprice Coleman
ZERO HOUR Pre-show
Premier Athletes (Tony Nese, Josh Woods & Ariya Daivari) vs Tony Deppen, Rhett Titus & Adam Priest
Titus and Woods start this one out. They exchange holds on the mat, Titus ducks a clothesline, leg pick by Woods, and an arm drag by Titus to regain control. Titus tags in Deppen as Nese comes in too, dropkick by Deppen. Nese and Daivari work over Deppen in the corner, back drop escape by Deppen who tags in Priest. Blind tag by Daivari who gets a double team powerslam/springboard combination to take down Priest.
Titus back in, knee to the chest. Reverse cutter from Josh and Nese on Titus. Priest takes out Daivari on the outside, and Titus hits a spinning armhook sideslam to get a 2 count. Nese avoids a double team from Titus and Deppen, goes for a bulldog but Titus tosses him over the top rope. Woods and Priest now, exploder suplex ensures Woods stays in control. Nese suplexes Deppen back inside the ring to be powerbombed by Woods, with Daivari getting a top rope diving forearm to allow the Premier Athletes to pick up the win.
Your winners by pinfall: Premier Athletes
Time: 8:06
Rating: **1/2 – Fine match to start us off, nothing special but that was a nice triple team finish from the Premier Athletes.
The Beast Mortos vs Blake Christian
Mortos is the new identity for Black Taurus by the way. Headscissor exchanges but neither man goes down, they land on their feet! Mortos picks up Christian but Blake slips behind. Dropkick through the ropes, handspring into a wheelbarrow and a splash from Christian. Springboard uppercut from Christian gets 2. Shots in the corner and now Mortos with a powerslam out of the corner for a 2 count of his own. Big slap across the face to Christian, followed by a straight punch. Bearhug locked in, Christian battles out of it, walks straight into a spinning lariat, which gets a 2.
Tornado DDT from Christian and now both men head to the apron. SPEAR on the apron takes Mortos to the floor….tope con hilo takes him down! Back inside, Christian heads to the top and hits a diving elbow, 1, 2, no. Mortos charges and misses a splash in the corner, but catches Christian with a pop up Samoan Drop for 2. Mortos misses another shot in the corner, Blake counters with a cartwheel driver as both men spill to the rampway. Moonsault to the outside caught, but Christian follows through into a spinning DDT. Springboard 450 splash back into the ring! 1, 2, no. Mortos up and he catches Christian on the top rope. Mortos up there with him…Mortos catches him and gets a power press slam off the top! AWFUL WAFFLE! 1, 2, 3.
Your winner: The Beast Mortos
Time: 8:38
Rating: ***1/4 – Nice showing from Mortos and Christian – they went all out to give viewers a taste of the fast-paced highspots we can expect from later on. Perfect placement for this sort of thing.
Post-match, Kommander and Alex Abrahantes show up and they appear to be scouting Mortos. Kommander applauds his victory.
Earlier tonight, Caprice Coleman sat down with Kyle Fletcher. Fletcher is feeling good about tonight and he’s confident about their match. Fletcher knows Johnson has something to prove tonight – Lee may be 8-0 but that’s still not on the level of Kyle Fletcher. We’ll see Fletcher vs Lee Johnson for the ROH TV title later on.
Cole Karter & Griff Garrison vs (Spanish Announce Project) Serpentico & Angelico
Garrison and Carter cheapshot the SAP as they enter the ring. But SAP come back with some tandem offense and pose in the center of the ring…before Serpentico takes out Karter & Garrison with a suicide dive to the outside. Angelico gets whipped into the steel steps and Karter takes out Serpentico from behind before tossing him into the barricade. Karter brings Serpentico into the ring as Griff and Cole start the double teaming. Griff gets a 2 off an elbow drop, and some quick tags keep them in control. Karter takes a cheap shot on Angelico, but Serpentico fights back against both guys.
Cole tries to tear the mask of Serpentico and then Griff chokes him in the ropes. Serpentico tosses Karter outside and goes for the tag but Garrison cuts him off. Headscissors to Karter and Serpentico makes the tag. Angelico gets a springboard clothesline off the back of Karter to Griff, then hits a series of kicks and a jacknife to Karter for 2. Flatliner by Angelico, tag and a swanton from Serpentico gets 2 on Karter until Garrison breaks it up. Griff with a running boot to Angelico. Double flatliner by Serpentico takes both opponents down. Maria in with a chair but the referee gets rid of it, and he ejects Maria from ringside!
Serpentico and Karter trade rollups, Karter pushes Serpentico towards the ropes and Griff steals the mask right off his face! Karter rolls him up and gets the 1, 2, 3.
Your winners: Cole Karter & Griff Garrison
Time: 8:28
Rating: ** – Serviceable tag match as Karter & Garrison continue to gain traction as a team.
Mariah May vs Momo Kohgo
Snapmare by May and she immediately starts mocking Momo. Crossbody out of the corner from Momo and a dropkick, tiger feint misses and May hammers away at her back. May gives Momo a kiss and dropkicks her in the back, before unleashing a huge spinning sideslam. Shotgun dropkick gets a 2 count for Mariah May.
Kohgo to the apron, springboard dropkick and she gets the tiger feint kick this time, which gets a 2. May hoists her up and brings her to the top rope, headstands and delivers the hurracanrana. Shotgun dropkick off the ropes for another 2 for May. May talks a little trash and that fires up Kohgo for a series of forearms. May follows Momo into the corner looking for a high German but Momo counters into a stepover kick and a satellite DDT. 1, 2, no. Momo looks for a DDT, countered, May with a big Exploder! Running knee to the face, IT’S GONNA BE MAY! 1, 2, 3.
Your winner: Mariah May
Time: 6:14
Rating: *** – Momo didn’t get much of a chance to show off her stuff but Mariah May looked great here, I’m looking forward to her getting more of the spotlight when the May/Storm feud finally happens.
Momo shoves away a handshake at the end, so Mariah May boots her in the midsection, ha!
We open the show and Nigel McGuinness makes his way out, joining commentary for the event! Makes sense, him and Riccaboni have been a good pair on Collision.
[ROH Television Championship] Kyle Fletcher (c) vs Lee Johnson
Fletcher is rocking the Liger body/face paint for this one. Long staredown and Johnson extends the hand but Kyle kicks it away. Go behind by Johnson, reversed by Fletcher and he just tosses Johnson to the mat. Shoulder block from the champion, and Kyle poses for the fans. Dropkick by Johnson, and a big chop to the chest in the corner. Kyle catches Johnson off the ropes into a swinging sideslam, nice show of strength there. Chop to the chest of his own in the corner. Fletcher goes for one more, Johnson avoids it but ends up running into a back elbow to ground him again.
Rollup by Johnson for 2, and he sends Fletcher over the ropes to hit the apron on the way to the floor. Lee takes a run up and hits a tope con hilo. Kyle recovers and goes for a suplex over the barricade, but basically brainbusters him on the edge of the barricade! Fletcher takes a run up and canonballs over the barricade to take out Lee Johnson, good Lord! Back in the ring, double underhook driver by Fletcher gets a 2 count.
Johnson avoids a clothesline and gets a reverse neckbreaker, following up with a PK and a standing moonsault for 2. Deadlift suplex by Fletcher, he’s a big strong boi! Blue Thunder Bomb by Johnson connects though, and that gets a 2 for the challenger. Johnson gets Kyle on the top rope but Kyle catches him and he hits the Super Falcon Arrow. 1, 2, no, Johnson kicks out.
Fletcher looks for the piledriver, Johnson fights it, dragonrana! Thrust kick combinations from Johnson as he heads up to the top again. But Kyle quickly gets to his feet and sweeps the legs of Johnson. Runnibng kick to the face, brainbuster! 1, 2, Johnson kicks out! Last Ride powerbomb from Kyle, 1, 2, NO!! Damn these guys aren’t messing around. Kyle looks pissed as Johnson struggles to his feet. Kick to the chest, Johnson is trying to fire himself up. More kicks from the champ. Johnson again punches himself in the face. Back to his feet, he eats a forearm to the face from Kyle, who follows up with a series of kicks to the chest again. Kyle goes to the apron where Johnson rests. He’s looking for a piledriver but Johnson get the Big Shot Drop on the apron! The referee makes the count, and they both make it back in the ring at 19.
To their feet, they trade forearms, thrust kick by Johnson, Tiger suplex by Fletcher, poisonrana from Johnson though. Dropkick to the face by Fletcher, and Fletcher gets the jumping tombstone for the 1, 2, NOOOO! Lee Johnson got the arm up! Fletcher takes Lee to the top rope…and Lee counters with a super Canadian Destroyer off the top! Johnson gets the frog splash, and one more from the opposite turnbuckle! 1, 2, NO. OK we’re edging pretty close to overkill here. Fletcher gets the lawn dart into the buckles, takes a run up and hits the kick to the face followed by the the turnbuckle BRAINBUSTAHHHH and that gets the 3 for Kyle.
Your winner and STILL ROH TV Champion: Kyle Fletcher
Time: 19:48
Rating: ***3/4 – Some insane feats here, and they certainly put everything into it. Fair play to Johnson – Fletcher looked a step above him throughout most of this, but he still managed to get some good hope spots in. They wavered dangerously close to going pretty overkill with all the kickouts, but that was a great definitive finish.
We get the news that the Bang Bang Gang will be here tonight, with an Open Contract. Who will answer the call? Acclaimed appearance foreshadowed?
[Stardom Showcase Trios Match] Mei Seira & Empress Nexus Venus (Mina Shirakawa, Maika) vs Tam Nakano & Queen’s Quest (Saya Kamitani & AZM)
Like I said, I’ve only seen sporadic offerings from some of these women, so I am fully relying on Ian, Nigel and Caprice to get their names right! Code of Honor adhered to as all 6 women shake hands. AZM and Mei begin, setting a fast pace as expected. They both go for dropkicks and come to a stalemate. AZM asks for another handshake, but goes for a kick, which is caught by Seira, but AZM gets a dropkick nonetheless. Nakano in now, big kicks to the back of Mei and a hard right hand. Superkick by Seira and a neckbreaker connects before she tags in Maika. Clothesline and a shoulder block takes down Nakano, and she double suplexes Saya and Nakano.
Nakano with a running knee to the back of the head in the ropes, before tagging in AZM. Dropkick from the middle rope gets 2 but Maika kicks out, only for AZM to lock in a tight armbar. Triple team kick to Maika and a spinnign fujiwara armbar keeps Maika down in the middle of the ring. It all breaks down as the 6 women pair off. AZM to the top, misses a double stomp, codebreaker by Mei! Basement clothesline by Maika gets 2 on AZM. Suplex reversed by AZM into one of her own, Maika straight back up with a fallaway slam, both women are down now.
Shirakawa takes out Kamitani with a dropkick and locks in a kneebar, working over the knee with elbow drops and kicks. Legwheel kick on Shirakawa, bridging suplex by Saya gets 2. Shirakara gets a delayed roundhouse kick, goes for something else but in come Maika and Seira. Kamitani is slammed down with a double team. Figure Four Leglock locked in by Shirakawa! AZM and Nakano takes out the others with stereo kicks. Nakano up top, big crossbody off the top rope to take out everyone on the outside.
Kamitani with a niiice bridging German on Shirakawa, 1, 2, no. Roaring elbow by Shirakawa, and Kamitani is still clutching the knee which has been worked over pretty well now. Backfist by Shirakawa, 1, 2, no. But somehow Kamitani gets a hurracanrana for 2! Another pinfall is broken up by teammates. Maika clotheslines AZM and Nakano and takes them to the outside. Kamitani with a MASSIVE boot to the face, that was stiff as hell but Shirakawa somehow shrugs it off!! Shirakawa gets a modified Ki Krusher, 1, 2, 3!
Your winners: Mei Seira, Mina Shirakawa & Maika
Time: 14:32
Rating: ***1/2 – Stardom showcase was a helluva lot of fun. Spotty as expected and almost too fast to fully comprehend at times, but it served its purpose very well in showing a potentially new audience what these amazing athletes are capable of.
Post-match, out comes Mariah May! She comes face to face with Mina Shirakawa, her mentor in Stardom…and she picks her up for a celebration! Mariah May grabs the champagne and glasses, dishing them out to Mina’s teammates. May sprays the champagne and they all toast and hug as they make their way back up the ramp. What will Toni Storm think of this?!
[ROH World Tag Team Championships] The Undisputed Kingdom (c) vs The Infantry (w/ Trish Adora)
Bennett and Taven jump the challengers before the bell. Taven kicks Bravo off the apron as Bennett gets the first pinfall attempt on Dean, but just gets a 2. Taven in, springboard dropkick for another 2.
Dean gets an elbow drop for 2, Bravo takes out Taven on the outside, Bennett is sent out too, and Dean hits a beautiful tope con hilo to take out both men on the outside. Bennett tosses Bravo to the rampway, Dean dives onto him, and now all four are battling out there. Gutbuster onto the barricade goes Bravo. Taven pulls out a table and sets it up by the ramp. Bennett grabs Dean, HAIL MARY on the ramp and Bennett poses next to him like he’s sleeping haha.
UK take on Bravo in the ring now, pop up forearm gets a 2 count for the champs. Taven and Bravo have a little miscommunication but a small package gets 2 for Bravo. Quick tags from UK, booting away at Bravo in the corner, but Bravo sends Taven over the ropes and gets a kick to the face of Bennett and a low bridge to send him to the floor. Bravo claws his way to Dean but Taven catches him, only for Bravo to get an enziguri and make the tag. Dean avoids some UK double teaming, gets a butterfly backbreaker on Bennett. Backpack jawbreaker into a jacknife gets a 2 for the Infantry as they double team Bennett. Taven pulls Bravo to the floor, Spicoli Driver to Dean and a knee to the face gets 2. Taven’s running knee and a pinfall attempt is broken up by Dean. All four men collide and now all are down as Adora rallies the troops on the outside.
The four men trade superkicks, neckbreaker combo from the Infantry but Bennett breaks up the ensuing cover. Bennett drags Taven to his corner to tag himself in, heads outside and positions Dean near the table but Bravo kicks him away. Dean and Bravo hit the Modern Warfare on the hard rampway, but Taven is there to hit the Climax on the ramp too. Bravo ricochets Taven’s head between the table and steel steps until he’s lying on the table, and now he climbs back onto the ramp. Running splash off the ramp through the table on Taven.
Inside the ring, Shawn Dean is climbing the ropes, splash to Bennett! But the ref is nowhere to be seen. AND HERE COMES WARDLOW. Clothesline to Dean. Bennett makes the cover as the referee reappears to make the count. 1, 2, 3.
Your winners and STILL ROH World Tag Team Champions: The Undisputed Kingdom
Time: 13:51
Rating: *** – Infantry are still a little clumsy in the ring whenever I see them, even though I like their characters and their energy. Looks like there’s still legs in the UK’s ROH tag team title reign so I have no qualms with this result.
[ROH Women’s World TV Championship Tournament Final] Billie Starkz vs Queen Aminata
Aminata has consistently impressed me in her Collision appearances so I’m looking forward to seeing what she has to offer on this PPV stage when the stakes are high. Starkz backed into the corner, clean break by Aminata but Starkz shoves her away. Armwork from both women in the early goings, sunset flip from Starkz gets a 1 count. Suplex attempt but Aminata rolls into a cradle, followed by a snap suplex. Aminata PLANTS Starkz with a running kick against the ropes, almost took her head off!
They fight on the outside now, Aminata with a double chop to the chest, before bringing Starkz back in the ring. Camel clutch applied, into a waistlock, Aminata grapevines the legs and rears back but Starkz rolls out. Aminata misses the hip attack in the corner, clothesline by Starkz gets 2. German suplex out of the corner by Aminata and a shining wizard, 1, 2, no. Seesaw flatliner from Aminata, but Starkz counters the Air Raid crash. Starkz drives Aminata backwards over her knee to retake control.
Backslide from Aminata, 1, 2, no. Knee to the face, twisting ushigaroshi by Starkz, and now she takes Aminata up onto her shoulders. Victory roll, 1, 2, reversed, 1, 2, no. Spinning Galleria from Aminata. Clotheslines take both women down. Back to their feet, they trade forearms and chops. Starkz gets a leg caught in the ropes and Aminata takes out the other leg. Misdirection from Aminata, Starkz is down by the ropes again but avoids another running kick. Starkz with a suicide dive to the outside! Aminata is prone on the apron as Billie climbs the buckles…MISSES a senton and lands back first on the apron! Aminata with a double leg drop off the apron to the floor, absolutely crushing Starkz. GERMAN on the outside! Aminata throws her back inside and heads up top. Swanton bomb, 1…STARKZ KICKS OUT. Slap to the face, Aminata with the Air Raid Crash, 1, 2, NO. Hip Attack connects from Aminata, followed by another huge running kick to the face, how is Starkz still conscious? They head up top, clubbing blow to the back of the neck on Starkz, but Aminata is shoved away, Swanton by Starkz but Aminata gets the knees up. Oh crap, the referee calls for the doctor and Billie is screaming in pain and saying something about her neck. Honestly this is BAD, the doctors are briefly shown checking how much she can feel. Camera focuses on Aminata who understandably looks very concerned.
Billie is brought to a sitting position, and the docs get her up to her feet. Aminata holds the ropes open for her…WHAT THE FUCK IT’S A WORK! Billie shoves the doctors away and German’s Aminata and then locks in the sleeper!! Aminata is OUT! The referee calls for the bell.
Your winner and NEW ROH Women’s World TV Champion: Billie Starkz
Time: 17:42
Rating: **** – Well holy shit, I got worked. I’m not a fan of worked injuries but as it was Billie going full heel and absolutely nailing it, I think I’m OK with it? That was building towards a classic match, and the finish gives us some good legs for a rematch. Both of these women are the real deal, folks, this was tremendous and the ladies killed it here.
Backstage, Lexy Nair is with Top Flight and Action Andretti, and she wants to reflect on Dante breaking his leg last year at Supercard of Honor. Haha chill out, Lexy! She also asks how they feel about facing FTR tomorrow night on Collision. Dante says he’s no stranger to struggling, same deal with Darius…so FTR should know they can take a hit and get back up, that’s just what they do. Top Flight vs FTR in the semi-finals of the AEW tag team tournament.
We come back to ringside, and here come the Bang Bang Gang.
Jay White takes the mic and does a little ‘yo yo yo, listen’ deal. Jay White says they are the best trio in all of pro wrestling and they will defend the ROH Six Man Championships right here right now. So who wants a shot?
Here comes Lance Archer and Alex Zayne! Archer wants to introduce his tag team partner from NJPW, the Sauce, Alex Zayne. They are Monster Sauce. But oh, it’s a Trios championship? NO WAY! Minoru Suzuki is in the house!
[ROH Six-Man Tag Team Championships] Jay White & The Gunns (c) vs Lance Archer, Alex Zayne & Minoru Suzuki
Jay White faces off with Suzuki as this one begins, nice. Suzuki shouts that White is ‘still a Young Boy’ haha. Suzuki looks for an armbar, joint manipulation attempted but Jay grabs the ropes to break it up. Suzuki asks for a chop, receives it and no sells it. He grabs another chop attempt and locks in a sleeper but the Gunns pull White out of the ring. White recuperates by the announce desk and tells Nigel that he’s gonna go knock Suzuki out. White back in the ring, tags Austin in.
Austin says he’s ready for ‘grandpa’. And Suzuki calls him an Ass Boy! Austin chops Suzuki but immediately regrets it. Suzuki pretty much knocks him out with one forearm. Colten tags himself in, and now in comes Archer. Overhead biel by Archer, misses a charge in the corner as Colten stomps away. Thumb to the eye takes Archer to his knee, and Colten looks for a suplex but Archer suplexes him instead. Zayne in now, assisted dropkick from the Monster Sauce combo.
Tag to Austin Gunn who stomps Zayne in the corner, jabs to the face now and a cover for 2. Jay in, suplex to Zayn for 2, and a leg screw as he begins targeting the legs of Alex Zayne. Colten in, with a clothesline to Zayne, cover but the referee is trying to restore order. The Gunns cut off an attempt from Zayne to make a tag but they fail and in comes Archer. Ripcord Black Hole Slam from Archer on Austin, Zayne back in now and Monster Sauce take out the Gunns in opposite corners. Zayne headscissors Archer into a canonball in the corner on Austin! White breaks up the pinfall attempt. And now Suzuki attacks White on the outside! Archer goes for the Black Out but Austin escapes it, kneeling blockbuster connects. White and Suzuki tagged in against each other now, and Suzuki fires up. Suzuki takes out both Gunns, running kick to White gets 2. White rakes the eyes though, but walks into a SLEEPER. Piledriver attempt blocked, Bladerunner countered too. Dragon screw from White, but Zayne in with a big clothesline.
Zayne with an uppercut to White, heads up top, White pushes him off, Zayne jumps into a hurracanrana off the buckles! White back up with a uranage to Zayne, Bladerunner interrupted by Suzuki though. The Gunns take out Suzuki, Archer chokeslams White, but the Gunns come in with the 3:10 to Yuma. Zayne is still in this though, clotheslines Austin outside, but Bladerunner connects for Jay White and the Bang Bang Gang retain.
Your winners and STILL ROH Six-Man Tag Team Champions: The Bang Bang Gang
Time: 15:32
Rating: ***1/2 – Nice surprise for the show, loads of fun especially in the Suzuki-White exchanges.
Post-match, Jay White takes the mic and says once again that they’re the best trio in wrestling…and the music of The Acclaimed hits! Bowens, Caster and Billy Gunn attack, but the Gunns and Jay White fight back. Bowens gets taken out with the Bladerunner as the ROH Six-man champs hightail it out of the ringside area.
[Fight Without Honor] Dalton Castle vs Johnny TV (w/ Taya Valkyrie)
They shove each other as the bell rings until Castle clobbers TV with a big right hand. Bang A Rang attempt but TV gets to the apron and recuperates with Taya. Castle heads out after some disparaging words about The Boys, and is cut off by Johnny. Back in the ring, gator roll by Castle and some elbows to the back of the head. Johnny tosses Castle to the outside and follows him out there, headscissors off the apron by Castle.
We head back inside the ring as Johnny works over Dalton with some kicks. Castle attempts a running knee to the face but misses and goes head over heels over the buckles to the outside. And now TV pulls out the table. TV takes out the hamstrings of Castle as he climbs onto the apron. They fight over a steel chair but a kendo stick shot keeps Johnny in control. Johnny in the ring with more shots to the back with the kendo stick. TV tries to choke out Castle with the stick but Castle elbows out of it. Castle misses a kendo shot of his own, TV rolls to the rampway and parkours his way back into the ring, but Castle catches him with a suplex. Overhead suplex to follow. Kendo shot to the back of the legs, all over Johnny TV now! Taya pulls Johnny to the floor, and as Castle makes his way out there, Taya throws salt or powder in the eyes. And then she pulls out a leaf blower to blow it all in his face!
Castle again goes for a rebound headscissors but TV catches him and powerbombs him through the table. Back in the ring, TV hits Starship Pain, 1, 2, no, Castle kicks out. A chair is wrapped around the head of Castle now, and Johnny takes a kendo stick, raking it across the face of Castle for 2. Johnny buries Castle in a few chairs and broken kendo sticks and heads back up the ropes. But Castle gets out of them and hits Johnny in the back with a kendo stick. German suplex by Castle! Castle then shouts ‘Bring me a boy!’ and a Boy runs out, and he tosses him through the ropes into TV. More of them run down and he does the same as Castle gets a Boy Train going. A Big Boy is last and Castle throws him outside but he trips and falls and Johnny just kicks him. And here comes a cartwheeling boy who looks a lil familiar and he cartwheels onto Johnny.
In the ring, Johnny has a kendo stick again. But in comes one final Boy and it appears to be Paul Walter Hauser in a Boy mask. Johnny parkours from the top rope into a torneo onto a pile of Boys below on the outside. Hauser hits a Sky High on Johnny TV! The Boys take hold of Taya and drag her out of the ringside area. Paul Walter Hauser takes the mask off, and hands a bag to Castle…it’s a bag of thumbtacks. Bang-A-Rang into the tacks! Castle pins him for the 1, 2, 3.
Your winner: Dalton Castle
Time: 21:55
Rating: **3/4 – Yep, sorry but that outstayed its welcome. I know they’ve been feuding for a while so the FWH made sense, but it didn’t feel like they were treating it seriously in the context of the match itself. I never once felt like they actually hated each other. A couple of decent fun spots but this seemed like a missed opportunity to show Dalton Castle’s serious side.
[ROH Women’s World Championship] Athena (c) vs Hikaru Shida
Athena immediately rolls outside, implying that Shida is getting in her head. Athena psyches herself up and says she’s got this. They lockup, headlock takeovers traded, Shida goes for the Kitana but Athena rolls out of the way and heads to the floor again. Back in the ring, Athena asks for a handshake, Shida accepts, and they clasp hands in a straitjacket, wrist control by Shida into a series of short clotheslines. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Shida. Shida gets hug up in the middle ropes and Athena immediately targets the left knee, stomping away at it.
Athena with some more shots to the knee, knee drop to the inside of the knee, trying to take out the wheel of the challenger. Double knees to the midsection by Athena! Alabama slam from the champion, and she locks in an ankle lock. Shida forces her way out and sends Athena into the ropes, forearms by Shida, gets Athena on her shoulders and nails a huuuge backbreaker.across the knee. Suplex, floatover, 1, 2, no. Shida goes for a running knee in the corner but it affects the bad knee, allowing Athena to start to capitalise. They head to the floor, desperation knee by Shida but again it almost does her more damage than Athena. Back in the ring, Shida goes for a cover but just gets 2.
Question Mark Kick from Shida connects, leg affected again, but Athena fights back with forearms to the chest. Stomp to the knee goes Athena, into a Saito suplex out of nowhere. Pop up wheelbarrow…release German suplex by Athena. The champion heads to the top rope, she looks for the O-Face but Shida blocks it! Ankle lock applied again by Athena, grounded with a leg across the hamstrings to apply extra pressure to the knee. Shida makes it to the ropes and rolls to the ramp. HOLY SHIDA, she cut a spear attempt off from Athena with a knee to the face! Athena on the apron with Shida now, looking for a piledriver, but Shida gets the CRUNCHIE on the ramp!
Shida up top, Meteora delivered, 1, 2, no. Athena into the buckles, jumps back into a codebreaker. Shida kicks out at 1. Butterfly swing by Athena, but Shida with a Falcon Arrow! 1, Athena kicks out at 1! Shida with a hurracanrana into a pin, Athena reverses, powerbomb by Athena! Shida goes to headscissor Athena to the outside, think they slightly botched that as it isn’t smooth but they follow through, Athena lands on her feet and hangs on and she powerbombs Shida to the floor!
Back inside the ring, Athena dives into the O-Face, 1, 2, NO!! Shida kicks out of the O-Face! They head up the buckles again, Shida with a headbutt to try and get an advantage. Shida has Athena on her shoulders and drops forward, dropping Athena across the buckles. Falcon Arrow! KITANA CONNECTS! 1, 2, NO!
Athena catches the leg on another attack, but Shida delivers a German suplex and a big clothesline. Athena kips up, big kick and a right hand and she heads to the top again. BIG TIME O-FACE, that one had some real mustard behind it! 1, 2, 3!
Your winner and STILL ROH Women’s World Champion: Athena
Time: 22:38
Rating: ***3/4 – Valiant effort from both women and another fantastic defense for Athena, who SURELY has to show up in AEW soon? Great leg work on Shida, which slightly fell to the wayside as the match wore on, but that was a well thought out contest and Shida genuinely looked like she had a chance on multiple occasions. SUCH a good showing from all the women tonight.
[ROH World Championship] Eddie Kingston (c) vs Mark Briscoe
Briscoe comes out to Gimme Back My Bullets, nice touch, that brings back memories of the glory days. Mark works over the arm of Kingston to begin with until Eddie shrugs off a headlock, only to be shoulder blocked down. Eddie right back up and hits an Exploder on Briscoe! Eddie with a face wash in the corner, running variety to follow up.
Boot to the face from Briscoe, and again by the ropes as Eddie spills to the outside. Spicy Dropkick connects, and a canonball through the ropes as Mark Briscoe is feeling it! Briscoe brings a chair into the ring, sets it up for leverage, but Eddie back in and chokeslams Briscoe into the chair, legal as Mark introduced it.
Eddie follows Mark to the outside and takes him out with a running clothesline. Eddie rebounds Mark’s head off the announce desk covering, and Briscoe is bleeding now. Briscoe returns to the ring, Eddie clubs away at him and headbutts him. Chop to the throat, Mark with his own now. Briscoe is bleeding a lot as Kingston digs his fingers into the wound. Machine gun chops from Kingston but Mark fights back with chops. Double underhook suplex by Eddie as Mark wears a proper crimson mask. Briscoe fights back but gets met with a clothesline from Eddie, knocking him down. Kawada kicks from Eddie, before tossing him to the floor. Eddie goes for a dive but Briscoe cuts him off with some redneck kung fu and hits a running shotgun dropkick against the barricade.
Suplex on the floor from the challenger, and then heads to the apron. CACTUS ELBOW! Eddie back up and sends Mark head first into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Eddie drops an elbow and covers for 2. Mark gets hung up in the tree of woe, and Kingston gets a sliding dropkick to the face. 1, 2, no. Kingston looks for a piledriver, then kicks Mark in the face instead, but a momentum shift from Briscoe as he fires back with a desperation clothesline. They trade chops now, firing each other up, but Briscoe comes back with some more Redneck Kung Fu. Flying forearm by Briscoe, running kick in the corner, and he whips Eddie into the corner but Eddie almost collapses into it. Fisherman’s buster! 1, 2, no.
Eddie to the floor, Mark to the apron, BLOCKBUSTER off the apron! Mark sends Kingston back inside the ring, climbs the buckles, goes for the frog splash, but misses. Eddie up, Mark catches him with the Death Valley Driver! Froggy Bow connects! 1, 2, no. Briscoe brings him to his feet but Eddie fires off an exploder suplex. Briscoe with a Uranage! Exploder by Eddie again, another Uranage by Briscoe! Double clothesline and both men are down.
They battle to the apron and trade slaps. Briscoe looks for the Jay Driller on the apron but Eddie fights out of it. Headbutts from the champion. EXPLODER OFF THE APRON TO THE FLOOR! Akiyama would be proud of that one. Referee Paul Turner makes the 20 count and Eddie gets in at 15….Mark falls at 17…but gets in at the very last moment.
On their knees, they trade right hands. Overhand slaps. Back to their feet, chops are exchanged, Mark with a big clothesline. Jay Driller attempt blocked, Dragon suplex by Eddie, BACKFIST TO THE FUTURE! 1, 2, NO. Eddie misses a sliding lariat, Briscoe with a right hand. Sunset flip gets a 2 for Briscoe. Backfist again connects, but Briscoe with a Pele kick! Briscoe gets the CUTTHROAT DRIVER ON EDDIE! 1, 2, no. Mark calls for the Jay Driller, hooks the arms, nails it! 1, 2, 3!!! MARK BRISCOE DID IT. The ring fills with streamers as referee Paul Turner hands him the championship.
Your winner and NEW ROH World Champion: Mark Briscoe
Time: 24:14
Rating: **** – Mark Briscoe gets his long overdue crowning moment, and its an emotional and rewarding time for longtime fans. Great contest which felt like a classic ROH main event, especially with Briscoe pulling out some old tricks like the Cutthroat Driver. Eddie continues his downward spiral which is a thread sure to be picked up in AEW, and he’ll be clinging to that NJPW Strong title now. Meanwhile, Briscoe will presumably be leading the ROH brand going forward with a renewed singles focus, although he still has his on-going feud with the House of Black to contend with. Deserving of the spotlight, it’ll be fun to see where he goes from here.
Papa Briscoe enters the ring to hug Mark along with various family members as the locker room empties to congratulate him. If that doesn’t get you in the feels, I don’t know what will!
That’s it, everyone, we’re out! Collision will be covered by one of our other fab 411 writers tomorrow as it begins at 4.30am UK time for me, and although I’m a ‘night owl’ I can’t see myself functioning terribly well at that time! So enjoy the rest of Wrestlemania weekend and I’ll see you all for the following Collision on the 13th. Enjoy yourselves, folks!
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