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Virgil Reveals How His AEW Appearances Happened

September 5, 2020 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Virgil Soul Train Jones AEW Dynamite Image Credit: AEW

In an interview with SportsKeeda, Virgil spoke about how his appearances on AEW TV came about and who he talked to in order for it to happen. Here are highlights:

On the difference between working with Ted Dibiase and his son: “Junior is alright, but I mean, how are you going to surpass your father? His father started in the mid-south. He worked with the best guys in the world then with Junk Yard Dog and all the other guys. How can he touch Ted Sr.? He can’t pass his father. That’s why the angle didn’t really go nowhere. Me and The Million Dollar Man went around the world. People were coming to see Ted and I got to get some of that money. How can his son call himself The Billion Dollar Man and not throw out one penny of money? Ted was The Million Dollar Man, and we were throwing out $20,000 each night. People were busting their ass to get to the arenas. We were packing them in like rats because everyone wanted to get some of that money.”

On how his AEW appearances happened: “I think Jericho called one of my agents. Me and Jericho are cool. The old man owns the Jacksonville Jaguars. I spoke to him. He said his son runs this AEW. I saw all the old dogs there like Billy Gunn. All the guys from WCW like Arn Anderson, Diamond Dallas Page are down there.”

article topics :

Virgil, Joseph Lee