wrestling / Video Reviews
USWA Championship Wrestling (9.15.1990) Review
-Originally aired September 15, 1990.
-Dave Brown is your host, briefly interrupted by Bundy the Gorilla, who does some prop comedy with a creepy puppet.
-Jerry Lawler is here for DAMAGE CONTROL! So last week they did the awesome angle where the Gilberts ran him over in the parking lot, leading to fans legit calling the police and the police actually bringing the Gilberts in for questioning. On the other hand…the house show matches that this was supposed to sell ended up drawing under 1,000, with Dave Meltzer’s assessment, for whatever it’s worth, being that for the small minority of fans who freaked out enough to call the police, a massive chunk just thought it made wrestling look fake because nobody could believe Eddie Gilbert would attempt murder on live TV.
-So Jerry Lawler, who’s here with no trace of damage–no bandages, no limp, nothing–has an interesting approach to addressing this, showing a highlight reel of matches where he suffered legit injuries, and then saying that being hit by the car topped all of them. He goes through the angle from last week verbally and very slickly explains how one goes about getting hit by a car as safely as possible while framing it in kayfabe as “Well, I got lucky, because what ended up happening was…”
-How many Jeffs does this stupid company need? It’s Jeff’s first match and I 100% believe that because he can’t get thrown out of the ring correctly and looks scared to death of taking the bump. Brickhouse brings him back inside and very carefully maintains a tight grip on the guy for a Russian legsweep, and a splash off the turnbuckles finishes in seconds.
-Taking a cue from the WWF, Michael St. John has a new gig, as they’re basically doing Event Center to promote the Evansville house shows.
-The Gilberts are here and they think it’s disgusting that Jerry Lawler is whining about attempted murder last week, especially when people have legitimately died in wrestling. And in fact, Gilbert warns that we’re doing to watch footage of a wrestler actually dying during a match, and we should brace ourselves for the disturbing footage we’re about to see…
-And the footage is the Jerry Lawler/Andy Kaufman match from 1982! Jerry Lawler gives Kaufman a piledriver, and Kaufman was dead two years later! Coincidence? The Gilberts think not. They wrap up by bringing out evil photographer Sam Lowe and declaring that his name will be Sam Bass from now on.
-Gilbert elbows Steel down and tags in DWB. DWB whips Steel into the corner, and Haynes clearly doesn’t want to tag in and has a pretty funny reaction when Steel taps his hand. Gilbert elbows down Haynes and rams him into the turnbuckle. DWB comes back in and Gilbert Irish whips his own partner into Haynes, Hart Foundation-style, to get the three-count.
-Brickhouse Brown is here with a trash can to demand a Trash Can Match with Doug Gilbert, where you win by stuffing your opponent in a trash can.
“Prime Time” BRIAN LEE & DON HARRIS (with Downtown Bruno) vs. TIM HALL & KEN RAPER
-Heels storm the ring and send both jobbers to the floor and beat on them there. Harris brings Hall into the ring and misses a corner charge, and Hall is briefly in control, so Lee hastily runs in to help gang up on him and put a stop to that. Downtown Bruno insists his men are still the champs because an old bald referee can’t take the belts off of them. DDT by Lee wraps it up.
-Downtown Bruno challenges that old bald referee Frank Morrell to a match, and Morrell has pre-taped words, threatening to shove Bruno’s head in his own ass.
-We hear from The Jeffs, the new Tag Team Champions, and they’ve agreed to a return match with Brian Lee & Don Harris…but Downtown Bruno is barred from ringside.
-Dark Shadow should have formed some sort of soap opera-themed faction with two other wrestlers named Ryan Hope and a guy with a military gimmick calling himself General Hospital. Only a few seconds in, the ex-champs and Downtown Bruno storm the ring and attack Jeff Gaylord.
-Dirty White Girl accuses Vicious Vicki of being a lesbian and says that she’s not comfortable getting in the ring with someone like that, especially after she’s just had her nails done. Vicious Vicki heads out with a beer bottle and chases her off, setting up the Beer Bottle on a Pole match. Do you really want something that easily breakable on a pole?
-Nebular works the arm and tags in Quasar. Quasar gets caught in headscissors, and the faces finish with a Power Plex! Almost. Not a superplex, just a regular suplex, but the intention was there.
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