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Why I Love/Hate Wrestling 12.02.07: Fantasy Booking (Vol. 1)
So, first off, this is my stab at fantasy booking. You must take into consideration the fact that I haven’t done this before. Also, you must forget all that you know, and that these matches would definitely not happen. So, let yourself go, don’t think too hard, and enjoy!
For those of you who don’t know, Donald Trump is now dipping his hand into wrestling. All this came as a great shock for it had been kept under wraps for so long. However, Trump has been able to offer boatloads of money and draw out some of the biggest stars, both Indy and WWE/TNA. This new company is called Professional Wrestling Infinity, or PWI. He has gotten a 90 minute time slot on TNT Wednesdays. Jump forward one year, and the first show starts…….NOW!
Professional Wrestling Infinity 11.28.07 Report
We open the show with Donald Trump welcoming us to the first episode of what he believes is the next best thing. He has brought in tons of talent from all over the US. He states that he was able to snag some talent from WWE, which gets a mixed reaction. The same for TNA. He then mentions he was able to acquire talent from ROH, as well as other indy feds, which brings boos from a large portion of the crowds, but also cheers. He promises that he will bring us matches never before seen, dream matches so to speak. He says that they will crown a new PWI World Heavyweight Champion, PWI Television Champion, and also some Tag Champions. He would like us to now meet one of the contenders for the PWI title……Rob Van Dam!RVD comes out to a massive pop. He says that Vince was the reason so many fans lost faith in Wrestling, and that Trump would be the man to redeem it. RVD comes to the ring to shake Trumps hand. Once in the ring, the lights go out. The lights come back on as SAMOA JOE~! is standing behind RVD. German Suplex to RVD, followed by the Coquina Clutch. Trump introduces RVD to his opponent for the title, Samoa Joe.
Our ring announcer turns out to be none other than Howard Finkel, who gets a pretty good pop of his own. He introduces our announce team of Dave Prazak and a recently defect John Bradshaw Layfield. I have a feeling this show could be really big. It is now time for the first match and it is for the PWI Tag Titles.
PWI Tag Team Championship: The Kings of Wrestling (Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero) vs. The Hardy Boyz
The match starts out with Jeff and Hero. Lots of stalling going on here, with the guys just feeling each other out. JBL credits this to them never wrestling before. ANNOUNCING GAWD. Jeff rushes hero, only to be caught by a drop toe hold. Stomps to the ribs of Jeff by Hero. He drags Jeff to his corner and slams his head into the ever so conveniently placed boot of Claudio. Tag to Claudio by Hero. Claudio in and he lifts up Jeff. Sick European uppercut to Jeff, followed by another. Big boot followed by a DDT. Cravate~! applied by Claudio, but Jeff makes it to the ropes, only to have Hero yanks Jeff’s hand off the ropes. This draws Matt in, and The Kings double team Jeff as Hero chokes out Jeff. Matt back in his corner now and the refs attention is back to Claudio and Jeff. Claudio tags Hero, the puts Jeff in a bow and arrow lock. Hero off the top rope, DOUBLE STOMP! Hero with the pin attempt but Matt makes the save at 2. Hero throws Jeff to the ropes, Jeff rebounds, Hero lifts him up and hits him with a sick European uppercut in midair. Hero pushes Jeff into the corner and goes for a Yakuza Kick, but Jeff is able to duck as Hero is crotched on the rope. Jeff is crawling to Matt and makes the tag! Matt in and Side Effect to Hero. And another to Claudio. Matt goes up top for a screaming leg drop, but Hero is able to push him to the outside. Hero follows him. Jeff and Claudio are back to their feet and Claudio levels Jeff with a clothesline. Claudio picks up Jeff and goes for the Ricola Bomb, but Jeff counters it into a hurricanrana. On the outside, Matt slams Hero repeated onto the steps. Jeff hits Claudio with a Whisper in the Wind that Jeff totally missed, but Claudio sold anyway. Jeff follows with a flipping leg drop. Matt back to the ring to help Jeff. Both are up top now and a splash/leg drop combo to Claudio. Matt makes the cover but Claudio isn’t legal. Matt lifts Claudio and attempts to throw him into the corner, but Claudio reverses it and sends Matt to the corner. He picks up Jeff and powerbombs him into his brother in the corner. Claudio pins Matt, but Hero is the legal man. Claudio runs to get his partner and helps him into the ring. They push Jeff outside and Claudio lifts Matt up for a powerbomb. Hero to the top rope and Cravate! Cravate released and Hero leaps of the top rope and assists Claudio with the sit down powerbomb. Hero covers for the three count at approximately 10:23. The Kings of Wrestling are the first ever PWU Tag Team Champions! Nice match that didn’t get cut up by commercials. These guys were just getting to know each other, though, so some of the stuff didn’t flow to well. Still, a really, really good match, and a great way to kick off the promotion. ***1/4
We return from commercial to see Austin Aries in the ring with Jimmy Rave. They say they are here to make a statement, which prompts Raven to drag out CM Punk. All three beat him down. Rave hits the Greetings From Ghana as Raven goes and gets a chair. DDT by Raven onto the chair. Punk is busted open now. Aries goes up for a 450 Splash. Punk with the cheese grater and is trying to remove Punks tattoos again. Here comes Colt Cabana and Ace Steele to the make the save! Colt is on the mic. Apparently The Second City Saints are back together, but they don’t call themselves that. They help Punk to his feet as Trump comes out. He introduces the new general manager, Paul Heyman. So it looks like Trump won’t be taking the Vince McMahon route. He just moved up a level in my book. Right after I said that, he said it. Paul makes Aries vs. Cabana for later.
Battle Royale for the PWI Television Championship: Chris Sabin vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Kane vs. Chris Jericho
We return from the break as all of the superstars are in the ring. The rules are elimination by pin or submission. The last person stand is the winner. At the bell all three of the smaller guys go straight for Kane. Kane is able to push them off, though, and he chokeslams Sabin into the corner. He tries to chokeslam Y2J as well, but Y2J locks in the Walls of Jericho. Kane reaching for the ropes but Jacobs helps pull Kane and Jericho back to the middle of the ring. Kane taps at 0:47. Didn’t see that coming at all. Jacobs and Sabin now double teaming Jericho. They back him into the corner and are both stomping him. They both move back now and Jimmy wants Sabin to Irish whip him into Jericho, but Sabin clotheslines him instead. Sabin runs and hits a loooong dropkick to Jericho. He must have leapt from about halfway. Sabin on Y2J now with a series of punches. Jacobs up and attacks Sabin from behind. Jimmy hits Sabin with a powerbomb. Senton now to Sabin by Jacobs. Jericho up and attacks Jacobs from behind and hits a belly to back, followed by an elbow drop. Y2J up top now but Sabin crotches him. Sabin hits Y2J with a superplex. Sabin up top now… elbow drop to Y2J. Sabin goes for the cover but Y2J kicks out at 2. Jacobs up and tries to Suplex Sabin, but Sabin reverses the momentum and slams Jacobs with another DDT. Y2J Lionsault connects to Jacobs. Y2J with the pin for three at 7:18. It is now down to Sabin and Y2J. Y2J puts Sabin in a side headlock, but Sabin reverses it into a hammerlock. Sabin wrenches the arm some more then slams Benoit to the mat. Sabin goes for the Sharpshooter, but Y2J counters it into a small package for the three count at 8:02. I was pretty surprised when Kane was eliminated so quickly, but it was really good after that. The last 2 eliminations came too close to each other though. ***1/4
Abyss is in the back getting talked to by James Mitchell. Here comes Umaga with Armando Alejandro Estrada. Estrada suggests that Abyss and Umaga team up. Mitchell thinks it an interesting proposition and he will have an answer next week.
Christopher Daniels is now in the back being interviewed by Shane Douglas. He says that now he can be himself. He is going to rise through the ranks and become the greatest champion in the world. This prompts Ric Flair to come out and give Daniels a lecture on what it takes to be a great champion. Great stuff. Daniels leaves like a scared puppy.
Austin Aries (w/ Jimmy Rave and Raven) vs. Colt Cabana (w/ Ace Steele)
As Cabana and Steele are on the way to the ring, Aries, Raven, and Rave ambush them with chairs. All of them take there shots until The Saints are left a bloodied mess. Match never really started, but it got its point across. N/R
MVP and Mr. Kennedy are in the back talking to The Briscoes. They both think they deserve a shot at the titles next week. Paul Heyman comes up and decides to make MVP and Mr. Kennedy vs. The Briscoes next week for number one contendership.
PWI World Heavyweight Championship: Samoa Joe vs. Rob Van Dam
If this isn’t a dream match I don’t know what is. Both men pace around the ring. Samoa Joe walks up face to face with RVD, and then slaps him right across the face. This props RVD to go for a kick on Joe, but Joe catches his leg. RVD tries a reverse wheel kick, but Joe ducks and clotheslines the crap out of him. Joe paces around RVD, and then kicks him with a stiff shot to the chest. RVD up and Joe lifts him up for a powerbomb. It looks like he is going to dump him to the outside but RVD reversed it into a hurricanrana. RVD now with a moonsault to Joe on the outside. RVD goes back in the ring and waits till Joe is up, then attempts a diving crossbody, but Joe caught him. Joe powerslams him to the rubber mat then props him in the corner on a chair. OLE KICK~! Fans go bonkers. Joe throws RVD back into the ring and goes for the pin but only gets two. We fade out to commercial at 5:31.
We return at 9:05 and Joe has RVD in a headlock. RVD is pumping up, though, and back suplexes Joe. Rolling Thunder by RVD. RVD up top, split-legged moonsault gets 2. RVD throws Joe into the corner. RVD goes for a monkey flip, but Joe pushes him to the ground and hits a running senton. Joe locks on the Boston Crab, but RVD quickly makes it to the rope. Joe lifts RVD but he hits a jawbreaker. RVD up top again and he goes for another crossbody, but Joe catches him again. He sets him on the top turnbuckle, Muscle Buster! Coquina Clutch! Lights go out again! Kevin Steen~! appears in the ring and waffles both men with a chair. No contest at 19:01 (including commercial.) Going good until the interference. ***1/2
And you will never guess who is coming down the ramp. Yep, you guessed it. Donald Trump. He tells Steen that he was right. Steen on the mic and says he promised an impact. He hands him a contract. Steen signs it. Trump then says that there will be a triple threat next week. Steen poses as the show fades out.
Final Thoughts
What a show. Trump really got the cream of the crop, and that is just the first episode. Who knows who else they have lined up? There are already storylines developing, and we have three different championships. The main event was the match of the night, and there was nothing too horrible, especially for free TV. This could turn out to be the next best thing.
So there is my stab at fantasy booking. Send me your ideas on how it went and where you want to see the show go. This will pop up from time to time and I will take all feedback into consideration. Until then, stay classy, 411Mania readers.