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UPDATED: Spoilers For Next Week’s AEW Dark

May 27, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
AEW Dark Logo Image Credit: AEW

UPDATED: AEW taped several more matches for AEW Dark after tonight’s Rampage, and the full results are online. You can see the full spoilers below, per Fightful:

* John Silver, Evil Uno, & 10 defeated Peter Avalon, Serpentico, & Ryan Nemeth
* Darby Allin defeated Brandon Culter
* Anna Jay defeated a local talent
* House of Black defeated three local talents
* Riho, Skye Blue, & Yuka Sakazaki defeated Nyla Rose, Emi Sakura, & Diamante
* Death Triangle defeated The Factory (QT Marshall, Aaron Solo, Nick Comoroto)
* Mercedes Martinez defeated a local talent
* The Butcher and The Blade (w/ The Bunny) defeated local talents
* Anthony Ogogo defeated Carly Bravo
* Jamie Hayter defeated a local talent
* Johnny Elite defeated Marq Quen

ORIGINAL: AEW taped a match for AEW Dark before tonight’s episode of Rampage in Las Vegas, and the result is online. You can see the spoilers from the taping below, per PWInsider:

* Taz and Excalibur were on commentary.

* The Dark Order (10, Evil Uno, & John Silver) def. Serpentico, Ryan Nemeth, & Peter Avalon.

article topics :

AEW Dark, Spoilers, Jeremy Thomas