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Updated Lineup for Tonight’s AEW Dark: 13 Matches Set

May 25, 2021 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
AEW Nick Comoroto vs. Duke Davis

– AEW has announced more matchups for tonight’s edition of AEW Dark. The show debuts tonight on AEW’s official YouTube channel at 7:00 pm EST.

13 matches are now set for tonight’s AEW Dark. Here’s the updated lineup:

* Brian Cage w/ Hook vs. Sonny Kiss w/ Joey Janela
* The Gunn Club vs. Kal Herro & Liam Gray
* Nick Comoroto w/ The Factory vs. Duke Davis
* The Dark Order’s 10 vs. Dillon McQueen
* Big Swole & KiLynn King vs. The Bunny & Madi Wrenkowski
* Leyla Hirsch vs. Vertvixen
* Julia Hart vs. Tesha Price
* Diamante vs. Reka Tehaka
* Joey Janela vs. Bear Bronson
* Angelico vs. Ryzin
* Dante Martin vs. Jason Hotch
* Dark Order (Evil Uno & Colt Cabana) vs. Steven Andrews & Simon Lotto
* Aaron Solow vs. Ganon Jones

article topics :

AEW, AEW Dark, Jeffrey Harris