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Winfree’s AEW Dark: Elevation (Ep. 102) Review 2.13.23
![AEW Dark: Elevation](https://411mania.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/aewdarkelevation21323-645x370.jpg)
Hey there people, back to the land of Elevation again. Tonight we’ve got what appears to be a pretty squash heavy show featuring Dark Order, Big bill, Brian Cage, Jade Cargill, and Best Friends among others. The last time I was underwhelmed by an Elevation card on paper it wound up over delivering in terms of action, so let’s see if this one continues that trend. Paul Wight and Matt Menard are on commentary.
Match #1 – Trios Match: Dark Order (John Silver, Evil Uno, and Alex Reynolds) vs. El Dragon, El Cobarde, and Vary Morales
Silver and Morales start us off, they tie up and Morales tries a shoulder block but can’t move Silver. Silver hits the ropes and runs over Morales then goes for a Military Press into the ropes and follows up with a running uppercut. Uno tags in, then Reynolds and Morales takes some triple team moves. Jawbreaker from Morales and he tags in Cobarde, but Reynolds just levels him with a clothesline. Dragon saves Cobarde leading to Cobarde landing an enziguri then tagging in Morales. Dragon tags in but Reynolds fights back with strikes then tags in Uno. Uno runs wild for a bit including a nice Sky High to Cobarde. Reynolds winds up tagged in, and Dragon tags some triple team offense into the ping pong combination from Silver and Reynolds to get the pin.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Dark Order won in 3:34
Rating: Big Moon squash
Decent squash, Dark Order do feel like they need some direction though.
In the back Matt Hardy talks with Ethan Page, Matt wants to apologize for costing them the trios titles. Matt’s worried about Page’s nose, which Page thinks is still perfect. Matt promises this wont happen again. Page isn’t going to fall for this, Page doesn’t care what the people think of his business. Matt keeps reiterating that he didn’t want this to happen, he wants to be a champion alongside Page and Isiah Kassidy. Page has motivated Matt to put wrestling first in his life again, he’s going to work hard to get back in shape and at 30 years in the business he thinks he and Page can take over. A little more sucking up from Matt, then he brings out a gift for Page, it’s a very loud shirt. Page still wants to see where this goes and hugs Matt while Matt gives a devious look to the camera. Matt and Page thank the people for watching then dismiss the camera crew. Page and Matt have some decent chemistry in these segments, and it’s nice to see Elevation being at least part of the home for this angle.
Match #2: Big Bill vs. Gino
Bill charges at the bell, he hoists Gino up for a fall away slam then a corner avalanche. Gino tries to fight back, Bill no sells the chops before landing a big boot. Right hand from Bill and he mocks the crowd. Gino into the ropes, looks to botch a codebreaker then walks into a release flapjack. Bill follows up with another boot then hits the Chokeslam to end things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Big Bill won in 2:57
Rating: Blue Banana squash
Decent squash but this actually stuck around a little too long, shave off a small section in the middle and this probably works better.
Match #3 – Tag Team Match: Jade Cargill and Leila Grey vs. Dulce Tormenta and DD Doom
Jade and Dulce get us started, Jade pretty easily overpowers Dulce then tags in Grey. Grey lands some strikes but taunts the crowd and gets rolled up for 2. Strikes from Dulce but Grey hits her with a Russian leg sweep to get control back. Grey with a cheap shot to Doom then tags in Jade. Pump kick from Jade, then Doom tries to get involved but eats a fall away slam. Jaded to Dulce and we’re done.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Jade Cargill and Leila Grey won in 1:57
Rating: Hubbard squash
Fine enough squash, and Jade has a ton of presence, but boy do I not care about anything she does. I seem to be in the minority with that opinion, but she needs some direction for her character sooner rather than later.
Match #4: Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana vs. Jastin Taylor
Cage goes right for shoulder shrugs in the corner then lifts up Taylor for some curls then a World’s Strongest Slam. Uppercuts from Cage then a corner flurry and a German suplex. Taylor avoids a discus lariat then hits a kick but Cage hits a release suplex. Drill Claw and we’re done.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Brian Cage won in 1:32
Rating: Kiszombori squash
Delicious squash for Cage.
Vickie Guerrero comes out screeching in Spanish but since we’re still in El Paso, Texas she gets a ton of love and “Eddie” chants.
Match #5 – Tag Team Match: Emi Sakura and Nyla Rose w/ Vickie Guerrero vs. Skye Blue and Madison Rayne
Emi and Rayne get us going, Emi avoids a tie up then grabs the hair and misses a chop. Rayne with some strikes then rams Emi into the corner and tags in Blue. Knee from Blue then a sliding clothesline from Rayne. Emi fights back with a Mongolian chop and tags in Nyla. Nyla lays into Blue but Blue fights back with leg kicks then hits the ropes for a hurricanrana but Nyla counters for a Beast Bomb, Blue tires to counter into a Code Red but Nyla stalls her out and drops on top with a belly to back piledriver, leading to a near fall as Rayne breaks up the pin. Emi tags in and spanks Blue then hits a crossbody through the ropes to the floor. On the floor now Blue slams Emi into the barricade but turns into what passes for a Spear from Vickie. Back in the ring Nyla tags in, and she and Emi hit an assisted butterfly gutbuster. Nyla retains control, hits an avalanche in the corner but misses a cannonball and Emi tags in then cheap shots Rayne to keep Blue in. Blue eats chops, then hits a Backstabber but runs into a tilt a whirl backbreaker and both women are down. Both women tag out and Rayne runs into Nyla a few times before going to a low drop kick. Kicks from Rayne but Nyla body blocks her down. Blue hits Nyla with a super kick only to take a Whirling Dervish from Emi to settle things down. On the floor Emi crushes Blue with a crossbody into the barricade. Back in the ring Nyla takes out Rayne with a sort of reverse Death Valley Driver, she started in the Torture Rack position before flipping into the landing. I’m guessing that move looked better in practice. Anyway that gets the pin.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Nyla Rose and Emi Sakura won in 5:28
Rating: 2.5 stars
Solid enough match, they worked pretty hard and busted out a couple of gnarly looking spots. Not sold on Nyla’s new finish, but it could be worse.
Match #6: Yuka Sakazaki vs. Vertvixen
They tie up, Yuka goes for an arm wringer, Vertvixen counters into a side headlock. Yuka lands a kick in the corner then climbs the ropes, avoids a corner attack and lands a shoulder to the body. Double springboard dropkick from Yuka. Vertvixen sweeps the legs then lands a kneeling Flatliner. Some corner offense from Vertvixen, then Yuka avoids a suplex and tries a Northern Lights Suplex but Vertvixen counters into a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. They hit the ropes and Yuka hits a rolling elbow then a Rocket Launcher sets up the Magical Girl Splash to end things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Yuka Sakazaki won in 3:02
Rating: 2.5 stars
Surprised at how competitive this wound up being despite only being 3 minutes long, they definitely let Vertvixen get her stuff in. Yuka remains pretty awesome and Vertvixen handily held up her end of things.
Post match Athena comes from the crowd to smack Yuka with the title belt. On the floor Athena tosses Yuka into the ring steps, then picks her up and sets her leg between the ring steps and the ring post before drop kicking the steps. They chose a poor camera angle for that one as it showed how safe Yuka was during that whole thing. Yuka tries to chase down Athena but Athena lands a boot to keep her down.
Match #7: Josh Woods w/ Mark Sterling, Tony Nese, and Ari Daivari vs. Man Scout
Scout reads his survival book, Woods takes it from him and tosses it aside. Mat return from Woods then a Doctor Bomb and a kneeling knee strike. Chaos Theory from Woods and we’re done.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Josh Woods won in 1:00
Rating: Kabocha squash
Delicious squash, Woods is rock solid in the ring though we did have a poor camera choice again as we saw him talking with Scout during the gutwrench spot.
Match #8 – Tag Team Match: Best Friends (Trent Beretta and Chuck Taylor) vs. Ayden Colt and Frank Stone
Stone and Taylor start us off, Stone goes right to striking then tags in Colt. Colt cheap shots Trent but Taylor fights back and floors Colt with a uranage. Trent tags in and lays into Colt with strikes. Colt lands a chop but turns into one from Trent. Stone with a cheap shot to Trent to set up Colt. Trent with a back body drop then tags in Taylor. Double shoulder block, Stone gets involved but eats a knee from Taylor then a Sick Kick from Trent. Sole Food into the half nelson suplex then the hug from Taylor and Trent. They set for double finishers, Trent taking out Stone with the Dudebuster while Taylor kills poor Colt with the Awful Waffle to end things.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Best Friends won in 2:47
Rating: Mammut squash
Passable squash for our main event, and Best Friends continue to gain a bit of momentum.