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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 5.10.24

May 10, 2024 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown 5-10-24 Randy Orton Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 5.10.24  

Well everyone, it’s Friday and we’re here for another episode of WWE Smackdown. The King and Queen of the Ring tournaments are in full swing and feel a little cursed already with injuries to Drew McIntyre and Asuka taking them out of action on Monday while news broke recently that Bobby Lashley is also out of his scheduled match tonight with Tama Tonga, so Angelo Dawkins will replace Bobby and take the L tonight in that match. The other King of the Ring match tonight is AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton, which I have fairly high hopes for all things considered. On the women’s side of things Jade Cargill vs. Piper Niver, Bianca Belair vs. Candice LeRae, and Naomi vs. Nia Jax are all set for action. Technically there’s still one more women’s bracket match that’s unannounced right now, but with Tiffany Stratton, Chelsea Green, and Blair Davenport all around they could easily take up that spot. The other men’s matches of LA Knight vs. Santos Escobar and Carmelo Hayes vs. Baron Corbin are not currently set for tonight, and they might wind up on the house show circuit, or come up next week, hopefully we’ll get some clarity on that point tonight. The rest of the card is about set up now, Cody Rhodes, Logan Paul, and Bayley all need new challengers in the wake of Backlash though Bayley might get Tiffany if Tiffany doesn’t go into Queen of the Ring. But Cody and Logan both need new opponents, assuming Logan is going to be around, and with the new roster’s now being locked in things could be fairly wide open for both of those titles. Our new Bloodline 2.0 is also still running wild now that botch machine Tanga Loa has joined up meaning Solo Sikoa is flanked by both Guerilla’s of Destiny. Jacob Fatu has still yet to debut, and he’d be a good fit for this group it would mean that the reunion of Roman with Jimmy and Jey Uso would need a fourth, and if the nepotism continues then bringing in Lance Anoa’i at some point on the babyface side could work. But expect more Bloodline 2.0 stuff tonight as that group continues to bring chaos and violence to the fore. I think that’s all for preamble, so let’s get into the action.

First will be a recap of Backlash, which had a great crowd and if Backlash becomes a yearly PPV that goes to different markets overseas I’m down for that.

Commentary then welcomes us to the show proper, we do get an update that Tiffany Stratton takes on Michin in the Queen of the Ring tournament at some point. We head to the ring where Nick Aldis has a mic. Aldis plays with the crowd then brings out Cody Rhodes to a large reaction. Cody and Nick both have mics, Aldis congratulates Cody on retaining the WWE Undisputed title and Aldis sneaks in “never a small thing to get your hand raised against him,” because Aldis pinned AJ in Impact to send AJ out of the company. Aldis invited Cody out here to tell him who his next challenger will be, and out comes US champion Logan Paul. That’s. . . well that’s certainly a choice. Logan gets to the ring and gets a mic, then Cody asks Logan what he wants to talk about. Champion vs. champion in the main event of King of the Ring PPV to kick off the Logan Paul Levesque era, I kind of hate that bit of clever word play from Logan. Cody likes the challenge before him, but Logan doesn’t care about his feelings as he’s got facts. Logan is the longest reigning champion in WWE right now, the greatest attraction in the company, had the best rookie year of all time, and he’s a superstar. Well, at least one of those is accurate. Logan asks if Cody is a superstar, Cody won the Rumble but that year the only thing people remembered was him and Ricochet running into each other. Cody might have won at WrestleMania, but everyone was talking about his streaming buddy and his drink. All his ideas. 3 years ago at WrestleMania Cody and Logan debuted on the same night, and ever since then Logan has been fueling this company. None of this is Cody’s story. Logan will pin Cody on top of Logan’s logo and walk out as champion. Cody imagines a lot people look at Logan and assume he’s a dumbass, and as fun as that would be Cody isn’t going to insult him like that. This isn’t a fad for Logan, and Cody knows that. He puts over Logan’s career thus far, then brings up that winning the US title would make Cody a Grand Slam champion. In addition to the good things, Logan is disrespectful and self centered, and unable to win a match without help. This is not an individual effort Logan, this is a team event and at King of the Ring Logan will find out exactly where he stands on that team. A little overlong but solid enough stuff from both men.

In the back Kayla talks with AJ Styles, AJ had Cody dead to rights at Backlash but the crowd distracted him with all that singing. He should be the one taking on Logan, but the next time he meets Cody he’s beating him. Tonight he’s taking a step towards earning another title shot by winning King of the Ring.

To the ring and here comes Naomi, she’ll take on Nia Jax after this break.

Post break here comes Nia Jax to make everything worse.

Match #1 – Queen of the Ring Tournament Match: Naomi vs. Nia Jax

We get strikes right away from Naomi but then Nia cuts her off with a standing avalanche. Corner avalanche from Nia, then another one. Nia looks off, she misses a corner kick and Naomi lands some leg kicks as our QR code statics across the screen. Nia posts herself and rolls out of the ring, Naomi then hits a suicide dive and starts laying in strikes. A weak shove from Nia that Naomi sells like death to slam herself into the ring apron, then Nia with a Samoan Drop on the floor to send us back to break.

We come back to Nia still in control. Naomi tries to fight back with strikes but Nia lands a headbutt. Naomi gets sent out of the ring again and Nia wants the count out. Back up and Naomi snaps Nia over the top rope then avoids a big sit. Nia takes some clotheslines and a back elbow but wont go down until Naomi lands a springboard kick. Naomi gets sent to the apron and lands a kick, then her Heatseeker on the apron, Naomi hits the split legged moonsault but Nia kicks out at 2. Some corner offense and Naomi tries to set Nia on the top rope, Nia is so immobile she can barely help out in that endeavor. Naomi goes up with Nia but Nia with headbutts, then she tries a powerbomb but Naomi hits an avalanche hurricanrana but again only a 2 count. Superkick from Naomi, then another one, but Nia counters a third with a powerbomb then a running leg drop. A Nia Later follows and Nia wins.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Nia Jax won in 10:06

Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: Decent spot near the end but Nia looked very immobile, especially early when she had no follow through on anything making Naomi have to bump and sell awkwardly on corner spots or rope running. Everything just felt slow, this was probably more a 7 minute match with a lot of stalling.

In the back Baron Corbin gets an interview with Byron Saxton, Corbin says he found himself in NXT. Carmelo Hayes walks in and makes fun of Corbin and tells Corbin he should withdraw because he’s going to run circles around him. That sends us to break.

Post break a little video for DIY.

Baron Corbin then heads to the ring to very little reaction. Carmelo Hayes gets a bit more of a reaction but I imagine neither of these are the desired reactions in terms of intensity.

Match #2 – King of the Ring Tournament Match: Baron Corbin vs. Carmelo Hayes

Corbin avoids a right hand. Hayes is looking to hit and run on Corbin then dropkicks the knee of Corbin and kicks him in the head. Corbin then punches Hayes down and lands some more strikes. Hayes flips out of a back suplex but Corbin catches him with a cross legged Michinoku Driver, Hayes rolls out of the ring and we head to break.

We come back to Corbin looking for a superplex but Hayes slips free and hits a springboard clothesline. La Mistica facebuster from Hayes then he avoids a Deep Six but Corbin is able to hit a Death Valley Driver then a suplex that I think was supposed to be a brainbuster all gets a 2 count. Flying Codebreaker from Hayes, then a running knee strike. Hayes up top, but Corbin avoids a flying nothing then slams Hayes into a corner and follows with a clothesline. Black Crush, suplex into a Cutter, from Corbin only gets 2. Hayes counters End of Days with a Small Package and gets the 3 count.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Carmelo Hayes won in 6:30

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: I’m hardly a fan of Corbin but he and Hayes have displayed decent chemistry in the past and this was no exception. Would have rather these two got the 4 minutes that Nia wasted wandering around because this was was solid and actually got the crowd back after a somewhat apathetic start.

In the back Bayley talks with Kayla about the Queen of the Ring, Bayley is curious to see how Jade Cargill does. Chelsea Green and Piper Niven are here though and Chelsea promises that Piper will beat Jade tonight. Speaking of, we see Jade walk in the back and are told that match is up after this break.

Byron talks with Randy Orton in the back as we come back, Randy admits he’s accomplished a lot in WWE but he’s never been King of the Ring. We all know how great AJ is, but it feels phenomenal to hit him with the RKO out of no where. Randy then says something for Tama Tonga, he’s not forgotten that they took out Kevin Owens and promises that when he and Tonga cross paths again he’s going to let him see the beating coming.

To the ring, and here comes Jade Cargill.

Match #3 – Queen of the Ring Match: Jade Cargill vs. Piper Niven w/ Chelsea Green

They tie up then break. Another tie up and another break as neither woman has a power edge yet. Jade hits the ropes but can’t knock Piper over, so Piper now hits the ropes but also can’t knock Jade over. Jade hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline then does drop Piper with a shoulder block. Back elbow from Piper but Jade avoids a slam and hits a superkick. Piper catches a charging Jade and slams her down then hits a senton for a 2 count. Some rope choking from Piper to set up a Chelsea cheap shot. Scoop slam from Piper then a clothesline, that was a little awkward so they do it again and it’s a little better. Jade fires up with elbows then hits a Proto Bomb for a 2 count. Stinger splash from Jade, then another one and she decks Chelsea for good measure. Piper avoids Jaded and lands a headbutt then hits a corner avalanche, she wants a cannonball and hits it for another 2 count. Piper goes up but Jade pulls her down and then hits a pump kick, Jaded follows and that’ll do it.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Jade Cargill won in 5:15

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Perfectly acceptable match, not great but Piper is solid and actually worked well with Jade given some of Jade’s stylistic limitations.

Post match Bianca Belair comes out to celebrate a bit with Jade then Belair heads to the ring for her match which will be up after this break.

Post break a Shinsuke Nakamura video, his art is not complete and he’s coming to destroy everyone. He will be the pinnacle of Smackdown and no one is safe now that he’s here. Everything on Smackdown is about to change, and it will never be the same again.

Back to the ring where Candice got kind of the jobber’s entrance.

Match #4 – Queen of the Ring Match: Bianca Belair vs. Candice LeRae w/ Indi Hartwell

Belair overpowers Candice early then runs into a kick, but Candice sends Belair out of the ring. Candice tries a hurricanrana on the floor but Belair catches her and swings her into the barricade. Indi with a cheap shot to the leg of Belair but Belair cares not for selling that right now and suplexes Candice in the ring. Corner punches from Belair but Candice slips free, Belair back flips over her but tweaks the knee and Candice dropkicks the bad knee to follow up. More leg work from Candice now before Belair kicks her off then hits a fall away slam. Candice slips away from a suplex and hits a chop block then a senton. Belair catches a bouncing Candice and hits the Kiss of Death to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Bianca Belair won in 2:55

Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: I wish I could rate this higher but getting less than 3 minutes makes it difficult. Again I’m asking who decided that Naomi and Nia needed as much time as they got while Belair and Candice could have genuinely made good use of it.

We get a recap of Tanga Loa’s debut, I’m also advising all of you to look up how he botched his debut spot and he should buy that ref meals forever for saving that spot.

In the back the Bloodline 2.0 hang out, and Heyman asks for some time alone with Solo. Solo calls out Heyman for pulling Roman from the Draft, which got them drafted in the third round instead of number one overall. That’s like taking money from Solo. Last week Heyman gave Jey a look, and Solo asks if Heyman was asking for help. Heyman denies that. Solo knows that Heyman is trying to help the family, but if Roman’s still out of the picture for Heyman, Roman has talked with Solo. Roman said Solo calls the shots now until Roman returns, so until then Heyman will be Solo’s wise man. Solo hugs Heyman but gives a sinister look towards Loa and Tonga.

To the ring and here comes Angelo Dawkins, he’ll be sacrificed to Tama Tonga after this break.

An Andrade video as we come back, the era of Andrade el Idolo has begun.

To the ring and here comes Tama Tonga.

Match #5 – King of the Ring Match: Angelo Dawkins w/ Montez Ford vs. Tama Tonga w/ Solo Sikoa, Paul Heyman, and Tonga Loa

Tonga immediately attacks Dawkins in the corner then hits a corner clothesline. More strikes from Tonga but then Dawkins avoids a corner splash. Dawkins with punches then clotheslines and a jumping back elbow. Corner offense from Dawkins then a sick shoulder block. Solo hops on the apron and Dawkins just punches him down then Ford dives onto Loa and Solo. Sky High to Tonga in the ring from Dawkins but only a near fall. Loa posts Ford then Solo wipes him out with a Samoan Spike. Tonga then hits a jumping Flatliner to win.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Tama Tonga won in 2:30

Rating: Turban squash
Thoughts: About what was expected, Dawkins has proven himself a capable singles guy but he never had a prayer here.

Post match Solo and Loa celebrate with Tonga, then Solo Spikes Dawkins just because he can.

Blair Davenport hype package next.

AJ Styles heads to the ring, and that’s where we head to break.

Next week we’ll get Cody and Logan’s contract signing, then more Royalty of the Ring matches.

Randy Orton heads to the ring for our main event.

Match #6 – King of the Ring Match: AJ Styles vs. Randy Orton

AJ quickly grabs a side headlock then hits a shoulder block but he can’t drop Randy, so Randy clotheslines him out of the ring and poses as we head to break.

We come back to Randy landing a 10 punch in the corner, but per usual the 10th is an uppercut. AJ with a kick then a sliding forearm to send Randy out of the ring. Sliding knee from the apron from AJ then he follows Randy but Randy with a kick then a back suplex onto the barricade. Bless AJ for still doing some of this stuff. Randy then sets for the hanging DDT from the barricade but AJ fights free then jumps to the announce table but when he tries a Phenomenal Forearm Randy catches him with a back suplex onto the apron then one onto the announce table. The crowd want another one, and Randy is an obliging sort so he delivers then takes a bow. Back in the ring AJ with a Snake Eyes then a dropkick to the leg and a chop block to follow up. Randy rolls out of the ring so AJ follows and hits another chop block to send us to break again.

AJ is still working the leg of Randy as we come back. Randy finally fights back by kicking AJ over the top rope and out of the ring. AJ heads back into the ring, but he’s kick and Randy wants the hanging DDT but AJ fights free and tries the Calf Crusher but Randy rolls through and kicks AJ. Clotheslines from Randy but AJ avoids the snap powerslam and grabs an Oklahoma Roll for 2. Uppercut from Randy sends AJ to the apron, AJ then catches Randy coming in and hits a Dragon Screw through the ropes. AJ wants the Phenomenal Forearm, but Randy knocks him off the ropes to block it. AJ tries the Calf Crusher again, Randy is blocking but AJ persists and gets it locked in. Randy thinks about tapping, but he’s able to break the hold with a chin lock then catches a charging AJ with a snap powerslam for a 2 count. Randy sets AJ on the top rope and sets for a superplex, but AJ slips free and drops Randy on the top rope, then Randy catches AJ and hits the hanging DDT to put both men down. First up is Randy and he sets for the RKO, but AJ blocks it then sets for the Phenomenal Forearm which connects only for Randy to grab the ropes and break the pin. AJ now calls for the Styles Clash, but Randy counters with an RKO and that’ll do it.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Randy Orton won in 17:06

Rating: 3.5 stars
Thoughts: I mean, it’s Randy Orton and AJ Styles. These two would have to actively try to have a bad match together and they certainly didn’t do that.

Randy poses to end the episode.

The final score: review Good
The 411
Putting the wrestling front and center was a nice change of pace as this was an action heavier episode, though some of the time allotments were definitely odd. I still don't know why Nia and Naomi got as long as they did, especially since it felt like the opening talk segment between Cody and Logan went a bit long. Cody vs. Logan is certainly a direction, but the Smackdown main event scene is a little thin right now. I'm sure Andrade and Nakamura can be built up to challenge Cody but Smackdown has had an uber heel champion for so long that the roster of opposition for a face like Cody needs a little bit of nurturing. All in all Good and definitely trending upwards with that quite good main event match.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree