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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 2.24.23

February 24, 2023 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown Sami Zayn Jimmy Uso Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 2.24.23  

Well everyone, Elimination Chamber is in the rear view mirror and it’s full speed ahead to WrestleMania. Tonight the fallout regarding the Bloodline continues, Jey Uso looked like he might be taking a stand against Roman Reigns but that was cut off by a Spear from Sami Zayn so no one quite knows where his allegiance lies right now. Roman Reigns now takes full aim at Cody Rhodes, or he’d like to but the Bloodline drama has to be handled. Poochie will also be going face to face with Rhea Ripley, and I’m sure that wont be tedious. Bray Wyatt will host a Firefly Funhouse episode tonight and we might get some clarity around him since it seems that Brock Lesnar is being set up for an Omos fight (please God no) which might line up Bray to deal with Bobby Lashley. I’m not at all sold on this being a good idea, but we’ll see. We’ve also got Rey Mysterio taking on Karrion Kross, and a trios match when Imperium will take on Braun Strowman, Ricochet, and Madcap Moss. I’m not sure what Gunther’s plan is for Mania but the IC title should be defended on that show so let’s see if we get some direction for him. Anyway that’s the preamble, let’s get to the action.

First a quick video recap of Roman Reigns crushing the dreams of Sami Zayn and silencing Montreal plus the related Bloodline drama. That leads into the opening segment from RAW when Sami asked to team with Kevin Owens and Owens told him to pound sand.

In the back Kayla waits for Jimmy Uso to arrive, and here he is. She asks about the Bloodline drama, Jimmy says he hasn’t talked with Jey yet and Jey is avoiding him but Jimmy has told him to meet him in the ring tonight and they can hash things out face to face.

To the ring, and here comes Braun Strowman leading his team for our first match. Imperium follow.

Match #1 – Trios Match: Imperium (Gunther, Ludwig Kaiser, and Giovanni Vinci) vs. Braun Strowman, Ricochet, and Madcap Moss

Vinci and Moss get things going. If Gunther could barely get Moss above average than I wonder what Vinci can do. Vinci with a side headlock then an attempted hip toss but he and Moss trade counters then a cross over rope spot before Moss lands a shoulder block. Ricochet tags in, hits a nice little hilo then Vinci kicks him down. Vinci tries an arm wringer, Ricochet counters into a side headlock, off balances Vinci then follows up with a standing Shooting Star Press. Ricochet goes for a tag, but Vinci stops him with a clothesline. Kaiser tags in now and they work to isolate Ricochet. Kaiser with some strikes but Ricochet looks to fire up but Kaiser avoids a head scissors and lands a cross chop. Cheap shot to Braun, who comes in to distract the ref as Imperium now abuse Ricochet behind the refs back to send us to break.

We come back to Kaiser still working Ricochet on the mat. Ricochet starts fighting back with strikes, Kaiser trades with him and eventually Kaiser lands a discus clothesline to floor Ricochet. Gunther tags in now and lands a few uppercuts. Something’s going on, oh here’s Drew McIntyre on the entrance ramp to observe. Gunther chops Ricochet but he’s still distracted a bit by Drew and tags in Vinci. Vinci with a clothesline to Ricochet, then another one but Ricochet counters a third and tags in Braun who gets to run wild. Braun unloads on Kaiser and Vinci but Gunther makes a blind tag and chops away at Braun. Braun seems happy to trade chops, that goes poorly for him, then Gunther kicks him down and grabs a Sleeper. Eventually Braun escapes and tags in Moss, Moss attacks Gunther in the corner but he runs into Kaiser leading to Gunther landing a chop, a German suplex, and a lariat. Folding Powerbomb from Gunther and that’ll do it.


Rating: 3 stars

Solid trios match, Imperium are exceptional workers and Braun and Ricochet can hold their own. Also, if they’re hinting at Drew vs. Gunther then heck yes, sign me up for that one.

Post match Drew goes to remove his leather jacket, but he’s jumped by the Viking Raiders. Erik and Ivar beat Drew down before Sheamus comes sprinting in to even the odds. Braun is still here and runs over both Erik and Ivar, that sets up Ricochet to dive onto the Raiders as well. Drew and Sheamus kicks Erik and Ivar over the barricade then head into the ring to pose.

Kayla is still in the back, she talks with Rey Mysterio. Rey wants to put an end to Karrion Kross tonight, but he’s interrupted by Santos Escobar. Santos says he and Legado del Fantasma value respect, he thanks Rey for the exchange of masks a few weeks back, now he’s going to show everyone how much he respects Rey. The mutual admiration is interrupted by Dominik Mysterio and Rhea Ripley. Santos offers to teach Dom respect, Rhea gets between Dom and Santos to save her plaything. Rhea and Dom walk off, and Rey laments the fate of his son to send us to break.

Jimmy Uso talks with Solo Sikoa in their locker room with Paul Heyman in the background. Jimmy knew Jey would have his back with the tag belts, but after Montreal he thinks Jey might be spooked. Heyman offers to have Solo stay back here with him while Jimmy talks things out with Jey. Jey seems to agree with this.

To the ring, and here comes LA Knight. Knight has a mic and wants to talk to us. He brings up that it’s WrestleMania season, people are talking about wanting Mania moments, well Knight isn’t here for a Mania moment he’s here to make money, win titles, and be recognized as the best. And you do that by going to WrestleMania, yeah. Well you can’t have an LA WrestleMania without LA Knight, yeah. And this year he’s giving WrestleMania an LA Knight moment, yeah! This is interrupted by the New Day. Kofi Kingston asks how long Knight’s even been on the roster. Knight didn’t invite the Nerd Day out here, and if they weren’t so busy playing video games they could see the perpetual motion machine that is LA Knight. Xavier Woods says being nerds has made them a lot of money, then insults Knight’s attire. He claims that Mania moments are earned, and reminds us of KofiMania about a five years ago. Knight says he’s a creator of circumstance, and then asks how KofiMania worked out for Kofi anyway? Kofi and Woods get into the ring, and Kofi says he wont the title at Mania so it worked out pretty good. He wants to shut up LA Knight right now. Knight laughs, and accepts the challenge. That match will start after this break.

Match #2: LA Knight vs. Kofi Kingston w/ Xavier Woods

We come back to Knight laying in strikes to Kofi. Kofi hits the ropes and then hits a hurricanrana. Knight lands a shoulder block then more rope running before Kofi lands a back elbow. Kofi with a lazy kick then a splash to the back for a 2 count. Knight fights back with some kicks but Kofi trips him up then dances with Woods on the outside. Kick from Kofi then he heads up top for a crossbody and another 2 count. Kofi goes to work on the arm of Knight, Knight fights back with some elbows of his own. Mounted punches from Knight, then he plays to the crowd leading to Kofi landing a jawbreaker but Knight follows that with a slam for a 2 count. Kofi avoids a jumping neckbreaker then hits a corner splash, and a second one but Knight counters a third into a Snake Eyes then slams Kofi’s head down into the second turnbuckle and Kofi powders to send us to another break.

Knight sends Kofi into a corner, and Kofi lands a dropkick to put both men down. Knight sends Kofi out of the ring then follows, shoving Woods out of the way. Woods thinks about hitting Knight, but Knight mocks him and his trombone while beating up Kofi. Back in the ring Knight with a guillotine catapult to Kofi. Knight resumes trash talking Woods while beating up Kofi, then hits a slingshot shoulder block from the apron into the ring for a 2 count. Kofi starts his comeback with double chops then a heel kick. Sunset Flip from Kofi gets 2, then an awkward jumping clothesline from Kofi leads to a Boom Drop. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise but Knight avoids it and hits a high amplitude Ore Ga Taue for a 2 count. Knight goes out of the ring to lay out Woods and his trombone, but that sets up a Kofi dive. Back in the ring Kofi goes up top but Knight punches him up there. Kofi shoves Knight off, there’s a misdirection from Woods to set up the Trouble in Paradise from Kofi and that gets the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Kofi Kingston won

Rating: 2.5 stars

Decent but there were a few timing issues that drop it down a bit. Also I think Knight should have gone over here, New Day have hit their ceiling and are kind of bulletproof while Knight could really use the win.

We get a video hype package for Rhea Ripley vs. Charlotte Flair. Poochie as a face is still just painful. After this break we’ll get Charlotte and Rhea.

Post break here comes Charlotte Flair. Charlotte gets a mic, and her inherited “woos”, she wants Rhea Ripley to come on out. No Ripley, and Charlotte smells hesitation. She wonders if Ripley is having second thoughts about choosing her. Dominik Mysterio is here to interrupt. Dom says he’s not going to allow Charlotte to run down Mami, and Charlotte approves of him out here taking orders like a good little boy. But Charlotte would rather talk to a real woman. Dom thinks Charlotte sounds jealous, because the hottest thing in WWE is Rhea Ripley. Dom likes Charlotte’s smile, but insinuates she’s weaker than Ripley. Charlotte cuts him off and says she has a real latino man at home who calls her mami, and with a much thicker accent. Dom says they’ve got a lot in common, brings up them both surpassing their fathers. But Dom knows his dad was worse than Ric Flair, he does the usual whining, then says at Mania when Ripley beats Charlotte then she’ll know that Ric was right, Charlotte isn’t good enough. Charlotte says she loves her dad, who’s turning 74 tomorrow, and if Ric was here he’d kick Dom’s but. In his place though, Charlotte postures up and Dom begs off leading to Ripley finally showing up. Ripley and Charlotte square up, then Dom pulls Ripley away. Charlotte poses with her title, and Ripley comes back into the ring for a bit more jaw jacking before she and Dom leave. Well that was pointless. People find unironic amusement in Dominik Mysterio?

Natalya heads to the ring after commentary fellates WWE for selling tickets. Natalya will be in action after this break.

Post break here comes Shayna Baszler, but Ronda Rousey is with here so they use Ronda’s music.

Match #3: Natalya w/ Tegan Nox vs. Shayna Baszler w/ Ronda Rousey

Natalya starts throwing hands right away, she unloads in the corner. Baszler with a Divorce Court to immediately go after the banged up arm of Natalya. Arm work from Baszler now, but Natalya fights free with an arm drag. Kick to the arm from Baszler then she goes for the knee strike but Natalya avoids it and hits a Russian leg sweep. Baszler with a leg kick, but Natalya fights back with a German suplex then a discus clothesline for a 2 count. Crowd seems pretty dead for this. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter but Baszler kicks her off and rolls out of the ring. Baseball slide from Natalya, but she starts talking with Ronda leading to Baszler landing a knee strike then a short arm scissors from Baszler gets the tap.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Shayna Baszler won

Rating: 2 stars

Dead crowd, but hopefully they’re actually building up Baszler again.

Post match Nox saves Natalya from a beating.

We’ll get the Firefly Funhouse after this break, and a repeat of that Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch Joker parody. Have they seriously not got another one of these done yet?

Post break were at the Funhouse. This gets interrupted by a red filter, and on the TV we’ve got wrestling figures, then we cut to a production area where Bray Wyatt watches his callout from last week to Brock Lesnar or Bobby Lashley. Then we see Bobby Lashley talking about not wanting to be disrespected. This leads to Funhouse News. Bray says talks about the apocalypse coming around, then wants to know who opened the door in the Funhouse. But it’s time for the weather, which is Uncle Howdy and a robot voice saying “I am all of us”. Gameshow parody next with Bray as the host, he wants to know if people can keep a secret. We get some creep imagery repeating the “can you keep a secret” line, and someone begging for help and mercy. Bray in the devil mask, he wants to know if we could keep a secret if he told us a story. I generally like Bray’s stuff but this wasn’t it, when they got to the last bit I think it worked but this was a bit too scattershot to really land.

In the Bloodline locker room Heyman warns Jimmy that Roman will be on Smackdown next week, and he’s warned Jimmy that if Jimmy doesn’t hand Jey tonight then Roman will have to deal with it next week. That sends us to break.

Post break here comes Rey Mysterio. Let’s see if this time he and Kross mesh a little better, their prior match felt like it got cut short due to a minor injury to Rey.

Match #4: Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett vs. Rey Mysterio

Rey goes right to striking then hits the ropes for an around the world head scissors. Next Rey low bridges Kross and then hits a 619 to the back of Kross and follows up with a suicide dive. Kudos to Kross on that catch, that could have gone badly, and that sends us to break.

Kross has a rest hold as we come back, then Rey starts to comeback but runs into a back elbow. Apparently during the break Kross hit a Razor’s Edge into the ring post. Why didn’t they let that be on the broadcast normally? Rey with a hurricanrana then he heads up top for a seated senton but when he hits the ropes Kross is able to send him sliding out of the ring and to the floor. Kross picks up Rey for a gutbuster in front of a kid in a Rey mask. Back in the ring Kross puts Rey on his shoulders then climbs the ropes, Rey starts fighting back and hits a mid rope hurricanrana for a 2 count. Rey hits the ropes, tries an around the world DDT but has to counter to set up a 619. Scarlett takes a bump, then while the ref checks on her Dom breaks up the 619. Dom wants Rey to do something, Rey declines but runs into a Kross Hammer. Kross Jacket follows and that’ll do it.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Karrion Kross won

Rating: 2.5 stars

Acceptable enough match, sadly it felt like some of the good stuff was done on the commercial break.

Post match Dom and Rey get face to face in the ring, Dom keeps wanting Rey to fight him but Rey continues to decline. Rey really wants to hit him, Dom keeps egging him on and we got our predictable shot of them with the Mania sign in the background. Ultimately Rey can’t hit his kid and just walks away.

In the back Jimmy is on his phone then heads to the ring, he’ll theoretically talk with Jey after this break.

Post break commentary run down what will happen next week.

Here comes Jimmy Uso. Jimmy gets a mic, he says if Jey isn’t here live he knows he’s watching. From brother to brother, he knows Jey is torn. He knows Jey is hurting, because when Jey hurts Jimmy hurts, and he says he’ll always be here for Jey just like he needs Jey to be here for him. People are talking about cracks in the Bloodline, and he knows there are issues, and here comes Sami Zayn through the crowd. Sami and Jimmy stare off, Sami’s got a mic and says he’s not here to fight. They’d both like to talk to Jey, but right now Sami is here to talk to Jimmy. Hearing Jimmy use the word brother breaks Sami’s heart. They used to be brothers, Jimmy had Sami’s back since day one in the Bloodline, Jimmy was the one who made Sami the honorary Uce, and without Jimmy none of this would have happened. But when things went sideways Jimmy took Sami out without any hesitation. Sami says that hurt. Jimmy keeps staring daggers at Sami, he calls Sami selfish. The blame isn’t on Jimmy, it’s on Sami who made that choice. Sami could have pulled the trigger, instead Sami stepped on Jimmy and Jey, and family has your back. Family doesn’t betray you. Sami objects to family making you prove yourself, family doesn’t manipulate you every week like Roman has been for years. Jey is here standing in the crowd. Sami says the Bloodline is just about Roman Reigns, and Sami will make sure Roman crumbles. But Jimmy doesn’t have to go down with the ship. Sami finally notices Jey and Jimmy cracks him with a right hand. Jey walks to the ring as Jimmy stomps on Sami, but Jimmy calls him on to set up a Helluva Kick from Sami that the broadcast cuts away from. Good job you Bucky Beaver button pusher. Solo Sikoa shows up to chase of Sami, but Jey is still standing in the crowd. We’re left to stew in the uncertainty as the episode ends.

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
Not a great episode this week, the only thing that really worked was the main event segment as Jimmy and Sami traded words. The opening trios match was fine but I'm not entirely sure where it's leading, Dom talking at Charlotte to try and build Charlotte vs. Ripley was a horrible miss, Bray's Firefly Funhouse was a bit too out there even for my tastes, and LA Knight not going over Kofi Kingston feels like the wrong call. This felt like a lot of spinning wheels rather than anything generating forward momentum.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree