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Sambus’ WWE Raw Review 01.20.25

January 20, 2025 | Posted by Theo Sambus
WWE Raw Drew McIntyre 1-20-25 Image Credit: WWE
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Sambus’ WWE Raw Review 01.20.25  

Howdy, folks! Our main man Tony Acero is otherwise indisposed this evening, so you’ve got Theo Sambus on hand to join you for live coverage here on 411mania – the pleasure is all mine! You’ll usually find me on Saturday nights here for Collision, but I can confirm that I do indeed exist on a Monday too.

It’s the third instalment of WWE Raw on Netflix, and the road to the Royal Rumble is firmly taking shape. Set for tonight, a one-on-one encounter between two men who will no doubt meet during the course of the Rumble itself, as Drew McIntyre takes on Seth Rollins. That’s a big-time match-up as WWE continue to stack these Raw on Netflix cards, but we’ll also see The New Day return to in-ring action, Lyra Valkyria’s homecoming since winning the Women’s Intercontinental championship, and an appearance by WWE Hall of Famer John Bradshaw Layfield (although in what guise and for what purpose remains to be seen). Sounds pretty stellar to me – LFG? Yeah, LFG!


Location: Dallas, TX

Venue: American Airlines Center

Commentators: Michael Cole & Wade Barrett

*We are LIVE and we see Seth Frickin’ Rollins WALKING backstage, then Drew McIntyre. CM Punk is here too. Signed for later tonight, it’s Penta vs Pete Dunne (niiiice!).

*We catch up with Rhea Ripley walking backstage, where Nia Jax appears out of nowhere and slams her against the fencing. Agents and producers pull Jax back, and Ripley does not look best pleased.

*Michael Cole and Wade Barrett introduce the card and then welcome Main Event Jey Uso to the ring. Dallas be yeetin’ tonight!

Uce takes the mic and he is in yo city, yeet. This weekend, Saturday Night’s Main Event, he is taking home the big one – Jey gets cut off by the music of our World Heavyweight Champion, Gunther. Gunther enters the ring and looks with disdain at Jey.

Gunther says, let me guess, the next thing you were about to say is that you’d be taking this title? Gunther says Uso really is a funny little man. Gunther was looking forward to squaring off with Jey Uso, until today, when he saw him walking out here acting like a complete dork. Gunther says he could just as well get challenged by Jimmy Uso, it doesnt’t matter to him. Jey never follows up on his words. These people are naive enough to believe every word of what he says, but Gunther doesn’t. Bet on yourself? Until when, until Sami needs him, until Cody needs him? It makes him a useful idiot, and Jey doesn’t even realise it. Uso’s words and actions don’t align…Gunther’s words do. On Saturday, when the bell rings, he will expose him as a flash in the pan that has no business being this close to the World Heavyweight Championship.

Jey Uso says Gunther is right, he is the mascot. And this right here (the crowd) is my team, my squad. They ride and slide with him, and on Saturday they will be with him when he beats Gunther for the championship. Gunther will put some respect on his name, because there is only one of them in this ring that main evented Wrestlemania, and it isn’t Gunther.

That’s enough for Gunther to attack with some right hands, but Jey Uso turns the tables and unloads. Clubbing blows by Uso in the corner, followed by a superkick and Gunther spills to the floor. Jey Uso holds the World title up and then lays it at his feet, drawing the line in the sand. Gunther grabs the title and backs away, looking a little shaken up. Good fire from Jey here, although Gunther was a tad shaky in his promo.

*Backstage, The New Day are walking, and they meet JBL! Kofi is happy to see the Hall of Famer, who will be the guest commentator for their match tonight. Woods wants JBL to let everyone know they’ve been the victims of a smear campaign. They need him to be an Acolyte for the New Day and slip $2 in his pocket. JBL says he doesn’t blame Big E, everyone wanted to see him, not Kofi and Woods. They look disappointed and back away, and JBL calls after them to see if he can keep the $2.



JBL joins the commentary desk for our next contest between Mysterio and Kofi Kingston.

*Cathy Kelley is with Bayley backstage, who has an announcement. Bayley says the cat is out of the bag, she is officially back on Raw. It feels good and right, and she wants to officially declare herself for the Royal Rumble. Nia Jax walks into the frame, and promises to win the Rumble herself. Bayley dares her to try something on with her now, but Jax says she’ll see her in the ring later.

Rey Mysterio vs Kofi Kingston (w/ Xavier Woods)

The New Day music hits but Kofi and Xavier immediately tell production to shut it off, they don’t use that anymore. Kofi says to be honest, these people are starting to piss him off with all this. They’ve been doing this for too long to be disrespected like this. Kofi walks past JBL and grabs his money back. Xavier gives a big intro to Kofi Kingston to some loud boos and New Day Sucks chants. And the bell finally rings.

Kofi is wrestling in his black skinny jeans by the way, HEEL! Nice wrestling takedown and he paintbrushes the back of the head of Mysterio. Shoulder block takes Mysterio down but he comes back with a tijeras and a drop toe hold into the ropes. Dials it up, 619 attempt is ducked and Kofi heads to the floor. He sweeps the legs of Mysterio and pulls him off the apron as we hear that this is their first singles encounter in 16 years, crazy. Kingston works over Mysterio in the corner, kick to the face, Mysterio with one of his own. Sunset flip to the floor attempted, Kofi hangs on though. Kofi hits a mini flip powerbomb on the floor, don’t think he meant to connect with it! He pulls Mysterio to his feet and goes for another powerbomb, but Mysterio counters and headscissors him into the steel steps. Mysterio bounces the head of Kingston off the steps and breaks the referee’s count. Xavier gives a little distraction, allowing Kofi to sweep the legs again. Diving chop to the back of the neck, cover, 1, 2, no.

Kofi traps the arm but Rey works out of it and hits a running forearm, almost a Slingblade, to knock both men down. To the top turnbuckle they go, and Rey hits the seated senton but misses a crossbody. Sunset flip from Kofi, Rey rolls through into a dropkick for 2. Kofi pokes the eye and nails a crossbody off the middle rope to the back for 2. Hurracanrana by Rey, Kofi is in position for the 619 but Xavier trips the legs…and the referee saw it! Xavier is ejected from ringside but the distraction is enough. He goes for a wheebarrow, Rey counters, 619! He drops the dime but Kofi gets the knees up, cover, 1, 2, no. Kofi looks for the Boom Drop but Rey rolls through and snatches the 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Rey Mysterio

Time: 10:28

Rating: ***1/4 – Two athletic veterans given 10 minutes was always going to result in something decent. I feel like Heel Kofi is going to be a lot of fun, and it feels fresh too. Untapped potential!

*Post-match Xavier is back out to attack Rey, but here come the LWO to make the save, and the New Day hightail it out of the arena. Nope, they snuck back around and attack Wilde before heading back up the ramp.



*We recap the debut of Penta last week and the media response.

*Cathy Kelley is trying to get a word with Chad Gable, who is ‘inspiring his team’ behind her. Gable had trouble with Penta, Dragon Lee, Mysterio…but he has spoken with a guy who will help him with his lucha problem, and his name is Dom Mysterio. Gable hypes up American Made.

*Sami Zayn is here live and appears to be headed to the ring, NEXT!

*Jackie Redmond is with Karrion Kross and Scarlett and asks what’s next for them now that the Wyatt Sicks have moved to Smackdown and also about the whereabouts of the Miz. Kross says Miz is on assignment. Kross’ focus is on Seth Rollins, CM Punk, and Sami Zayn. Kross says you can’t believe a word that Zayn says and he doesn’t think Zayn believes his own words. The world will find out if Kross really has a problem with Sami or not.

*Sami Zayn heads to the ring to speak to the WWE Universe. He appreciates the reception but he won’t beat around the bush. He spoke with Adam Pearce and he is officially entered in the 2025 Royal Rumble match. Seth’s words from last week really got to him and he thought about what he really wants. Sami thought about the people that get to live their dreams and become wrestlers, not to mention WWE Superstars, and then become the upper echelon of WWE talent. The only difference between him and the other upper echelon guys is that they have a World championship to their name, and he doesn’t. Zayn knows he’s had a great life, a great career, he isn’t completed by a championship, and the fans’ support has meant more than any championship could ever mean. He doesn’t need a World championship, but dammit he WANTS it. 14 year old Sami wanted it, dreamed of it, so he is going to take it.

HERE COMES KEVIN OWENS! Owens drapes the Winged Eagle belt over his shoulder as he heads to the ring to meet Sami face to face. Owens is wearing a Bret the Hitman Hart jacket.

Sami says it was only a matter of time before he came, so how does he want to do this? Owens doesn’t know what he means. When he saw Zayn with Roman Reigns at Survivor Series, he was upset, but it’s not like the Cody situation, Sami and Roman have a lot of history. Roman did some terrible things to him, just like Owens did, and Sami overlooked and forgave him for those things. That’s who Sami is, he’s a good person. Zayn does a lot for his friends, and Owens says Sami is his best friend, more like a brother to him. Owens knows that Sami can and will win the Royal Rumble, because he deserves to win the Rumble and go to Wrestlemania. And then they can accomplish one more thing together. They main evented Wrestlemania together and won the titles, but they’ve never main evented Wrestlemania one on one for the World championship. When Sami wins the Rumble, they can do that, as long as Owens wins the title too. Owens knows both of those things are going to happen, because he has Sami’s back. And just like Sami had Roman’s back, Sami’s got Owens’ back too…right? If Owens needs him, he knows Sami will be there.

Owens drops the mic and leaves the ring. OK that was great. When you think you’ve seen everything from Owens and Zayn together before, they manage to pull some more intrigue out of their story together. Smart stuff, and Owens’ manipulation and gaslighting is glorious.

*Cathy Kelley is with Sheamus, who is faces Bron Breaker this Saturday. The Intercontinental title is so important to him and he’s been chasing it as an obsession for years. The stars are aligned, and he will beat Breaker and fulfil his destiny. “Let’s go Irish”. Breaker shows up and reminds Sheamus that the title is Breaker’s and this is as close as he will get to it. Do us a favor, Sheamus, and retire. Sheamus throws a headbutt at the champion.

*Jackie Redmond catches up with Ludwig Kaiser. Deep down in his heart he knows he will be superior and will be a champion one day. He’s not worried as there’s no one to be worried about in the locker room. The person he’s least impressed with is Penta. Kaiser will get his hands on him, but on his terms, sooner or later.



*Nia Jax makes her way to the ring for our next contest. 1 hour into the show and we’ve only had 10 minutes of in-ring action so far…

Roxanne Perez is watching at ringside, keeping a close eye on Bayley.

Bayley vs Nia Jax

Bayley goes for the 10 count punches in the corner, Jax hoists her up for a powerbomb but Bayley escapes. Pop-up headbutt from Jax! Jax drives the hip into the back of the neck across the middle rope, and then chokes her out with her boot in the corner. Back suplex by Bayley gets a 2 count. She charges in the corner and Jax catches her with a uranage. Jax climbs the ropes, Bayley shoves her off and to the floor. Suicide dive connects and Bayley gets in the face of Roxanne. Roxanne takes a shot, Bayley catches the arm and smacks her back, and now Roxanne gets dragged out of the arena.

Nia takes advantage of the distraction and brings Bayley back inside the ring. Some light back elbows connect and Jax hits the running hip attack in the corner. She wrings the arm around the middle rope, Bayley tries to boot her away in the corner. Body slam by Nia, 1, 2, no. Jax stamps on the outstretched hand of Bayley. We get a slugfest, according to commentary, but it’s heatless. Jax connects with a leg drop to the arm, covers for 2. Running senton, Bayley avoids it but she’s fighting with one arm now. Elbow drop with the good arm, 1, 2, no. Bayley gets Nia on the apron but Jax wrings the arm again. Jax misses the leg drop on the apron, and Bayley hits a sunset flip on the apron into the ringpost. Bayley hits the Banzai Drop but gets 2.

Shoulder breaker delivered by Jax, working over the bad arm and shoulder, and gets a 2 count from it. Bayley gets sent into the post shoulder-first, and a hip attack crushes her against the post. Bayley is back to her feet, avoided the Annihilator. They both head up top, Bayley escapes and counters with a powerbomb, 1, 2, no. Elbow drop, 1, 2, no. Bayley to Belly avoided, Bayley couldn’t get her up with the bad shoulder. Pop-up Samoan Drop, senton connects and Nia drags her over to the corner. Annihilator, 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Nia Jax

Time: 12:21

Rating: **3/4 – Started off strong but sagged when Jax was in control. Sunset flip into the ringpost was a cool spot though, and I appreciated the arm work; Jax is just so sluggish in the ring and it’s not particularly fun to watch.

*Post-match, Motionless in White hits and RHEA BLOODY RIPLEY is here! Ripley makes a beeline for Nia Jax, driving her into the corner, but here come security to break it up. Jax breaks free and hits a running splash in the corner, but again they get broken up, Ripley dives and hits a roundhouse kick, Jax sweeps the legs and bounces her head off the announce table as about 12 security men just stand and watch. Ripley hits a flipping senton off the announce table to take out Jax as agents finally get between them again. Apart from security looking totally incompetent, this was pretty hot and Ripley looked like a beast again.

Ripley grabs a mic and makes the challenge. “YOU. ME. SATURDAY NIGHT’S MAIN EVENT.”



*Chad Gable catches up with Dominik Mysterio and Judgment Day. Dom hands Gable a piece of paper with a name of a guy to help him out with his Lucha problem. JD McDonagh says Finn is out of action and he doesn’t want to miss his next opportunity. So Dom says he’ll fill in for Finn, Finn won’t mind right? Dom knows Liv isn’t mad but he knows a way to make it up to her anyway.

*We get a video package for Lyra Valkyria, who won the Women’s Intercontinental Championship last week. Now it’s about what comes next, and what comes next is building a legacy.

*Penta is in action, NEXT!

*Video package for MLK Day, interspersed with footage and clips of our amazing multi-cultural WWE roster. WWE does these things so well, great stuff.

*Pete Dunne heads to the ring for his match, and he takes a mic to demand the crowd shut their mouths unless they are willing to call him by his correct name. He’s Pete Dunne, he’s the Bruiserweight, and he’s the best pound for pound wrestler in this company. Week 3 on Netflix and he doesn’t get a look in…and he gets cut off by commercials, haha.

*Seth Rollins is warming up backstage. Sami Zayn shows up and says he appreciated his words. Rollins heard him earlier, and he’s almost rooting for him, but push comes to shove and Seth will throw him over the top rope at the Rumble. Not if Zayn throws him out first.

Penta vs Pete Dunne

Catherine Wheel pyro for Penta’s entrance, damn that looks awesome. Penta goes for the Cero Miedo pose but Dunne grabs the hand as we get a RevPro mention – FORBIDDEN DOOR, FTW! Dunne grounds Penta and gives him a little joint manipulation, then stamps on the outstretched elbow. Enziguri by Penta, one from Dunne in the opposite corner. Dunne moonsaults out of the corner but Penta catches him with a superkick. Dunne spills to the floor, Penta goes for a dive but Dunne catches him with a forearm shot on the dive. Release suplex onto the apron, and now Dunne grabs the hand, stamping on it across the steel steps. He rolls Penta back inside the ring and manipulates the fingers once more, applying an armbar at the same time before dropping a knee on the elbow.

Penta tries to fight back but Pete stops him with a kick to the chest. He ties the back of the mask to the middle rope and kicks away at him. Another knee drop to the arm, and Pete delivers a Bullhammer-esque elbow show, and again as Penta struggles. He misses another attempt, and Penta comes back with a Slingblade. Pendulum dropkick in the corner, he gets Dunne on his shoulders and hits a spinning DVD, 1, 2, no.

Dunne with a kick to the head, walks into a superkick, and Penta follows up with the Mexican Destroyer. Dunne rolls to the floor on instinct. TOPE CON HILO from Penta takes out his opponent on the floor. Back in the ring, Penta looks for another Destroyer, Dunne catches him and hits a CRUNCHIE!! 1, 2, NO. Both men trade blows on their knees. CERO MIEDO, Dunne again grabs the fingers and snaps them, then locks in a triangle submission. Penta lifts him upnthough, powerbomb to the knee!! Penta goes for the Sacrifice and nails it. PENTA DRIVER! 1, 2, 3.

Winner: Penta

Time: 10:02

Rating: ***3/4 – Penta is 2 for 2 on great performances here on Raw, and his debut has been such a success. Really smart to book him against someone like Dunne, and I love that this felt so different to last week’s Gable match. Lovely work.



*We get a video package for Logan Paul, having recently signed with Raw roster. He will eat sleep and breathe wrestling until he becomes the greatest superstar to step into the ring. You’re looking at the GOAT. Logan Paul makes his Raw debut on Netflix next week.

Also signed for next week, the War Raiders vs JD McDonagh & Dom Mysterio for the Tag Team Championships.

*CM Punk‘s music hits, and Punk makes his way through the crowd, slapping hands with fans in the tunnel. Punk joins Jackie Redmond in the crowd. Punk asks her if it’s great to be alive on a Monday night in Texas or what? Punk is looking to get to the main event of Wrestlemania, but it’s shaping up to be one of the most loaded Rumble’s ever, so what makes this Rumble different for CM Punk. Punk says he is the maker of history. He main evented the first Raw on Netflix and he beat Rollins, someone favored to win the Rumble. He will make history again at the Rumble, throwing 29 other superstars over the top rope. The pressure is on and that is when CM Punk thrives. No one can beat him when he is at his best with these people behind him. He can’t see John Cena throwing over the ropes. Reigns? He needed Punk’s help to sort out business. Zayn isn’t on his level. He’ll even through Hogan over the top rope and kill Hulkamania once and for all (BIG POP). His name is CM Punk and he is settling scores, calling in favors if he needs to, and one man will get his hand raised…CM Punk. Callback to the Heyman favor from Survivor Series?

*Cathy Kelley is backstage with the War Raiders. They are always prepared, ready to defend these World tag team championships. They’ll return honor and prestige to this division, which Judgment Day tarnished. They are excited to knock those dopes back into the dirt where they belong. They aren’t looking past anyone. They had times where both of them were told they’d never wrestle again, but here they are as champions, and they know there are targets on their back.


Damage CTRL (Dakota Kai & IYO SKY) vs Pure Fusion Collective (Zoey Stark & Shayna Baszler w/ Sonya Deville)

Baszler and Kai start this off, and Shayna sweeps the legs of Kai in the corner. Rollup from Dakota for 1, dropkick connects, boot to the face. Tag to Zoey, nice springboard missile dropkick from Stark absolutely destroys Kai. Stark delivers some elbows to the shoulder and neck, Shayna in for some double teaming. Baszler works over the knee of Kai until Kai kicks free. Tag to Zoey, enziguri from Kai and we get the hot tag to Iyo. Handspring evasion from Sky, uppercut to Baszler, and she follows up with a suicide dive to the outside, then heads to the top for a shotgun dropkick to Stark. Bullet Train Attack in the corner, 1, 2, no. Sky looks to head up top again, Sonya tries to get involved but gets shoved away. The distraction was enough though, and Stark hits the pumphandle suplex for 2. DVD into the running knee, Shayna goes for the pin, 1, 2, no.

Kai with a running PK on the apron to take out Stark. Baszler with the Kiramuna clutch, and Sky escapes to the outside to break it, nicely done. Up top, moonsault! 1, 2, 3.

Winners: Damage CTRL

Time: 6:23

Rating: **3/4 – Short and sweet, with Iyo Sky getting a great little run at the end there.



*Video package hype for tonight’s main event, a rematch from Wrestlemania XL last year. Seth Rollins vs Drew McIntyre is NEXT!

Seth Rollins vs Drew McIntyre

Lockup, Drew overpowers Seth and backs him into the corner, seemingly clean break. They talk a little trash, and Drew unloads a chop. Chops traded, shoulder tackles traded too. Slingblade by Rollins and a clothesline to the outside. Seth with a basement dropkick and a suicide dive. Rollins goes for one more, Drew catches him and tosses him over the the announce table.

McIntyre bounces the head of Rollins off the announce table and brings him back inside the ring. Rollins fights back with right hands and bites the forehead, but Drew levels him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a 2 count. McIntyre mocks Seth’s poses, snap suplex delivered and he locks in an armbar. Knee to the midsection and Drew stands tall, fully in control. He shouts at Rollins that Seth is selfish, and that fires Seth up. Back elbow in the corner by McIntyre, sets him up for the Alabama Slam but Seth rolls through into a victory roll for 2.

Rollins with a series of strikes and chops, Drew catches him off the ropes and lifts for a suplex but Seth counters and drives him shoulder first into the post, and again in another corner. Once more to a third post! Seth slams the left arm into the ringpost. Diving knee strike, and a running knee now gets 2. Springboard flipping senton from Rollins gets another 2. Drew gets him on his shoulders, Rollins evades. McIntyre up top, Seth meets him up there, superplex and floats through but it’s McIntyre who hits the Falcon Arrow! McIntyre kips up and signals for the Claymore. Misses! Rollins waits for the stomp, but no, McIntyre with a spinebuster and a jackknife cover for 2. McIntyre with a powerbomb attempt, hurracanrana escape, superkick to the face and Rollins hits the Falcon Arrow for 1, 2, no.

Rollins goes for the stomp, Drew goes for the Future Shock DDT, Seth with a Pedigree attempt, but nothing sticks until McIntyre hits a huge clothesline to level Rollins. Drew off the top, Rollins catches the arm, gets Drew to the mat and locks in a crossface! McIntyre is in the center of the ring! No, he manages to grab the ropes and force the break. Rollins screams ‘You question my integrity?’ and Drew pokes the eye when the ref isn’t looking, hits the Future Shock DDT but Rollins kicks out at 2. McIntyre says Rollins always runs his mouth, and nails him with another clothesline. He picks him back up, one more hard clothesline and Drew shakes his head in disgust at his opponent. One more clothesline attempt, Seth flips over it and rolls into a pin attempt, 1, 2, 3!

Winner: Seth Rollins

Time: 16:58

Rating: **** – Fabulous main event with such good back and forth action, keeping us guessing. Clean finish but with an element of a fluke victory keeps both guys strong, which is exactly what you want heading into the Rumble. We dined well here.

*Drew McIntyre immediately starts punching Rollins after the bell. They tussle and McIntyre hits the Claymore out of nowhere. Drew looks to kick Seth’s head into the ringpost, but here comes Sami Zayn to make the save! Sami checks on Rollins, but receives a Glasgow Kiss from McIntyre for his troubles. McIntyre tosses Zayn into the barricade and now re-enters the ring to target Seth. Sami is back up, HELLUVA KICK but Drew moves and Sami delivers it to Seth Rollins!

McIntyre backs up the ramp, laughing at his handiwork, while Zayn looks distressed at his accidental actions. Seth comes round, and he looks pissed at Sami while Zayn tries to explain the accident, and with that we are off the air! Thanks for joining us, everyone! Enjoy the rest of your night.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
Although I took issue with there only being 10 minutes of in-ring action in the first hour, the pacing of the show was on point and it all flew by. I love that we didn't have any throwaway squash matches, with in-ring content being generably pretty favorable if not outright great. Penta/Dunne was NEAT and Penta still feels like a big deal, so he's been a great addition to the show. Elsewhere, the build to the Rumble match itself has been particularly strong and it genuinely feels bigger than ever. That Owens/Zayn promo was fire too, with Owens playing his role to perfection. Bayley/Jax didn't do much for me, and the Gunther/Uso segment failed to light the world on fire, but they each did their job fine. And then that main event was awesome, possibly on par with their Wrestlemania match. I'd say that was the strongest Netflix show yet, but that's just my hot take.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Theo Sambus