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WWE.com Publishes Article Claiming Intercontinental Title Is Revived

September 14, 2018 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Seth Rollins Intercontinental Title Money in the Bank

WWE.com has published a new article claiming that recent reigns from The Miz, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dolph Ziggler have helped elevate the Intercontinental title and bring it back to glory. You can see an excerpt below.

For a while, it was like clockwork: A Superstar would win the Intercontinental Championship and one of their first orders of business would be to declare, in no uncertain terms, that they were going to singlehandedly usher in a new era for WWE’s most beloved, underappreciated title. They were going to take it from town to town, defend it in 30-minute classics each week, and wipe away the bad memories of the wannabes, also-rans and never-weres who held the title to no lasting consequence. They were going to once again make the Intercontinental Championship a title that mattered. They were going to restore the prestige to it. In short, they were going to save it.

It almost never happened. And if you ask the four Superstars who held the title in 2018, it was a ridiculous thing to even promise in the first place. Almost to a man (you can probably guess the one who dissented), they told WWE.com the title didn’t need saving, that it had always carried the lineage and prestige designating it as a title worthy of respect.

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WWE.com, Joseph Lee