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Shazza McKenzie Is a Total Divas Fan, Says It Helped In the Rise Of Women’s Wrestling

Shazza McKenzie is a big fan of Total Divas and believes it was responsible for the rise Of women’s wrestling. McKenzie spoke with Fightful for a new interview and you can see a few highlights on the topic of Total Divas below:
On being a Total Divas fan: “Big fan. Amazing. Great show, great show. It was fantastic. I think it also did phenomenal work for the industry. I think a lot of people give it a lot of shit ‘cause they’re like, ‘Oh, these girls kind of watched it and they thought it was all this glitz and glamour and then thought they could get in the business and whatever, and then it wasn’t glitz and glamour and they got upset and left.’ Well, yeah. That’s fine. But some of them thought it was all glitz and glamour, saw it, got in the business and now we have really cool wrestlers that are hot as all hell and they’re kicking ass all over the place.”
On the show contributing to the boom in women’s wrestling: “I think people are always like, ‘Oh, the women’s revolution and the women’s revolution is what created this boom in wrestling and the Four Horsewomen.’ No, no, no. It was Total Divas, guys. I will die on this hill. Because if Total Divas wasn’t mainstream and accessible to all these women who would never have turned on Monday Night RAW, we wouldn’t have all these women now wanting to train and be wrestlers and now we have this women’s evolution and revolution. We have all these female wrestlers out there. When I started 15 years ago, there was friggin’ an eighth of the amount of women. I’m getting on a rant.”
On who would fit in a modern-day Total Divas: “Okay. One, I reckon we should get Trish in there, ‘cause I think the G.O.A.T. needs to be in there. I think Nattie. She can stay in, ‘cause she was always… With her and the cats, TJ. It was always money. She’s the star. She’s the little entourage that join her on the journey. Well, can I be in it? Can I be in a storyline with Nattie where I then slap her ‘cause she calls me a whore? I could do it. If you need me to act like a whore, I can do it. I am down. The women from the 90’s in ECW? I could do that shit. I mean I couldn’t, but I wanted to do that shit. It’s very impressive what they did. What those girls did in very little clothing? Amazing….
“But I’m rambling. Nyla is gonna be on our Total Women’s Wrestling. Absolutely. It’d be so entertaining. She’s so hilarious. Twitter Nyla is real Nyla. Nyla is just on all the time. All the time. Amazing. Love her. Gosh, who else could we get. You know what? I’d like to add Billie Starkz in there. ‘Cause I reckon a little fresh 18 year old. She’s got a lot to learn, but she’s also know who she is. She’s one of the most strong, confident 18-year-olds I’ve ever met. She’s definitely a lot stronger and more confident than I ever was at 18. Then… How many do we got? Four? So we need one more. Alright, we’re gonna put Summer Rae in there because she’s stunning and I can’t think of anything else other than Summer Rae because she’s so stunning, and Nyla ‘cause she’s stunning. We got Summer Rae because she’s stunning on that show. But give me 24 hours to think about this list and we would have… Amazing. But my brain? I’ve been dropped on it a lot. Right now it can only think about what’s in front of me.”
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