wrestling / Columns

Wrestling Scavenger Hunt 3.02.08: Issue 2

March 2, 2008 | Posted by Jordan Linkous

Well, that was an underwhelming week, that’s for sure. I have persevered before, and I will persevere again. I am making my questions a hell of a lot easier so everyone should be able to participate!


Rule 1: No Photoshop, Except for One
This is a big no-no. If I catch anyone Photoshopping, they will immediately lose all there points from that week. I know it is sometimes hard to decipher a real photo from Photoshop, so please, people, have some morals. There is a silver lining for those who love Photoshop. I will assign one Photoshop picture a week where you can go wild. But, other than the Photoshop picture, these must be unchanged.

Rule 2: Unless Otherwise Noted, You MUST be in the Picture!
This is basically a way for me to judge the validity of your picture. This is so I know if a picture is one that you have taken or a picture that you got off the internet. This kind of goes along with rule on since people can Photoshop themselves into pictures. So if I say, for example, that I need a picture of “Kane with the Undertaker posing without wrestling attire, you are not necessary,” that means I don’t need you. So just look for the “you are not necessary” line and you should do fine. But if I see two of the exact same pictures, both people will not receive points for that picture. Just don’t copy off the internet, and it will be fine.

Rule 3: Be Creative
As long as you submit a picture meeting the requirements, you will get your two points. But if you want the five pints and a spot on next week’s column, then be creative. I can’t give you any ideas but all I am saying is the more outrageous, innovative, or funny the picture is the more likely you will get top honors. The point system will be added next week once I have some pictures to work with.

Rule 4. No Time Limit!
The best thing is that there is no time limit to submit you pictures. However, if you want the five points, you must submit the picture by the following FRIDAY AT MIDNIGHT. But, if you don’t want the five points, you have as long as you want, just make sure you label the picture.


1. A picture of yourself wearing a TNA shirt at a WWE event, or visa-versa.


That was an awesome Y2J shirt, wasn’t it!

2. A picture of a wrestling inspired bumper sticker.

3. A picture of you wearing a wrestler’s shirt (IE Edge) and posing with their enemy (IE Matt Hardy).

4. A picture of a wrestler with a different hairstyle than they have now.


Ladies love a guy in a Bryan Danielson shirt.

5. A picture of a wrestler without his mask.

6. A picture from a PWG show.

7. PHOTOSHOP PICTURE OF THE WEEK: A picture of Rob Van Dam getting high.


1. Adam Nelson (10 points)

Next Week~!

Here is a list of seven items to search for next week’s column. I think these are much easier. Remember, you must be in the picture!

1. A wrestler’s mask.
2. A wrestling magazine with The Rock on the cover.
3. An old Hardy Boyz T-shirt.
4. A Road Warrior (Hawk or Animal) action figure. Bonus points for both.
5. A photo from a live ROH event.
6. A picture of you with any nWo member (do not have to be in nWo attire).
7. PHOTOSHOP PICTURE OF THE WEEK: CM Punk drinking an alcoholic beverage.

So there are this week’s pictures. I also have a particular way I would like you to submit your pictures. Send then to me, obviously. In the subject area, please name it “Wrestling Scavenger Hunt.” Be sure to label your pictures with the category from the list it corresponds with. And finally, somewhere on the email, write: Submitter: (your name).

Note: It is easier if you submit links to you pictures in something like photobucket. If you don’t, make sure you give me permission to put them there myself.

Alright people, there you go. I am hoping for tons of reader participation and I will include everyone who submits. I’m counting on you guys! And this isn’t JUST for readers. Other writers can play along, too. I know some of you have some pretty sweet action figure collections (Meehan, I’m looking at you!). Have fun out there. Until then, stay classy, 411Mania readers.


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Jordan Linkous

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