wrestling / TV Reports
Winfree’s MLW Fusion (Ep. 128) Review 4.14.21

Hello everyone, Winfree back as is MLW Fusion. We had an older episode of Underground last week but Fusion proper is here this week and we’ve got three title matches. Chief among them an Openweight national title match between champion Alexander Hammerstone and Mil Muertes after Muertes stole the physical belt a few weeks ago. Our other title fights this week are a tag team title match when Los Parts defend the tag straps against the Dirty Blonds and Richard Holliday puts his Caribbean title on the line against former associate Gino Medina. Anyway let’s get to the action.
Outside Salina gets interviewed about the possibility of El Jefe showing up, she objects to being questioned about anything other than herself. She’s got a plan to get rid of Hammerstone tonight. The Azteca Underground rep shows up and questions her as we head back to the ring.
Match #1 – Caribbean Title Match: (c) Richard Holliday vs. Gino Medina
They stare each other down, and resume arguing about who fired or quit first. That devolves into shoving, then a side headlock and Holliday shoulder blocks Medina then runs into a heel kick. Outside the ring now and they brawl a bit before heading back in. Holliday clobbers Medina with a back elbow for a near fall. Chops from Holliday, then Medina fights back while they continue arguing about being fired or quitting. Medina avoids a corner rush and rolls up Holliday, gets his feet on the ropes but Holliday kicks out at 2. Holliday starts fighting back with strikes, but Medina takes him down with a clothesline for another 2 count. Medina back in control now, he’s stomping on the hand of Holliday a fair bit. They start trading rights, Holliday avoids an enzigrui, gets caught in a roll up but kicks out and counters into a back suplex. Medina avoids a 2008 then they trade super kicks before Holliday hits a spinebuster for a near fall. Holliday wants a gutwrench, Medina counters into a roll up then hits a snake eyes and running knee in the corner for another near fall. A 2008 from Medina to Holliday but Holliday still kicks out at 2. One of the turnbuckle pads has come off, they fight over running into it, eventually Medina runs into it then eats a 2008 and Holliday retains the title.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Richard Holliday retained the IWA Caribbean title at 6:34
Rating: 1.5 stars
I get that there’s history between these two, but the particular heel dynamics don’t play well together. This was competent but both heatless and without story apart from the continued argument about whether Medina was fired or quit in relation to the Dynasty.
We get an update from the Von Erich blows, Marshall has a knee injury after the match with Team Filthy a few weeks ago. They complain about Marshall not getting a one on one match with Tom Lawlor. Kevin shows up, apparently he talked with NOAH champion Keiji Mutoh about some training for Ross. Marshall insists he can go, Kevin talks him down from that as he needs to let the injury heal. Ross will be heading to Japan for a NOAH stint I guess.
Hammerstone talks from his locker room, he’s going to give Mil Muertes a thousand ass kickings and he plans on settling this issue once and for all.
Decent little video hyping up the main event follows, not a bad bit of business there.
We’ve got a remote interview between Alicia Atout and TJP. TJP says the fine wasn’t a big deal and objects to it being brought up at all. Next week TJP will battle Bu Ku Dao, TJP doesn’t care if Dao can stand because he’s not a man and can’t fight. He runs down Bu Ku Dao, talks about their various social media interactions and engagements. He warns Dao that he’s going to either break him in half or crush him, then walks off.
Match #2- MLW Tag Team Title Match: (c) Los Parks (LA Park and Hijo de LA Park) w/ Salina de la Renta vs. Dirty Blonds (Michael Patrick and Leo Brien) w/ Aria Blake
I think the ring announcer got the other Park wrong, he was announced as LA Park Jr. but I’m pretty sure that’s Hijo. I’m sure the other one will show up at some point and we’ll know for sure. Salina and Aria get into a shouting match but nothing physical comes of it yet. The Blonds pull a Pearl Harbor at the bell and get the advantage early. Apparently we’re not actually making tags here. Brien squares off with Park while Patrick has Hijo isolated. A lot of offense from the Blonds, before Patrick runs into a Park headbutt from the apron then a splash onto both men. Patrick out of the ring and Brien gets abused by both Hijo and Park for a bit. They wind up brawling on the outside for a bit, then back in the ring. Los Parks get the better of a bunch of clotheslines then Hijo starts in on Patrick. Patrick hits a low blow on the ropes then a splash but Park stops the refs count. Junior comes out from under the ring and slips in and hits a double low blow on both Blonds then Hijo and Park with stereo roll ups to pin and retain the titles.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Los Parks retained the MLW Tag Team Titles at 4:45
Rating: 1 star
Another heel vs. heel affair that never quite gelled. This was fairly sloppy, very uninteresting, mostly devoid of story, and the same old smoke and mirror tricks around Los Parks are starting to wear thin.
Post match Salina and Aria get into a bit of a cat fight and have to be separated.
We get a video from Mads Krugger interrupting the feed, he says that since the Baklei Brawl match Hammerstone has lost his spark and even someone as strong as Hammerstone doesn’t have eyes in the back of his head. Does Hammerstone fear Krugger showing up and eliminating him? Krugger is enjoying hunting Hammerstone.
Lio Rush talks with Alicia Atout, Rush says he’s Poseidon because he makes waves day in and day out. Rush says he’s been making history since he came to MLW and runs down his resume. Atout asks about his music career, he plugs his website and then calls Reed a soundcloud clout chaser who’s desperately trying to become who Rush already is. Asked about future title defenses he says they’re in the works, he’s just focused on proving he’s still the best in the world. She asks for a hint about who’s next for him, Rush says it doesn’t matter who steps up to the plate he’s leaving with the gold. To close he addresses the fans, and wants them to keep putting money in his pocket and the name of Lio Rush on the minds of everyone. Decent promo from Rush, the man has a great grasp on his character.
Reed with a video, he says everyone’s been asking his rematch with Rush. He says MLW isn’t holding him back or down, he deliberately went to take out Contra so they wouldn’t be a factor in his rematch. Now he’s an even better wrestler and more hungry, he’s coming back for the title.
Next week MLW founder and president Court Bauer will be here to talk about their deal with Dragon Gate.
Alright, main event time.
Match #2- MLW National Openweight Title Match: (c) Alexander Hammerstone vs. Mil Muertes
Hammerstone opens with a pump kick and starts laying into Muertes. Muertes fights back with punches and chops before Hammerstone hits a belly to belly suplex. Hard right from Muertes, but Hammerstone hits a kick to the head then a top rope drop kick. Muertes heads out of the ring to recover, Hammerstone gets pulled out after him and Muertes takes over on offense. Some ringside brawling, Muertes definitely in control as he abuses Hammerstone. Back in the ring Muertes stomps on Hammerstone. Muertes hits a back suplex and starts working the back of Hammerstone. Hammerstone starts fighting back with strikes but runs into a low drop kick then Muertes hits a kneeling DDT. Muertes just wearing down Hammerstone in the corner, eventually Hammerstone kicks him off but then runs into a clothesline. Shoulder blocks from Muertes in the corner, but Hammerstone avoids a spear in the corner and Muertes posts himself. Hammerstone then charges but get posted as well. Boy they’re giving Muertes a lot. Double clothesline spot and both men are down. Back on the feet and Hammerstone starts laying in strikes, he levels Muertes with a flying clothesline. Running clothesline then another pump kick from Hammerstone, then he hits a pump handle throw for a 1 count. More strikes from Hammerstone, but he runs into a snap powerslam for a near fall. Muertes gets Hammerstone up on his shoulders but can’t keep him there, Hammerstone with a ripcord elbow then a super kick but that still can’t put Muertes away. Back stabber from Muertes gets a close 2 count. They fight up to the feet, Muertes with headbutts, but Hamemrstone hits a German suplex then a sitout powerbomb for a near fall. Muertes hits a jawbreaker and they start landing punches from their knees. Headbutts are traded then chops as they fight up. Pump kick from Hammerstone, they counter each others finishers then Hammerstone hits the Nightmare Pendulum to win and retain the title.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Alexander Hammerstone retained the MLW National Openweight Title at 10:26
Rating: 3 stars
Slightly soft three, but this was better than the average match. These two had the predictable but really engaging hoss battle. If I might steal the descriptor this was two big meaty men slapping meat. Very enjoyable.
Salina storms off post match. Hammerstone gets a mic, he says getting the physical belt was just step 1 as he never really lost it. Step 2, well next week things are going to get more interesting when he’s got a press conference and promises some Dynastic news. Hopefully they finally get Hammerstone into the world title picture, we’ve seen Fatu take on enough stop gap opponents.
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