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WWE House Show Results 11.06.15 – London, England

November 6, 2015 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas

Credit: Chris Mangalaparathy & PW.net

Eden Stiles introduced guest general manager Ric Flair, who called her by her real name and then addressed the Seth Rollins injury. He also announced that Kevin Owens vs. Dean Ambrose for the Intercontinental Championship.

1. The Dudley Boyz beat New Day in a tables match. The Dudleys knocked Big E and Kofi Kingston to ringside and then put Xavier Woods through a table for the win.

Tyler Breeze was featured on the screen setting up his match with Dolph Ziggler.

2. Cesaro defeated The Miz. The crowd was very flat for the match and Miz worked hard to get heat. Lots of near falls. Miz did a Flair impression and went for a figure four. Cesaro teased the swing before finally getting it. He did only about four spins before using the Sharpshooter for the win.

3. Becky Lynch beat Brie Bella (w/Alicia Fox). English boxer Anthony Ogogoo was the guest timekeeper. Lynch won with the Disarmer after running Brie into Fox.

4. Curtis Axel beat Bo Dallas. Axel won a 30-second match. Bo delivered a promo about our rubbish town and said this was gonna be the start of the winning streak. After he delivered another promo claiming it was a fluke, he asked for another match.

5. R-Truth beat Bo Dallas. R-Truth came out to a reasonable pop. Bo challenged Truth to a dance off. Bo danced to ‘I’m too Sexy’ by Right Said Fred. Truth danced to a Michael Jackson song only to be attacked by Bo after only a second or two. Truth came back, hits his finisher, and pinned Bo even though the match never actually started. Truth really over with the crowd.

A Connors cure video was played on the screen.

6. Kane beat Big Show in a street fight. Kane received the loudest pop of the evening thus far. He put Show through a table and pinned him.


7. Charlotte beat Paige to retain the Divas Championship. Paige received a huge pop. They executed a nice double drop kick miss and a handspring up. There was a long submission hold by Paige followed by a reversal by Charlotte due to length of rest hold drew some boos! After Paige failed to lock in the PTO, Charlotte got up caught her with a spear and locked in the Figure Eight for the win. Paige’s home country crowd was cheering her and booing Charlotte.

8. NXT Champion Finn Balor beat Sheamus in a non-title match. After Shaemus ran at Finn in the corner, Balor moved out way and Shaemus hit ring post. Balor hit the Coup de Grace for the win. A good match that even drew a “this is awesome” chant at one point.

9. Dolph Ziggler beat Tyler Breeze (w/Summer Rae). Good heat for Breeze considering his fairly new to the main roster. There was quite a bit of interference from Summer, who hit Ziggler with her shoe. She was sent to the back and did some good overacting in response. Ziggler got the win after sliding through Breeze’s legs in the corner and hitting the Zigzag. Great match. Lots of near falls.

10. Dean Ambrose beat Kevin Owens by DQ in an Intercontinental Title match. Huge pop for Ambrose, biggest of the night. Ambrose kicked out of a Pop-Up Powerbomb. Owens got a chair and hit Ambrose for the DQ. Ziggler ran to make the save. Sheamus came out to put down Ziggler. Cesaro ame out and did the swing on Sheamus. New Day came out and took out Cesaro. The Dudleyz ran out and took out New Day. Ambrose brought Owens back to the ring and performed Dirty Deeds. The babyfaces stood over Owens and celebrated to send the crowd home happy.

article topics :

House Show, WWE, Jeremy Thomas