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Smash Recalls Demolition’s 478-Day WWE Tag Team Title Run

– During a recent appearance on Wrestling Shoot Interviews, former WWE Superstar Barry Darsow, aka Smash of Demolition, recalled the first tag team title run for Demolition in 1988. Demolition first won the belts at WrestleMania IV in March of that year and held the belts for 478 days, later losing them to The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard) in July 1989. Below are some highlights (via WrestlingInc.com):
Smash on the tag teams of his era: “In that era, it was the greatest tag teams of all time. Every single person could have or every tag team could have had the belts for a long period of time. It seemed like every match we had with everybody was really a good match. After about a year of doing that, we kinda knew that they had to give us the belts because you could just feel it.”
On their 478-day tag team title run: “We had nothing to do with telling them what to do or asking them. Pat Patterson was the booker at the time and he knew that we were business and we would do anything with anybody, we were for the good of the match and I think that’s why we were champions for so long.”